NgabuBookRead Seru Bareng Buku Terbitan Falcon Publishing

NgabuBookRead Seru Bareng Buku Terbitan Falcon Publishing

Hai semua...

Bagaimana dengan ibadah puasanya? Alhamdulillah lancar dan sehat - sehat kan? Insya Allah bisa selalu sehat, cerah dan ceria menjalankan ibadah puasa di bulan suci Ramadhan ini. Meskipun kita masih dibayangi pandemi COVID - 19 yang tak kunjung usai, semoga semangat tetap tinggi ya. 

Bulan puasa biasanya identik dengan beberapa hal yang khas dilakukan di bulan ini, salah satunya ngabuburit. Pasti teman - teman tau dong ngabuburit itu apa? Ngabuburit identik dengan kegiatan yang dilakukan sambil menunggu waktu berbuka puasa atau suara merdu adzan Maghrib. 

Biasanya ngabuburit dilakukan dengan keluar rumah mencari takjil, bertemu teman, kumpul bareng dan sejenisnya. Tapi di saat pandemi seperti sekarang, kita harus extra hati - hati ya dan menghindari kerumunan. That's why for me, di rumah aja jadi pilihan yang paling aman dan paling menyenangkan. Apalagi akhir - akhir ini cuaca di Jakarta luar biasa panasnya. So, sambil menikmati wakti di rumah, aku biasanya ngabuburit dengan membaca buku. I do love reading because books take you to the world beyond your imagination and expand your horizon. Ada kenikmatan tersendiri saat membalik lembar demi lembar cerita dalam suatu buku yang biasanya sukses membawa aku berkelana, berdebaran menanti akhir suatu suspense, belajar ilmu baru, atau tertawa terbahak - bahak karena cerita lucu yang begitu dekat dengan kehidupan kita sehari - hari. Tidak heran kalau koleksi buku cerita di rumah banyak! Nah, kalau stok buku asyik di rumah sudah menipis atau bahkan habis, sekarang kita bisa PO atau pre-order lho di Falcon Publishing!

NgabuBookRead Seru Bareng Buku Terbitan Falcon Publishing
NgabuBookRead Seru Bareng Buku Terbitan Falcon Publishing

Ada 10 buku keren yang bisa kita pre order buat NgabuBookRead dari Falcon Publishing. Seru - seru deh daftar bukunya. Mau tau ada apa aja? Namely ada  Filosofi Endog karya Chef Arnold dan Si JukiAnak Kosan karya Reza. Selain itu juga ada  Warkop DKI Kartun; Kecebong Kesayangan; Haru Mahameru; Jodoh Sang Superstar; Nawaitu Cinta; Gadis Pramugari; Istri Kedua Gus dan Kekasih Semusim. Dari judul aja udah kebayang kan serunya. Aku penasaran banget pengen baca semuanya! And I was so lucky to be one of the first readers for those title above. Let's get a brief review of 3 books I love to read.

Si Juki Anak Kosan - Falcon Publishing

Si Juki Anak Kosan
Editor: Rina Wilandari
Project Manager : Yahya Muhaimin
Story Supervisor: Faza Meonk, Daryl Wison, Yahya Muhaimin
Penerbit PT Falcon, cetakan pertama April 2021
ISBN: 978 - 602 - 6714 - 67 - 1

Sejak kecil, aku suka banget dengan komik. Rasanya kalau baca komik tuh buat rileks banget, walaupun tetap dapat aneka pesan baik yang disampaikan. Yang pasti, baca komik itu menghibur, karena aku suka banget dengan aneka gambar, dengan atau tanpa warna, yang menunjukkan kekhasan para pembuatnya. That is why pilihan pertama aku jatuh pada komik Si Juki Anak Kosan, yang ditulis oleh Faza Meonk. 

Di sini kita akan kenalan dengan Juki, Bedu, Joko, Boy, Tiara, Tomi, Soni dan pastinya san Ibu Kos tercinta. Keseruan sehari - hari anak kos dengan organisasi HIMATIGA alias Himpunan Mahasiswa Anti Galau yang justru penuh kegalauan hahaha. Apalagi karena ada kehadiran neng Tiara yang cantik dan somehow selalu tampil dalam slow motion LOL. Selain itu, ada cerita tentang Warteg Spesial langganan para anak kos ini. Kebayang kan hubungan penuh 'cinta' antara anak kos dan warteg langganan mereka? Simak keseruan petualangan lengkap  Juki and the gank  di buku ini ya.

Filosofi Endog Falcon Publishing

Filosofi Endog
Resep Hidup A la Chef Arnold
Penulis: Arnold Poernoemo
Penyunting : Putri Nurnitasari
Penerbit PT Falcon, cetakan pertama April 2021
ISBN: 978 - 602 - 6714 - 70 - 1

Bicara endog, alias telur dalam bahasa Sunda, aku selalu ingt adikku dan keluarga besar yang memang hobi banget makan telur. Mau diceplok, didadar, disemur, direbus, dimasak setengah matang, dibuat omellete, dibuat poached eggs.. selalu ada telur di meja makan kami. Semacam makanan kebangsaan gitu. Makanya waktu Chef Arnold ternyata menulis buku tentang filosofi endog yang menjadi resep hidupnya, aku langsung semangat membacanya. Dan memang bukunya seru!

Kalau melihat sosoknya di TV kan gimana gitu ya, saat membaca bukunya jadi tau lebih banyak tentang koki keren yang satu ini. Mulai dari Ngegas is the way of life, perjuangan mengikuti passion dan sukses di usia muda, sampai soal attitude generasi jaman now yang maunya serba instan. Aku seneng karena Chef Arnold mengingatkan kita kalau "setelah proses, ada progress". Walaupun hidup di jaman digital yang serba cepat dan menuntut semua ada dan siap segera, tapi doi mengingatkan pentingnya menikmati dan melihat proses, behind the scene, yang tidak selalu gampang. Tapi bukan berarti kita ngga boleh gercep juga ya, karena itu juga penting untuk mendapat momen biar terus maju. Duh, masih banyak catatan dan pelajaran hidup yang oke dari Chef Arnold. Gamblang, to the point dan kena banget deh. Makanya kamu musti baca bukunya ya. Ayooo buruan order!

jodoh Sang Superstar - Falcon Publishing

Jodoh Sang Superstar
Penulis: Santy Diliana
Penyunting :  Putri Nurnitasari
Penerbit PT Falcon, cetakan pertama April 2021
ISBN: 978 - 602 - 6714 - 62 - 6

Saat lihat judul ada jodoh - jodohnya, aku jadi penasaran kayak apa sih jalan cerita novel romantis karya Santy Diliana ini. Apalagi digabungkan dengan sosok sang superstar.. hmm, intriguing, right?

Kisah cinta yang penuh emosi, kesedihan, konflik  namun berbalut keikhlasan dan kasih sayang yang tulus antara Raisa dan Rayhan, seorang super star yang karirnya di dunia film sedang bersinar terang. Keputusan untuk menikah (mendadak) dengan seorang selebritis , yang sebenarnya adalah teman sejak kecil, pastinya bukan keputusan yang mudah. Apalagi setelah pernikahan ternyata ada banyak hal - hal yang menumbulkan tanya dan gundah. Ingin tau seperti apa jalan cerita Raisa dan Rayhan? Tunggu apalagi.. langsung pesan novel romantis yang satu ini and you will definitely enjoy the love story. Bahkan bisa sekalian ikut menyusuri cantiknya Istanbul, salah satu kota cantik di dunia favorit aku, bareng Raisa dan Rayhan.

Gimana? dari 3 buku di atas ceritanya seru semua kan?

And that's not all! Masih ada 7 judul buku yang bisa kita nikmati dari Falcon Publishing. Kayaknya buku Warkop DKI Kartun dan Kecebong kesayangan bisa menjadi bacaan hiburan nih. Ngga sabar menunggu buku - buku sampai dan mendarat di pangkuanku.  Oh ya... kalau kita pre-order dari tanggal  23 - 30 April 2021 kita bisa dapat bebas ongkos kirim dan juga tanda tangan dari penulisnya. Kalau mau PO, silahkan klik Falcon Publishing ya.

Selamat NgabuBookRead seru bareng Buku Terbitan Falcon Publishing and enjoy!

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Marhaban ya Ramadhan

I sincerely hope everyone is safe, happy and healthy wherever one is!

Welcome back and here we go on another edition of Wonderful Wednesday with me in My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. 

Conrad Bali during the pandemic
Cheers from Bali ..

Wonderful Ramadhan is still with us and I spent most of my time with my family. Well, as much as I could. I do go back to traveling again but only for short period of time and domestically. Full observance to the health protocol, traveling during Ramadhan can be a bit tricky sometimes. But so far it has been smooth and alhamdulillah  I managed to travel to Bali in 5 days. Before and after, we always have to do the test, usually antigen swab, to ensure we are free from COVID-19 even though I have travelled and met other. With that assurance, I feel safe of returning to my family again.

a little break amidst the meetings we had

I am happy that my kids, Bo et Obi, as well as my niece who lives with us now, observing their fasting month faithfully. The good thing about celebrating Ramadhan in Indonesia is that the fasting hour is moderate, around 13,5 hours, and most of us are fasting as well. It really helps, especially for my kids who are still learning about Ramadhan. I remember when we had to observe Ramadhan in New York City and in Geneva. It was summer and the fasting hours were long. But then again, alhamdulillah, all went well. Again, we don't force them but gradually teach and observe the holy month together. 

I was actually scheduled to fly to Makassar and Toraja for coordinating meetings but since the numbers of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta and the surrounding cities are rising again. Well, probably it's the best for all of us, since we never know when the infection took place. Staying safe is the best option for now. 

So, now.. are you ready to join me Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends? Come aboard.

We hope you will enjoy your visit and find something that arouses your interest and don't forget our hostesses have great posts they share as well.


❢❢ We would love to have you follow our Social Media Links!!! 😊 Feel free to post my party button on your blog and say you linked up here! Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]


Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Enter The 3 Tier Tray Plus a $20.00 Gift Card Giveaway Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Wonderful Stay at Pullman Hotel Grand Central Bandung Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Five Things That Make Spring Special Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest 

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo How To Make Traditional Carnitas Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Basic Tutorial About Using a Cricket Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest



Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center Masterpieces of My Life //Container gardening ideas & inspiration


Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo My Home Of All Seasons // How to Put Together a Tropical Terrarium with Fairy Flair


Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafting Apple Street Cottage // Makeover of Not Just any Chair Debbi-Dabble-Craft-Storage-Ideas

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Debbie Dabble // Clever Ideas For Storage in My Craft Room


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Kitchen is My Playground // Maple Date Bars Nutz-about-Stamping

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Nutz About Stamping // Creating a beautiful Mother's Day card idea


Claire Justine // One of 5 Unique Containers for Planting Spring Flowers


Now Before You Get Started would you take a moment to Comment and Sharing is appreciated And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Here is our Party Button to share. Now Lets Party!!

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WW: Sunrise at Tanjung Benoa - Conrad Bali

Sunrise at Tanjung Benoa - Conrad Bali
Sunrise at Tanjung Benoa - Conrad Bali


Amazing phenomenon that is always successfully taking my breath away. 

No matter  where it happens, in different parts of the world, it will always such a solemn moment for me.

Sunrise at Tanjung Benoa - Conrad Bali
Morning with Sunrise at Tanjung Benoa - Conrad Bali

Recently I visited Bali again and as I stayed in one of my favorite hotels here, Conrad Bali, I once again witnessed the breathtaking view of sunrise here. That happened to be the Earth Day as well. I was so blessed indeed.

Tanjung Benoa area has been famous for its sunrise. It has become the center of water sport as well. As my room is facing the beach side of the hotel, I can hear the happy scream from those enjoying parasailing and jet skies near here. I even noticed some dive center around the hotel, although unfortunately I haven't got a chance to take a dive trip myself. Not during my working visit. Nevertheless, I would be happy to go back for that.

love the Sunrise at Tanjung Benoa - Conrad Bali

Well, hope you enjoy this sunrise as well.

Stay safe, happy and healthy wherever you are. Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party.

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Welcome (back) to Bali 

I am welcoming myself to Bali.  Again! 
Ramadhan is entering the second week and how grateful I am to be given the strength and perseverance to continue observing this incredible holy month together with my family, My mom and niece are also living with me in the last 12 months and we do fasting together. For me it's a luxury to have my mom with me while we are still in Indonesia. I guess I will stay at home until the end of the year. That will probably the best choice for now during the pandemic and my hubby and I would definitely spend more time with our parents whenever we can. The issue with assignment abroad is sometimes being separated from our loved ones indeed, so when we are still in Indonesia, we tend to spend more times with our parents and big families. 

Sunrise at Conrad Bali

Well, this pandemic doesn't make things easier for sure so we have to ensure the health protocol is well observed before we can meet our parents. 

Anyway, speaking of Bali, this time I had back - to back meetings in Uluwatu and in Tanjung Benoa, South Kuta. The meetings were followed by short visit to villages listed as resilient village against disasters as well as the one with law and human rights services in their local system. It is very interesting to meet those officials and see how their villages and the communities respond to the necessary sets of skills, knowledge and good practices on dealing with disasters as well as issues related to the promotion and protection of human rights. I do learn a lot from them. So many beautiful local wisdom that can definitely be showcased here. 

In addition, it is always be great to go back to Bali. For whatever reason!

Happy me in Bali

And now, it's time for Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. Join us!

We hope you will enjoy your visit and find something that arouses your interest and don't forget our hostesses blogs that they share as well.


❢❢ We would love to have you follow our Social Media Links!!! 😊 Feel free to post my party button on your blog and say you linked up here! Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]


Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl 6 Tricks to Fake an Expensive Style Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Wonderful Stay at Pullman Hotel Grand Central Bandung Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center 10 Ways To Pretty Up Your Patio This Spring Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Tamarindo: Traditional Mexican Drink Recipe + a New Giveaway Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Cricut for Dummies Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | PinterestLou-Lou-Girls-Loaded-Baked-Potato-Salad.

Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafts Lou Lou Girls // Loaded Potato Salad Chocolate-Chip-Oatmeal-Muffins-Season-Holiday-Recipe-Exchange

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // Crafty Zoo Seasonal and Holiday Recipe Exchange // Chocolate Chip Caramel Oatmeal Muffins


Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa Command Center A Life Unfolding // How To Use Cedar Shake As A Cottage Style Accent Wall Pennys-Vintage-Home-DIY-Snowball-and-Lemon-Spring-Wreath

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Pennys Treasures // DIY Snowball Lemon Spring Wreath


Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Drug Store Diva // One Pot Lasagna Soup Recipe The-Dedicated-House-Bedroom-Trends-To-Look-Our-For-2021

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Dedicated House // Bedroom Trends To Look Our For 2021


Shelbee On The Edge // April Stylish Linkup And a new look for Shelbee's Blog Flash-Back-2020-Beachy-Birdhouses-from-The-Painted-Apron.

The Painted Apron // Beachy Bird Houses 

Now Before You Get Started would you take a moment to Comment and Sharing is appreciated And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Here is our Party Button to share. Now Lets Party!!!

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