Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Gedung Garuda Kempleks Kementerian Luar Negeri RI
The garden in the middle of Gedung Garuda at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia complex

Hi everyone.. 

 Happy Thanksgiving to all my family and friends in the US. I still remember vividly how lovely the ambience is, where get-together and family time are the main agenda. Well the pandemic will certainly make things different but I sincerely hope the spirit remains the same. and the holiday spirit will certainly linger as December is soon coming. I have seen many Christmas decorations in hotels and public places as the holiday season is just around the corner. I sincerely hope the pandemic will not dampen the spirit, although we still have to be extremely careful and observe the health protocol at all times!

Speaking of the end of the year, we are working extra hard to finish things up. Due to the pandemic, we have many activities and events being canceled, postponed or pushed back. My team and I are working hand in hand to finish them all. It takes all the coordination, time management, and endless virtual meetings to finish many of them. Of course we have some break but even during the break we are already bombarded with the next task. 

the drafting work..

With all these never ending work, I have no better option than manage my time effectively and delegate the works efficiently with my team. I spend so much time with them to ensure we all are right on track. 

Food at Ritz Carlton Hotel Kuningan
fancy some dessert?

The perk is we get to visit various places and hotels for the works of the Working Group. Some of them are super comfy with 5-star facilities and wonderful food and  for sure, I appreciate the attention given to the team.
Wish us luck, please!

Food at Ritz Carlton Hotel Kuningan
Bon appetit.. our lunch t Ritz Carlton Kuningan

Food at Ritz Carlton Hotel Kuningan
who would say no to this... nooooo :)

At home, kids are starting to have their tests again. The end of the year break is soon starting and we will have long break heading to New Year. Oh my.. 2021 is just days! Never stop praying for a better, healthier and happier year indeed. Let's see what's in store for us!.

Oh ya, I found more 'treasures from one of my big luggages (and boxes) from NYC. This time, I love the Sephora Collection lip samplers. They are cute!

Let me now invite you all to our weekly link party. Jump in and enjoy Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

We hope you will enjoy your visit and find a post of interest and don't forget our hostesses blogs that they share as well, we would love to have you comment! 


❢❢ Would you please share our Party Banner on your blog to help grow the party And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]Wonderful-Wednesday-Hosts.Wonderful-Wednesday-Hostess-Features

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Some Beauty Clichés That Can Actually Benefit Your Skin Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Visiting Bandung, West Java Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Organize Your Christmas Shopping Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Pumpkin Bread Loaves- Easy Holiday Food Gift! Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting 10 Thanksgiving Recipes Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Wonderful-Wednesday-LinkupDIY-Modern-Rustic-Christmas-Tree-Idea. 

Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Doodle Buddies // DIY Modern Rustic Christmas Tree Idea


Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Penny's Treasures // Cozy Christmas Dining Nook Christmas-Crafting-at-Debbie-Dabbles-Home

Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafts Debbie Dabble's Christmas // Christmas Crafting Cranberry-Apple-Relish-Oranges

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Marilyn's Treats // Cranberry Relish all dressed up Starbucks-Copycat-Sugar-Plum-Cheese-Danish

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo The House on Silverado // Starbucks Copycat Sugar Plum Cheese Danish 


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Crafts Alamode // DIY Wooden Pallet Christmas Tree


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Kitchen is My Playground // No-Bake Cranberry Yum Yum is truly one cranberry dessert that lives up to its name. This-weeks-fashion-feature-on-Oh-My-Heartsie-Girl

Features Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl


Vanity and Me Style // Cashmere Luxury By Cashmere Specialist Inspired-by-Stacey-from-Mama-Loves-Shopping.

Chez Mireille Travel Mom // Inspired by Mama Loves Shopping Casuals


Now Before You Get Started and it is not required but in order to be considered for a feature, would you take a moment to Comment and Share its appreciated, All the buttons are here to share. Lets Party!!

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  1. Bulan November udah di ujung aja dan Desember hampir datang. Semoga tahun 2021 akan lebih banyak kebahagiaan seperti foto-foto featurenya yang lucu dan menyiratkan keceriaan. 2020 Ga mungkin kita uninstall, clean up virus Corona dan virus-virus murungnya buat imun booster ya, Mbak

  2. What a fancy desserts and lunch, Mbak Indah. They're making me hungry!
    Yes, 2021 is just days! May the New Year bring us happiness, peace, and prosperity. Wishing you a joyous 2021!

  3. Duh, pas liat lunch ala Ritz Carlton pastinya akan eman kalo langsung dimakan hehe. Begitulah. Yuk difoto dulu hehehe. Jangankan lunch, pas breakfast ala hotel bintang 5 pastinya akan membuat kita terkesan ya kan. Karena nggak tiap hari akan dapet seperti itu, jadi alangkah baiknya diabadikan dulu. Hehe. Btw, aku jadi kangen ada event di hotel berbintang 5 deh.

  4. Berarti semua kantor sama ya, jelang akhir tahun semuanya serba sibuk, karena beberapa activity ada ygterpaksa dicancel, atau malah di satu sisi lain ada yg load worknya bertambah ya.
    Mudah2an tahun 2021 bisa menjadi lebih baik ya, amin.

  5. Sudah akhir tahun saja ya Mbak Indah. Alhamdulillah semua pekerjaan yang dilalui sudah diusahakan semaksimal mungkin. Semoga segala sesuatunya lebih baik lagi di tahun mendatang.

  6. Iya yA gak kerasa uda mau ujian semesteran lagi nih anak-anak. Ini kali kedua kita ujian anak2 dalam kondisi pandemi. Happy desember sebentar lagi akan banyak libur kita ya mbak

  7. Semangat terus mba indah...
    Mau ga maubya namanya tugas wajib dikerjakan yaa...
    Have fun dan tetep semangat dan jaga terus prokesnya...

  8. Tak terasa sudah di penghujung tahun ya Mbak. Sukses selalu dengan segala kegiatannya dan semoga anak2 bisa mengerjakan tes nya dengan baik.

  9. Tampilan makannya enak enak nih mba. Tempatnya juga nyaman dan bakalan bikin betah deh :)

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, mba Indah
    Well, honestly i feel so tired with this pandemic situation..But, thanks mba Indah, life must go on, dont let down our spirit

  11. Gak berasa ya, Mbak. 2021 udah di depan mata. Tetapi, saya bersyukur bisa tetap bertahan di tahun yang jumpalitan ini. Semoga tahun depan lebih baik. Aamiin

  12. Wow, the foods look like so delicious..Keep working hard and don't forget to be happy, always..sister.. :)

  13. That's right, this pandemic doesn't make it all on schecule. Before the year changes, if it can be done, it must be done with enthusiasm.

  14. Saya pikir juga selama pandemi karena kita bekerja di rumah saja, maka bisa santai-santai saja. Nyatanya kita malah makin sibuk, seharian bisa berjam-jam di depan laptop. Itu yang saya rasakan, mengajar secara daring. Semangat mbak, semoga kita semua bisa melewati masa sulit ini. Amin.

  15. Ngobrolin Thanksgiving aku jd keinget dulu SMP krn kebanyakan nonton pilem holiwud, aku pernah jawab pertanyaan guruku, salah satu perayaan di Amerika apa, aku jawab Thanksgiving, tapi bu guru waktu itu gak paham atau gmn katanya salah. Aku jd keinget sampek saat ini wkwkwk :P
    Duh makanannya enak2 mbak
    Aamiin moga 2021 lbh baik, segera beneran ada vaksin.

  16. keren banget acaranya mbk, kok aku jadi ngiler ya ama es kirimnya hehe.... sukses selalu ya Mbk Indah

  17. Waw.. What a wonderful wednesday Mba Indah. I hope someday can visit this place too. Hope this pandemic will end

  18. You have great days and friends, Mbak. I love reading this, and know how you enjoy very much your life.
    I hope we can meet someday

  19. Aamiin~
    Iya yaa..kak Indah.
    Tahun 2021 sudah tinggal beberapa hari lagi.

    Dan jadi makin deg-degan karena ada wacana masuk sekolah.
    Semoga Allah lindungi selalu yaa, kak Indah.

  20. Ya ampun itu menu snack dan lunchnya enak euy, dikemas gitu pun jadi lebih menarik yaa mbak. Mupeng akutu~

  21. Yup, udah menuju akhir tahun lagi ya mbak... Enggak terasa... Semoga pandemi bisa segera dikendalikan...

  22. Luar biasa ya mam, tau-tau udah mau masuk 2021 aja. Kita ternyata udah melewatkan hari-hari bersama pandemi almost a year. Semoga pandemi ini cepat berlalu dan kita bisa menikmati kembali kehidupan seperti sebelumnya yang tanpa rasa was-was dan ketakutan seperti ini.

  23. Nggak terasa ya udah hampir akhir tahun saja. Perasaan kemarin baru masuk 2020. Semoga lebih baik di 2021

    Btw kue kuenya menggodaaa...


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