Welcome to Tromsø, Paris of the North!
Welcome to Tromsø |
It feels like a dream when the plane finally landed at Tromsø, the northern part of Norway.
Together with my Director and one of my closest colleagues at the office, we attended the bilateral meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway. And as they also hosted the Asia - Europe Meeting on human rights education and training in Tromsø, the bilateral meeting was held in Tromsø as well.
And what a lovely city Tromsø is!
the ship by the fjord.. |
It was quite a long journey as we transited here and there.
But once we arrived and saw the beauty of Tromsø, it all worth the journey!
Tromsø warmly welcomed us with piles of snow.
Can you imagine the beautiful snowy rain at minus 6 degree Celsius approximately welcoming us with Indonesian 35-degree-Celsius-all-year-long fatigue bodies?
Well.. good thing we were quite ready and wore our winter clothes and boots :).
Otherwise we would be drop dead frozen.
The church right in front of our hotel. |
The first agenda we had as we arrived in Tromsø was dinner.
Yes, what beats lovely dinner in a cold, cold place!
Look at the view! |
Our big delegation.. |
It was our and Norwegian delegation coming and enjoying dinner in one of the best restaurants in the city. As it was probably more than 20 of us, we spent quite a long time waiting for the food LOL.
I loved the creamy mushroom soup and the baked fish they served.
And the dessert? Heaven!
My fave! |
love the fish and the gratin |
wanna have some dessert? |
Plus, the restaurant was located by the fjord, so we really enjoyed the wonderful scenery outside of the window of our tables.
Lovely indeed.
Our bilateral meeting |
Then the following day we had the full half - day meeting, followed by the ASEM seminar opening in the afternoon.
There were a wide range of issues being discussed and we really had a productive discussion.
Many deliverables and proposed programs were being put forward and I am excited to continue our cooperation in so many fields.
Again, as we met and discussed so many important topics on human rights, the snow solemnly fell outside and we could clearly see it from our wide-windowed room.
So serene!
We were also priveledge to have the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Norway to come and join us at the closing session of the meeting. She's so young yet very intelligent.
The minister at the closing session.. |
After the meeting, we all went back to our hotel and got ready for the Northern Lights hunting.
Yeees...we were hunting for that famous aurorra.
In the middle of the winter night!
Solemn night before aurorra hunting |
And later I will share some practical tips for hunting Northern Lights in Tromso, Norway.
Just stick around and stay with me and My Purple World, okay.
And incase you haven't checked my WW post on Northern Lights in Tromsø, check out Northern Lights Hunting at Tromsø, Norway.
Lucky us! |
Do you like snow too?
Where do you see snow for the first time?
Do you always get well-prepared for winter time?
Cheers and see you in the next adventure!
Minus 6 derajat celsius? Duh mbaaa, kayaknya daku bakal tempelin aneka koyo, pake balsem, freshcare dll. Dan tentu saja kudu dinner pake Indomie rebus cabe 7 bijik biar badn angett hihuhu
ReplyDeletePemandangannya ga tergantikan, ya. Bener2 layak buat dibelain walau harus menahan dingin.
ReplyDeleteBetuuull! Duh, puingiin banget ke sana
Deletemau menikmati panorama yg cuantiik pol!
Aurora yang cantik inginku melihat langsung pemandangan cantik itu.Tapi harus betah sama suhunya ya Mbak Indah. Dingin bangetttttt
ReplyDeleteAku gagal fokus sama nulis Tromso, itu o nya harus o yg dicoret ya? #kudet
ReplyDeleteKok di hp ku gak ada o yg dicoret gitu nih. Kalau pakai o biasa, bakalan mengubah arti kah?
kok sama aku pun berpikiran yg sama, hihihi.
Deletemak indah, senangnya bisa mampir ke blogmu dan menikmati petualanganmu yg indah :)
Senang sekali dgn kerjasama bilateral dgn indonesia. Saling mensupport itu perlu banget ya supaya bs maju bersama.
ReplyDeleteYa Allah mbaa nggak kebayang mengigilnya ya mbaaa. Senangnya Ya Allah bisa berkunjung ke pAris dan nikmati segala keindahannya :)
ReplyDeleteMaaya Allah pasti dingin banget ya itu, tapi suasana malam di sana indah banget ya, duhh semoga dalam waktu dekat bisa kesana sama keluarga.
ReplyDeleteI would love snow! If I ever seen one haha. Hoping to see it for the first time in Japan tho. Still saving up for it :) I would love to see aurora too! OMG it's like my childhood dream. I blame The Polar Express movie for it LOL
ReplyDeleteSometimes I wonder, why would anyone live near the north pole? How do they breath with so thin oxygen? How do they overcome the super cold weather? But you enjoy it. I guess the beauty of Norway wins over the nature challenge.
ReplyDeleteSudah musim salju ya di sana. Impian saya banget lho pergi ke negara bersalju dan Tromso ini cantik banget ya, terutama foto gereja di depan hotelnya Mbak Indah itu. Duh, semoga Tuhan izinkan aku ke Tromso ini juga suatu hari nanti
ReplyDeleteSaya yang merasa adem dengan suhu 20 dan terganggu dengan suhu 25 derajat celcius ke atas jelas tidak akan kuat jika harus akami suhu di bawah derajat nol celcius.
ReplyDeleteTetapi Noewegia indah, salju yang berjatuhan itu menggoda sekali. Saya senang bisa lihat foto panoramanya. Seakan ada dunia mimpi di luar sana.
Mbak Indah di sana ada agenda spesifik, kah?
ReplyDeleteNgomongin salju.. Aku jadi inget waktu di Hiroshima, di sana aku ngerasain salju pertamaku yg lebih mirip es serut sih wkwkwk
mbak indah selalu jalan jalan yah emang. perjalannya pasti keren.kalau musim salju gitu rasanya ingin langsung mo kesan tapi entah sama siapa. Hmm lagian duit juga belum cukup. hehehhe nabung dlu ah
ReplyDeleteSalju sedang turun ya disana mbak, meeting terasa lebih hangat ya,karena suasanya hangat ditambah dengan asupan makanan dan minuman yang menghangatkan tubuh.. lancar selalu ya mbak untuk aktifitasnya
ReplyDeleteWuah pengen banget liat salju yang sedang turun, kata temenku kalau pas turun justru gak dingin, tapi sesudahnya itu yang adem banget ya mbak?
ReplyDeleteAuroranya indah banget, moga kelak berkesempatan melihatnya jg dengan mata langsung :D
Pemandangannya indah banget ya, tapi nggak kebayabg juga kalau ada di sana dengan cuaca sedingin itu, maklum biasa di cuaca tropis
ReplyDeleteGerejanya cantik.
ReplyDeleteItu suhunya sampai minus 6 derajat C, dinginnyaa. Kalo aku diam di dalam rumah aja, pakai baju berlapis dan nongkrong depan pemanas ruangan haha.
Suhunya minus 6? Dududu dingin banget.
ReplyDeletePenasaran dengan cara penyebutan Tromso, kenapa huruf o di bagian akhir penulisannya beda ya?
Banyak yang bilang hunting aurora itu hoki hokian juga ya mba indah :) Dan so amazing banget bisa liat langsung di depan mata sendiri mbaa
ReplyDeleteminus 6? luar biasa wkwkwk aku udah pingsan kayaknya mbak kalau disana, tapi aurora itu hoki2an ya mbak, ga semua bisa beruntung lihat langsung, btw makanan fav kita sama loh mbak, creamy mushroom soup and the baked fish :)
ReplyDeleteMba Indah ga kebayang minus 6 wkwkwk aku dulu di Lembang aja udah ga kuat apalagi inii tapi demi yah melihat aurora...btw penasaran baca Tromso itu gmn? o-nya kecoret gitu :p
ReplyDeletelihat foto-fotonya ya ampun keren banget mba Indah :) senang bisa berkenalan meski hanya sebagai teman bloher hahaha
DeleteItu dessertnya apa, mbak indah? Puding panaskah? Ga mungkin es krim dong, ya..
ReplyDeleteHalo mbak Indah, you are so lucky can see aurora in Thomsø. Btw pasti dingin banget ya di sana. Gerejanya cantik banget berselimut salju gitu ya ampun jadi pengen kesana.
ReplyDeleteThat's good you were prepared for the cold and snow. I like the place where you ate. It looks so magical.
ReplyDeleteYihaaa ketemu aurora! Setelah meeting ini-itu, sempat jalan-jalan juga ya.
ReplyDeleteeh mba, cara baca Tromso dengan o yang dicoret itu seperti apa sih?
Dingin banget itu, tapi tetep seneng ya. Saljunya sampai setebal gitu. Senengnya ya, sampai ke Tromso. Tapi cara bacanya gimana itu ya? 'O' terakhirnya ada garis miringnya.
ReplyDeleteWuih, asyik banget mbak pemandangannya, saya liat foto aurora aja udah terpesona, gimana kalau liat langsung ya...
ReplyDeleteDi sana salju sudah turun dengan cantiknya. Sebuah impian bisa lihat salju turun. Bahkan dalam hati berkata : meskipun aku alergi dingin, tapi pasti bisa ke kota2 cantik dengan salju yang cantik
ReplyDeleteSalju dimana - maana ituuuu ah ingin sekali melihat salju dan bermain langsung, semoga soo saya bisa kesana. Aamiin
ReplyDeleteKebayang nungguin Aurora di suhu minus 6 derajat, pakai longjohn dan baju berapa lapis mbak ? he he he. Walaupun bersalju kota Troms tetap cantik yaa.
ReplyDeleteAsyik ya meeting di ruang berjendela kaca lebar gitu. Jadi ga jenuh bisa liat pemandangan yang indah banget
ReplyDeletenyebut mulu aku liat pemandangannya indah bangeet sih mba huhu semoga suatu saat aku bisa ke sana
ReplyDeleteBangunan-bangunannya unik mbak, bersejarah gitu ya kayanya. Lihat gambarnya aja aku kedinginan apalagi mbak Indah di sana ya :-D
ReplyDeleteWow 6 dercel pasinya menggigil haha. Kalau ke sana kudu siapin jaket atau mantel tebel dan sepatu boot gtu ya mbak? :D
ReplyDeleteIndah banget kotanya :D
Senangnya bisa mengikuti setiap perjalanan Mbak Indah. Jadi terbuka wawasan saya saat melihat banyaknya tempat yang indah di sana.
ReplyDeleteBeruntung banget mbak bisa lihat aurora secara langsung. Lihat di foto aja indah banget, apalagi lihat langsung ya��
ReplyDeleteI used to dream to visit a country with snow then I take picture of my first snow. But I haven't know if I could stand the minus 6 degrees. LOL. Thanks for sharing the stories about snow and aurora.
ReplyDeleteSalah satu negara dan kota impian yang sangat ingin aku kunjungi sambil menikmati romantisme dari segala sisi di sana
ReplyDeletePemandangannya bagus, makanannya keliatan lezat semua. Btw, nama kotanya dibacanya gimana mba? 😍
ReplyDeleteWah saljunyaa kece banget,gak kebayang itu dinginnya kaya gimana hihi, seru bangetss!!
ReplyDeleteAku selalu menikmati setiap perjalanan dinas atau liburanmu mbak, apalagi yang sekarang ini kok cakep amat itu ya. Kebayang kalau kesana pasti aku sudah hunting foto.
ReplyDeleteOh I love snow. I grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in North America and we got quite a bit of snow. I also lived in other nothern cities in the US and Germany where it snow a lot as well. Now in North Carolina, I do not get very much, if any, snow at all I miss it. As usual, your photos were beautiful and it sounds like you do very important work. Thanks for sharing and co-hosting with me at #omhgww
ReplyDeleteKebayang dinginnya disana kaya apa hahaha. Anginnya kenceng banget bbrr....
ReplyDeleteADUUH PENGEN BANGET LIAT AURORA HUHUU.. plis ini mah ada travel yg murah kesanaa wkwkwk XD
ReplyDeletesetelah pening dg kerjaan, walau seru sih bs bersama orang2 penting, eh dapat hadiah pemandangan indah ya kak. senang sekaliii
ReplyDeleteAku baca blog mba inda nih kudu meluangkan waktu banget.. xixixi.. secara inggrisku pas2an. Tapi suka dengan semua perjalanan mba indah. Seruuu..
ReplyDeleteSyahdu semuanya, perjalanannya, pemandangannya pekerjaannya relasinya mba Indah selalu membawa ke tempat-tempat yang aku tidak pernah singgah ke sana. Meski englishku buruk ga pinter-pinter amat, tapi aku selalu bahagia bacanya.
ReplyDeleteLihat salju pertama kali di Jepang.
ReplyDeleteSungguh indah karena Indonesia gak punya. Tapi it's freezing~
Hahhaa...of course.
what a beautiful place. I don't care too much for the snow because I don't like to shovel my driveway so it's a good thing I live in California.
ReplyDeleteMau tanya mba. Kalau cuaca dingin kaua gitu bisa ga ya yang buat orang yang gak alergi dingin.?
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful place, story and journey, Mbak. But I haven' t see my first snow, hiks hiks. Poor me. Still have a dream to go to the country with those beautiful white snow. I hope oneday.
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah mbaaaa. Jaga kesehatannnn jangan sampai drop yaaa. Itu salju dingin banget mestii
ReplyDeleteParis ini destinasi impian banyak orang
ReplyDeleteKalau sudah bisa ke Paris artinya sudah sejahtera kalau kata tetanggaku
Mba Indah selalu siapkan booster kesehatan ya dimanapun berada