Showing posts with label breast cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breast cancer. Show all posts

WW: Pink Ribbon Walk Wellington 2022


Hi everyone.

Hope everyone is happy and healthy, wherever you are.

I would like to share the Pink Ribbon Walk 2022  here in Wellington, that happened to take place on November 13th, 2022. You might be wondering why it is not conducted in October as I do have the same question. But looking at the schedule of the walk, it has been conducted in multiple cities and Wellington is scheduled to have it in November.

The walk started and finished in Frank Kitts Park, waterfront area. My son and I joined the 5 KM walk, together with ladies and friends from the Embassy. There is also a 10-KM choice for those who like to go that far. 

For this walk, we bought the ticket which is part of the donation to Breast Cancer Foundation NZ. For early birds, we can get the ticket for NZD 35 per person, while the normal one is NZD 45. I bought the family ticket, which cost NZD 115 for 2 adults and 2 kids. Unfortunately, my hubby was focusing on our moving while my daughter had a study group with her friends for their school project. That's why my son accompanied me and I have 2 other friends joining as well. 

Here are some photos I took during the walk.

join us at the Pink Ribbon Walk 

Pinky ladies

My son Bo and I posed in front of the Wellington sign

Welcome to Pink Ribbon Walk 2022

stay healthy, everyone et cheers!

It was really fun indeed and the fact that we are doing it for the noble cause. This is my first time joining the breast cancer walk, after joining Making Strides against Breast Cancer in NYC for 6 times. I was so overwhelmed by the support of those joining the walk. Around 800 people joining the walk, wrapped in many cute pink items. I sincerely hope it will bring benefits to those affected by breast cancers, be it the patients, family and anyone whose life has been touched by cancer. And to all my Pink Squad, kudos to you all, ladies!

Cheers from Wellington!

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party! 

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Celebrating Life, Surviving Breast Cancer

October is almost gone and what a busy month!

I have been working on so many event campaigning Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I really appreciate the love, the attention and the support from many of you, dear friends. As a breast cancer survivor, I know how things can be super tough while fighting those cancer cells. Any love and support will certainly help us get through it.

I had and will have more sharing sessions in the fight against breast cancer. Some are conducted in IG Live, some through Google Meets with Google Local Guides across the world. I sincerely hope that this series of sharing session will bring benefits to those who need more information about how to early detect, avoid, recognize, and treat breast cancer.  If you are available, come and join us. Here's the information on the meet - up we will have. CLICK HERE.  

Meanwhile, the preparation for our Wellington assignment is getting more and more nerve-wrecking. I know I will be juggling with my time between taking care of my kids' school and all their needs, finishing the ongoing works in the office, cleaning up the house, packing, selling the car, advertising our house for rent and attending all those farewell parties. Hangin' there, Indah LOL. I am overwhelmed by the love and the support from everyone. I can't never thank you all enough. 

And now, it's time to PARTY! join us in 
Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Wonderful Wednesdays For All Writers and Bloggers

 We would love if you share our party for others to enjoy. You could Pin The Banner From Above ❢❢ We would love to have you follow our Social Media Links!!! 😊 Feel free to post my party button on your blog and say you linked up here! Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]


Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl How Parents Across the Globe Encourage Their Children’s Socialization Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Core Coffee Lab and Retails Bali Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center The Many Colors of Fall Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Best Planner Ever: Be Inspired, Find Success, Happiness Plus a Giveaway Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting DIY Pumpkin Decor Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Wonderful-Wednesday-Linkup-Party.Fall-Ribbon-Wreath

Feature Chosen by Oh My Heartsie Girl The House on Silverado // DIY Burlap & Ribbon Wreath DIY-Pumpkin-fall-tea-towels-with-free-printable-imag

Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafts Handmade Weekly //DIY Fall Tea Towels – Free Printable Dollar Tree Canvas Flower Art Design


Feature Chosen by Kaycee // Crafty Zoo Steph Creates DIY Projects // Dollar Tree Canvas Flower Art Design


Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Delightfull Repast // Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Mummy-Poppers 

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Lazy Gastrome // Halloween Party Recipes and a Spooky Dessert Link up!


Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa Command Center Crazy Little Love Birds // DIY Halloween Picture Frame Erasable Reminder Board


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Veiled In Velvet // Shelbee On The EdgeBe Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week > Add Your Email You Can Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...] Now Before You Get Started I need you to take a few seconds to comment, to let us know your thoughts, it is appreciated And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Now Lets Party!!! [xyz-ihs snippet="omhgww-10-25-2021"]

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World Cancer Day and Lovepink Indonesia, Wonderful Community Supporting Breast Cancer Patients, Survivors and More

World Cancer Day 2021

World Cancer Day 2021 is here!

Every February 4th, the world commemorates the World Cancer Day. 

Cancer, has long been known as one of the scariest diseases. Up til now, statistic shows that approximately 9.6 million people passed away due to cancer each year. Four millions among them prematurely decease with the age ranging 30 - 69 years. We see more and younger victims affected by cancer. With this daunting phenomenon, we need to continue raising awareness about the danger of cancer and what we can do to fight it back and to prevent it. Moreover, we also need to support one another, as there are more and more cancer warriors, fighters, and survivors. And everyone can help of course... through your social media platforms, local communities, and your family.

I support World Cancer Day 2021!

Statistic shows that cancer kills more than AIDS, Malaria, and tuberculosis. Even when these three deadly diseases are combined. Sadly, 70% of those cancer patients reside in developing countries, including Indonesia. However, it is noted that 43% of cancer can be prevented, among others, by reducing alcohol and tobacco consumption, reducing the exposure to cancer triggers, joining vaccination programs and living a healthy life obviously. For sure, the numbers of cancer patients will increase if we don't take any preventive measures, including through awareness raising programs. 

kita bisa cegah kanker bersama (sumber :

Back in 2019, I celebrated the World Cancer Day with so many survivors in Jakarta, parading in Bundaran HI, one of the landmarks of Jakarta ( Read  WW: World Cancer Day 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia). But then 2020 and 2021 was marked with the pandemic and we didn't have our usual event to mark this important day for us. This is indeed the great opportunity to support the awareness raising campaign on the fights against all types of cancer.

Speaking of support, as a breast cancer survivor, I would love to introduce you to Lovepink Indonesia.

Have you heard of Lovepink Indonesia before?

Remember the Pink Virtual Walk which was held on October 4th, 2020? 

"Halo teman - teman, apa kabarnya? Tahu ngga kalau  Bulan Oktober diperingati sebagai Bulan  Peduli Kanker Payudara sedunia. Maka dari itu, Lovepink Indonesia ingin mengadakan acara Indonesia Goes Pink 2020 dengan menyelenggarakan Pink Virtual Walk untuk Breast Cancer Awareness. 

Beautiful face of Chelsea  E. Ihsan, Indonesian famous movie star, is smiling sweetly on the video I watched at Instagram. Chelsea, the ambassador of Lovepink Indonesia, has long been known as one of the Indonesian celebrities who is highly committed to the fight against breast cancer.  She has staunchly supported her mom in battling cancer and her mom is one of the founders of Lovepink Indonesia. I am so touched when she passionately showed here support to her mom, her mom's friends and all Lovepink Moms as well as breast cancer survivors across the nation.  She said " Your fight is my fight!" and I feel like 

As a breast cancer survivor myself, I am honoured to join this supportive and wonderful community. And let me introduce you to Lovepink Indonesia.

Lovepink indonesia (source:

Lovepink Indonesia is a non-profit organisation which focusses on awareness raising activities on the early detection of breast cancer through breast self-exam, or in Bahasa Indonesia, SADARI (Periksa Payudara Sendiri), as well as clinical breast exam or SADANIS (Periksa Payudara Secara Klinis), as well as accompanying those fighting breast cancer. Lovepink is a community and survivor-based organization which focuses on all the supportive efforts to breast cancer patients and survivors.

Sebagai organisasi nirlaba yang berfokus pada kegiatan sosialisasi deteksi dini dengan cara SADARI (Periksa Payudara Sendiri), SADANIS (Periksa Payudara Secara Klinis), dan juga berbagai progam pendampingan bagi sesama perempuan yang menderita kanker payudara, Lovepink telah banyak melakukan berbagai kegiatan yang meningkatkan kesadaran kita semua tentang bahaya kanker payudara serta hal - hal penting yang perlu kita ketahui untuk menghindari maupun mengobatinya. Bukan hanya kepada perempuan, tapi juga kepada para pria dan anggota keluarga lainnya yang perlu memberikan dukungan kepada para penderita kanker payudara.

For sure, Lovepink Indonesia is a wonderful community supporting breast cancer patients, Survivors and more.

To read more about my fight against breast cancer, please find the following posts:

WW: My Journey of Fighting Breast Cancer

Indah Nuria Savitri, breast cancer survivor
One of my biggest supporters, my dearest hubby

Recently I have been digging up my files and photos from my previous adventures and activities. I guess I keep saying that in my post during this pandemic LOL.

As October is celebrated as Pinktober as well in my house, I happen to see some photos taken during my 2-year treatment as breast cancer patient.

Indah Nuria Savitri, breast cancer warrior
cheers from Obi and I .. one of my 6-hour-straight chemo episodes

It's amazing to see how photos brought back all the memories, nice and not-so-nice ones. I have to admit it was not always a rose-colored journey. There are times when I was not really myself and times when I got super tired, bored, and frustrated with everything I have to go through thanks to cancer.  

the blood bag I have to carry for 6 weeks :)

I remember vividly when the verdict came, one simple phone call from my GP that changed my life forever. I will never forget when I first walked in to the operating room for mastectomy, my first chemo, the radiation process and endless doctor's and hospital visit and so many more. I am so blessed and glad to be able to pass it all through with a big smile! Merci ya Rabb.

Here are a few photos from my journey of Fighting Breast Cancer and let's spread more awareness about breast cancer, in our own way. I want those fighting it, our Warriors, and those surviving it, will always support one another so that we all can finish the fight!

the family waiting room at NYU Langone Hospi
The family waiting room at NYU Langone Hospital NYC

Thank you for all the support from my dearest friends 

Indah Nuria Savitri, breast cancer warrior and survivor
Facetime with my om in Indonesia at that time..

The sonogram image of breast cancer patient
my USG image.. 

Indah Nuria Savitri, breast cancer warrior and survivor
My biggest supporter, my one and only hubby

My love, Bo et Obi, right before my second operation for breast reconstruction

Never forget to do you self breast exam or SADARI, periksa payudara sendiri, as well as consulting your doctor for clinical breast exam regularly or SADANIS, periksa payudara secara klinis. Love yourself and your body, don't wait until it's all too late!

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy the 

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Stick with me, October

October is leaving us and we have 2 month before 2020 is saying hello.
How time flies!
Even if we don't always have fun.

October has been lovely and crazily tiring for me.
I went to Geneve and New York City this month and the meetings were indeed back to back.
Needless to say we had a lot to cover but hey, I'm still alive and kicking :).

October is also special as I have participated in a seminar celebrating the Cancer month. Being a survivor, I shared my journey fighting breast cancer. And I was again so lucky to be able to join Making Strides against Breast Cancer in Central Park, New York City, flying far away from Jakarta, Indonesia.

Read: WW: Making Strides against Breast Cancer Central Park 2019

Our warriors..
Moreover, my beautiful daughter, Nadine, participated in Tapak Suci national competition in Semarang, and we did have a blast. We had a road trip from Jakarta to Semarang. Will share more about it later for sure.

And now, let's have our weekly party with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends.
Ready for Wonderful Wednesday?
I bet you are!

Oh ... and Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it!

Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!! We always get a head start each week and our Co-Hosts choose from the previous week’s links and we are featuring 7 blogs on week #179!! Well are you ready for Halloween, have kids that will be Tricking and Treating? Do you have tons of Tricky Treaters? Happy Halloween!

We would love you to share your ideas and find new friends. We appreciate your visit today! Happy Fall!


❢❢ We would love if you would post our Party Banner or this » Link « on your site for others to enjoy the party each week! And if you looking for something special from last week, you Can Still See See Them Here» Last Week Features ❢:❢ We look forward to your recipes, reviews, DIY crafts, gardening hints, travel, beauty ideas, jewelry you make, paper crafts, your home, home ideas, and decor plus Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome!Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-Wonderful-Wednesday

And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]Hostess Features

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Making Strides against Breast Cancer Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzit
Clearissa Coward // Command Center Clear Clutter For A Cozy Holiday Casa Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzit
Suzan White // Country Crafting Apple Crisp Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Divider 989321gyey13hzitBest Picks from last weeks party

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Dabbling and Decorating // Cozy Cabin Style Porch in Vermont Pillows and blankets make for a cozy porch in the fall. Claire-Justin-9-Easy-Halloween-Cupcake-Recipes-To-Bake-With-Kids

Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country Crafting Claire Justine // 9-Easy-Halloween-Cupcake-Recipes-To-Bake-With-Kids How Halloween cupcakes just for kids to celebrate. Across-the-Blvd-Easy-Broom-Parking-Sign-for-Halloween

Feature Chosen by Alice V // DIYerfy Across the Blvd. // DIY Broom Stick Parking Sign for Halloween Need to park your Halloween Broom, stop by Across the Blvd. Thrifted-Nested-Dollar-Tree-Fall-Tablescape

Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center Thrifted Nest //Dollar Tree Fall Tablescape Budget Fall Decor Budget-friendly fall decor using Dollar Tree with few coats of white spray paint. Nancy-On-The-Home-Front-Three-Can-Chili

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // Crafty Zoo Nancy C. // 3 Bean Chili It's time for chili it just got cold enough to put on a pot to simmer. Krafty-Planner-Stress-Free-Holiday-Printable-Thanksgiving-Planner

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Krafty Planner // Stress-Free Holiday Printable Thanksgiving+Planner Dont let planning Thanksgiving be stressful, use Krafty Planners printable to help you Oh My Heartsie Girls Special Fashion Feature

5-Ish Ways To Wear A Bottom Bell Denim

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl LaMoumous // 5-Ish Ways To Wear A Bottom Bell Denim With denim style, the bell-bottom is back in style and Iris shows us just one way to style her jeans, but there are many more ideas on her blog!

But Now......Lets Party..
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