Perhaps, when you read the title of this post, you will think how ambitious it will be to explore the beauty of Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, only in 6 hours.
Well, apparently, I managed to do that, although I only covered a few famous spots!
It will of course be best if you can stay for 3, 6, or even weeks here in Lisbon.
But if you only have more or less 6 hours for transit, like what I had on my way from Paris to New York City last year, we still can enjoy this beautiful city.
Arco da Rua Augusta, one corner of Praça do Comércio |
With its strategic location and direct access to the Atlantic cities, Lisbon has served as major cities for trades, business, as well as political and cultural activities during Julius Cesar era. Portugueses also came to Indonesia for a while in the 15th century but they didn't stay for long.
This capital city has long been well known for its endless beauty, offering the visitors with amazing views overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the surrounding mountains and hills, wonderful architectures ranging from from castles, churches to plazas, rich histories and delectable cuisines, to mention a few.
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Just landed.. |
The super comfortable Yellow Bus |
I stopped near Praça do Comércio, at one of the airport shuttle bus stops.
From there, I walked around 10 minutes to explore the surrounding area.
As you know, the commercial plaza is a wide, spacious area lined with cafes, shops, and some governmental buildings (judging from the names). I really enjoyed my morning walk under the blue sky and balmy weather.
the tram service at the city center |
I love the bright yellow mustard buildings surrounding the Plaza. It is the Ministry of Justice building, with some elegant touch and beautiful alleys as well as chandeliers. Even in the morning - around 8 AM when I arrived, visitors were flocking around already.
Good morning from me.. |
In the center of that building, you will see the triumphal arch Arco da Rua Augusta, depicting some sculpted figures and coat of arms. It's an interesting sight to those who love taking pictures like me. I also walked to the coastal
Then I decided to rent a Tuk-tuk to explore more parts of the city.
Yes, the one we have seen in Thailand.
I knew I have some hours but judging from the beautiful spots I could explore and the fact that Lisbon is very hilly, I then set my heart to take Tuk-tuk. And I made the right decision indeed!
You wanna know the whole story?
Yes, the one we have seen in Thailand.
The tuk-tuk I rent in Lisbon |
I knew I have some hours but judging from the beautiful spots I could explore and the fact that Lisbon is very hilly, I then set my heart to take Tuk-tuk. And I made the right decision indeed!
You wanna know the whole story?
Before I spill more beans, let's enjoy this parade of photos I took during my transit in Lisbon, Portugal.
me against the raising sun :) |
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Statue of Dom José I in the middle of the Commercial Plaza |
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Sé de Lisboa...the Chatedral of Lisbon |
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One of the ceramic patterns in Lisbon |
Love the murals near Alfama |
View from Alfama |
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Lisbon from above, view from Miraduoro da Senhora Do Monte |
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I just love these serving plates and mugs with typical Portuguese patterns |
Do you like Lisbon, Portugal, just like me?
Feels like coming down here as well?
Me, too!
Wait for more details on the next post.
I'd love to add Portugal to my bucket list! Love your photos, Indah.
ReplyDeleteI did Narita in 6 hours too when we stopped for our transit to LA!
Mbaaa Indaahh, mugnya kereeennn deh :D
ReplyDeleteKayaknya kece banget deh, semoga bisa ke sana, aamiin *afirmasi aja dulu hehehe
Pemandangannya unik2 ya mba, di setiap sudut keren banget rasanya :)
Woow...kereeen... Dan porselen set bernuansa biru itu cakeeeep..
ReplyDeleteWow, aku kok tertarik dengan piring dan mug warna biru itu Mama Bo. Unik banget, keren. Kayaknya aku kalau punya ini, bakal dijadikan pajangan aja karena sayang mau dipake nya hahaha.
ReplyDeleteKuingin ke sana. Landscape dan Landmarknya sangat indah dan artistik.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this info, Mbak. Saya jadi tertarik ke sana.
Wow Lisbon so beautiful country as I've been knew from cinema or telenovela
ReplyDeleteAmazing, semoga ada kesempatan ke Lisbon. Btw itu mural nya keren banget... 9 euro 1 trip murah ya mba.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy looking at your photos, mbak. They are beautiful. Lisbon such a beautiful place, I should put it to my wishlists. Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteIt's truly beautiful, ka Inda...
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your photos and experiences about Lisbon.
Hope someday i will go there too...
Melihat bangunan klasik yang masih berdiri megah begitu aja udah bikin saya kagum lho, Mbak. Andai bisa explore lebih lama, ya
ReplyDeleteKalau inget Lisabon Portugal yang selalu kebayang sama aku tuh tim sepakbola lokalnya, Mbak dan pelatih dari Portugal ini alias Jose Morinho hahah.. Anyway gedung berwarna yellow mustardnya itu emang terlihat cantik dan menawan. Eropa punya negara dengan konsep gedung-gedung klasik yang keren, ya.
ReplyDeleteMAk Indah jadi kapan bawa aku ke tempat poto2 itu? Hmm, selalu menggoda deh!
ReplyDeleteKan kita mo narsis di gedung2 klasik ntuu eeaa
*lempar sini mugnya buat bikin kopi atulaaah
Tuk-tuk di Lisabon seperti apa, Mbak? Ingatnya tuk-tuk di Thailand.
ReplyDeleteBtw, kalau transit 6 jam di Jakarta, 4 jam sendiri kena macet. Hehehehe
Mbak, suka juga dengan set piring dan mugnya itu, pattern dan warnanya, biruuuu, sukaaaa.
ReplyDeleteNunggu cerita selanjutnya aahh, pasti banyak foto kece lagi selain ini ;)
Mbaaa sungguh aku ngiri sekali. Hihii. Bisa travelling ke negara negara hebat dan menuliskan jadi catatan yang baik
ReplyDeleteAiiiihhhh, aku terpukau sama bersihnya jalanannya Mbaak. Hopeful bisa ke sana juga ya, liburan bareng keluarga....
ReplyDeleteUntuk bisa travelling ke Lisbon atau Portugal ini kayaknya cuma jadi mimpi deh buat saya, tapi setidaknya saya bisa jalan2 gratis ke sana dengan baca cerita perjalanan mbak Indah ini. Takjub deh dengan pemandangan di sana😄
ReplyDeleteWah ada tram :D Di Indonesia sayangnya tramnya gak dipertahankan huhuhu. Bangunannya keren2 ya mbak. Itu yang bangunan lawas2 ya? Kalau yang agak modern gtu ada juga kah di sana? Atau emang cirinya baik rumah2nya ya kyk gtu semua?
ReplyDeleteTempatnya bersih yaa, Mba. Bangunannya juga tetap terjaga walau usianya tua :)
ReplyDeleteUntuk bisa travelling ke Lisbon atau Portugal ini kayaknya cuma jadi mimpi deh buat saya, tapi setidaknya saya bisa jalan2 gratis ke sana dengan baca cerita perjalanan mbak Indah ini. Takjub deh dengan pemandangan di sana😄
ReplyDeleteMasyaAllah tanah Portugal itu kayak gitu ya Mba Indah, hahaha aku jadi tahu dan sepreti berkeliling ke sana. Keramiknya mupeng pengen tak bawa pulang Mba hehehe
ReplyDeleteSetial ke blig mba Indah aku jadj mupeng jalan-jalan ke Luar negeri hehe secara belum pernah ke LN. Btw aku naksir berat sama piring dan mugnya,, cantik bangettttt.
ReplyDeleteOmg kerwn banget.. fix ini foto foto nya bikin ngiler dan pengen traveling kesana.. apalagi bagian katedral nya itu loh.. aduuh bagus banget.
ReplyDeleteSelama ini saya hanya lihat bangunan-bangunan di Portugal lewat televisi atau film, Mba Inda mantap nih bisa berkunjung ke sana secara langsung :)
ReplyDeleteTernyata bisa ya jalan2 di kota dalam waktu 6 jam setelah landing.
ReplyDeleteJadi terinspirasi utk jalan2 ke Eropa nih mbak
Wah beruntungnya mbak bisa berkunjung ke sana yah.. pengalaman yang menarik pastinya.. kapan yah aku bisa ke negera-negara luar di sana.. ingin sekali bisa travelling antar negara.. sambil jalan-jalan pasti bisa belajar sejarahnya juga..☺️
ReplyDeleteKeliatannya sangat padat ya kotanya.. dan cuaca disana terlihat sangat cerah.. ingat negara portugal tuh ingat ronaldo pemain sepak bola dunia.. negaranya hangat sehangat ronaldo hehe aposeh ngga nyambung haah.. aku iri mba.. belum pernah ke purtugal hiks.. sehat selalu ya mbakku
ReplyDeleteOld lovely place! ������ aku jadi teringat Leipzig di Jerman mba yang arsitektur kotanya juga masih mempertahankan nuansa sejarahnya yang justru menjadi daya tarik juat buat wisatawan :D
ReplyDeleteCantik banget ya nuansan di Lisbon. Thanks lho Mama Bo untuk foto-fotonya yang selalu bisa menambah wawasan tentang berbagai tempat di belahan bumi.
ReplyDeletekeren banget mbaaa, semoga aku ada rejeki buat kesana ya :) selama ini cuma liat di tivi doank, btw aku salfok sama awannya mba bagus banget
ReplyDeleteYou did a great thing.. When it just 6 hour for enjoy to visit the country that only transit.. I think it's a good idea for enjoy the country
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah tabarakallah jadi mau memasukkan Portugal ke dalam bucket list travelling, aku suka banget sama pattern di piring dan perabotan lainnya, semoga suatu saat bisa ke sini juga
ReplyDeletewow...keren banget. fotonya pas banget. cuacanya cerah. pokoknya cantik2 banget.kapan ya bisa kesana. hemmm...
ReplyDeleteAs always, kalo liat postingannya Mba Indah selalu bikin mupeng deh. Apalagi ini salah satu wishlist tempat yang ingin aku kunjungi, semoga segera tercapai dalam waktu dekat aamiin
ReplyDeletesuch a beautiful city 💕ak tu suka traveling ke tmpt yg arsitekturnya kayak gini 💕 sayangnya cm 6jm aja yah . tp g deg2 n itu klo nekat traveling pas transit gitu?
ReplyDeleteArsitektur bangunan khas orang Eropa itu emang detail banget ya bagian ukirannya. Indah banget kotanya, semoga suatu hari nanti bisa ke sana deh ya.. aaminnn
ReplyDeleteMbak,aminkan doaku ya. Semoga tahun ini bisa jalan-jalan ke LN dan cara pandangku bisa lebih luas, lebih wise. Pengin bisa terbuka cakrawala krn traveling. Dan tentu beli barang-barang yg lucu-lucu di sana :D
ReplyDeleteBagus ya bangunan bangunan disana, semoga suatu saat bisa liburan kesana jugaa, selalu kepengen kalau liat postingan mbak
ReplyDeleteBangunannya khas kayak bangunan kerajaan ya mbak,banyak ukiran gitu. enak banget itu ada trem di tengah kota bisa keliling lisbon.
ReplyDeleteSpeechless aku mbak, ini kotanya cantik banget ya. Penuh dengan sejarah juga ya. Itu table set-nya juga bagus motif dan warnanya. Kalau aku ke sana mungkin aku udah kalap belanja macem-macem kali. Hehehe
ReplyDeleteKotanya cantik dan super bersih ya mba, mmmh jadi bermimpi juga kira - kira kapan kota Jakarta bisa kayak gitu :)
ReplyDeleteIni oleh2 Piring dan Mugnya bikin mupeng mba, lucuuk dan unikkk gitu designya :)
Gorgeous post!. It's great to co-host with you this week!!
ReplyDeleteSuch a heavenly view, Mbak. I love reading your articles. It must be fun when I read and see the pictures in it. Feels like I travel there too and enjoy the atmosphere and every single step on the journey. Keep sharing, Mbak. <3
ReplyDeletewow that is a beautiful place and I love looking at murals and architecture too. Happy to be co-hosting with you again at #OMHGWW
ReplyDeleteKotanya cakep banget ya. Trus itu bangunannya juga. Selalu suka lihat bangunan yang unik dan mural-mural unik. Duh, kapan yang bisa menjelajah benua Eropa
ReplyDeleteYou managed to squeeze in quite a bit in your 6 hours, it seems. Lisbon looks like a really beautiful place to explore!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you were there for awhile. Only 6 hours? How cool. I love the yellow and blue photos.