Happy Happy New Year

Hello, 2024!

Wishing everyone a wonderful year of 2024, filled with blessings, endless joy. health and happiness!

Cheers for brighter days ahead. Semoga kita semua selalu dikaruniai yang terbaik dari Sang Maha Segala. 

Cheers from the Frakarsas

It's been an unforgettable 2023 for #thefrakarsas, as we enjoyed our last year in Aotearoa, New Zealand, before moving back to Indonesia.  So many things have happened and for sure, many places visited and wonderful people,- those who became parts of our family,- we met along the way. Pertinent decisions were made in 2023 as well, including those that will change and heavily impact the course of our lives.

2023 has taught us many things as well, including how we, the Frakarsas, all depend on one another, while at the same time supporting each and everyone of us. 
one of our wonderful trips at the South Island, New Zealand

We made many important decisions this year, especially those related to the future of the kids. We have arrived at the point when we will be physically separated in order to pursue our dreams. Bo and Obi are growing up and my husband and I have to definitely work on next phase of our lives. 

will certainly miss my boy..

The plan is for Bo to continue his study in Aotearoa New Zealand and Obi for the the time being will stay with us in Indonesia. Obviously, with the help of technology and all the facilities we can utilize nowadays, space and distance won't be problems anymore. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, insya Allah semoga semua jalan dilancarkan dan mohon doanya ya teman - teman. 

first time touching the Llama :)

I have been blessed with so many great things that I might not be able to dwell on one by one. For sure, we started 2023 at that time with a great vibe and unforgettable trip to the Northern part of New Zealand. 

Then along the year, I managed to visit 9 countries, without me realizing it. I managed to visit, among others, Samoa (for the very first time!), came back to Cooks Islands, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Turkey, Switzerland and of course, Indonesia! Not to mention many parts of beautiful Aotearoa, New Zealand.

At the same year, I also have to move to 3 houses! One of the records during my existence and career. And for the first time ever, I travelled back home with my mom and my son with 17 luggages as the same time! Hah... never have I thought it would happen to me ever!  For the first time, the Frakarsas went on 6-hour hiking and tracking. For the first time as well, we cooked layers cake or lapis legit, and it didn't work well LOL. Well, so many 'first time' that we experienced here in New Zealand and beyond. Well, so many 'first time' that we experienced here in New Zealand and beyond.

So, that's a little story I have in the beginning of 2024.

I will certainly share more about all those experiences and hope to see you around on the next post!


  1. wow sungguh tahun 2023 luar biasa buat Mba, sampe 3x pindah btw aku salfok indah banget di New Zealand yah Mba

  2. Happy New Year mbak Indah, wah bakal pindah lagi ke Indonesia ya mbak? Semoga apa yang sudah direncanakan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar-lancar ya mbak. Apalagi akan berpisah dengan Bo akan melanjutkan studinya di Selandia Baru. Semangat terus ya mbak.

  3. Hi Mbak Indah. Your 2023 was a whirlwind of adventures – from New Zealand to exploring nine countries! Moving homes three times, embracing 'first times,' and making significant decisions for Bo and Obi. Wishing you success on this new journey! Looking forward to more tales from your adventures in 2024! 🎉

  4. Alhamdulillah so many great memories ya Mba... Itu seindah itukah South Island sepanjang mata, unguu semua warna kesukaan Mba Insav... Btw Selamat kembali ke tanah air ya

  5. Masya Allah, aku turut senang dan bahagia melihat foto-foto mbak Indah bersama keluarga liburan maupun tugas di banyak negara :) Family time banget ya. Anak-anak juga sudah abg, menikmati momen seperti ini yang belum tentu nanti terulang kembali memang bikin terharu ya. Pindah rumah sebanyak 3 kali itu juga seru amat mbak. Sehat2 terus yaaaaa dan sukses aamiin.

  6. Superr kereeeen.. kami yang masih pindah antar daerah di Indonesia dan ga sesering mb Indah saja kayak uda ribet (meski senang juga sih). Nah ini The Frakarsas pindahnya lebih jauh dan lebih seriiing.

    Sehat2 dan banyak sukacita buat Mb Indah and Fam. happy New year 2024.

  7. Happy New Year, Mak Indah!

    Selamat buat Bo yang akan mandiri di New Zealand!

    Aku langsung senyum dan membayangkan momen saat lapis legit didn't work well.
    Btw, keliru di bagian mana sih, Mak?
    Just curious...

    So, are you guys coming back to Jakarta, Mak?

  8. Wah 2023 seru banget ya mbak. Perjalanan ke banyak negaranya pasti menarik semua. Melihat beragam suasana di berbagai tempat berbeda. Yang paling menyenangkan tentunya banyak momen bersama keluarga. Memupuk kebersamaan dan cinta bersama yang tersayang.

    Welcome 2024. Semoga sukses dan sehat selalu mbak

  9. Masya Allah, rasanya baru kemarin baca artikel mak indah mau pindahan ke new zealand, ternyata sekarang udah mau kembali lagi ke indonesia ya... Semoga lancar dan berkah semuanya...

  10. Selamat tahun baru mba Indah. Bo udah bujang, inget foto2nya dulu waktu masih kecil

  11. Whooohaa congrats for many “first time” things that have been done mbak. Congrats juga buat Bo untuk studinya. Yeah sure, distance won’t be problems anymore right now. Semoga semuanya dimudahkan dan dilancarkan yah. Seru banget deh perjalanan 9 negara dan pindahan rumahnya hahaha.
    I’ll be waiting for ur next story yah.

  12. Happy new year, semoga semakin banyak tulisan dna foto yang dibagikan ya mbak, sehat - sehat

  13. Senang sekali ya kak, pindah ke Selandia.. nambah pengalaman baru walaupun harus adaptasi lagi dg lingkungan, itu views nya bagus2 banget. Semoga selalu sehat2 kak

  14. Selamat tahun baru untuk Mbak Indah dan keluarga. Semoga di tahun baru ini makin sukses, makin berkah rezekinya dan selalu berbagi pengalaman perjalanan ke setiap negara yang dijelajahi...

  15. Cakep banget foto dengan latar belakang bunga lavender ungu. Jadi pengen Poto juga. Semoga tahun ini juga lebih banyak lagi mengunjungi negara negara tidak hanya 9 dan sehat terus biar bisa menjelajahi terus belahan bumi yang sungguh indah ini.

  16. It must has been a challenging journey ya Mak to get this far. Hope 2024 can bring more joy and hope to our life.

  17. Selamat tahun baru juga buat Mbak Insav dan keluarga, semoga tahun ini lebih banyak rezeki dan kebahagiaan bersama keluarga.
    Wah ternyata Mas Bo gak ikut karena harus study di NZ? Semoga sukses dan lancar studinya.

  18. Masyaallah bundaaa... Kliatannya enak ya bisa jalan-jalan keliling dunia gitu hehehe. Semoga di tahun 2024 ini Bunda makin sehat selalu dan makin sukses ya.

    Btw, ternyata Llama itu setinggi orang dewasa yaa, pernah liat di Zoo tapi gak pernah sedekat Bunda gini

  19. Wahhh seru banget ya Mbak pengalaman di tahun 2023 lalu, juga di New Zealand :D
    Semoga di 2024 ini akan banyak juga hal-hal menyenangkan terjadi. Bahagia selalu, The Frakarsas :)

  20. happy new year mba, let this year be the year you go after progress over perfection and savor every victory you make along the way to your goals.


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