Hi there.. Cheers from Tromsø, Norway.
With subzero weather, deep, dark sky perfect for Northern Lights sighting, I was lucky to come to this exotic city in Norway to have meetings. Yes, meetings. You read it right.
But this time I won't complain (although my feet are literally freezing).
Coming from 38 degree C Indonesia to minus 6 C Tromsø is indeed awesome!
Cheers from Tromsø |
Thank you, Norway.
And on Wednesday, I will fly to Brussels through Oslo for another meeting.
Wish me luck and hopefully everything runs smoothly!
Now, join us on our weekly Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends.
Cheers ...
Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!! We always get a head start each week and our Co-Hosts choose from the
previous week’s links and we are featuring 8 blogs on week #180!! The kids had fun with Halloween but now we will be getting ready for our next big Holiday....Thanksgiving and we would love to have you share as many links as you have time, DIY crafts, fall gardening hints, Holiday crafts, Holiday Home Ideas, and Holiday decor and all your Holiday Recipes, plus Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome!
We appreciate your visit today and if you are following us let us know in comments so we can follow you back!
We would love if you would post our Party Banner or this » Link « on your site for others to enjoy the party each week!
And if you looking for something special from last week, you Can Still See See Them Here» Last Week Features ❢:❢

And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source
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♥ Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Daniella’s-Candles Giveaway Ends 11.9.2019
Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
Tapak Suci, Indonesian Martial Arts
Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
Clearissa Coward // Command Center
The Holidays Do Not Have To Be Stressful – Here’s Why
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

♥ Alice V // DIYerfy
Free Kindergarten Christmas Printables
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥ Kaycee Mason
Cranberry Nut Bread: Great Use for Leftover Cranberry Sauce!
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest 
♥ Suzan White // Country Crafting
Candy Corn Cheesecake
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Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center
Across The Blvd // Farmhouse Centerpiece for Fall

Feature Chosen by Kaycee D Mason // My Crafty Zoo
Decor Craft Design // How To Make Unique Thanksgiving Pumpkin Sign

Feature Chosen by // Suzan White // Country Crafting
Unique Creations By Anita // How to Make a Bench From Old Headboards

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Fluster Buster // 5 Beauty Hacks That Will Build Your Confidence

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Midlife and Beyond // A Seasonable Update To Wardrobe and a Few Additions 
But Now......Lets Party..
You're constantly having fun in the air somewhere :)
ReplyDeleteSalut sama kesibukan Mbak Indah, diantara miting sana sini, terbang kesana kemari, tetapi tetap rutin update blog. Sehat selalu ya Mbak...
ReplyDeleteSepemikiran sama aku mbak okti li.
DeleteKeren bangeet mba indah .Salam hangaaat dari indonesiaa
Wohooo, 6C itu sedingin gimana ya Mbak?? Huhuhuh, nyaris menggigil yaaa.
ReplyDeleteSukses meetingnya ya Mbak dan sehat selalu :)
Duingiin banget pastinya ya Mba Indaaah
ReplyDeleteSeruuu...! Semoga semuanya lancaarr dan berkah ya Mbaa
Saljunya yang ada di dermaga udah terlihat cukup tebal gitu ya mbak.
ReplyDeletePemandangannya cakep, seneng bisa jalan-jalan sambil kerja ya, eh kebalik ya, hihiii
Wohooo, dingin banget pastinya ya Mbaaa. So envy coz you're so lucky, Masya Allah. Sehat-sehat selalu dan dilancarkan semua Pekerjaannya ya Mba, Amiin Ya Rabb.
ReplyDeleteWaa.. Dingin pastinya. Indah banget mbak, pemandangan di musim dinginnya
ReplyDeleteOMG you are now in Tromso, Norway? Yes, this city are very famous for seeing Northern Lights or beautiful Aurora. You are lucky to come to this exotic city.
ReplyDeleteMasyaAllah ini salah satu bucket list aku, lihat aurora borealis. karena femomenanya agak susah ya, temenku udah di Norway tapi gak dapet aurora huhu.
ReplyDeleteDingin yaa, sayaspengen banget bisa berkunjung ke negara yang punya empat musim
ReplyDeleteWow...so cool!
ReplyDeleteI always happy when kak Indah writen about the place i never go.
Like im be with you.
So sweet...
Ya ampun ini Salah Satu impianku sama anak-anak. Bisa liat Aurora
ReplyDeleteAuroraaa oh Auroraaa. LIat beberaa teman dapat kesempatan buat liat langsung tuh bikin happy. Senangnya ya mbaaa
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful light.... pasti hijau gitu ya warnanya Mam? Masya Allah... semua ciptaan Allah tuh memang luar biasa yaaa... Selalu bikin kagum.
ReplyDeleteMasyaallah membayangkan setiap perjalanan yang dilakukan Mba Indah. Meeting tapi sempet foto trus diabadikan di blog, luar biasa.....
ReplyDeleteMba Indah itu -6 gimana? hahaha iya di Indonesia nuju hot-hot pop datang ke sana sampe -6, smeoga sehat selalu ya mba
ReplyDeleteWoooww cantik bangeet dan beruntung banget Mbak Indah! Kebayang seru dan pasti speechless ya lihat auroranya :)
ReplyDeleteKalau ngeliat ada hamparan salju gini rasanya pengen bisa tgl di luar negri juga mba, tapi pak suami slalu ledek AC aja udah menggigil wkkwkw
ReplyDelete6 derajat celcius gak kebayang sedingin apa ya mba, karena aku belum pernah ke negara yang ada musim dinginnya.. suhu AC 18 derajat celcius aja aku udah kedinginan
ReplyDeleteSenengnya bisa lihat saljuuu, semoga suatu hari nanti aku bisa sering ke luar negeri juga :D
ReplyDeleteDingin banget ya mbak, apalagi ada salju dan bahagiannya juga bisa lihat aurora. Semoga suatu saat bisa ke Tromso.
ReplyDeleteMeetings always seem less daunting when you get to experience the Northern Lights! Good luck on the rest of your upcoming meetings!
ReplyDeleteLucky you to see the Northern Lights! I hope you had the most excellent trip!