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beautiful view welcoming us when we are traveling from Jakarta to Lampung |
Hi, everyone.
2021 is here and I sincerely hope I can share more on my blog while I have better time management with the combination of work from home and work at the office. And looking back at 2020, I noticed that we only made trips back and forth to Lampung and Bali during the pandemic. Well, a short trip to Curug Nangka in Bogor was done once as well as Palembang South Sumatera due to the passing of my dearest Aunt.
Siger Lampung welcoming you at Bakauheni
And what much much better port indeed!
I am super proud to see the progress!
I have been traveling back and forth to Jakarta - Lampung and happy to see how developed the system is. We used to line up for quite a long time and it can be quite messy. Now we have better system and choices for those who are willing to pay a bit more but get better and faster service.
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ferizy.com |
Instead of using the traditional way of lining up for tickets, which can be very frustrating and unsurprisingly long, we use online platform www.ferizy.com to buy the ticket. Just like its slogan, We Bridge the Nation, ferizy helps you book and pay tickets the trip through and from Bakauheni, Merak, Gilimanuk, Ketapang, and other ports. For Rp588.000,- (or 591.000,- if you pay through mobile banking) you can use executive ferry services from Bakauheni - Merak or vice versa for cars/SUV and alike. The tickets are also sold for passengers only or those riding bike, motorcycles or other types of vehicles. There are other ways of paying the tickets, including through ATM, bank transfer, e-money, and some designated outlets such as Indomaret and Alfamart.
waiting for our ferry |
There are so far 4 ferries that we have tried: Portlink, Sebuku, Batu Mandi dan Jatra III. All these ferries have better facilities, cleaner and more importantly, faster. My family and I love the trip because it is comfy. It also has better and cleaner seats. During the pandemic, wearing mask all the time except while eating and drinking is an obligation and many hand washing stations are provided. Physical distancing is also imposed.
It takes around 1.5 - 2 hours from unloading to arriving at the next port. It used to take at least 3 hours (can be up to 4 hours) for one trip from Jakarta - Lampung vice versa. Not to mention during big holidays like lebaran or tahun baru or new year!
Besides the ferry, we have malls in both Bakauheni and Merak executive ports. The mall at the executive port has shops, restaurants and food & beverages vendors, clean toilets, and mushola or praying room. It has balcony for you who like to enjoy smoking or simply enjoying the view.
the mall from outside |
The mall at the executive port has shops, restaurants and food & beverages vendors, clean toilets, and mushola or praying room. It has balcony for you who like to enjoy sunset or sunrise there.The port is open 24 hours and I guess, from our own experience, we have less officers during midnight trip but the service is still provided accordingly.
Again as I said, it is very helpful! Hope the service is much much better again in the future.
Have you tried taking this trip as well?
Ahh, aku mupeng perjalanan Jakarta-Lampung, apalagi bisa nyebrang pake kapal Ferry. Huhuuu, belom pernaah Maak. belom lagi pemandangannya yang kecee.
ReplyDeleteTahun lalu diajakin kakak sepupu yang tinggal di sana mampir ke Bandung, huhuu suasana lagi ga bersahabat, pandemi begini.
Cool, mak Indah :D
ReplyDeletePake ferizy(dot)com bikin urusan feri jadi jauhhh lebih easy ya
jaman digital memang kudu update, termasuk kapal feri ini
Ah..Lampung.. Semoga aku bisa berkunjung juga ke sana suatu saat nanti.. Tak sabar menikmati keindahannya seperti yg banyak mba Indah bagikan di sini.. Thx infonya ttg ferizy ini ya
ReplyDeleteAhhh, ekoot barengan nyook, iyaa nih mak Insav suka tebar pesonanya Lampung yang menggoda untuk didatengin ya Mba Tanti.
DeleteSaya belum pernah menyebrang pakai Feri ke Lampung. Batal melulu rencana mau ke sana. Mudah-mudahan aja suatu saat terwujud. Udah nyaman ya perjalanannya
ReplyDeletelangitnya :) indah sekaliiii, liat mbak Indah sering share tentang Lampung, saya jadi kepengen kesana ih
ReplyDeleteLampung ini indah dan jaraknya cukup dekat dari Jakarta. Harus mencoba jalan jalan ke sana nih. Apalagi dikomporin baca artikel mb indah, makin membara hehe niat mo ke Lampung
ReplyDeleteAku beberapa kali ke Lampung karena ada undangan event, belum pernah sendiri atau bersama keluarga dikhususkan untuk liburan. Plan ke depan pengen banget ke Lampung untuk berkunjung ke pantai gigi hiu.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah ya mbak, perkembangan sistem transportasinya semakin membaik. Semoga setelah pandemi berlalu pariwisata semakin berkembang. Wisatawan dari luar bisa berkunjung lagi dan menikmati sarana transportasi dengan puas.
ReplyDeletebelum kesampean euy sampai sekarang buat road trip ke kota Lampung, udah ngebayangin pasti bakal jadi perjalanan yang menarik, menantang dan seeru banget
ReplyDeleteNo, i haven't.
ReplyDeleteNever been go to Lampung.
Never been traveling by ferry.
You have so much experience in traveling than me, mbak Indah.
Praktisnya yaa, kak Indah..
ReplyDeleteJadi lebih mudah dan bismillah, semoga sehat-sehat selalu saat melakukan perjalanan.
Praktis banget dengan apps ferizy.
DeleteYang amazing itu harganya sudah ditetapkan yaa..kalau zaman dulu, pakai hitungan per-kepala dan per-kendaraan.
Masyaallah indah banget pemandangannya ya mbak. Perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Lampung naik kapal ferry bener2 bikin takjub. Apalagi dikelilingi pemandangan yang indah. Serasa ingin terus mensyukuri kebesaran ciptaan Allah SWT.
ReplyDeleteLampung tuh NGAngenin. Aku jadi pengen ke Lampung lagi mba. Banyak tempat menarik yang bisa dikunjungi pastinya
ReplyDeletefasilitasnya sangat lengkap dan nyaman ya kak, toilet bersih dan tempat ibadah nih biasanya jadi pertimbangan kenyamanan juga hehe.
ReplyDeletepengin bangeett traveing ke Lampung
ReplyDeleteLangit dan pemandangannya ciamik banget mba indahh
I have never crossed Merak - Bakauheni. I wish I could do that one day. When I was in Medan, I wanted to return to Central Java by land. However, with only two weeks off, road travel was not possible.
ReplyDeleteNice sharing Mbak Indah. I love to read the progress of the port. Viva Indonesia
One of my resolutions on my bucketslist in 2021, hope I can share and write more on my blog as well. It's a lot of fun mba Indah. Anyway, thanks for the recommendation, maybe I can try later, booking ticket via online platform ferizy(dot)com.
ReplyDeleteDengan feri executive ini perjalanan ke Lampung sangat menyenangkan. Tiket harus beli online. Ditambah lagi sekarang sudah ada tol, waktunya tambah singkat lagi
ReplyDeleteThis is very interesting. Your ferry ports are very similiar to our airports. I have only been on a ferry once in my life. It was different. :) But this seems to be a big part of the way you travel. Very interesting indeed. Thank you for sharing and co-hosting with #omhgww. Great article. See you next week.
ReplyDeletesaya dari bulan agustus 2020 mau banget nulis tentang frezy, tapi ga jadi2.. xixixi.. soalnya sering banget pakai freezy, karena Ibu orang Lampung. Jadi sering bolak balik lampung jakarta naik ferry
ReplyDeleteAku belum pernah naik Ferry hehe. Pengen deh suatu hari nanti. Apalagi sekarang sistem nya online ya jadi memudahkan banget. Ga ribet buat dapetin tiket.
ReplyDeletebanyak juga yg cerita klo skrg perjalanan jakarta lampung lebih cepat dan nyaman
ReplyDeletemungkin ya karena ini ya mbak, ada feri executive plus tol juga
perjlanan jadi lebih singkat
Sekarang mau nyebrang dengan kapal feri lebih mudah ya mbak, ada layanan online-nya Frezy. sempat lihat di vlog rachel goddard. Perjalannya jadi menyenangkan karena lebih lancar
ReplyDeleteWah aku baru tau nih mak, bisa beli tiket feri lewat ferizy.com ya ternyataaa? Seumur hidup baru 2 kali sih naik kapal feri.. anak-anak nagih lagi tapi, seru katanya naik kapal.. hehehe
ReplyDeleteI really hope I can go to Lampung taking a bus to Merak, from there a ferryboat to Bakauheni, and then another bus to Bandar Lampung or any other destination in Sumatra.
ReplyDeleteNice trip indeed!