Welcome to Kanoman Palace, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia.
It was another trip to Cirebon, the hometown of my grandfather from my late dad's side. We made it together with my cousins too. It was an enjoyable trip and it was a memorable walk down the lane. My aunties were born and raised here and they loved looking at the places where they spent their childhood.
We stopped at Kanoman Palace, on of the palaces in Cirebon. Different from our previous visit to Cirebon (Read: Family Trip to Cirebon, West Java), this time we saw the place where my grandfather was the direct descendant of the Kanoman Palace, from his grandmother's side. It was exciting to see this place although we have to admit that it has its days . It must be expensive to take care of this huge palace.
The unique thing is this palace is built in an area surrounded by the market. I read from the book that the Sultan or the King loved his people so much he allowed the people to build markets, gather, and do a lot of public activities in the area. So when we want to visit the Palace now, we have to go through the traditional Kanoman market.
The palace was built back in 1678 by Prince Kertawijaya or Mohammad Badridin. He was also known as Sultan Anom I and the Palace as well as the Royal Family living there have been closely tied to the spread of Islam in West Java and the surrounding areas, particularly by Sunan Kalijaga or Syarif Hidayatullah.
In many of the saung or the building in this 6-hectare complex, you will see various original ceramics from Tiongkok or China. I remember seeing some as well in Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon and Sunyaragi Cave (Read: WW: Sunyaragi Cave, Cirebon, West Java)
Enjoy some of the photos I took during the trip with some stories about it.
So, that's out little trip to Kanoman Palace, Cirebon, Indonesia.
What do you think about the palace? Do you like it? Which one is your favorite place?
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What a nice place.
ReplyDeleteSaya suka banget sama ornamen piring yang ditempel ke dalam tembok itu.
Piringnya sepertinya bermotif China ya?
Sayangnya kurang keterangan di foto2nya mbak Indah.
iya mbaaa...buru - buru dipublish jadi belum sempat tulis caption hehehe
DeletePas masih jadi PR di korporasi rokok, daku pernah ajak wartawan jalan2 ke sini, Mba
ReplyDeleteKalo ga kliru, depannya istana Cirebon ini ada tukang tahu gejrot, endolita banget
*yhaaa, yg diinget malah bakul makanan*
iyaa abener. karena letaknya di tempat yang dikelilingi pasar mba. Tahu Gejrot pasar Kanoman memang juaraaa
DeleteBagus banget Kanoman Palace Cirebon. Masih tertata dengan rapi ya mbk area kesultanannya. Semoga bisa ke Cirebon lagi..
ReplyDeleteiyaaa mba masih rapiiih waluapun terasa tua
DeleteKanoman Cirebon is nice place mba Indah, aku jadi pengen kesini deh kalo ke Cirebon. Soalnya ke Cirebon cuma semalem trus langsung siangnya balik k Tangerang hehe
ReplyDeleteiya biasanya cuma numpang lewat ajaa ya mbaaa
DeleteWow, your grandfather was the direct descendant of the Kanoman Palace, from his grandmother's side, Mbak Indah? So you are "berdarah biru"! :)
ReplyDeleteNice photos, by the way! Love it!
That's what I have been told by our big family. Interesting to learn more about the Palace
DeleteI was living in cirebon for about three months at 2007. And I made a short visit to Kanoman Place. Unfortunatelly i have no clear memory, except the market surround the palace. I'm glad to read this story, Mbak indah
ReplyDeleteI will share more about the market too, mba. Seruuu jalan ke Cirebon hehehe
DeleteOoo.. mba indah org cirebon toh. Saya juga pernah kesana, Mba. Pas kesana berasa ada dijaman kerajaan... xixixi. Mgkn saya terlalu menghayati
ReplyDeleteiya beneer mba..makanya aku juga sukaaa
DeleteOrnamen piring-piringnya yang menarik perhatian banget. Kalau saya ke sana, bakal lama deh menikmati keindahan piringnya
ReplyDeletedan semuanya asli Mbaa...asli dari Tiongkok semua piringnya dan masih terjaga
DeleteSetelah diingat2, kayaknya aku blm pernah ke Kanoman deh saat aku ke Cirebon. Seru ya bisa kesini bersama keluarga
ReplyDeletebelum pernah ke kanoman palace ini huhuhu dari dulu kepengen kesini tapi ngga pernah jadi. itu ukir-ukirannya cantik banget!
ReplyDeleteI have never been to Cirebon. But reading this article give me an insight about the destination I have to visit if someday I go to Cirebon. Hopefully this pandemic is over soon, so we can go sightseeing again.
ReplyDeleteit is indeed worth a visit mba...have fuuun di Cirebon yaa one day
DeleteAku pernah tinggal di cirebon selama 4 tahun dan hampir setiap tahun singgah ke Kanoman pas ada acara mauludan gitu bareng teman-teman. It's like sekaten kalo di Jogja..
ReplyDeleteKami sekeluarga sudah beberapa kali ke Kota Cirebon tapi belum pernah mampir ke Kanoman. Paling hanya kulineran aja, trus langsung pulang, kurang betah dengan hawa panasnya hihihi
ReplyDeleteAku sudah pernah masuk ke keraton surakarta dan kusimpulkan agak serem wkwkwk,,, kalo ini kayaknya rumahnya/keratonnya lebih sederhana ya, perabotnya secara kasat mata seperti perabot rumah klasik pada umumnya. Kapan-kapan pengen juga deh ke keraton cirebon
ReplyDeleteKebayang deh pengen foto-foto didalam dengan baju khas cirebon. Terakhir ke Cirebon belum sempat mampir ke keraton, padahal ingin deh.
ReplyDeleteAku gak banyak tahu dengan keraton Cirebon ini. Gak kayak keraton Jogja. Belom pernah juga ke sana. Padahal dulu sering ke Cirebon. Kakekku ada yang di Cirebon. Kayaknya nanti kudu deh ke sini.
ReplyDeleteBaca artikel ini, aku disadarkan kembali kalau di Cirebon ada keratonnya. Laiknya di Semarang dan Jogja, terawat sekali ya bangunannya
ReplyDeleteAku pernah tinggal di Kota kecil ini...dan kenanganku tentang Keraton Kanoman sudah gak terukir lagi.
Kak Indah mengembalikan indahnya kenangan itu....
Aku beberapa kali ke Cirebon tapi malah belum pernah ke keraton Cirebon. Dan aku langsung terpaku dengan kecantikan piring yang dipajang, khas oriental kayaknya ya Mba
ReplyDeleteBeberapa kali pengen explore cirebon belum berkesempatan
ReplyDeletesemoga kapan2 kalo pandemi berlalu bisa bertandang ke sini sekalian silaturahmui ya kan
Semoga bisa keturutan kapan kapan main ke Cirebon ya melihat lokasi yg ditunjukkan MB Indah ini. Kanoman tempat bersejarah yg pastinya membawa nilai budaya bangsa.
ReplyDeleteWah banyak keramik asli dari Tiongkok yaa.. bagus sekali bangunannya.. dan terlihat sangat terawat. Btw saya baru denger nama Istana Kanoman ini, Mbak Indah :)
ReplyDeleteCiri bangunannya khas Islamic gitu ya mam, walaupun keramiknya menggunakan keramik asli dari Tiongkok.
ReplyDeleteHow cool that your grandfather was the direct descendant of the Kanoman Palace!