What a week!
Been coming to the office several times and joined endless webinars and virtual meetings.
I am tired!
But I know I have to get used to all this 'new normal' .
Back to the office is not that bad all but I have to say I am not a fan of 3-4 hours straight of webinars and virtual meetings. Not healthy at all. I hope we can come up with something about it and things will get better soon.
Meanwhile, the kids are finishing their final tests and soon will be having their break. Well, they have been enjoying their study from home sessions and I guess we will continue it until the end of the year. Perhaps. If things are not getting better earlier or even way later.
I have been busily enjoying Google Local Guide Connect and I have been joining some fun virtual meetings in this platform. Are you familiar about Google Local Guide? Do you see photos and reviews on Google Maps and actually consult it when you want to go somewhere? Well, those photos and reviews are coming from us, the Local Guides :). I have tons of photos taken here and there and I do share some to Google as well.
I am now a Level 10 Local Guides with more than 19 thousands (19, 092 photos to be exact) photos shared with more than 73M views. Well, I never thought it was going to be like that :). So far. I do enjoy it and if you have some times or if you are also Google Local Guide, come and visit my page at Local Guide Connect. I guess I will write it down separately about it.
I just wanted to let you know our party will be running from Monday through Sunday, so anytime you have something new to share, stop back by, and add your links to the linky!!

We appreciate your visit today, let us know in comments if you are following us so we can follow you back! So now we are ready for you to share your blog with us, Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome!
We hope you will visit our hostess's features and leave comments as well!


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Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Summer Cash Giveaway Ends June 30th
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♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
Happy Graduation
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♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center
5 Projects To Get Your Outdoor Area(s) Ready For Summer
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♥ Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo
How to Make the Perfect Gift For Anyone with No Craft Skills
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♥ Suzan White // Country Crafting
Turtle Caramel Cake
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♥Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo
Hello Sewing // How to Make a DIY Jar Opener for
a Bit of Extra Grip
♥Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country crafting
Kippa at Home // Best Flowers For The Window Boxes
♥Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center
A Day of Small Things // Finding Peace At Home
♥Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World
Organized Dream// 10 Inspiring Patriotic-4th-of-July-Tablescapes
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Karins Kottage // Layered lemon cake topped with strawberries
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
The Little Treasures // Crochet Cacti Applique - pattern release
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Pennys Treasures //Bee-ing on the Back Porch
But Now Lets Party..
Aku ga naik2 nih level google local guideku. Apalagi selama wabah ini datang. Ga pernah mampir lagi ke tempat makan atau tempat wisata
ReplyDeleteSaya udah lama gak nulis revoew di Google Local Guide. Tapi, belum pernah ikutan komunitasnya. Saya tungguin ceritanya ya, Mbak
ReplyDeleteMba Indah KEREN BANGET udah level 10 Local Guides-nya! BRAVO
ReplyDeleteThn depan bisa daftar LG Connect Live di San Francisco nih
mbak Indah keren sekaliiii, sukses selalu ya mbak, saya belum pernah nulis review di google local guide malah hahaha
ReplyDeleteSaya masih Level 3 mbak wkwkwkw.. mungkin karena gak pernah kasih foto buat google eh emang baru buka sih haha.. Semangat menjalani New Normal mbak.. semoga tetap sehat yaaa...
ReplyDeleteSaya juga gak nyaman dengan ngobrol online Mbak, jadinya saya jarang ikut kelas-kelas��. Bukannya ngikuti materi, sayanya malah ketiduran, haha..
ReplyDeleteWoah selamat mbak sudah level 10, saya stuck di level 5 apa 6 ya, males mostingnya��. Padahal bahan ada, hehe..
Sekarang musim upgrade level Google Local Guide ya, pantesan semalam banyak yang share makanan, dapat voucher gratis dari Local Guide. Kalau lihat benefitnya suka mupeng, haha
Well, i just knew about thi mba, thanks to you jadi tau tentang Google Local Guide. Terus ada level-levelnya pula ya. Nice things plus ada komunitasnya. Keep up, mba. Semangat.
ReplyDeleteWah keren Mba aku jarang perhatiin Google Local Guide jd jarang isi masih stagnan di level awal, suami mendingan ikut di undang ke acara yg di AS tapi masih tetep harus seleksi dan katanya males ikut seleksinya juga hehe...Ga pada serius nih...
ReplyDeleteaku blm cobain Google local guide, tapi pengen mbakk. Btw ttg wednesday wonderful party nya tuh barengan ma temen2 yg bersedia utk kolabs ya mbak?
ReplyDeletewaktu belum punya baby masih aktif wara-wiri, aktif juga di Google local guide, setelah punya baby,udah diem aja di rumah hihihi
ReplyDeleteAkupun tetap prefer meeting secara tatap muka dibanding lihat layar on and on apalagi sampai 3-4 jam. Stay healthy, Mbak Indah!
ReplyDeleteKaak Indaah...
ReplyDeleteAku mau tanya jadinya...adakah hal yang gak mba Indah lakukan?
Semuanya oke dan sakseeess..
MashaAllah, tabarakallahu.
mba Indah produktif banget, ikut google local guide juga, keren mba Indah, sukses untuk semua kegiatannya
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah, Mbak Indah ini full banget kegiatan manfaatnya ya. Aku aja sering kleupaan kalo mau update google lokal guide ini. Kalo ada yang ngomongin baru deh pengen diupdate. Apalagi banyak temen yang dapet voucher inep di hotel segala berkat ini.
ReplyDeleteWay to go, mba Indah! Congrats! It's so cool, Level 10 Local Guides with more than 19 thousands photos shared with more than 73M views. Wohoooo!
ReplyDeleteI didn't even realize it, Zia hehehe...At the end I ended up with 19 thousand photos shared hehehe
Deletewah keren mba indah udah level 10 aja, saya mah enggak naik-naik hehehe ya iya dari dulu sebelum ada pandemi, memang jarang keluar rumah juga sih
ReplyDeleteSering diingetin sama google untuk Local Guide. Btw keren banget mbak Indah udah capai level yang keren. Semoga saya juga bisa konsisten nih untuk LG.
ReplyDeleteiyaaa mba...seru ajaa ternyataaa
DeleteSudah lama ga update di Local guide google euy...mbak levelnya udh jauh bangett hehehe
ReplyDeleteheheh iyaa mba aku juga ngga kerasa...seneng aja review tempat - tempat favorit
DeleteMbak Indah, selamat udah level 10 hebat banget. Aku malah blom mulai xixi Google Kocak Guidenya. Sejujurnya aku juga suka ketemu langsung tatap muka daripada online, tapi yaaaah pandemi mau gimana lagi hehe. Semoga sehat selalu ya mba ;)
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of Google Local Guide, but it sounds like something that would be right up my alley! I'll have to check it out soon.