WW: Beautiful Butterflies

I really miss going to the park and capture the beauty of nature.
Being at home, and confined only to the limited places in surrounding areas and my office for the last 3 moths makes me  feel like I need to go out.
But of course, even with the new normal, plus my pre-condition, I should be extremely careful about going out.

I know some of the parks and public places have been open but somehow I don't feel save yet to be outside with many people. I still see many people are not wearing masks properly and keeping the space between. For now, I still stay mostly at home and come to the office on scheduled days, not too frequent.

When I miss the amazing world outside, I peek at my photo collections and try to rekindle the joy. Looking at the photos of this wonderful butterflies, for example. does bring me joy. It feels good to see what awaits us out there once the pandemic can be controlled.

These photos were taken in Papilliorama & Nocturama, Kerzers, Switzerland, many many years ago, in one lovely spring day. I remember that Bo was still a young boy at that time and we hadn't had Obi yet. Since Geneva, Switzerland, is our first assignment abroad, we were super excited to explore the  country. Such a lovely memory indeed!

How bout you?
Do you have your favorite ways of rekindling joy while staying at home?
Any tips for fighting COVID-19 pandemic, including how to tell the kids about Corona virus?

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party!

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls, and Friends

Indah Nuria Savitri Google Local Guide level 10

What a week!

Been coming to the office several times and joined endless webinars and virtual meetings.
I am tired!
But I know I have to get used to all this 'new normal' .

Back to the office is not that bad all but I have to say I am not a fan of 3-4 hours straight of webinars and virtual meetings. Not healthy at all. I hope we can come up with something about it and things will get better soon.

Meanwhile, the kids are finishing their final tests and soon will be having their break. Well, they have been enjoying their study from home sessions and I guess we will continue it until the end of the year. Perhaps. If things are not getting better earlier or even way later.

I have been busily enjoying Google Local Guide Connect and I have been joining some fun virtual meetings in this platform. Are you familiar about Google Local Guide? Do you see photos and reviews on Google Maps and actually consult it when you want to go somewhere? Well, those photos and reviews are coming from us, the Local Guides :). I have tons of photos taken here and there and I do share some to Google as well. 

I am now a Level 10 Local Guides with more than 19 thousands (19, 092 photos to be exact) photos shared with more than 73M views. Well, I never thought it was going to be like that :). So far. I do enjoy it and if you have some times or if you are also Google Local Guide, come and visit my page at Local Guide Connect. I guess I will write it down separately about it.

Indah Nuria Savitri Google Local Guide Level 10

But now, Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls, and Friends awaits! Come and join our linky party!

I just wanted to let you know our party will be running from Monday through Sunday, so anytime you have something new to share, stop back by, and add your links to the linky!! 


We appreciate your visit today, let us know in comments if you are following us so we can follow you back! So now we are ready for you to share your blog with us, Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome! We hope you will visit our hostess's features and leave comments as well!

❢❢ We would love to have your share our Party Banner If you missed last week you can see them here» Last Week Features ❢:❢ And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢:[...] 

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Summer Cash Giveaway Ends June 30th Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | InstagramDivider 989321gyey13hzit

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Happy Graduation Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzit

Divider 989321gyey13hzitBest Picks from last weeks party

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo Hello Sewing // How to Make a DIY Jar Opener for
 a Bit of Extra Grip


Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country crafting Kippa at Home // Best Flowers For The Window Boxes


Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center A Day of Small Things // Finding Peace At Home


Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Organized Dream// 10 Inspiring Patriotic-4th-of-July-Tablescapes


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Karins Kottage // Layered lemon cake topped with strawberries


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Little Treasures // Crochet Cacti Applique - pattern release

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Pennys Treasures //Bee-ing on the Back Porch

But Now Lets Party..

Welcoming the New Normal and What We Need to Prepare

Perhaps you keep hearing this again and again in many social media as well as mainstream media outlets as our fight against COVID - 19 continues. It's been 3 months, or even more for some of us, that we observe the new and more stringent health protocol due to the pandemic. Staying at home most of the time, working and studying from home, avoiding the crowd, cutting off all the traveling, and washing our hands frequently are some of the things we need to do lately.

The impact of the spread of COVID-19 is phenomenal. Well, although we have seen some positive development and changes that took place since the pandemic particularly to the environment, but still, there are many damaging impacts that need to be address properly in order to avoid more disastrous problems in the future.

And now, at this point, many have realized how we need to continue our lives and try to adjust (rather significantly) with the current situation. Countries have announced that they 'open up' gradually after implementing quarantine policies for almost 3 months. As fast responses and healthy facilities have been significantly improved, some  So here comes the 'new normal'.

indahnuria.com - new normal

What is the 'new normal'?

The 'New Normal' might have different meaning and interpretation to some of us.
For me, the 'new normal' is they way we adapt to the prevailing condition where the spread of the virus is still rampant and vaccines are yet to discover, while at the same time we need to gradually go back to our activities. 

Menurutku, New Normal atau kenormalan baru adalah cara kita beradaptasi dengan situasi pandemi virus Corona yang masih belum ada penawarnya, di mana kita harus menyesuaikan prilaku sehingga kita bisa beraktivitas seperti biasa. 

Tentu saja, kenormalan baru ini tidak bisa diterapkan begitu saja diberbagai tempat, jika beberapa persyaratan tidak dipenuhi. Bahkan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia atau WHO telah mengeluarkan beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi jika suatu negara akan membuka dan memperlakukan kenormalan baru. Simak informasinya di infografis di bawah ini.

WHO new normal indahnuria.com

Apakah ini sulit?
Is it difficult to implement it?

Well, to me, it requires self-awareness and discipline to stick to the health protocol in this 'new normal.' Some of them are actually good habits that we have done before, like washing your hands properly, covering your mouth while sneezing and coughing, and maintaining a well-balanced diet. Now, we just have to do everything ALL THE TIME. Again, ALL THE TIME.
Not when you just remember.
Not when you feel like doing it.
It means health protocol, no matter how basic it is, has to be properly and thoroughly understood! 

It might be difficult in terms of adjusting and getting ourselves used to wearing mask all the time and keeping the distance with others wherever we go. Be it in the public transportation, at the office, at the mall, at the supermarket, at the park, at the gym, and any other public spaces. For the masks, nowadays there are so many masks which are comfortable and affordable enough to used for long hourse. We also have to stay away from hugging and kissing cheeks as we meet family and friends. Sometimes I still have to restrain myself from getting too close to someone else.

Mungkin banyak dari kita yang bertanya - tanya apa sih sebenarnya kenormalan baru ini.
Aku pribadi melihatnya sebagai kelanjutan dari berbagai kebiasaan baik yang kita lakukan untuk menjaga kesehatan. Kalau dulu kita menerapkannya hanya saat kita ingat, sekarang kita harus menerapkannya SETIAP SAAT. iya betul, SETIAP SAAT.

Banyak sekali kebiasaan sederhana yang terbukti bisa menyelematkan nyawa kita dan juga orang lain, terutama yang berada di sekitar kita, di saat pandemi seperti sekarang. Cuci tangan yang benar, menutup mulut saat bersin dan batuk, memakai masker, menjaga jarak, tetap rajin dan rutin olah raga dan menjalani hidup sehat. 

Memang ada beberapa kebiasaan, yang walaupunt erlihat sederhana, namun ternyat kita kerap lupa atau alpa saat untuk menjalaninya. Seperti etika batuk dan bersin. Atau menjaga jarak satu sama lain, khususnya saat berdiri dan berada di tempat umum. Atau tidak cipika - cipiki or bersalaman saat bertemu keluarga, teman, kolega dan orang lain.  Tapi seiring dengan waktu, dan dengan menyadari pentingnya untuk melakukan itu semua, mustinya kita semua bisa menjalankannya dengan baik.

What do we need to do to prepare the 'new normal'?

For me, one important thing we need to is EDUCATE OURSELVES.

There are so many references, be it infographic, explanations or audio files that can help us understand more about the pandemic, the do's and the don'ts during the pandemic, and how to cope with it. More importantly, we also need to know and understand what to do once we were infected by the virus.

I guess I don't have to repeat but we all know where to get the valid and reliable information when it come to the pandemic.
WHO website is indeed important, while in Indonesia we have covid19.go.id | Ministry of Health | as well as BNPB or Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana -  National Disaster Management Agency.

They have been rampantly distributing all the necessary information, including the educational materials for many different professions in order to fight COVID-19.

Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) or National Disaster Management Agency in Indonesia has also been working extra hard to ensure the dissemination of information regarding the pandemic, efforts taken to address it, as well as awareness raising and public education in order to curb the spread of the virus as well to address the situation. They help coordinated the zones in Indonesia based on their risk levels. They have one hell of a job indeed!


Remember, we are not only responsible to take care of our safety and health, but OTHERS as well! Discipline is the key. 

At my office, we have strictly implemented measures to ensure the safety of the staff. Some of the measures taken, among others, are:

- regulating the new normal SOP and disseminating it to all staff 
- arranging free Rapid Test, as well as swab test who those who have reactive results.
- allowing only those who have taken Rapid Test with non - reactive result to come to the office
- adjusting the working hours (9 AM to 3 PM)
- maximizing the digital platforms (e-disposition, e-meeting, e-office)
- ensuring physical distancing at the office (rooms, meeting rooms, lifts, mosque, etc)
- adjusting the work schedule to ensure the office is not too crowded
- providing all the necessary equipments and facilities required to fully observe the health protocol (hand wash corners, hand sanitizers, masks, disinfectants etc)
- providing shuttles from particular spots where most of the staff are residing
- checking the temperature of everyone entering the premises
- minimizing contact from public deliveries 
- and many more.

indahnuria.com new normal

We also have prepared booths with safe disinfectant liquid from Dettol to help clean the surface.  I was wondering whether it is safe but the staff handling it informed me in details that it is safe.
Lifts are frequently cleaned and space - distancing marks are clearly displayed. this is important as people tend to crown in the lift. Now we have to be patient and wait until it has enough room for designated people.

Our public facilities, like canteen, are also observing the strict protocol. More and more information about things we need to do and important protocols are also displayed in many areas. Again, we need to be reminded all the time. Well, we sincerely hope everyone will be discipline enough to take care of oneself.


Sometimes, the toughest part of adjusting the new changes is the start. The beginning of the new process and changes will require extra efforts from all of us. Instead of taking things for granted, which is very dangerous, we better get ourselves used to the new normal. 

Masa - masa penyesuaian memang selalu sulit ya. Mengubah kebiasaan atau membiasakan diri untuk melakukan kebiasaan baik memang tidak selalu mudah. 

Kita kerap lupa, alpa, atau lalai. Satu hal yang pasti, jangan pernah menyepelekan virus ini. Bukan apa - apa. Kita seringkali merasa sehat, fit, tanpa gejala dan baik - baik saja sehingga 'ngeyel' dan merasa ngga perlu untuk mengikuti semua protokol kesehatan.  Terus, BANG...ternyata positive terkena virus Corona dan bukan tidak mungkin sudah menularkan banyak orang.

So, please, please, please, kita ikuti yaaa. Daripada ngomel - ngomel ngga jelas karena kesal dan depresi (Aren't we all), lebih baik kita ikuti peraturan yang ada dengan niat baik agar semuanya kembali normal dan kita bisa menjalani hidup yang lebih baik.

starter kit for going shopping at traditional market in new normal


Finally, we all need to remain positive during this trying times. Not that easy at all but we have to! I know the pandemic has significantly changed our lives. Many times we hit the ceiling and feel so sad and depressed because of this situation. Well, I can't blame you for feeling it because I do feel the same way as well sometimes. 

But again, I know that feeling dreadful all the time will not help improving the situation. I don't want to get caught in this vicious cycle of despair while I can actually do many positive things along the way. So keep the spirit high. Pray to the Almighty to give us strength in fighting these problems and keep us safe and sound. Together we can support one another towards a better future. 

I believe with with discipline, solemn praying, and perseverance, we can definitely make it!

So are you ready for the new normal?
I certainly hope so!

Stay safe, happy and healthy, everyone!

Happy Graduation, Bo

Happy Graduation, Bo!

So proud to see that you manage to study well amidst the many challenges and adjustments you, as well as we, have done in order to nail it!
I know exactly that it is not that easy at all.
You can imagine..moving back from New York City after almost 5 years there.
It took years to adjust when we just arrived there and then when we need to move back to Indonesia, similar efforts have to be taken.

He went through elementary as well as intermediate schools at PS 122 Mamie Fey and IS 141 Steinway in Astoria, New York City.

I still remember his first day at school. 
It was September 2014.
Beautiful day in autumn.

With new bag and clothes he chose by himself (unlike Indonesia, students in public school in NYC do not wear uniforms), we walked from our house to PS 122. Month before, in June, we came to the school to register him as the 2nd grade student. But since he was born in December 2006, he was eligible to continue the 3rd grade. 

We were not so sure about it in the beginning since we just moved in and Bo spoke English but not that fluent at that time. But the teachers and the vice principle of PS 122, who interviewed (or rather chatted with Bo) Bo said that we could try first and gave Bo an extra ELA class to learn more about English. Once he passed the test, he wouldn't have to take extra classes or summer school anymore. and Bo managed to pass the test in flying colors. He got honor rolls and best students in several level and we couldn't be happier!

That's one of the differences we have in Indonesia and NYC. In Indonesia, kids who were born in October and later, will usually have to join the class lower than those born in November year before to early October at the same year. So Bo, who was born in December, will always be in lower class compared to his friends who were born earlier at the same year. 

Bo left Jakarta, Indonesia, when he was only on the 1st grade. He hasn't even finished the 1st grade when we had to move to the Big Apple. The he skipped the 2nd grade and continued to the 3rd grade until he graduated the elementary school (at the 5th grade) then continue to IS 141 or the 6th grade, as a junior high school student. Unlike Indonesia which finishes the elementary school on the 6th grade, Bo skipped another level and finished his 6th grade well and admitted to Einstein class or special class for those with good grades.

Well, different system, different languages, different approach are what we have, yet we need to move on and continue our journey at home. 

In Indonesia, Bo has to struggle from day 1 at school again. He was admitted to SMP Tugasku, one of the private schools in Jakarta which combines the Islamic values and modern teaching. Ho likes it because the class is not too big and many of his friends and teachers here speak English too. Nevertheless, with lessons, books and test were presented and discussed in Bahasa Indonesia, Bo had to work extra hard just to understand the questions and materials given. Many times we got so distressed but with the help of all the teachers at SMP Tugasku as well as Bo's circle of friends, he kept improving. We didn't put him on extra classes or tutorials other than that provided by the school. We knew it was hard already for him and extra pressures wouldn't help.

So, long story short, it was the graduation time already!
Time flew!

Due to Corona virus, Bo didn't have to take national final exam because it was omitted. He just had to finish his school exams which were done full digitally. I don't know whether it was a blessing in disguise but Bo managed to pass it. Then all the graduation process was conducted virtually through Zoom meeting.

Bo Frakarsa

It was started with opening and speeches from the Head Master, as well as the representatives of the students and the parents. Well, the kids were sad because they actually had prepared many things for the graduation. Live in program, graduation party, and class trip. Everything has to be cancelled thanks to Corona :(. But again, life must go on. And there we were, all parents and the graduates, flocking together in Zoom meeting. But still, for Bo and us, this graduation is an important milestones and the true labour of sweat and love.

Bo's batch, AECROVINLAZEX (don't ask me what it means :)) or batch 15th, prepared a special video as their token of appreciation to all the teachers and the staff in SMP Tugasku and they also got a best wishes video from their juniors.

All the very best for Bo and all batch 15 of the SMP Tugasku.
Nothing else to say but good luck for the near future.
Senior High school is waiting and I hope you all will enjoy it while at the same time, developing your skills, passion and interest.
Bon courage!

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls, and Others


June is half way and I feel like it's slipping away.

I have been back to the office and we certainly did many adjustments in terms of scheduling and work load. I had my rapid test already and alhamdulillah, the rapid test is not reactive, so meaning I am fit and healthy. For now. and hopefully always..

We are not operating fully in the office and only have skeleton crews so far. Nevertheless, we have so many urgent issues to address and my team, most of the time, are coming to the office. Believe me, even during the pandemic, we tend to have more issues to take care of compared to pre-COVID-19 era. Well, it is only natural that we have many discussions and negotiations to make in order to address the pandemic and the aftermath. Wish us luck!

On the other hand, my son, Bo, has graduated from Junior High school!


It was quite a rollercoaster ride for him, and us as well as his parents, as we made tons of adjustments, extra works and discipline in order to address the challenges we have along the way. Kuddos, kid! I am so proud of your achievements and we gotta keep up the great works indeed. The graduation was done virtually and we were a bit mellow because we actually had many interesting plants to celebrate it. But as Corona strikes, this is the best we can do. We have registered him to one of the Islamic private schools near our house and we all are excited to see what comes in the future.

And now, it's linky party time!

I just wanted to let you know our party will be running from Monday through Sunday, so anytime you have something new to share, stop back by and add your links to the linky!! 

We appreciate your visit today, let us know in comments if you are following us so we can follow you back! So now we are ready for you to share your blog with us, Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome! 

We hope you will visit our hostess's features and leave comments as well! 


❢❢ We would love to have your share our Party Banner If you missed last week you can see them here» Last Week Features ❢:❢ And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢:[...] OMHGWW-6-20-2020. Wonderful-Wednesday-HostsHostess-Features-OMHGWW.

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Summer Cash Giveaway Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | InstagramDivider 989321gyey13hzit

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Eid Al- Fitr delicious cuisines Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzit

Clearissa Coward // Command Center How To Prepare Your Freezer For The Spring & Summer Harvest Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzit

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Made for Me: Special Giveaway- A Gift For Daddy’s and Their Little Ones Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | PinterestDivider 989321gyey13hzit

Suzan White // Country Crafting Faux Metal Flowers Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzitBest Picks from last weeks partyPennys-Vintage-Home-Are-Dandelions-a-Flower-or-a-Weed. 

Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa Cowards Command Center Pennys Treasures // Are Dandelions a Flower or a Weed


Feature Chosen by Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Krafty Planner Free Printable June Calendar


Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafting Love My Little Cottage // Rose SneakersChicken-Salad

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo Seasonal and Holiday Recipes // Tropical Chicken Salad With Creamy Citrus Dressing25-Bored-Jar-Activities-To-Make-Your-Kid’s-Summer-Great

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Keeping It Real // 25 Bored Jar Activities To Make Your Kid’s Summer Great


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Mama of Many Blessings // Mouth Watering Strawberry Cupcakes with Buttercream Frosting

But Now Lets Party....

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