Showing posts with label Bo et Obi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bo et Obi. Show all posts

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Here comes February! 
Many associate this month as the month of love and I can see love is in the air. For sure, we are in love with the lovely summer we have here in New Zealand! The blue sky, the flowing water, the clean air, the colorful field of flowers and more.. Our love to nature will definitely keep us and the earth going. Let's keep it that way and that's one way of showing what true love is.

School time starts now..

In the beginning of February, the kids start their classes as well. Different from Indonesia and the US, the academic year starts in February after summer. As Bo goes to Wellington College at Year 11, he gets a lot of preparation for the upcoming year. Uniforms, school supplies, lunch boxes, tumblers, bus cards and all the nitty gritty of school needs are piling up as Obi also starts her class at the same time. 

stock of fruit for the lunch boxes

The school starts at 8.50 AM and as they go to different school, we really have to manage the time in the morning to ensure nobody gets late. I have to admit, after enjoying the break since November, we need to adjust all these morning routines. But luckily, the kids are super excited so they do wake up early and get themselves organized. They wake up at 6.30, take a bath, get their lunch boxes and fruits ready (no canteen during COVID-19), and leave home. Sometimes, mama is the one who is late LOL. Well, I am happy that so far things work well for all of us. Wish us luck ya..

And now, we are happy to have you join us each week and hope you enjoy our features to inspire you and to enjoy new ideas. We have so many talented bloggers it is hard to to choose but this week we added a couple more this week, and if you need more inspiration check out Last Weeks Party there were so many great blogs that visited, and tons of Valentine Ideas and Recipes.

Wonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers

We would love if you share our party for others to enjoy. You could Pin The Banner From Above ❢❢ We would love to have you follow our Social Media Links!!! 😊 Feel free to post my party button on your blog and say you linked up here! Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]Wedneday-Hostesses-2021Dont-miss-our-hostess-features

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Its Soon Going To Be Valentines, Are You Ready? I have a few ideas Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Christchurch Tram City Tour Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Home Revival Series 2022 - Project Closet/ Revival/Refresh Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Valentines Day Love Jar: Say It in Many Languages! Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Trying My Hand At Sewing Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Wonderful-Wednesday-Features-296Pin-Our-Banner.


♥Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafts Everyday Savvy // Diy Sugar Scrubs  

♥Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Create With Joy // Flourless Heart Shaped Chocolate Torte Valentines-Day-Gnome-Stuffies.j


♥Feature Chosen by Kaycee // Crafty Zoo Valentine’s Day Gnome Stuffies with Fairfield World

♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Fresh Vintage by Lisa // Making Velvet / Wool Mushrooms


♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl 3 Boys and a Dog // Red Velvet Breakfast Recipes Graham-Cracker-Chocolate-Bar

♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Drug Store Diva // Valentine’s Day Graham Cracker Chocolate Bark Recipe 


♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Shelbee on The Edge // National Opposites Day

Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week --> Add Your Email You Can Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...] Now Before You Get Started I need you to take a few seconds to comment, to let us know your thoughts, it is appreciated And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Now Lets Party!!!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

WW: Obi and Tapak Suci, Indonesian Martial Art

My daughter Obi performing one of the movements from Tapak Suci

We just finished our road trip to Semarang, Central Java with the whole family.
I even had my Aunty's family coming along.

Getting ready

We were cheering my dearest daughter, Obi or Nadine, who represented her school with 2 other girls to perform during Tapak Suci, one of Indonesia's martial art. Tapak Suci, or literally translated as Sacred Palm, has been one of the influential Indonesian traditional martial arts originally derived from pencak silat. This particular branch of martial arts is organized by Muhammadiyah, the second largest modernist muslim organisation in Indonesia. Similar to Karate, although not the same, Tapak Suci adopts various movement of pencak silat combining physical techniques and breathing exercise. Strength in beauty and elegance.  

We were so proud that she and her team performed well in front of big audience of other Tapak Suci students from all over Indonesia. She is about to be 9 :).

So here's Obi and Tapak Suci, Indonesian Martial Art.

the three musketeers

After the performance

What do you think?

Do you like traditional martial arts as well?
What's your favorite?

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party

Digital Parenting Workshop: Awas Bahaya Asal Klik Bikin Anak Terancam Diculik

Welcome to Mozilla 

Sabtu sore.
Aku tiba di Gedung Tifa pukul 13.59.
Satu menit menjelang dimulainya digital prenting workshop yang aku ingin hadiri.
Untungnya aku tiba di tempat yang benar, hanya tinggal jalan sedikit untuk tiba di anex suite, tempat  Mozilla Community Space, yang asli lucu, 'segar' dan warna-warni. 
And I was not late, yaaay. 
Saat aku tiba di ruangan, sudah ada beberapa teman - teman perempuan yang turut hadir.
Usai perkenalan singkat sambil menanti peserta workshop yang lain, aku pun bersiap untuk belajar bareng teman-teman untuk menjadi orang tua yang lebih baik di jaman digital ini.
Let's learn together!

Suasana seminar..

Serem ya judulnya.
Kalau dibaca sekilas, mungkin kita akan berpikir bombastis banget.
Tapi sejak pertama melihat undangan acara ini yang disampaikan oleh Makpuh Mba Indah Juli di Whatspp Group Kumpulan Emak Blogger (KEB), aku sudah sangat tertarik untuk hadir mengingat pasti banyak hal penting dan menarik yang dishare dalam acara ini. 

Sebelumnya aku juga sempat hadir di seminar parenting di Tugasku, sekolah anakku yang sulung. Bahkan seminar ini fokus pada pendidikan seksual yang sesuai dengan usia anak-anak kita. Nanti aku share juga ya.

So back to Mozilla Community Space, the seminar I attended was held by
Safenet, in collaboration with Mozilla and Indonesian Voice of Women.
Pembicara pertama adalah Mba Ajeng dari Indonesia Voice of Women (INVOW), yang setting up the tone of the dicussion. Bersama mba Ajeng, kita diskusi Panjang lebar tentang hoaks.
Maraknya informasi hoaks, baik yang berupa misinformasi, disinformasi dan malinformasi. 

Hmmm..apa bedanya ya kira-kira?

  • Jadi, misinformasi itu adalah informasi atau berita yang salah, namun yang menyebarkannya percaya bahwa berita itu benar. --> mungkin ini yang paling sering terjadi ya, di mana kita tanpa sadar menyebarkan informasi yang salah atau tidak bias dipertanggungjawabkan.
  • Sementara disinformasi adalah informasi atau berita yang salah, dan yang menyebarkannya juga tau bahwa informasi/berita tersebut salah.--> ini bisa terjadi bagi mereka yang misalnya suka mencari sensasi dengan menyebarkan berita atau informasi yang salah. Meskipun tau bahwa berita tersebut tidak benar, tapi karena dianggap bisa mendongkrak popularitas tetap disebarkan.
  • Dan malinformasi adalah informasi yang didasarkan pada suatu kenyataan, namun digunakan untuk tujuan yang salah dan merugikan suatu pihak (bisa orang, organisasi atau negara. --> kalau yang ini, lebih pada mereka yang sengaja dan niat mengolah informasi dengan tujuan buruk atau  mendeskriditkan pihak-pihak tertentu. Asli kriminal banget!

Nah, serem kan!
Dan aku yakin banyak di sekitar kita bertebaran misinformasi, disinformasi, bahkan malinformasi. Ini yang membuat kita super bingung karena sudah tidak tau lagi mana yang benar. Di era information abundance seperti sekarang, rasanya kita semua harus benar-benar gunakan akal sehat, pengetahuan dan juga keyakinan dan keimanan kita untuk bisa mendapatkan dan mencerna informasi yang kita terima.

Mba Ajeng melanjutkan dengan beberapa trik untuk mengetahui hoaks. Here they are:

  •  sumber yang tidak jelas
  •  gaya bahasa yang berlebihan 
  • peristiwa bombastis
  • ada anjuran untuk 'viralkan' atau 'teruskan untuk orang terdekat anda'
  • ada link berita namun setelah dicek ternyata link tersebut tidak benar
  • ada kutipan yang seolah-olah berasal dari pemerintah, lembaga atau orang yang dianggap kompeten.

Nah, pasti sering kaaan menerima berita seperti di atas, terutama lewat WhatsApp group yang memang ngga ada matinya itu! Saat ini, jenis hoaks yang paling banyak diterima adalah hoaks mengenai sosial politik, isu SARA (sedihnya hiks), kesehatan maupun makanan dan minuman, serta penipuan dan iptek. Masih ada isu lain seperti berita duka, bencana alam, serta informasi lalu lintas yang juga banyak hoaksnya ternyata.

Kalau sudah begini, pilihan terbaik kita adalah CERDAS TANGGAPI BERITA.

Jangan sampai kita mudah termakan hoaks dan bahkan turut meyebarkannya.
Apalagi hoaks jelas-jelas banyak membawa dampak negatif yang bukan hanya berbahaya atau merugikan diri kita sendiri, tapi juga orang lain, lingkungan, dan bahkan negara.
Kalau aku pribadi, saat menerima informasi atau berita seperti ini, aku akan filter dan biarkan mengendap di hp jika tidak ada faedah atau nilai positifnya

Sudahkah Jejak Digitalmu Bersih?

Seminar dilanjutkan dengan presentasi mba Alin, yang bicara banyak mengenai jejak digital dan jejak digital bersih. 

Aku suka dengan analogi mba Alin bahwa jejak digital itu layaknya TATO. 
Once it's there, it will stay there. Bahkan saat kita sekuat tenaga mencoga menghapusnya, akan ada saja celah untuk retrieve data itu kembali.

Banyak informasi menarik yang dibahas saat kita bicara dan saling berbagi di sesi ini.
Termasuk betapa video yang sepintas terlihat lucu dan harmless, ternyata justru menjadi sasaran empuk para pedophilia. Kita diajak melihat secara jernih apa saja 'jebakan 'Batman' yang ada di dunia digital, yang tanpa kita sadari menjadi bagian kegiatan kita sehari-hari. 

Sebelum membagi sesuatu di dunia maya, kia harus pertimbangkan antara lain:

  • perhatian yang akan didapat - misalnya menyebarkan foto anak lucu atau menunjukkan perkembangan anak memang akan cepat mendapat perhatian, tapi juga sangat beresiko (di-copy paste orang lain untuk tujuan tertentu, menjadi 'iklan bajakan' atau bahkan sasaran pedophilia.
  • resiko kini  - ingat bahwa jejak digital jelas tunjukkan time stamp atau jejak waktu; tag location atau jejak lokasi yang bias dimanfaatkan oleh orang-orang yang punya itikad lain atau rencana jahat.
  • reputasi masa depan - ini juga perlu dipikirkan, karena siapa tau kelak kita atau anak kita akan menjadi tokoh pada zamannya dan kalau punya informasi viral namun negative dan tersebar, pastinya akan membahayakan dan merugikan kita sendiri. Apalagi sekarang rekruitmen kerja pun mulai melirik profil kita di media social.

Lebih lanjut, Mba Citra dari INVOW melanjutkan presentasi tentang digital parenting.
Bagaimana menjadi orang tua yang sesesuai dengan jamannya dan bisa mengikuti segala dinamika dan perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat. 
Di sesi ini kita banyak curhat dan berbagai pengalaman, baik yang orang tua maupun yang single namun sering menjaga keponakan-keponakan kecilnya. Dan rata-rata tantangan yang dihadapi memang sama ya, antara lain bagaimana menjaga keseimbangan antara screen time dengan kegiatan lain yang lebih bermanfaat sampai menghindari kecanduan gadget yang akibatnya sangat fatal. 

Finally, Ibu Cakra berbagi tips dan tricks untuk bisa terus menjaga komunikasi dengan buah hati kita tercinta. Tips yang sepintas terlihat mudah dan sederhana, namun aku yakin penerapannya tidak segampang yang kita pikir.

Ada beberapa pesan penting yang aku garisbawahi dari hasil kita ngobrol dengan Ibu Cakra.
  • Bicara dengan anak-anak kita! Jangan menyerah, sesulit apapun proses komunikasi yang harus kita hadapi.
  • Bicara dari hati ke hati, buka jalur komunikasi dengan anak-anak.
  • Tanamkan pentingnya dan mudahnya berkomunikasi dengan orang tua
  • Tetap gunakan control! Anak-anak IS anak-anak.
  • Tanamkan nilai-nilai kebaikan lewat beragam platform yang menjadi kesukaan anak-anak saat ini, baik lewat buku, film, video bahkan games.
  • Jadi role model anak-anak - Walk the talk! 

You see..sepintas mudah ya, tapi aku sebagai orang tua dengan 2 anak yang salah satunya sudah memasuki usia remaja merasakan sekali tantangan ini. Makanya aku seneng bangeet bias ngobrol dengan para pakarnya dalam sesi ini.

Satu hal yang perlu kita ingat. 

Pastikan penggunaan internet sesuai dengan usia anak!
Saat ini banyak konten di internet yang sangat tidak patut dikonsumsi oleh anak-anak namun bisa dengan mudah diakses melalui sumber terbuka, seperti YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, bahkan Whatsapp Group sekalipun.

Dan ibu bapak sekalian, please, please, please...jangan jadikan gadget atau gawai sebagai pengganti orang tua atau pengasuh anak-anak kita!

Kuatkan anak-anak kita!

Digital parenting memang tidak mudah, but we can do it!
Bekali mereka dengan pengertian, penjelasan dan ilmu pengetahuan untuk memahami berbagai dinamika di dunia digital, termasuk bahaya yang mengintai mereka.
Selalu hati-hati dan jangan lengah.

Berbagai aplikasi, gawai, pengaturan keamanan dan pengawasan melekat orang tua pada dasarnya hanya 'membantu' dan jangan pernah lupa bahwa yang bisa mengontrol semua dampak negatif dunia digital adalah kita, kita, dan kita.

Terima kasih kepada SafeNET, Mozilla, dan juga Indonesian Voice of Women (INVOW) yang sudah banyak berbagi informasi penting ini. Sebenarnya masih banyak yang disampaikan dan nanti akan aku coba lengkapi di blog.

Semangat terus untuk bisa menikmati dunia digital yang sehat ya!
Bersama anak-anak dan keluarga tercinta!

Artikel ini dipilih untuk dimasukkan dalam kampanye "10 Blog Parenting Terbaik di Indonesia" dari penerbit bahan ajar pendidikan Twinkl.

Presentasi dan Diskusi Digital Parenting bersama SAFENet dan Indonesian Voice of Women 

Buku Dongeng Anak Muslim tentang Alam Semesta

Cerita Anak Muslim tentang Alam Semesta by Fita Chakra

"Ma, what is mata air? eyes of the water?"  Obi asked me one afternoon.
Eyes of the water? no, dek. That’s the spring, dek. It’s where the water comes from" I answered with a smile.
"Kalau alam semesta? lanjut Obi.
"The universe, dek.. you know!" This time Bo, Obi's brother, answered the question.
"What are you reading, dek?"
"It's the new book from you, ma. Buku Dongeng Anak Muslim tentang Alam Semesta" Obi answered and read the title of the book out loud, dengan aksen lucu perpaduan bahasa Indonesia dan  Bahasa Inggris.
"Do you like it, dek?" tanya saya kembali.
"I love it ma!" 

Sore itu aku sedang memasak makanan kesenangan anak-anak, semur bola-bola daging. Obi, putri bungsuku, sedang asyik membaca buku di meja makan. Dan kali ini, buku Dongeng Anak Muslim menjadi pilihannya. Sambil membaca, Obi kerap menanyakan berbagai kosa kata baru yang ia baca di buku. Sesekali aku dan Bo, abang Obi, menterjemahkan kata-kata itu dalam Bahasa Inggris. Banyak celetukan lucu saat kami mencoba membantu Obi meneert cerita yang ada di buku ini, Malamnya, Obi lanjut menyelesaikan buku ini di kamar, sambil menikmati ahir pekan kami.

look who seriously finish the book..I guess that's too close, dek :)

Ada yang sudah baca buku Dongeng Anak Muslim?
Aku dan anak-anak sudah!

Buku ini bagus lho, baik untuk anak-anak maupun kita orang dewasa.
Buku karya Fita Chakra ini sangat menarik  karena 10 cerita pendek yang ada di dalamnya jelas tuturkan berbagai fenomena alam dan penjelasannya di Al-Quran, lengkap dengan surah dan ayatnya. Cerita-cerita yang disajikan pendek, tapi banyak pesan baik yang mudah dimengerti,  Selain itu, ilustrasinya juga lucu dan menarik, thanks to Fransisca Ayu, Hilman Makhlufm Lanting Studio dan Maureen Monitan. Oya, Sebagian royalti buku ini juga akan disumbangkan ke Taman Bacaan Masyarakat lho. Keren bangeeet kan?

Salah satu cerita favorit Obi adalah Rahasia Lebah. Obi memang suka dengan lebah yang kalau di gambar, menurut Obi, super cute. Karena memang menggemaskan dengan garis hitam dan kuningnya. Awalnya Obi sempat takut dengan lebah, namun kemudian setelah tau lebih banyak tentang bintang menakjubkan ini, Obi pun tidak takut lagi. Bahkan kita jadi tau beberapa rahasia menarik seputar lebah. Bahkan Al-Quran khusus bercerita tentang lebah di Sarah An Nahl [16]: 68 - 69. 

Mari kita jaga alam sekitar kita..

Lain halnya dengan Abang Bo.
Karena dia suka dengan pesawat, Bo menikmati cerita Pesawat Prince Ramazan yang sarat pesan baik, Beata kita harus selalu belajar, bekerja keras dan tidak mudah putus asa untuk menggapai cita-cita, namun tidak pernah lupa bahwa semua terjadi karena kehendak-Nya. Surah Ar - Rahman [55]: 33 mengingatkan kita semua mengenai kekuatan dan izin Allah SWT. 

Sementara aku suka banget dengan cerita Berbagi Kekayaan Laut
Mungkin karena aku suka banget dengan laut dan keindahan alam di bawah laut yang memang luar biasa. Aku suka dengan cerita dan ilustrasi di bagian ini, Apalagi ada cuplikan surah An-Nahl [16]: 14 yang ingatkan kita akan kekayaan laut yang diciptakan oleh-Nya agar kita cukup dan selalu bersyukur. Dan salah satu cara terbaik untuk bersyukur adalah saling berbagi dengan mereka yang membutuhkan.

Berbagi Kekayan Laut
Masih banyak lagi cerita menarik yang bisa dinikmati dari buku ini

For my kids, Bo et Obi, this book shows interesting part of science related to the Holy Quran. We had fun exploring the natural phenomena on earth, in the sky, under the water, and surrounding us. Really a fun way of learning about the nature and important references in Al-Quran.

Jadi, tunggu apa lagi. Ayo segera dapatkan buku ini ya di toko buku terdekat.
Enjoy the stories!


Welcoming Plum and Kiki, Our New Boys - Pets for kids

One of the first thing we do when we move to Indonesia is adopting pets.
For Bo et Obi, this is like dreams come true.
As I have mentioned in many of my previous posts, we could not have any pets in the house we rent in New York City as requested by the owner.
So, during our stay for 4.5 years there, we could only have a goldfish named Darwin, although our immediate neighbors have cute cats and dogs.

Say Hi to Kiki, our dearest 6 y.o. Persian

Both my kids, and my hubby as well, love cats and dogs.
We used to have pets when we were kids in our houses back in Indonesia.
I remember Hoki, our all-black dog which had been so good at guarding our house.
And Udi, my hubby, had a cat as well ,named Plum, when he was a kid.

After a long discussion and consideration, we decided to adopt cats.
When the kids and my hubby stayed in our parents' house in Lampung, they were so accustomed to having cats around.
It's a good interface before they are ready to have pets of their own.

Lazy bones :)
There are two of them there in Lampung, Miek and Bituk.
Don't ask me why Abin, my nephew, gave those names to the cats because when I asked about it (those name are not regular or familiar names for us Indonesians) he said he didn't know either.
My kids really love those cats.
Although they are not pure breed, those cats are cute.

And long story short, we finally got two cats directly!
Lucky us.

hen we have moved to Jakarta, after a brief 'transit' in Lampung, our hometown, we started to look for some information about adopting cats.
We decided to adopt cats instead of buying them from pet stores.
It just feels right and we saw that there were so many cats which needed help.

Bo and Kiki are quite close 

Moreover, we discussed it at length with the kids, as huge responsibilities entailed whenever you decided to have pets at home.
Having pets is a lifetime commitment.
It's not only about having fun with them without taking care of them properly.
You have to be responsible for feeding them, cleaning them,  taking them to the vet, cleaning the litter boxes, making sure the cats are adapting well, making sure the house is still clean, and so many more. Moreover, the kids have to learn the do's and the don'ts of having cats, especially cats. Like it or not, they are animals which need to be handled properly.
After all those long talk, we are welcoming Plum and Kiki, our new boys, to our home

morning session with Kiki.

First, we adopted Plum, our kitten. Plum, named after my husband's first cat, was a baby Persian. His all black body and white paws make him look so adorable. We got him when he was just 3 month, so he just finished breastfeeding from his mom. Just like any kittens, Plum is so active and curious. It took him only 3 days to be shy in our house and afterwards, he's already running around like crazy. Good thing we got him since baby so that we can easily teach him about his food, his litter box and his no-go rooms or places in the house. 

It's sooo difficult to take pictures of Plum!

Then, a month after we got Plum, we got Kiki. Kiki is a 6 year-old Persian with a rather sad story. He was picked up by Ibu Sari, my Ambassador's wife who happens to be an avid cat lover and rescuer, in her garage. Kiki was in a bad shape at that time, so dirty and matted, with scars and ear infection. It looked like he was abandoned because his previous owner probably couldn't take good care of him anymore. So, long story short, Kiki was taken care of and Ibu Sari was looking for a new home for Kiki. We happily welcomed Kiki to our house and there he was, joining our little cat world. It takes a while for Kiki to adjust with Plum but they are progressing. 

We do like having pets at home as it brings many valuable lessons and good impacts for us as well as the kids, despite all the nitty gritty that we have to take care as well for the well being of our pets and us as well. Here are some positive sides of having pets, especially for our kids:

Teaching them about responsibility

Having pets is not only about petting them and playing around. It entails a lot of responsibilities and some of them might be tough, like cleaning up their waste and making sure that the pets are well taken care of.

We ask Bo and Obi to make a schedule and take turns of feeding, cleaning up the litter box and bathing our cats. With clear distribution of works and time, they learn to be responsible. If they can not fulfil their obligations, there will be punishment as well.

Learning about being compassion 

Pets are lovable and having them around us teach us more about being compassion. 
I really love to see the growing love of my kids for Plum and Kiki.
They treat them tenderly and just like have two additional members of the family.
It brings such positive vibes in the house.

Knowing more about the importance of sanitation and hygiene

Another important aspect we need to know about having pets is how to manage and take care of their waste, hence teaching us more about the importance of sanitation and hygiene. Simple thing such as washing hands thoroughly after handling any litter or petting the cats can be easily done. I don't have to remind them again and again to do that because they fully understand the need to ensure that their hands are clean, for their own health and benefit. We also learn more how to clean up the fur and deal with fleas if any. 

Having fun and relaxing moments with pets, taking them away from their gadgets and game

This is another important thing that we enjoy from having pets.
It's very relaxing to play with Plum and Kiki after a long strenuous day at work or at school.
Besides, we spend more quality time with our family and putting down those gadgets for some times! It's good to have kids paying attention to something else besides games and gadgets. This pets for kids session really works.

Well, that's our story about Plum and Kiki, our pets. Again, welcoming Plum and Kiki, our new boys, is such a pleasure. 

Do you have pets as well? 
Do you like cats? 
What are their names?

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

What a busy week we have here!

As the end of my term in NYC is coming to an emd, we have many farewell parties amd courtesy calls to make. Not to mention the packing!

It was really a bone-and-back-breaking rituals, but I have to admit I enjoyed it.
At least a bit.
Writing down all those items in the packing list, making sure they are well packed and secured.
As always, we have last minute shopping and fingers-breaking-amazon time :).
Now we’re ready!
The container is coming on Tuesday and here we go!

The last days of school has been wonderful as well saddening at the same time.

Can't believe time flies and we are staying here for almost 4.5 years now!
My kids really enjoy their school and they have so many wonderful friends.
For this year, both my kids got honor rolls, alhamdulillah.
My son was inducted as one of the members of National Junior Honor Society and we were so grateful. 

He got the honor class but we all will move to Indonesia.
I sincerely hope Bo et Obi will enjoy their schools as well in Jakarta, insya Allah.

Now let's have our party! 
Ready to join Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday? 
I know you are!


Find Us On Instagram with Hashtag #omhgww 
Again this week we are featuring several New Bloggers,
Bloggers are some of the most Inspiring people we know and make our parties special!!! Thank all for joining us! Linky Parties are also an opportunity for us to feature other #Bloggers and #Blogwriters and for you to share what you have going on........your blogs!
Keep Our Party Growing By Sharing On Your Favorite Social Media! We Thank you!! 
Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday 

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Oh My Heartsie Girls WW 650 x 635

All Features Are Pinned Each Week-And Shared on Social Media!! Our party is on 3 blogs and reaches over 60,000 followers+ over all of our blogs and on social media!!

Our Hostesses Share Our Party On Their Blogs~ Hope You Will Visit and Get To Know Them! Oh My Heartsie Girls WW HostessHow-to-Pray-Biblically

Susan B. Mead | Susan How To Pray Biblical? | Tw | Bl | Fb | In |Pin » Repin From Original
Are Expensive Shoes Worth It?

Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Are Expensive Shoes Worth It? Tw | BL | G+ | FB | Pin | In » Repin From Original

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Catamaran Cruise in Grenada
Tw | Fb | Pin | In | IN » Repin From Original
Check Out The Pinterest Page Above All Features Have Been Pinned!!
Grandmas House DIY Post solar lights using glass chandelier bowls and dollar store lights!

The Handyman's Daughter // 20-Arbor-and-Trellis-Ideas-for-Your-Garden FLoral Divider The Kittchen How-to-Make-Rose-Sangria with just a few ingredients

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Home Cooking Memories // Mini Summer Berry Galettes Recipe FLoral Divider Feature CHosen by Indah Explore Morocco: Two Days in Casablanca

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Explore Morocco: Two Days in Casablanca FLoral Divider
Disclaimer for OMHGWW 

  You Are Welcome To Link your DIY Projects, Garden Ideas, Tablescapes Outdoor Decor, Sewing Ideas, Scrapbooking, Paper Crafts, Reviews, Gardening, Favorite Recipes, Decorating Ideas and Crafts, Giveaways or Challenges and Blog Parties are Welcome!! As Many Links As You Would Like To Share
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But Now......Lets Party....