October Sky

No caption needed I think.

October is here and I so blessed that I am happily, healthily alive.

Merci ya, Rabb 

All pictures are taken in Astoria Park, by iPhone 7 Plus and Ztylus.
No filter, no edit.
Just the Almighty masterpiece.

Join us of Skywatch Friday and enjoy majestic sky from many corners of the world

wishing you all a great weekend :). pic taken from my personalized Bitmoji


  1. Aaakkk... bagus banget langitnya...
    lovee <3

  2. Haven't met a bridge I didn't like....thanks for the posting. Those clouds are not too shabby either.

    1. Thank you Stanley...we got amazing bridges down here in NYC

  3. Look at the blue sky and those fluffy clouds. A perfect day for a sky watch!

  4. Wow! Beautiful! A sky with cloud like this is not common to see :) Nice photos.
    instagram trading

  5. The clouds form a pattern. How pretty! It's been rainy, and now it's cold!

  6. beautiful sky! truly the masterpiece of God...


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