WW: Free COVID-19 Vaccination for Elderies at Istora Senayan, Jakarta

We are having the program of COVID-19 vaccination now in Indonesia, particularly Jakarta.

The vaccination program has been immensely distributed in many parts of Indonsia. The elderlies have become the priorities, after all the health and medical officers have been vaccinated. Parallel with public servants and those providing public services, the distribution of vaccines have been arranged in various centers as well. I myself have got 2 shots of the vaccines given at and organized by my office.

Here are some photos I took during this process.

I am glad that the process went well and smooth. We sincerely hope everyone can get vaccinated and we all can fight the pandemic together. 

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party!

Kurangi Worry dengan menggunakan Mama's Choice Baby Liquid Cleanser


Mama's Choice Baby Liquid Cleanser

" Ma, can I eat that apple?"

Putri mungilku, Obi, langsung mengambil apel dari kantong di tengah tumpukan barang - barang yang baru saja saya beli dari supermarket langganan. Seminggu sekali, biasanya di hari Sabtu dan Minggu, saya menyempatkan diri mampir berbelanja barang - barang yang diperlukan untuk keperluan di rumah, termasuk sayuran dan buah segar yang menjadi favorit keluarga. Tentu saja belanjanya dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang ketat dan wajib diterapkan di tempat kami berbelanja. 

"Have you washed it?" Tanya saya saat melihat Obi hampir langsung menggigit si buah apel yang warna merah meronanya memang menggoda. "Uuups... almost forget!" seru Obi sambil tersenyum lebar.  "Aku bersihkan dengan apa ya, Ma?" tanyanya sambil melihat tempat cucian piring, mencari cairan pembersih yang ada. "Well, jangan pakai sembarangan ya, dear, make sure it is safe for your apple" tegas saya. 

Pasti kita semua ingin memastikan keluarga dan juga rumah kita selalu aman dan sehat, termasuk untuk peralatan makan yang kita gunakan maupun aneka sayuran dan buah - buahan yang kita konsumsi. Seringkali, tanpa kita sadari, ada banyak bahan - bahan berbahaya yang mengintai kita di rumah. Apalagi kalau kita tidak berhati - hati,  sekarang banyak barang - barang pembersih yang harganya murah namun mengandung toksin dan tidak aman untuk kita, terutama untuk ibu hamil dan menyusui yang memerlukan perhatian ekstra. Perhatikan tidak... banyak produk - produk yang mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya seperti chlorine, yang berfungsi sebagai pemutih dan bisa menyebabkan masalah pernafasan dan juga masalah terhadap kulit kita seperti iritasi kulit, dan bahkan terhadap paru - paru, mata dan mulut kita. Belum lagi paraben atau formaldehyde yang berfungsi sebagai pengawet. Paraben yang . Dan masih banyak lagi bahan - bahan kimia lain yang tanpa kita tau ada di banyak produk yang kita pakai sehari - hari di rumah.  Kalau begini kita akan selalu khawatir kan?

Apalagi di rumah saya pun sering kedatangan tamu istimewa, keponakan - keponakan kecil yang lucu dan masih bayi. Senang deh bisa melihat wajah dan pipi gembul keponakan tercinta ini, apalagi ketika mereka makan dan minum susu.  Feels like wanna have a baby again!  Or at least I feel younger again. Saat ibu - ibu mereka yang notabene adalah sepupuku perlu mencuci botol susu dan peralatan makan bayi yang dipakai, pastinya mereka perlu menggunakan sabun yang oke untuk mencuci botol susu bayi dan juga bisa digunakan untuk mencuci buah dan sayur sehingga pastinya aman untuk mereka dan bayi mereka. So I have to have one at home!

For this, ada satu produk andalan yang sering saya pakai di rumah untuk membersihkan aneka peralatan makan, termasuk botol susu dan peralatan makan bayi, plus sayuran dan buah segar yang mau kita makan. Introducing... Mama's Choice Baby Liquid Cleanser. Teman - teman ada yang sudah pakai? Pasti dong, soalnya produk ini memang bisa diandalkan sekali. 

Salah satu hal yang membuat saya yakin akan keamanan produk pembersih ini adalah karena bahan - bahan natural yang dipakai oleh Mama's Choice, seperti tea tree extract. Tau dong manfaat dari bahan aktif yang satu ini? Ekstrak tea tree ternyata efektif untuk membasmi dan melawan bakteri - bakteri yang ada di peralatan makan, terutama untuk botol dan peralatan makan bayi lannya. Kandungan di dalamnya juga terbukti efektif mengangkat noda - noda membandel ataupun lemak susu yang ada pada peralatan makan, maupun botol susu dan peralatan makan bayi. Jadi residu susu bisa bersih dengan sempurna.

Selain itu, produk ini juga Food grade, yang artinya cairan pembersih ini bisa digunakan untuk mencuci buah dan sayur sehingga juga memberi jaminan keamanan untuk kita saat menggunakannya.  Selain itu, produk ini juga bebas sulfate dan bebas paraben, jadi aman untuk dipakai. Wanginya juga enak dan lembut, plus tekstur yang jernih serta tidak membuat kulit tangan menjadi kering. Yang pasti, Mama's Choice Baby Liquid Cleanser juga halal lho.

Kalau teman - teman ingin mengecek bahan - bahan yang menjadi bahan baku, you can check it at the packaging. Beberaapa active ingredients yang terkandung di dalamnya adalah Aqua, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Potassium Cocoate. Lauryl Glucoside, Cocamide Diethanolamine, Glycerin, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Tea tree extract, flavour, dan juga Polyethylebe Glycol. Btw, packaging produk ini juga lucu bangeet. Ada gambar  binatang lucu dalam warna dominan hijau muda. Super cute, right! So, if you want to get one ... kita bisa membeli Mama's Choice Baby Liquid Cleanser dengan gratis ongkir di sini yaaa.

Jadi, jangan lupa untuk selalu pastikan keluarga dan rumah kita aman dan sehat ya moms. Kurangi worry dengan menggunakan produk terpercaya yang menggunakan bahan -bahan natural seperti Mama's Choice ya. 

Stay safe, happy and healthy semua.

Wordless Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

ready for my shot! Stay away COVID - 19

How's March treating you so far?

The International Women's Day has been celebrated and how I hope it does bring changer to our lives as women. We all face daunting challenges, wherever we are, and this pandemic is no help. But I know that whining and complaining about what happened to us will not change anything. So instead, let's yield our inner strength, gather our courage, be brave and face the world! 

I never get tired of telling myself that I can many things that I set my heart in to. For that, there will be sacrifices, hard works, and a lot of energy. But hey... that's what makes us, right! And I can't wait to explore those unchartered territories and push myself beyond my comfort zone!

Anyway, I have had my first phase of COVID - 19 vaccine from my office. We gathered in big hall and came in accordance with the scheduled time. We went through all the necessary forms, including consent form. I have consulted my oncologists before the vaccination and he said I was good to go. After having my blood pressure checked, I got the vaccine and waited for about 30 minutes to see the possible reaction. So far so good and I didn't really feel any annoying side effects, alhamdulillah. Next Thursday, I will have the second shot and hope all is well. 

the arrangement was great... quick and no hussle...

Now, let's join us on Wordless Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends and have fun with the link!

Hello and welcome to our weekly party, we so enjoy you stopping by this week, our hostesses and I wish we could share all your posts you share but capture a few, but if you missed last week your welcome to check our Week #248 Here And if this is your first visit we decided to start a Flashback Post Feature to incorporate into our party. The Flashback Post comes from a Linky party 1 year ago this week. It is highlighted below in our features. We hope you will enjoy and let us know if you would like to see more Flashbacks. And please do tell, what feature caught your eye, we'd love to here in the comments!

We hope you will enjoy your visit and find something that arouses your interest and don't forget our hostesses blogs that they share as well. Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-WW ❢❢ We would love to have you follow our Social Media Links!!! 😊 Feel free to post my party button on your blog and say you linked up here! Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]Wedneday-Hostesses-2021Week-249-Hostess-Features.

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Stay Toasty Giveaway Ends 3-20 Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Interview with SEA Morning Show Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Purse Exchange/Chit Chat Video Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Fairy Village: How to Build a Magical Fairy House + Giveaway! Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Quilted No Sew Fabric Easter Egg Video Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest


Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo The Apple Street Cottage // Denim Pocket Organizer 4-Projetcs-in-One-Weekend-One-Paint-Your-Front-Door

Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center Heritage Home Ec. // 4 One-Day Home Economics Projects You Can Do This Weekend One Weekend-One Paint Your Front Door A-Pattern-for-making-fabric-Easter-Eggs

Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafts Hello Sewing // Making Quilted Fabric Easter Eggs Pattern (Video)how-to-persevere-all-the-way-through-the-pandemic-are-we-there-yet/

Feature Chosen by Indah / My Purple World Michele Morin // How to Persevere All the Way Through

 the Pandemic: Are We There Yet?


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Krafty Planner // How to Get Started Journaling DIY-Easter-Decor-Faux-Potted-Carrot-Plant

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Studio 27 - By Jennifer Adams // DIY Faux Potted CarrotsNew-Addition-Flashback-2020Flashback-Post-Spring-Coastal-Easter-Shelf-2-23-2020

Feature Chosen By Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Comfort Spring Station // Spring Coastal Easter Shelf Fashion-Feature.


Feature Chosen By Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Vanity and Me Style // Dressing room diaries. Is it time for the changeover? VIDEO 

Now Before You Get Started would you take a moment to Comment and Share, its appreciated And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Here is our Party Button to share. Now Lets Party!!! Virus-free. www.avast.com Attachments area Preview YouTube video Purse Exchange/Organization Spring 2021

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WW: Jakarta International Velodrome

Welcome to Jakarta International Velodrome

Have you visited Jakarta International Velodrome? 

After being majorly renovated in 2018 to welcome the participants of ASIAN GAMES 2018, I just managed to visit this velodrome. This facility has been revamped and now can accommodate way more athletes as well as providing more facilities. Walaupun ASIAN GAMES sudah selesai di tahun 2018, tapi aku baru sempat mampir ke sini belum lama ini. Kemana aja, Ndah, hehehe. Tapi tetap better late than never, right!

Jakarta International Velodrome

However, now the velodrome is closed unless for special event or occasion, but we can still enjoy its huge park and jogging track around the velodrome. So last weekend, my hubby and I went here to have our Sunday jogging and brisk walk. We walked from home and it took us around 20 minutes walking around and arriving here.

Jakarta International Velodrome
giant, colorful bike chain :)

When we arrived, there was a security officer who checked our temperature in the gate. Then he asked us to wash our hands in the designated areas. Happy to see that the health protocol is fully observed here. so I feel safe to be here and enjoy a little outdoorsy moment.

So, here are some photos I took in the surrounding areas. Enjoy!

Jakarta International Velodrome
Keep the distance...

Jakarta International Velodrome

Jakarta International Velodrome
The LRT station is right in front of the Velodrome

Jakarta International Velodrome

Jakarta International Velodrome
The lovely park you can use for jogging place

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday HERE and have fun with the link party!

Happy International Women's Day


Happy International Women's Day 2021

Hello, Ladies!

The International Woman’s Day is here and allow me to extend my warmest greetings to all of you!

Time to celebrate... to reflect on the progress as well as the remaining challenges we all, women, face!

The pandemic that has just recently marked its first year of presence among us does not make things better for us. Sometimes, in many occasions, things are even harder for us women. Even recently, United Nations or UN WOMEN, one of the UN bodies mandated to address the issues of gender equality and empowerment of women, has released a report, The Shadow Pandemic - Violence against women during COVID-19. 

The shadow report, UN Women
The Shadow Pandemic - report of UN Women. Photo was taken from www.unwomen.org

We all know that even before the pandemic, statistic shows that 243 million women and girls in the range of 15 - 49 years old, have experienced sexual and/or physical violence by her intimate partner in the past year. I got that data from the UN Women report mentioned above. Violence against women is one of the biggest problems women face until now. Since the pandemic, the situation is getting worst because the pandemic forces us to stay at home at most if not all time and it has created a stressful environment for all of us. Those who are already facing the challenges with their partners before the pandemic now have to even fight and endure more unfortunate circumstances at home. Moreover, the existing services such us shelters and helplines now have to be adjusted if not reduced due to the pandemic. Well, here the UN Women reminds us that we all have the role in addressing this issue and I guess I will have to go back on this on more dedicated post.

The Shadow Pandemic

Nevertheless, in this occasion, I always believe that remarkable achievements and valuable contributions of women, wherever you are,  should be cherished. Many progress have definitley been achieved, as more and more women across the globe are much more empowered and have enjoyed many things. We can say that women and girls nowadays have enjoyed better education, more decent works, more fulfillment of civil and political rights, and much better health as well, among others. Of course the list is not exhaustive  and I am so heartened to note that women's rights are becoming important parts, if not the center, of many policies and initiatives in Indonesia. Even at regional and international level, many mechanisms and initiatives have focused on issues related to women's rights.

Happy International Women's Day 2021

As a woman myself, I have been going through various phases in my life that give me the chance to prove that I am strong. That I am worthy of equal treatment and fair chance in work. That I can do things that I have set my heart on. That I am capable of realizing my dreams.

The spirit and perseverance that I have are obviously supported by my dearest family and friends as well as people around me. And that, my friend, is the beauty of LIFE when we now how to cherish all the blessings bestowed upon us.

So again, here's to our more meaningful existence and contribution to the world. I believe being a women is a bless and we should continue to feel that way!


Here's a little more reflection I have on my YouTube channel:

So stay strong, support one another, keep fighting and let's make our dreams come true!


Traveling during the Pandemic and Being Google Local Guides - Interview with SEA Morning Show

Traveling during the Pandemic and Being Google Local Guides - Interview with SEA Morning Show

Hi everyone...

How's February so far? It has been a wonderful month full of readjustments, surprises and of course hard works. Office is as demanding as always while on my personal side, I have some self-development activities that I have committed to do, joining the national leadership training program. 

Meanwhile, one day, one of my friends from the social media groups contacted me and requested me to be one of the hosts in SEA Morning Show, as part of SEA Today. SEA Today or South East Asia Today is a web-based streaming television broadcasted in South East Asia region. Owned by Telkom Indonesia, this TV show displays and broadcasts news and information relevant to the public in SEA region. Launched in 28 October 2020 by the Minister of State Enterprise of Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Erick Tohir.  SEA Morning Show is a daily program that broadcasts from 6 - 9 AM and distributed in 10 ASEAN Countries.

Getting ready for the  Interview with SEA Morning Show

So on February 16, I got a chance to have the interview with SEA Morning Show hosts and discussed about being a travel blogger as well as Google Local Guides. It was fun indeed! We started the conversation with how fun it is to be travel blogger and how, in the first place, I become one. Frankly speaking, I have been traveling around with my parents since I was a kid and we even had trips  with the big family for certain occasions. The fact that later on I join the MoFA and become a diplomat makes me get even more opportunity to travel around the world.

As it apparently runs in my blood,  my hubby and I started traveling with my family even since my kids were babies! My son, Bo, travelled and flew from Melbourne to Jakarta  since he was 40 days old! Of course considering that he and I were in great condition and fit to fly. Then my daughter Obi has similar experience, too. Since early days, I have taken her to go places.  She was born in Geneva, Switzerland,  traveling around Europe has been one of our cups of tea. I remember we went on a 7-day trip around Cinque Terre and Tuscany , including Pisa as well as Firenze area, in Italy with 4-year-old Bo and 5-month-old baby Obi. It took a lot of preparation but we love the trip. The kids have been super wonderful along the way!

My love for underwater world..

I also shared some places I have visited, those that have captured my heart and forever fondly remembered. Of the 57 countries (and counting!) I have traveled so far, every place is of course unique. It has been my dream to travel around my beloved INDONESIA. I have only explored 21 provinces in Indonesia, out of 34 provinces. Some of the provinces have cities which are incredible. My favorite is of course LAMPUNG, my homey hometown. This place never ceases to amaze me, as we have discovered more and more beautiful landscapes. For sure, more diving sites and snorkeling areas are there waiting for you to discover it. I sincerely hope I can get some times to add more ticked lists in my go-to map of Indonesia. 

While abroad, I love visiting national parks as well as UNESCO World Heritage Lists. I also love landmarks which offer unique, one-of-a-kind experience. Places like Liberty Statue in New York City, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Yosemite National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, Quebec City, Old Havana, Vatican City, Antigua Naval Dockyard, Venice, Cairo, Marrakesh and way more have been visited as well.  In Indonesia, Borobudur and Prambanan temples, as well as Bukit Barisan National Park, which is part of the tropical rainforest heritage in Sumatera, and 

More importantly, I shared a lot about being Google Local Guides. How excited I am to be joining the this global network of local guides from different corners of the world. Although I have just joined Local Guides in New York City since 2017, I have learned and enjoyed a lot of benefits from joining it. I have expanded my networks obviously, learning more about Google maps and how to contribute to it properly and meaningfully, as well as more on AI and some beneficial technicalities. Even when the pandemic hit us, we even get more united as we use virtual platforms to stay connected and even share more. Through Google Local Guides, I learn how wonderful it is to contribute meaningfully to the communities as well, as we contribute there in voluntary basis. No wonder while Google Local Guides was established in 2015, it has so many people joining this platform. 

Moreover, I am so blessed that I was chosen as one of the Google Guiding Stars in December 2020. Of all the Google Local Guides around the world, there are 50 Local Guides who were chosen in 5 different categories,- Helpful Hero, Inclusive Mapper, Creative Contributor, Community Builder, and Local Business Champion. I was part of the Creative Contributor here. Thank you, Google.

Thank you, Google ...

Finally, we were also discussing about staycation, one of the possible and relatively safe ways of traveling during the pandemic. Now that we have 5 M, which is the abbreviation of 5 things we need to do during the pandemic in bahasa Indonesia.  5M comprises of wearing mask, washing hands properly and frequently, keeping the physical distance, reducing mobility, and avoiding crowds. Staycation will give us the opportunity to see and explore our surroundings in a safer way as it does not involve lots of traveling or meeting many people. As long as we can ensure that the place we are heading to are applying the strict health protocol and CHSE principles,- Clean, Healthy, Safety and Environmentally Friendly. I believe many of the hotels in Indonesia have gotten CHSE certificate so that they can operate safely during this pandemic. 

Here's the video I compiled, with the help of my brother Ajay, for the whole segment of my interview. You can watch the complete video in my YouTube channel HERE. Hope you enjoy it and tell me what you think!

I really enjoyed the conversation and I sincerely hope what I have shared with be beneficial to others. I also hope you managed to watch the complete video and tell me what you think about traveling during the pandemic and being Google Local Guides if you have joined it!

Cheeers..... Stay safe, happy & healthy dear friends, wherever you are.