Happy to be back home to Lampung |
Here comes another week in January and I have to say that life continues to roll.
Works are already demanding as always and I do hope my enthusiasm and positivity won't be depleted too soon. Again I am blessed to have a great team and we try to work things out. One step at a time. Wish us luck.
We managed to come down to Lampung as well. That's our first trip in 2021 outside Jakarta. It seems like it becomes sort of a routine now, spending the first days or weeks of the new year in Lampung. In two consecutive years, we have celebrated the new year in Lampung. This year, because of the pandemic and the big scale of restriction in the island, we stay put after our little break in Bali. Although we have a long break, but again we were confined at home.
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happy to be back home to Lampung |
So, we were excited to go back to Lampung and even got a chance to visit one of our favorite islands and go snorkelling. Well, it was fun and some photos can be seen at my previous post (READ: WW: Taman Nemo, Pahang and Kelagian Island, Lampung). And whenever we went back home to Lampung, we just crave to go back there soon.
But now, here's our little party time! join me on Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. Have fun..
We hope you will enjoy your visit and find a post of interest and don't forget our hostesses blogs that they share as well, we would love to have you comment!
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♥ Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Cottage & Bungalow Giveaway Ends 2/16 Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Broken Beach and Angel's Billabong, Nusa Penida, Bali Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center
Eight Reasons Why You Should Always Have Fresh Lemons On Hand
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥ Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo How to Make Crave Worthy Healthy Pasta Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥ Suzan White // Country Crafting Trying to stay sane in this crazy world Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafts Comfort Spring // Slow Cooker Stewed Chicken is so good during winter months and in my mind believe that there are nutrients and goodness from cooking the chicken with bones that improves our immune system
♥Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center Marilyn's Treats // Best Country Vegetable Soup Theres one thing I like about soups and that is one pot, and the fact I know Im going to have a quick meal after that and lately I even eat it in the morning just because its ready and I just heat and enjoy.
♥Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Keeping It Real // DIY No-Sew Valentine's Day Heart Pockets Our days go by so quickly its probably not to soon to make a fun project for Valentines, these pockets are so cute!
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Hello Sewing // Fabric Tortilla Warmer A great way to warm a bunch of tortilla's for a family meal. Such a great way to use small scraps of fabric maybe leftover from making masks, like me.
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Take a Mental Health Day Just relax and enjoy the party
Now Before You Get Started and it i not required but in order to be considered for a feature, would you take a moment to Comment and Share its appreciated, All the buttons are here to share. Lets Party!!!
I like the first picture so much. That perspective is great!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for hosting each week!! I know how much work it is so I appreciate the time you take out of your busy day to do so.. Stay safe, healthy and most of all, happy!!
Such a breathtaking place- I love where you live!!!
ReplyDeletembak Indah kalau boleh tahu, itu foto yang di pantai diambil pakai drone kah? soalnya bagus sampai garis pantainya keliatan jelas banget
ReplyDeleteWah, mbak Indah sudah berhasil melakukan perjalanan keluar daerah. Saya masih di sini mbak, di kota asal padahal ingin juga bepergian keluar daerah untuk mengunjungi anak saya. Tapi, mesti bersabar sampai keadaan membaik lagi.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah bisa mudik ya mbak. Sekarang bisa pulang kampung rasanya jadi list berharga yang ditunggu banget ya mba. Semoga bisa segera mudik tanpa was-was
ReplyDeleteAku dua kali ke Lampung liat foto-foto ini jadi kangen pengen ke Lampung lagi.
ReplyDeleteBagus banget pantainya ya, Mbak. Terlihat masih bersih dan sepi dari wisatawan. Puas deh ya snorkling di sana
ReplyDeleteEnak banget sih mba Indah mondar mandir Lampung, aku jadi pingin ke sana lagi tapi nyobain bawa kendaraan sendiri ya. Pingin lihat lumba-lumbanya aku mbak
ReplyDeleteSenangmya ya, Mbak, akhirnya setelah sekian lama bisa juga balik ke kampung halaman. Tidak ada yang lebih membahagiakan selain bisa bertemu kembali dengan sanak keluarga. Sehat selalu, ya, Mbaak
ReplyDeleteAsiknya ya Mak, bisa tahun baruaan berturut-turut di Lampung, sekalian mudiiik, huhuu apalagi bisa halan2 menikmati lauut. IKuut..
ReplyDeleteWah senang rasanya punya kampung halaman terlebih bisa sering mengunjunginya ya.... Saya belum pernah ke Lampung, melihat postingan Mba Indah di IG dan blog terlihat begitu indah...
ReplyDeleteWhat a great NYE in Lampung, everything might be different because of pandemic, but still we should be grateful, ain't it! You must be happy to come back home, mba.
ReplyDeleteindah banget yaa mba Indah lampung, aku suka tuh angle foto kapal yang di foto pertama artikel ini, kece banget. Mau baca ah itu artikel yang ada taman nemo dan pulau pahangnya
ReplyDeleteYeay, mata dimanjakan lagi dengan pemandangan pantai dan laut yang cantik. Sehat-sehat selalu Mbak Indah sekeluarga. Kepngen bangeeet bisa main ke pantai begini. :D
ReplyDeleteDi lampung masih banyak tempat dan laut yang bagus ya mbak. Saya pernah beberapa kali ke lampung dan pengen jalan kesana lagi.
ReplyDeleteGa berasa uda lewat pertengahan Januari ni Mbak, tetap semangat dan antusias yaaak!!!!
ReplyDeletehuhuu seru banget buun, tapi bener karena pandemic regulasi jadi makin ketat kan soal protokol kesehatan, tadinya mau pergi juga akhir tahun tapi karena lagi begini dan males urus urus berkasnya jadi di rumah aja deeeeh hhuhu, dan agak tarauma siih soalnya tahun baaru 2020 engga di rumah dan balik balik kerumah taunya banjiiir XD
ReplyDeleteSelamat menjalankan tugas kembali, kak Indah.
ReplyDeleteSelalu memberikan yang terbaik dan sangat menginspirasi.
Suamiku juga bolak-balik Lampung, kak..
Pen ikut....hehhee...tapi ga boleh soalnya harua ajak anak-anak juga.
Happy banget tentunya ya Mama Bo bisa pulang ke kampung halaman dan bertemu dengan keluarga. Foto-foto lautnya selalu bikin mupeng untuk nyebur deh.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice article. Loved it.