The Future of Traveling - Kapan Kita Bisa Kembali Bertualang?

Beautiful sky at Lisbon, Portugal

Halo semua...

Semoga sehat - sehat dan tetap semangat ya. 
I know, the pandemic is still lingering dan rasanya 3 bulan sudah terlalu lama buat virus Corona main ke dunia dan memutarbalikkan banyak hal. Banyak hal baru yang harus kita lakukan agar bisa survive di masa seperti sekarang, atau tepatnya kebiasan baik yang kita sudah tau sejak lama tapi sekarang harus benar - benar diterapkan dengan baik dan penuh disiplin.

Satu hal yang pasti, aku kangen traveling.
Yup, traveling to different part of the world.
or even to many beautiful corners in Indonesia. 
Aku rindu melihat bumi dari ketinggian dan melihat gumpalan awan di angkasa. 
Aku kangen mengjelajahi kota - kita di berbagai sudut dunia yang menawarkan aneka ragam pesona.
Aku ingin mencicipi aneka kuliner khas di suatu kota dan negara yang aku kunjungi.
Aku tidak sabar bercanda dengan keluarga kecilku saat kami melakukan roadtrip.
Aku juga kangen banget membawa aneka oleh - oleh dari tempat yang aku jelajahi.
Aku kangen diving!
Aaaah...banyak sekali ini kangennya.

diving with turtles at Bunaken, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Kalian sudah mulai kangen traveling atau jalan - jalan?
Atau masih betah di rumah dan menikmati segala kenikmatan baru, thanks to Corona, seperti menghabiskan banyak waktu dengan keluarga dan punya waktu tambahan untuk menekuni hobi? Aku sendiri mencoba untuk menikmati apa yang bisa kita nikmati selama pandemi ini. Yang pasti waktu untuk keluarga jadi banyak dan itu adalah anugrah terbesar buatku yang selama ini kerap menghabiskan banyak waktu di luar rumah karena pekerjaan. Aku juga jadi bisa lebih menjalankan hobi masak dan membuat beberapa konten di platform media sosial yang aku suka. 

Anyway, balik lagi ke traveling.
Kira - kira teman - teman terbayang ngga traveling di era 'new normal' ini seperti apa?
Apakah kita siap untuk traveling di masa yang penuh dengan ketidakjelasan?

As much as we want to go out ad travel to those exotic places around the globe, deep down inside, we  all are worried about this virus. Nobody wants to get infected and admitted to the hospital due to this COVID-19. Even though we might not have any symptoms, we are still capable of being a carrier which poses dangers to the elderies and other more vulnerable people, including our beloved parents.

Discussion on the Future of Traveling with Google Local Guides

There is something about traveling that really moves me. 
The same excitement shared by many of us, including google local guides.

In our virtual meet - up last weekend, many google local guides including local guides indonesia Jakarta local guideslocal guides world and other local guides from India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Ghana joined us to discuss about traveling that we love so much ♥️♥️♥️. We talkes about The Future of Traveling.

Together with the host Mbak doc_dells and of course dearest Radja Sitanggang @iamlocalguides and Bang Rahmat @rahmatharman, we discussed the future of traveling, especially for us Google local guides. 

We are intrigued to know how we will travel during and after this pandemic. 
Can we go out and travel again? 
Is it safe out there? Is there anything particular we have to prepare? 
Will everything be different? 
How soon can we travel again? 
Will it be more expensive? 
Will people have to get more documents just travel? 
How about the accommodations? 
Will the hotel be obliged to follow strict health protocol?
What do we need to bring and do in order to ensure our room is safe?
How about the arrangement at the airplanes?
Will long haul flights be open?
Will the tourist attractions be open? 
How about the culinary experience? 
Will the ‘new normal’ bring new regime of traveling? 
How strict is the health protocol?

And the questions continue on and on and on.

So many questions indeed and perhaps we don’t have all the answers right now. 
But it’s good to have a frank discussion with others.

We shared Indonesia's policies regarding the movement of people, especially foreigners, during this COVID - 19. Taken from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights/ website, here are some of the important arrangements you need to understand.  

temporary restriction entering Indonesia during COVID 19

We also discussed about the way other countries implemented their policies for their nationals as well as international travellers. Most of the countries are implementing 14-day or 2-week quarantine for non-national travellers plus additional health protocols and forms to be filled for all visitors. That includes the rapid test. We really need to double check whether the country we are traveling to is implementing certain rules during this pandemic.

We discussed as well about the preparation of Indonesia's tourist destinations in preparing the new normal. Those places gear up with stricter new health protocol like extra hand-washing stations, hand sanitizer posts, temperature guns as well as physical distancing and new scheduling which will avoid overcrowding. I sincerely hope they will be disciplined enough to implement all these new arrangement.

There is one interesting concept of travel bubble that we found in many open sources discussion. A few countries are considering to open their borders with selected few which are considered save and implementing similar health protocol. This concept is basically arranging simpler travel procedures  between particular countries without transit in other countries  which have no similar arrangement. That's why they use the term bubble.

For now, many Indonesians are traveling domestically for matters such as work-related and family matters. I sincerely hope we all always remember the health protocol whenever we go. Save ourselves and save others as well.

As Google Local Guides, we also discussed and shared tips and tricks about what the Local Guides can do in the middle of the pandemic. We can not go out that often and review places but we can maximize the photos and the review we make on Google Maps. I personally use my time to download more photos in Google maps and write more articles in Local Guides Connect. We can also share more through virtual meet - ups and download the map offline when we are traveling. Surely there are many interesting yet beneficial we can do as Local Guides.

Well, one thing for sure, while waiting for better, safer environment for traveling, please make sure we all stay safe, happy and healthy!

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

June is approaching its final week and we have so many events to organize at my office.

We just celebrated jakarta's 493rd Birthday.
Yaaay... I hope Jakarta, the Capital city of Indonesia, will be much, much better in the near future and become better home for all of us.

Now that the new normal is really kicking in, most of our activities are done virtually, including many meetings at the UN. In Geneva, at the Human Rights Council, physical meetings have been conducted but very limited, restricted and following the healthy protocol. They are not advising any delegation from the Capital so we have to wait before we can travel and join the UN meetings again.

We have been preparing my son's Senior High School enrollment. Insya Allah he will join SMA AL Azhar Kelapa Gading. I sincerely hope he will continue to enjoy his school time here. He has been through a lot and I admire his fighting spirit.

We are now spending 2 years in Jakarta already and usually, after 2.5 years, I will be eligible for  another assignment abroad. I don't know yet whether there are some openings on particular posts I like but we still have time before we need to pack things up again. Besides, the COVID-19 saga is still here. So we need to take some times to see more progress on the ground in terms of addressing Coronavirus.

Now, let's join me, Oh My Heartsie Girls and friends in our weekly party!

I just wanted to let you know our party will be running from Monday through Sunday, so anytime you have something new to share, stop back by, and add your links to the linky!! We appreciate your visit today, let us know in comments if you are following us so we can follow you back! So now we are ready for you to share your blog with us, Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome! 

We hope you will visit our hostess's features and leave comments as well! Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-WW

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Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl 5 Great Summer Things to Do in the Outdoors Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | InstagramDivider 989321gyey13hzitIndah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World The New Normal and we need to prepare Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzitClearissa Coward // Command Center Make Re-Painting a Room Easier With These Simple Steps Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzit Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Easy DIY Dollar Tree Patriotic Wreath Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | PinterestDivider 989321gyey13hzitSuzan White // Country Crafting Turtle Caramel Cake Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzitBest Picks from last weeks partyCasa-Bouquet-Freezer-Bag-Ice-Cream 

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo Casa Bouquet // Freezer Bag Ice Cream The-House-on-Silverardo-We-Built-a-Deer-Proof-Raised-Bed-Garden

Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country Crafting The House on Silverado // We Built a Deer Proof Raised Bed Garden!


Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Art and Home // 14 Best Air Purifying Plants For Your Home 


Feature Chosen by Indah Nuria// My Purple World Keeping It Real // 10 Lemonade Recipes Glass-Mug-Made-with-a-mason-jar

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Decor Craft Design // Easy DIY Glass Mug From Mason Jar


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh my Heartsie Girl The Kitchen is My Playground // Coconut-Cream-Yum-Yum 


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Shelbee on The Edge // A Good Ole Fashioned Ass-Kicking

But Now Lets Party. 

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WW: The Charm of Lisbon, Portugal

Monumento aos Restauradores, Lisboa, Portugal

Time for more virtual trip to different corners of the world.

I just realized that I have just shared a few pictures of lovely Lisbon, the capital city of Protugal.
I have written my short adventure here (Lisbon, Portugal in 6 hours - Photo Album) and I know more details can and have to be spilled at later stage.

Alfama, Old Town Lisbon, Portugal

After getting out of the airport and the heading to the city using the airport shuttle, I stopped at the Commercial Plaza or Praça do Comércio. The square is huge indeed and it is overlooking the ocean.  Well, Tajo or Tejo river to be exact and the Atlantic Ocean is on the other side.

Tejo River, Lisbon, Portugal

Here are some more photos taken around the Old City, as I explored this area with tuk - tuk.
First stop was Sé de Lisboa, the Cathedral of Lisbon. I love all the arches and heavily ornate object inside the cathedral. 

And the rest are the photos I took here and there around the old town.
If we don't really have much time, the old town or quarter in Lisbon will be the best choice.

the classic tiles in Lisbon, Portugal

Alfama, Lisbon, Portugal

I also love the murals they have in many parts of the city.
Artistic and beautiful!

Then before catching my Aerobus to the airport, I stopped at the local bread shop Portuguesa, grabbed some souvenirs at Hard Rock Cafe (well, we have a few collection from here) and took photos of the Monumentos aus Rastauradores.

downtown Lisbon, Portugal

I have to admit strolling around this beautiful city in 6-7 hours is far from enough but I'm happy I got a good look of what Lisbon can offer. Happy to come back here again soon! Definitely after Corona and all its damaging impacts.

Lisbon seeing from the airplane above

Meanwhile, stay safe, happy, and healthy.
Wherever you are.

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday (click the link HERE) and have fun with the link party!

Sambel Hejo Sambel Dadak - Rumah Makan Sunda Djaman Doeloe yang Instagramable

Ada yang familiar dengan sambel dadak?
Sambel hejo?
Ayam goreng basah?
Oncom dan leunca?
Sayur asem?
Tumis peda?

Aduh, baru dengar namanya aja aku sudah ngiler!

Kalau suka makanan Sunda, aku punya tempat yang oke bangeeet untuk menikmati makanan Sunda yang enak. Untuk aku yang foodie (baca; DOYAN MAKAN #danfotomakanannnya), bahagia banget bisa ketemua restoran yang oke, tempatnya keren, dekat rumah, harga friendly dan menyenangkan. Di sinilah tempat yang paling oke untuk menikmati hidangan khas tanah Pasundan! Apalagi restonya yang bernuansa vintage pasti bkin kamu nggak tahan untuk ngga berfoto ria. Instagramable bangeeet soalnya.

Karena restorannya ada beberapa, kali ini aku ajak yang paling dekat dengan rumahku di Rawamangun ya.

Sambel Hejo Sambel Dadak - Rumah Makan Sunda Djaman Doeloe yang Instagramable

Sundanese delicacies and menu are their signature so you make sure you try their wonderful menu.

If you are familiar with Sundanese food, you can definitely enjoy ayam goreng basah, fresh veggies or lalapansambal dadak (chili sauce a la Indonesia that is freshly made) and sambal hejo or the green chili sauce, sayur asem, peda, tempe and tahu

I know I should translate them all ini English but it's good to know the real name in bahasa Indonesia :).

The set menu from Sambel Hejo Sambel Dadak Restaurant Rawamangun

Whenever we come here, we always order the package for two and get some additional a la carte menu such as sayur asem or gurame bakar.
We love the nasi liwet and the hot tea they serve for free here.
Maybe because it is served in a vintage tea jug like what my hubby and I used to have when we were kids.

the vintage tea jug and otak - otak at Sambel Hejo Sambel Dadak Restaurant

Here are some of the menus that we love!

First, as appetizers, we have otak - otak or grilled fish cake.

Otak - otak or grilled fish cake at SHSD Restaurant

Then my kids' favorite is cimplung or the Sundanese potato fritters.
It's a bit different from the usual perkedel kentang and we love it.

And of course, I love the sambal as well as the signature fried chicken here, ayam goreng basah.
They both are match made in heaven indeed!

What I really love about the Sundanese food is that it has a lo of fresh veggies. It matches the sambal or the fresh chili sauce that they are preparing on the spot based on request. It tastes like heaven (for me)!

The restaurant as I said is pretty.
You can sit inside, on the second floor, or even on the terrace. 
They do have tons of vintage items, some are even from my parents' childhood.
And that's exactly what I love about this place

Restoran Sambel Hejo Sambel Dadak - Rumah Makan Sunda Djaman Doeloe yang Instagramable

They have a mini studio in the back where you can take picture using the vintage costumes and all the properties. It's really cute indeed. you will definitely love this place! 

My family and I didn't want to mis the opportunity to take all those cute photos, for FREE!
And here are some of the photos taken on our last visit there.
Tell me what you think about!

Restoran Sambel Hejo Sambel Dadak - Foto vintage

Free Vintage Family picture at Sambel Hejo Sambel Dadak Restaurant

The service is good as well. 
Fast and friendly staff. The price is very reasonable for a lovely place like this!
Come check out my video about this lovely place on YouTube.

I keep coming back to this place with my family and friends. If you are  around, don't miss this place! Kabari yaaa kalau mampir ke sini! oh ya.. Ini tempat dan alamat lengkapnya ya.

Cheers and have a great day!
See you on the next culinary experience ya.