I am back to Jakarta but I still haven't really moved on from my last trip to Tromsø, Brussels, London and Singapore.
Especially Tromsø.
This charming city has successfully stolen my heart. And I guess it's easy to know why.
Cheers.. |
Now I'm back
to bitter - sweet world packed with endless documents, drafts, and statements.
But I am also excited as I have one of the most beautiful spots on earth in
Indonesia, BALI, listed on my next business trip. Not once, but
twice :).
Health wise, I
have issues with my womb due to the medicine I took to fight cancer. Wish me
luck... I might have to do another major surgery. Well, will keep you posted!
Now, it's
party time! Join me, My Purple World, our main hostess Oh My Heartsie World,
and friends.
Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!! We always get a head start each week and our Co-Hosts choose from the
previous week’s links and we are featuring 7 blogs on week #181!!
And I would like to Welcome Pamela our new Co-Host joining us this week, we are pleased to have her join us!
Moving into November and planning for Thanksgiving we are sharing Tips for the Guest Bedrooms, Settings for the Thanksgiving table, Recipes, and a Review about StitchFix, plus Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome! We appreciate your visit today and if you are following us let us know in comments so we can follow you back!
We would love if you would post our Party Banner or this » Link « on your site for others to enjoy the party each week!
And if you looking for something special from last week, you Can Still See See Them Here» Last Week Features ❢:❢
And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source
❢ Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢:

♥ Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Its a Giveaway: Win A Snuggly Throw Giveaway 11.9.2019 – 11.16.2019
Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
Northern Lights Hunting in Troms, Norway
Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center
Three Farmhouse Christmas DIYs
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥ Alice V // DIYerfy
10 Gift Ideas for Crafters
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥ Kaycee Mason
DIY Thanksgiving Centerpiece
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♥ Suzan White // Country Crafting
New Orleans Style Shrimp Creole Recipe
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♥ Pamela // Busy Lifestyle Gal
DIY: Wooden Snowman Door Hanger
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Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center
Dabbling and Decorating // Coastal Maine Antique Guest Bedroom
Deb is sharing ways to create a bedroom for friends or family when they come to visit.

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Impressive Windows and Interiors // 9 Essentials to Welcome Your Holiday Guests
If you are preparing for guests for the Holidays, Jill is sharing tips on making their stay comfortable!

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World
One-Thousand Oaks // Thanksgiving Table Decorations
I am loving this table, the pumpkins are different and add the right touch to the table setting

Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country Crafting
Across The Blvd // Gather Tray Using a Thrift Store Find
Bev is always on the lookout for something to upcycle, and this is a keeper!

Meet our Newest Co-Host Pamela, she is joining us this week!
Feature Chosen by Pamela // Busy Lifestyle Gal
Jodie Fitz // Corn Salsa and Homemade Chips
This would be perfect for one of the fall appetizers, a game or beautiful for Thanksgiving!

Feature Chosen by Alice V // DIYerfy
Artful Homemaking // Easy Homemade Vanilla Extract
A Great Handmade Gift Idea to give at Christmas

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo
Michele Morin // Recipes for Starting Your Day with Fresh-Baked Love
Oh My. . . . I could certainly go for these...Just Once in a while, they look amazing

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Amys Creative Pursuits // StitchFix Reviews
If you have not heard of StitchFix, read Amy's review, some you keep some you return!
But Now......Lets Party....
Thanks so much for hosting each week!!
I dont now what comment i can put haha but i really love the picts and surely all agenda is well done and cheerful
ReplyDeleteDuh ngiler cinnamon rollsnya. Btw. Semoga lancar operasinya, ya, mba. Sehat2 selalu :)
ReplyDeleteMba Indaaahh, semoga lancaaar operasinya yaa.
ReplyDeleteDuh, aku kalo lihat poto2 mba Indah keliling dunia, blassss tdk nampak kalo dirimu survivor cancer
Makasiii udah tebar positive vibes ya mbaaa
Subhanallah...cantik banget pemandangannya ya mba.. Ih, bikin gemeees.. *doa diperkuat, agar bisa sampai sana juga.. Aamiin..
ReplyDeleteTempat yang menakjubkan, betapa hidup yang tidak mudah itu sesungguhnya masih memampangkan keajaiban agar diri selalu dilimpahi rasa syukur.
ReplyDeleteTetap semangat,vWahai Pejuang Tangguh. 💝😘👍
tempatnya luar biasa mam. Selalu bersyukur bisa menikmati foto indah ini dan sambil berdoa bisa rasain secara langsung pemandanfannya kak yh
ReplyDeleteSelalu sehat ya mba Indah, tripnya mantul banget nih kemana-mana makasih juga udah berbagi mba Indah sungguh dunia ini emang luas dan indah ya
ReplyDeleteWah ke Bali dua kali, pasti menyenangkan sekali. Sehat selalu ya dan semoga perjalanannya berkah selamat
ReplyDeleteSelalu envy sama mba indah foto pemandangannya cakep2, hope one day i can travel to many places like you ❤️
ReplyDeleteJadi operasi ya mbak, semoga lancar. Fotonya bagus2 mbak diabadikan buat kenangan ya
ReplyDeleteMbak Indaaaah, sehat-sehat terus yah mbak supaya bisa jalan2 dan menebar kebahagiaan terus!
ReplyDeleteAyoook abis Bali ke Bandung lho yah! *anaknya suka maksa*
Langsung ketik Tromso di google. Hahaha mbaa aku seriusan baru pertama kali dengar nama kotanya. Dan baca mba indah excited nulis tentang Tromso auto pengen tau hehehe
ReplyDeleteBeneran ya kalau bisa berkunjung ke tempat2 keren seperti itu bisa bikin kita susah move on. Dan memang penting banget nih mengabadikannya.. btw sehat-sehat selalu Mbak Indah.
ReplyDeleteSehat selalu mbak Indah, selain obat juga perasaaan bahagia bisa membuat penyakit hilang.. InshaAllah ya mbak.. aku selalu senang membaca blog mba Indah lho.. seakan jalan jalan keliling dunia juga
ReplyDeleteTromso memang bagus ya sepertinya, semoga suatu hari bisa kesana. Btw, semoga lancar semya operasi dan pengobatannta Mbak Indah. Keep strong 🥰
ReplyDeleteI can totally see why you like this place. It's got charm, and beauty. Love the photo of the sun setting!
ReplyDeletecinnamon rollsnya sepertinya syedapppppppppppppppp :D sehat2 terus yakk mbak indhhhh :v
ReplyDeleteSo for a long time now I’ve been thinking about painting our walls white. I know that probably doesn’t come as a surprise, seeing as how I like to paint everything white, but it’s been something I’ve gone back and forth on for a while. I always hesitated because loved the color we already had on the walls, but I wanted a change. You know how that happens every now and then, right? There’s really no reason for it other than I wanted something new and fresh. And I was dreaming of white walls. Well I finally got up the nerve to do it and I can’t wait to show you guys how it turned out. I also have some thoughts to share on the whole process, so I’m going to chat about a few things you need to know if you’re thinking about painting a room white in your own home. Ok, let’s get to it, shall we? Just to refresh your memory, here’s an old photo of our dining room from earlier this year: