Showing posts with label blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blue. Show all posts

Spring in Blue

Spring in Blue

After months of bitter cold weather, we finally get to enjoy clear blue sky, sunshine, and beautifully blooming trees and flowers.
Spring is finally in the air.
These are some snaps I took this morning as I walked with my hubby and Obi to here school.
Such a glorious day indeed.

Wishing you all an enjoyable spring, wherever you are.
Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the beauty of the skies from all over the world 

Clear Blue Sky of Boston

Enjoying one fine afternoon at the Public Garden, Boston

Say hi to George :)

Join us on Skywatch Friday and  enjoy sky snaps from different corners of the world

Freedom Tower in Blue

One lovely weekend with the kids is what I need amidst my busy days. 
It's only February but the UN is on full swing already, let alone the office and its internal matters. But then, Bo et Obi  wanted to try iceskating at the rink in Brookfield Place in Financial District and off we went to this area. Winter is still around but unlike the typical, grey and cloudy sky, we have blue sky that day. And the Rink is overlooking the Freedom Tower.

Beberapa minggu terakhir ini saya sudah tenggelam oleh pekerjaan. Entah mengapa, walaupun baru memasuki paruh kedua di bulan Februari, tapi pekerjaan di kantor sudah mulai lucu-lucunya. Melihat disposisi yang diberikan setiap saat dan tumpukan laporan yang harus dibaca, rasanya saya membutuhkan document organizer yang lebih baik dan piknik lebih banyak :). So, ketika cuaca cerah dan kebetulan UN Hospitality Commitee mengadakan acara fun iceskating, kami pun tanpa berpikir panjang segera bergabung :). Apalagi cuma % dollar per orangnya. Jadi semangat deh kita ikut.

Freedom tower amidst the other sky scrappers

Freedom Tower was built in the One World Trade Center, where the previous twin tower of World Trade Center was. Rising up to the sky, at 1,776 feet tall, it certainly dominates the Manhattan skyline, particularly the lower part. No wonder we have unobstructed view from the rink. Afar, North Cove Yacht Harbour can be clearly seen as well,

overlooking the Hudson River

As we have the sunshine, being out by the riverside was not a problem at all. At least for 30 minutes or so. That's why we have lot's of pictures here, including the kids.  

Di belakang Brokfield Ring, Sungai Hudson terhampar luas di bawah langit yang membiru. Dengan pemandangan skyline Manhattan yang khas, tempat ini terlihat cantik sekali. Apalagi didukung oleh cuaca cerah dan matahari yang cukup menghangatkan, walaupun kalau sudah lama terasa dingin juga :).

And their mom :).

Well, the clear blue sky really brighten up our day. 
And hopefully soon we can visit Freedom Tower, the tallest building in the western hemisphere.
Kami sebenarnya sudah tidak sabar untuk bisa naik ke Freedom Tower dan menikmati Old Manhattan dari gedung tertinggi di NYC saat ini. Tapi karena cuaca yang masih relatif dingin, rasanya kami perlu bersabar sampai cuaca menjadi jauh lebih friendly buat kami dan anak-anak. 

see you soon...

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the breathtaking sky from many corners of the world.

All that jazz

Anybody here love fluffy stuff?
I do, especially fluffy sky..
Yuuup.. Fluffy sky :).

Why sky? why not the pillow or food or anything else?
And the answer is..I don't know.
I just can't get enough of watching those shapes of clouds above my head...far in the horizon.
You know how I adore blue sky.
And amidst the cold and freezing days lately here in NYC, how I am so blessed to see those fluffy moments and bright blue sky on top of my head ..

feels like grabbing et hugging the sky :)
You might notice that we recently have some cold days.
Well, what's wrong with cold days? It's winter..what are you expecting, Indah.
It's about time to wear all those layers and gloves and beanies and ear muffs.
Besides, last year we started having snow in October.
With a few storms as the end-of-the-year bonus.

But since we have the autumn-like December and the  warmest Christmas in 2015 (66 degree Fahrenheit at noon)  after the last warm one in 1982 (64 degree Fahrenheit at that time), I feel like winter is not coming.

Again, I keep my hopes up too early and as the Big Apple welcomes 2016, the temperatures drop. and drop. and drop ..

From 66 to 18 degree Fahrenheit
From 19 to minus 8 degree Celcius

feels like -18 and I gotta keep myself warm..

But, the sky still looked beautifully bright.
And blue..
So captivating...

the very day when it was minus 18 :)
I truly enjoy my walked that day until I realized I couldn't feel my ears.
And my hands were numb, even behind my gloves.

Fluffy clouds and blue sky really lured me.

when the temperature hits zero degree C or 32 F :)

But again, I still can't get enough of this eternal beauty.
Keep looking up to my Rabb.
Enjoying the masterpiece of my Creator...
Once again reminding me how blessed I am ... for life and all that jazz..

Join me on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the sky from every corner of the world :)  

Thank you :)

Random sky of NYC

Wanna know what's my latest pastime?
Look up to the sky and smile.

on the 34th st and Broadway, with Empire State Building peeping in :)

I might sound silly but the last couple of years have been quite rough for me and my family. And standing here, healthy and happy, is certainly something I am grateful for. Always.

There are so many simple things jn life that we sometimes overlooked but whenever you have time, embrace life.
Be grateful.

So, back to my new hobby, here are some random photos I took, mostly with my Ztylus.

Brooklyn Bridge at dusk

Every morning I past this corner...Hoyt Avenue, Astoria

A bit cloudy..from Brooklyn Bridge as well

Queensboro Bridge from Roosevelt Island..

near my office 

Join us on Skywatch Friday and have fun enjoying the sky, wherever you are.

Four Freedom Park, Roosevelt Island

On the ocassion of the Human Rights Day, we had a commemorative event at the Four Freedom Park at Roosevelt Island, NYC.

Long Island City a far..
It was my first visit to the Park, although we had visited Roosevelt Island before. A bit tricky to find this place first because there are many construction works around the area. But if you take the cable car from Manhattan, it will be easier to find this spot.

With Mr. FDR :)

at the end of the island..

There is a bust of Franklin D. Roosevelt and a quote of his famous 'four freedom' speech.

the UN on the other side
And from there, we can see the United Nations as well as the Queensboro Bridge.

Queensboro bridge and lines of cherry trees..

And the blue sky is enticingly beautiful.

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the  amazing blue sky from different parts of the world. 

Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, New York City

One lovely day at Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, New York City 

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the beautiful sky from different corners of the world.

Friday Morning Ride at Queensboro Bridge

It's Friday...
One last day before the weekend is here and I will have extra time for my petite famille.

This morning we all went together as Bo didn't have his morning summer class and I signed Udi up for a NYC ID appointment at the UN Headquarters.

So, instead of booking online and waiting for at least another 3 weeks, we decided to walk in to the pop-up registration that happened to be set up at the UN HQ. How convenient. I'll share more details on NYC ID later.

Then there we were... All the four of us driving along through Queensboro Bridge to midtown Manhattan.

And what a clear blue sky...

Here's our Friday Morning ride at Queensboro bridge.

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy great photos of captivating skies in many corners of the world.

Have a fabulous weekend, everyone...

Thank you :)

Dolphins at Kiluan Bay, Tanggamus, Lampung

Wherever we may roam, His masterpiece will always be there..

the wild Kiluan Bay

They are just amazing creatures..


Join us on Skywatch Friday and admire the endless beauty of the sky and nature all over the world

Wherever you may be...

And I know my Rabb will always be with me..

Al Hadid : 4
wherever you may be...

Wherever  I may be...

Bunaken, Manado

The clear blue sky at Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Join us on Skywatch Friday

One fine day at Hershey Park

Clear blue sky....

It was a sunny day...
A beautiful day for all of us :)
And we all were more than happy, willing and able to explore Hershey Park...

Get more stories soon  :) ...
Meanwhile, enjoy the clear blue sky from different corners of the world 
at Skywatch Friday :)

Revisiting Tanjung Putus, Lampung, Indonesia

Some more colorful pictures from my home town...


Where the sky is blue and the water is crystal clear...

And the soft sand just beautifully massage your naked feet...

Where two hearts resonate and vow their undying love...

To the love of the mother earth where our heart is forever bound...

Bo and I..

Enjoying the blue sky? Join us on Skywatch Friday then :)