A Solemn Ramadhan for All of us


Ramadhan is here...

Sungguh suatu kebahagiaan bisa kembali dipertemukan dengan bulan penuh rahmah yang senantiasa dirindukan umat Islam di seluruh dunia.
Bulan penuh rahmat dan ampunan-Nya.

And what makes it special is that we are observing it here at home.
Di Indonesia, tanah air tercinta.

Tidak ada yang memberi kebahagiaan lebih dibandingkan menikmati segala kebaikan Ramadhan bersama keluarga besar tercinta, di tengah berbagai keistimewaan di bulan luar biasa ini.

I am humbled to share this auspicious time with my beloved family.

Semoga teman - teman di mana pun berada juga bisa menikmatinya ya.
Mari kita sambut Ramadhan dengan penuh suka cita.

Karena Ramadhan adalah bulan di mana Sang Maha Penyayang memberi begitu banyak keistimewaan bagi umat-Nya yang paham dan takwa.
Ramadhan adalah bulan di mana ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran diturunkan.
Ramadhan adalah bulan saat malam lailatul qadar, malam yang lebih baik dari 1000 bulan, menjadi bagian darinya untuk orang - orang yang dipilih-Nya.
Ramadhan adalah bulan ketika setan dibelenggu, pintu neraka ditutup dan pintu surga terbuka lebar untuk kita semua tanpa terkecuali, termasuk orang - orang terkasih yang telah mendahului kita semua 
Ramadhan adalah bulan baik yang insya Allah menjadi saat terindah ketika doa yang dipanjatkan akan dikabulkan Sang Maha Segala
Ramadhan adalah bulan yang membuat saya merindukan almarhum papa dan keluarga besar yang telah mendahului kami the most..
Ramadhan adalah bulan penuh ketenangan yang perlu dilalui dengan ketenangan, penuh rasa syukur, dan berserah diri.

Tahun ini, kami menikmati Ramadhan di tanah air tercinta dan alhamdulillah, sebelum bulan suci ini dimulai, kami berkesempatan untuk pulang ke Lampung saat long weekend. I have to admit that it's always great to be back home.  Walaupun tidak lama, kami sempat berziarah ke makam orang tua tercinta, juga kakek dan nenek. Plus bertemu sebagian keluarga besar dan menikmati kebersamaan. 

Al-fatihah untuk papah..

This is really something that we miss a lot when we live abroad, far from the big families. Sekedar makan di restoran favorit dan jalan ke mall ternyata cukup membuat hati ini hangat, senyum berkembang karena senang. Kami sempat mampir di Mie Multi Lampung, yang menjadi kegemaran kami semua, plus juga menyusuri MBK untuk melihat keseruan di Lampung dan juga Obi et Fia, the cousins, were spending some times in the playground there as well. It's just priceless. 

Semoga teman - teman juga sempat menghabiskan waktu bersama orang - orang tercinta ya. I sincerely hope kita semua selalu berada dalam berkah dan cinta-Nya.

Have a solemn Ramadhan.


A Joyful Trip Back to Indo Tempeh Christchurch

Welcome to Indo Tempeh, Christchurch 

Hi everyone...

Welcome back dan semoga semua sehat - sehat selalu yaaa.

Now that we're back to Jakarta, Indonesia, I would like to share more stories and experience while we were living and exploring Aotearoa, New Zealand. I realized that I haven't really share that much, not as much as the memories that we take home from there.

One of the them is when we managed to visit Christchurch and hunt for Indonesian food. Yes, food from home is always comforting and that is why whenever I can, I always look for them or make them at home. 

Mba Nana, the owner, and I..

In Christchurch, we have many Indonesians residing there so naturally, we also have many Indonesian restaurant there. Welcome (back) to Indo Tempeh, my number 1 go-to Indonesian food corner whenever I come to Christchurch.

Nasi Rendang, anyone..

Indo Tempeh is located in Riverside Market, Christchurch,- pretty much in the city center. The restaurant serves halal, authentic Indonesian food, including vegan menu. As it is strategically located in the Riverside market, many visitors can easily come and stop by.

Whenever we come to Christchurch, - in my case, I came here 5 times during my stay in Aotearoa, New Zealand, - we also stop by here. I even brought many food from here back to Wellington and bring extra during our road trip in the South Island.

I really like the food here. Not only that they are delicious, the menu are halal and authentic as well. As you can see from some of the photos, there are so many wonderful menus being offered. 

Mixed green & yellow rice with crispy fried chicken and Tempe bacem, my favorite 

Here we can have beef rendang, ayam kremes (deep fried chicken with crunchy battered eggs and flour), sayur nangka, risoles, and many more. As you can see, since they mainly produce tempe or soybean cake, various tempe cooked in many ways (sweet, spicy, and/or deeply fried with crunchy flour) are also available. In addition, you can also enjoy turmeric/yellow and pandan/green rice. Super yummy!

The good thing is,  Indo Tempeh also have great vegetarian option , with jackfruit in coconut milk soup and various tempe or soybean cakes. As I mentioned above, there are many delicious choices, including tempe bacem (fried sweet tempe with palm sugar, coriander and herbs), tempe mendoan (deep fried tempe with flour, spices and spring onion), or spicy tempe.

Some choices of Tempe

In addition, they also sell peyek or crispy rice flour chips with peanuts and kering tempe or sweet and spicy fried tempe. They are indeed my favorite as well!

A pack of peyek & kering Tempe 

The last time we came here, some of the tables are available near the stall but on first come, first serve basis. I always manage to get the table for brunch, lunch or dinner. Well, sometimes, I have to patiently wait before we can get enough space for the four of us, or even more as we also came here in groups. 

I know the owner, mba Nana, quite well, as I met her many tomes. We have been in touch through whatsapp as well as I have ordered fresh tempe several times. Mba Nana is one of the stellar examples of successful Indonesian entrepreneurs in Aotearoa New Zealand. She has successfully promoted Tempe and sold it in many supermarkets in New Zealand. Her vegan catering services are also quite famous. So proud of her!

Happy faces after eating delicious Indonesian food

Paid parking is available for Riverside  Market, including for disabled. The market is also disability friendly with accessible entrances and toilets for disabled as well. For sure it is usually packed during rush hours and weekend. Sometimes we have to be patience for a while as we wait for the parking spot.

Can't wait to be back here again!

Make sure you don't miss this place whenever you visit Christchurch.

See you in the next adventure!

Nga Mihi, Aotearoa

 736 days.

Two years and 6 days.

That's the time when us, the Frakarsas, stayed in Aoteroa, New Zealand. 

The land of long, white clouds is really leaving some long-lasting, wonderful memories for the four of us. 

Saying hello from Aotearoa..

Back then in November 2021, arriving in the middle of COVID-19 and lock-down, we certainly had to go through certain procedures that required a lot of preparation and coordination. By the time we landed in this land of Kiwi, we knew it was going to be another unforgettable chapter for us.

Then came along the orange setting and all the adjustment as well as protocol we all have to go through during the pandemic. I remember we all are required to have a pass to actually go out and scan the QR code to 'log in' wherever we go, including to the office and public places. I have to say New Zealand came slightly later when it comes to the obligation to wear mask whenever you are at the public places, while many countries like Indonesia has implemented that policy for quite some times. Even with all the prudent measures taken, we still got infected by COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand. Well, I set the record of being positive with COVID-19 4 times,- twice in Indonesia and twice in New Zealand, together with Rudi and the kids. Not that I'm proud of it but looks like this is destined to be part of our journey here. Alhamdulillah everything went well and we all were in good condition with no further long term health concerns.

Well, back to our short journey in Aotearoa..

I say short because I am usually posted in countries longer than my designated assignments. Geneva and New York were the examples of that. Instead of 4 years,- my full terms, this time my family and I only stay for two years. Opportunity knocks and I was appointed as one of the new directors in my ministry. Originally, I was assigned until 2025 or even January 2026. But since the beginning of the procedures that I have to go through for this particular position, it has been a family decision. Well, we sat down with the kids and talk a lot about the decision and the implications if I got the job. And now, here we are.. back to Jakarta, Indonesia.

Cheers from the Frakarsas


Happy Happy New Year

Hello, 2024!

Wishing everyone a wonderful year of 2024, filled with blessings, endless joy. health and happiness!

Cheers for brighter days ahead. Semoga kita semua selalu dikaruniai yang terbaik dari Sang Maha Segala. 

Cheers from the Frakarsas

It's been an unforgettable 2023 for #thefrakarsas, as we enjoyed our last year in Aotearoa, New Zealand, before moving back to Indonesia.  So many things have happened and for sure, many places visited and wonderful people,- those who became parts of our family,- we met along the way. Pertinent decisions were made in 2023 as well, including those that will change and heavily impact the course of our lives.

2023 has taught us many things as well, including how we, the Frakarsas, all depend on one another, while at the same time supporting each and everyone of us. 
one of our wonderful trips at the South Island, New Zealand

We made many important decisions this year, especially those related to the future of the kids. We have arrived at the point when we will be physically separated in order to pursue our dreams. Bo and Obi are growing up and my husband and I have to definitely work on next phase of our lives. 

will certainly miss my boy..

The plan is for Bo to continue his study in Aotearoa New Zealand and Obi for the the time being will stay with us in Indonesia. Obviously, with the help of technology and all the facilities we can utilize nowadays, space and distance won't be problems anymore. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, insya Allah semoga semua jalan dilancarkan dan mohon doanya ya teman - teman. 

first time touching the Llama :)

I have been blessed with so many great things that I might not be able to dwell on one by one. For sure, we started 2023 at that time with a great vibe and unforgettable trip to the Northern part of New Zealand. 

Then along the year, I managed to visit 9 countries, without me realizing it. I managed to visit, among others, Samoa (for the very first time!), came back to Cooks Islands, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Turkey, Switzerland and of course, Indonesia! Not to mention many parts of beautiful Aotearoa, New Zealand.

At the same year, I also have to move to 3 houses! One of the records during my existence and career. And for the first time ever, I travelled back home with my mom and my son with 17 luggages as the same time! Hah... never have I thought it would happen to me ever!  For the first time, the Frakarsas went on 6-hour hiking and tracking. For the first time as well, we cooked layers cake or lapis legit, and it didn't work well LOL. Well, so many 'first time' that we experienced here in New Zealand and beyond. Well, so many 'first time' that we experienced here in New Zealand and beyond.

So, that's a little story I have in the beginning of 2024.

I will certainly share more about all those experiences and hope to see you around on the next post!

ASEAN Matters - The 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta

 And I'm back!

Pheew.. it felt like ages since the last time I post here on my blog.

So, happy to be back and I sincerely hope everyone is fine, wherever one is.

These couple of months have been super crazy for me. Starting from August the September, we have series of meetings hosted by the Government of Indonesia. As you are probably aware of, we are holding the chairmanship for ASEAN this year so I was assigned to go to Jakarta together with my Ambassador. The Prime Minister of the Cook islands as well as the Foreign Minister of New Zealand were joining us at the 43rd ASEAN Summit and its related meetings. 

It was indeed a special event as this year, Cook Islands is the chair for Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and  PM Mark Brown, together with his team, came to Indonesia for the very first time. 

The signing of MoU between ASEAN Secretariat and PIF as well as IORA Secretariats

So you can imagine how excited we were welcoming this delegation and showcasing the best. of Indonesia, as well as ASEAN hospitality. Prime Minister Brown has been scheduled to join many important meetings and engagement during his stay in Indonesia.

So, as you can see, we have a week packed with meetings, signing ceremonies,  lunches and dinners, as well as side events. Many of them were specifically conducted between ASEAN and its dialogue partners, like the US, Canada, Plus 3 and all. So you can imagine how busy that week was! 

My Ambassador and I managed to come and join some of the meetings, including the opening and the closing of the 43rd ASEAN Summit, which was attended by the ASEAN Leaders and all the Guests of the Chair, President Joko Widodo. 

The opening session was great, with live music from Purwacaraka. It was fantastic ensemble for sure. 

The closing session was beautiful as well. I missed the viral dinner, as it was only for limited invitations. But we saw the fireworks on the street, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman to be precise.

After the closing session, on the day when PM of Cook Islands and the delegation was scheduled to leave Jakarta, we took some times to stroll around Anjungan Halte Trans Jakarta and took some mini tours as well as photos. I was lucky that by the time this place was cleared and temporarily closed by Paspampres, my mom and I were already there so we could take great photos here with the crowds.

I took him there and showed him the Selamat Datang statue as well as a little bit of history of Hotel Indonesia. Wearing his fresh teal Pacific shirt, PM Brown seemed to enjoy the scenery and took lots of photos as well! All in all, it was a successful visit.

I left New Zealand at the end of the August and stayed in Jakarta until the second week of September. I got a surprise so to speak while staying in Jakarta, as I was appointed as Director for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs at Kemlu. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, wish me luck for this new position ya.  I guess I have to get everything ready before moving back to Jakarta from Aotearoa New Zealand.
Will keep you all posted!


It was windy and cold, as we started assembling for the flag - raising ceremony this morning. 

Yet, our hearts were warm with pride as we saw Merah Putih, our national flag, was gallantly fluttering against Aotearoa’s blue sky. A beautiful, historic day! 

Pengalaman indah di bumi Aotearoa merayakan genap 78 tahun usia negeri tercinta, kebanggaan kita semua, Indonesia. #thefrakarsas beruntung bisa menjadi bagian dari cerita penuh warna tentang jalan panjang perjuangan, indahnya persatuan dan persaudaraan serta memaknai kemerdekaan. Alhamdulillah… merci ya Rabb 🇮🇩🙏.

Saya dan @bofrakarsa were proudly wearing our Tapis from beloved hometown, Lampung. A bit mix and match I know (apologies for that) but proud to wear my Siger and the set of West Lampung Tapis I got as my dowry (thanks sweet 💜 @frakarsa ).

Bo was wearing his Tapis and Kiket, the headrest for Lampungnese males, Manuk Mekhem or the sleeping bird (CMIIW please 🙏😇). Well, again happy and proud to wear them 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 

 These are only a tiny bit of fun photos I took today, so bear with me 🤗😉 

 Merdeka 🎉🎉

Welcome to Whakapapa - It’s Snow Time at Aotearoa New Zealand

It’s Snow Time at Aotearoa New Zealand 

Kia Ora,

Apa kabar semua? 

Welcome back to indahnuria.com and let’s continue our adventure here in New Zealand. This time, I have a little story about how us, the Frakarsas, enjoys winter time in the land of the long clouds.

This year is the second winter we have here in the Kiwi land. Yet, last year’s winter was a but fuzzy and blurry as we had so many things going on in July- September 2022. I somehow remembered cold, wet winter days last year, which is not too different from now. However, this year we manage to drive up North to see the snow and enjoy a bit of fun out there.

On our way to Ruapehu and Tongariro National Park

So on one long weekend, we drove to Tongariro National Park and went to Whakapapa, a ski area in this beautiful place.It took us 4 hours to drive there and we decided not to stay over night in Ruapehu, the nearby village. After that long drive, welcome to Whakapapa - it's snow time at Aotearoa New Zealand !

We got our ticket for 1-hour sledding in Happy Valley, Whakapapa. The ticket for the 4 of us cost NZD 89.54, including taxes and surcharges.

Got our ticket and we were ready!

Obi and Bo were excited, as the last time we played in the snow was back in New York City. When we arrived, it was foggy and rainy, yet we managed to enjoy riding our sled and go up with the magic carpet ride. Bo actually wanted to try the snowboarding but we were a bit late due to the traffic up to the Whakapapa ski station. Well, fog and rain are not helping.

Bo posing with his sledding board

Yet, we arrived and directly got our ticket at the machine. After that, we went down to the Happy Valley (What a perfect name for the place :) ) and lined up to get to the area for sledding

There were three lanes we could use and it was again fun to play in the snow, screaming around and hitting the snow piles. One hour flew fast and although we wanted to continue, it was too cold and freezing already. So, we called it a day and just wrapped it up the same time as the Happy Valley was about to close.

FIFA Women World Cup in Wellington

Do you like football?

I do! Although I don’t fully understand the regulations and the latest updates from the field but I always enjoy the festivities and the vibes during big matches and competitions.

This year, Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia are co-hosting the FIFA Women’s World Cup.  Can you imagine the excitement we have here!

the match between New Zealand and the Philippines

Poneke Wellington is also selected as one of the cities in Aotearoa New Zealand which will be hosting the matches, besides Auckland, Hamilton, and Dunedin.

Obviously, the Frakarsas won’t miss the chance to see the matches! We got the tickets for the match between New Zealand and the Philippines, which was held on Tuesday, 25th of July, 2023. The match was held in Wellington Regional Stadium.  It was quite a match and we were supporting the Philippines as part of the ASEAN Sisterhood, but we also hoped New Zealand would play well on this match.

What a game indeed! For the first time, the Philippines won and beat the host New Zealand 1 - 0. There was an offside goal made by New Zealand so unfortunately it didn’t change the scores. New Zealand team was very aggressive and offensive, sent many shots on goal but the Philippines’ goal keeper or goalie is so good! No wonder she became the player of the day! 

I hope we can watch more games as the matches continue till mid August. It’s time to get more tickets. 

The three of us after the game..

Me holding the scarf of the match of the day, between NZ and the Philippines

Do you like watching football as well? How about women’s football? 

Do you like watching it directly at the stadium if you get the chance or you prefer watching it on TV? Share your experience here on the comments and see you on the next adventures!

Sensational Lunch at La Cecile Komodo Labuan Bajo

ready for Sensational Lunch at La Cecile Labuan Bajo? join me

"Let's see more of Labuan Bajo from above", said my dear friend and mentor, Mba Ani.

"More place to explore? we have enough time before our flight?" I asked with extra excitement as we got to our car after finishing our trip at Batu Cermin cave. Day 7 at Labuan bajo and we just finally had some time to explore after the successful conduct of the 42nd ASEAN Summit. We were heading back to Jakarta and our flight would be later that afternoon.

"Yes, we do, and we can even have our lunch here. Let's go to La Cecile then," Mba Ani asked our driver to take us to La Cecile straight away. 

And after a short drive, we arrived at the designated area and once again, I was blown away by Labuan Bajo's beauty, especially from above.

welcome to La Cecile

Well, welcome back and I hope you are not bored yet with my stories from awesome Labuan bajo, East Nusa Tenggara. Another place where I stopped by is La Cecile Hotel. Located in Jl. Goro, Silatey, Labuan Bajo, this hotel offers luxurious and comfortable stay with a breathtaking view of the city from above. It is also famous for its unique design, cutting-edge cafe and restaurant plus delicious Indonesian as well as international food. Perfect spot to enjoy Labuan Bajo!

A bird's eye view of Labuan bajo from la Cecile

During the series of meetings of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, this hotel has been used as one of the meeting venues as well. I just got a chance to actually stop by here after the Summit was concluded.

We came here for lunch and as we were super hungry after our adventure in Batu Cermin cave, we ordered a lot. No surprise LOL. Luckily we managed to get the table for the three of us, - me, mba Ani and mba Tika, both my darling seniors at the office. 

La Cecile restaurant

So we ordered kangkung plecing, cumi bakar or grilled octopus, sup ikan or fish soup, chicken wings, and telur dadar or  fu yung hai, complete with steamed rice and various sambals, including sambal kecap, sambal terasi, and sambal matah. Everything was super good! Kangkung plecing was fresh and spicy, as we like it. The grilled octopus was tasty, so rich in spices and perfectly grilled. The soup was freshly made and also very authentic, and for the fu yng hai or the omelet, it's always been our comfort food at home so it can never go wrong. I have to say we ate all of them! We were certainly starving LOL.

In terms of the price, it's still reasonable and manageable, considering that we are dining in a beautiful ambience.

Some of the food we ordered! Delicious..

I couldn't concentrate on taking pictures of the food anymore as I was starving!

can't wait to eat them all!

While waiting for the food, mba Ani was patient and kind enough to stroll around the hotel ground to take some pictures. As always, mini me was enjoying a pose or two at this lovely place. 

It was one sunny day!

There are specific spots you can go to while enjoying the vista, including the pool, the cafe, and the mini chapel (I guess it looks like one) here in La Cecile.

Here are some photos I took.

posing at the bell and the cross at la Cecile Komodo Labuan Bajo

Mba Ani and I..


Once we were done with the photo session, the food was ready and without further a do, we started our feast. What a lovely meal! 

my drink that day...I forget the name but it was fresh!

And the fact that we were having our tasty lunch and enjoying the view, I have to say we really have a sensational lunch at La Cecile Labuan Bajo. With happy tummy and huge smiles, we left the hotel and headed to the airport. But wait.. not without shopping for more souvenirs here at La Cecile! Yup.. we bought t-shirts, Labuan Bajo coffee and bolu gulung istimewa. I have to say those are lovely merchandises from Labuan Bajo.

So, that's my little story of exploring Labuan Bajo and enjoying sensational lunch at La Cecile Komodo.

Hope you can get a chance to visit this place one day and see you on another adventure!