So proud to see that you manage to study well amidst the many challenges and adjustments you, as well as we, have done in order to nail it!
I know exactly that it is not that easy at all.
You can imagine..moving back from New York City after almost 5 years there.
It took years to adjust when we just arrived there and then when we need to move back to Indonesia, similar efforts have to be taken.
He went through elementary as well as intermediate schools at PS 122 Mamie Fey and IS 141 Steinway in Astoria, New York City.
I still remember his first day at school.
It was September 2014.
Beautiful day in autumn.
With new bag and clothes he chose by himself (unlike Indonesia, students in public school in NYC do not wear uniforms), we walked from our house to PS 122. Month before, in June, we came to the school to register him as the 2nd grade student. But since he was born in December 2006, he was eligible to continue the 3rd grade.
We were not so sure about it in the beginning since we just moved in and Bo spoke English but not that fluent at that time. But the teachers and the vice principle of PS 122, who interviewed (or rather chatted with Bo) Bo said that we could try first and gave Bo an extra ELA class to learn more about English. Once he passed the test, he wouldn't have to take extra classes or summer school anymore. and Bo managed to pass the test in flying colors. He got honor rolls and best students in several level and we couldn't be happier!
That's one of the differences we have in Indonesia and NYC. In Indonesia, kids who were born in October and later, will usually have to join the class lower than those born in November year before to early October at the same year. So Bo, who was born in December, will always be in lower class compared to his friends who were born earlier at the same year.
Bo left Jakarta, Indonesia, when he was only on the 1st grade. He hasn't even finished the 1st grade when we had to move to the Big Apple. The he skipped the 2nd grade and continued to the 3rd grade until he graduated the elementary school (at the 5th grade) then continue to IS 141 or the 6th grade, as a junior high school student. Unlike Indonesia which finishes the elementary school on the 6th grade, Bo skipped another level and finished his 6th grade well and admitted to Einstein class or special class for those with good grades.
Well, different system, different languages, different approach are what we have, yet we need to move on and continue our journey at home.
In Indonesia, Bo has to struggle from day 1 at school again. He was admitted to SMP Tugasku, one of the private schools in Jakarta which combines the Islamic values and modern teaching. Ho likes it because the class is not too big and many of his friends and teachers here speak English too. Nevertheless, with lessons, books and test were presented and discussed in Bahasa Indonesia, Bo had to work extra hard just to understand the questions and materials given. Many times we got so distressed but with the help of all the teachers at SMP Tugasku as well as Bo's circle of friends, he kept improving. We didn't put him on extra classes or tutorials other than that provided by the school. We knew it was hard already for him and extra pressures wouldn't help.
So, long story short, it was the graduation time already!
Time flew!
Due to Corona virus, Bo didn't have to take national final exam because it was omitted. He just had to finish his school exams which were done full digitally. I don't know whether it was a blessing in disguise but Bo managed to pass it. Then all the graduation process was conducted virtually through Zoom meeting.
It was started with opening and speeches from the Head Master, as well as the representatives of the students and the parents. Well, the kids were sad because they actually had prepared many things for the graduation. Live in program, graduation party, and class trip. Everything has to be cancelled thanks to Corona :(. But again, life must go on. And there we were, all parents and the graduates, flocking together in Zoom meeting. But still, for Bo and us, this graduation is an important milestones and the true labour of sweat and love.
Bo's batch, AECROVINLAZEX (don't ask me what it means :)) or batch 15th, prepared a special video as their token of appreciation to all the teachers and the staff in SMP Tugasku and they also got a best wishes video from their juniors.
All the very best for Bo and all batch 15 of the SMP Tugasku.
Nothing else to say but good luck for the near future.
Senior High school is waiting and I hope you all will enjoy it while at the same time, developing your skills, passion and interest.
Bon courage!
Congratulations, Bo.
ReplyDeleteWhat a hard time adjusting almost everything, ya.
And I think your mom is very proud of you. She wrote longer this time.
congratulationts to Bo
ReplyDeleteHopefully, He can study more seriously in high school
What a great graduation it is!
dan semoga pandemi ini cepat beakhir ya mbak
Masya Allah ... Bo sudah lulus SMP. Selamat, baarakallahu fiikum Mbak Indah dan Bo sudah sampai ke tahap ini dengan perjuangan. Semoga lancar menuju ke tahap berikutnya.
ReplyDeleteWah aku tahu nih sekolahnya yang dekat Pacuan Kuda n RS Omni kan? Btw, aku penasaran sama Bo nih mbak, dari US dia pindah sekolah mungkin dari sekolah umum/internasional ke sekolah berbasis agama, gimana tuh adaptasinya?
ReplyDeleteBo is so lucky maasyaaAllah biaa ngerasain sekolah di luar negeri (impian sy bgt, tp gak tercapai karena bukan anak sekolah lagi tp ibu2 wkk) kalaupun ada kesempatan, jatuhny bukan sekolah tp kuliah/kursus
ReplyDeleteBoo adaptasiny juga 👍
Pasti penuh tantangan, ya
Selamat y udah lulus semoga makin sholeh hebat ilmunya berkah barokah dan semua cita2 tercapai aamiin
Wah alhamdulillah sudah selesai di jenjang SMP ya Selamat ya semoga mendapat sekolah selanjutnya yang terbaik untuk kehidupannya...
ReplyDeleteWhuaa selamat wisuda Kakak Bo, dan lanjut ke jenjang pendidikan berikutnya, terus semangaat Kaka bo
ReplyDeleteHappy graduation day ya buat Bo ganteng, wah udah jadi anak SMA aja nih bulan depan. tetap semangat ya sekolahnya walaupun keadaannya kaya gini
ReplyDeleteHappy graduation adek Bo! Tetap semangat yahhh dan semakin rajin belajarnya. Kejar terus cita cita, berkah semua ilmunya yah
ReplyDeleteCongratulation, Bo. Wohooo... high school student to be yaaa.. Semoga bisa mendapatkan sekolah yang sesuai dengan keinginan ya Bo.
ReplyDeleteIkut happy lihat kelulusan ananda, kak Indah.
Rasanya doa Mama selama ini yaa...
Barakallahu fiikum, kaka Bo dan Mama Indah.
Semuanya via online, berasa ada yang kurang yaa...
DeleteSemoga kaka Bo makin happy di sekolah barunya nanti...
Co graduation Boo...
ReplyDeleteSemoga ilmunya berkah, and enjoy senior high school life ya
Btw I wanna to writing English article too, hopefully I can do it, ahhaha
congratulation darling, have a blast graduation and of course you're ready now to join senior high school...
ReplyDeleteSelamat ya, Mbak Indah, anaknya lulus SMP. Pasti semangat belajarnya menjelang ujian itu tinggi sekali ya :)
ReplyDeletecongratulation mba Indah dan anaknya yang baru saja lulus SMP, meski ceremony nya online, semoga tidak mengubah makna kelulusan dan semangat buat menempuh jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi lagi
ReplyDeleteCongratss ya Kaka Bo, walaupun wisuda di tengah tengah pandemi pasti jadi kebanggaan dan kebahagiaan bisa lulus denhan memuaskan
ReplyDeletecongrats, Bo. baby girlnya mba Indah now really big girl, hope you will be a succeed girl and all your dream will come true, aamiin
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Kakak Bo. Walau ada rasa sedih karena ada rencana bersama teman-teman yang belum terlaksana karena pandemi, tapi insyaa Allah silaturahmi tetap terjaga ya. Mudah-mudahan wabah segera berlalu jadi bisa offline meet up dengan teman-teman SMP ^_^
ReplyDeleteCongratulation, meskipun di tengah pandemi tidak menghalangi suka cita kelulusan ya
ReplyDeleteAaaa happy graduation Bo! Meski lulus di tengah pandemi harus tetap semangat dan cheerful.
ReplyDeleteselamat mbak indah untuk anaknya sudah lulus smp yah.. walau kurang greget yah lulusan sekolah gak ketemu langsung tapi akan jadi cerita yang selalu di kenang nantinya
ReplyDeleteBarokallah Bo udah lulus, tambah gede tambah pinter tambah dimudahkan dalam menempuh pendidikan ya. Aaamiin. Senangnya ya Mba Indah.
ReplyDeleteCongratulation, Bo! After read this article, I know your mom loving you so much. Dont forget to make her proud :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Bo! I hope his next schooling journey is fruitful and fun!
ReplyDeleteHappy graduation ya Bo. Meskipun tidak bisa ketemu dan rame2 dengan teman saat kelulusan, semoga ilmunya berkah dan bisa menjadi penuntun di tahapan sekolah selanjutnya.
ReplyDeleteSelamat melanjutkan perjalanan pendidikan Bo. Semoga dimudahkan segala urusannya dan mendapatkan sekolah yang diidamkan. Bahagia ya mba Indah lega.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Bo and to you. Bo has certainly had a very interesting life a such a young age. He can certainly say he is well traveled. Thanks for sharing Bo's journey. Thank you for co-hosting and sharing with #omhgww. I will socialize your post if buttons are provided.