sunset at Kelagian Besar Island, Lampung, Indonesia
Hello, everyone...
Hope December is treating us well. The last month of the year is here and ready or not, 2021 is soon coming. I still can't believe that a year just past. Just like that. Well, not really just like that because 2020 is indeed an unforgettable year for all of us! The pandemic surely has taught us a lot. And amidst the bleak episodes and huge adjustments we have to make, I am glad that the Almighty gives us strength and perseverance to go through the days. This too shall pass!
Last weekend we went to Lampung to visit our family and to tend some urgent matters. Happy to see my mom-in-law in good condition although we all are worried since her health is deteriorating in the last couple of years after Bapak, my father-in-law, passed away. She celebrated her 75th birthday days before so we had mini celebration as well at home. we travelled by land and enjoyed our brief trip to the island of Kelagian Besar.
Check out some photos here: WW: Sunset at Kelagian Besar Island, Lampung, Indonesia.
This weekend we all are heading to Bali. The third trip to Bali for me this year. But this time is super special as I have the Frakarsas with me. we plan to celebrate Obi's 10th birthday and Udi's 45th birthday as well as our 16th anniversary in Nusa Dua and Ubud. Super excited indeed. Yaaaay.
Bali is calling |
This is like a long overdue real break we have. I know you must be thinking why we make this trip during the pandemic. I have to admit I do feel anxious as well but judging from my previous trip, I believe we can start traveling again with super strict health protocol and discipline! Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .. hope all is well and wish us luck for this trip.
Now, allow me to invite you join us on Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends
Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday Linkup #235
As we embark on Christmas this month we will be sharing DIY ideas and there's yummy recipes and a fashion feature. And dont miss my Traditional Oh My Heartsie Girl in A Holiday Baking Exchange Linkup
We hope you will enjoy your visit and find a post of interest and don't forget our hostesses blogs that they share as well, we would love to have you comment!
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♥ Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl
DIY Stovetop Potpourri Recipes For The Holidays
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♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
Luxurious Stay at The Royal Pita Maha, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center
Organize Your Christmas Shopping
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♥ Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo
Chocolate Peppermint Cookies
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♥ Suzan White // Country Crafting Farmhouse diy's for Christmas Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Fabby's Living // Fabby's Living Christmas Home Tour 2020
So much to see in her beautiful home.
♥Feature Chosen by Kaycee Mason// My Crafty Zoo Hellos Swing // DIY Hot Pad Pattern and Tutorial How to Make It in 5 min
♥Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country Crafting Marilyn's Treats // Chicken Broccoli Cheddar Crescent Ring
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
The Kitchen is My Playground // Ritz-Cracker-Candy
Join Oh My Heartsie Girl in A Holiday Baking Exchange
It is an Oh My Heartsie Girl Tradition for all your recipes
⇒Stop by and Linkup This week! ⇐
♥Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Eccentric Cities by JVG // Dollar Store Snow-Christmas-Ornaments
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Coastal Bohemian // Upcycled Kitchen Mitt Holiday Decor
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Vanity and Me Style // Roman Dress featured on Vanity and Me Style
Now Before You Get Started and it is not required but in order to be considered for a feature, would you take a moment to Comment and Share its appreciated, All the buttons are here to share. Lets Party!!
betul kak, jaga jarak terutama yang masih agak sulit dilakukan di tempat umum.
ReplyDeleteI went to visit my mom too last month. It wasn't like usual, she asked when we would come home to see her. I at first didn t wanna go but I was afraid it would be our only chance. My mom turns 71 next January. She's healthy but, yeah, this year has been full of surprises. I hope I will see her again when the pandemic has gone.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah jumpa dengan ibu setelah lama tidak menengoknya dalam keadaan sehat mbak. semoga beliau dikarunia kesehatan selalu ya. alhamdulillah juga trip ke pulau kelagian. jadi tambah indah kenangannya
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillaahh, bahagiaaa kalo ibu mertua sehat2 y mbaaa
ReplyDeletesemoga semuanya sehaatt dan tetap semangaatt
Wahai 2021, yuk yuk kita siap bersuaaa
Lampung ternyata pesona alamnya luar biasa juga yaa mba Indah, bisa snorkeling kah di pulau Kelagian itu? Untuk amatiran kaya aku bisa ya hihi
ReplyDeleteBarokallah mba Indah. Semoga rencana akhir tahunnya sukses dan menyenangkan. Saya di rumah aja jaga mertua, semoga juga saya bisa menikmati hari hari dalam merawat beliau. Semangat kita.
ReplyDeleteSehat selalu untuk keluarga kak Indah.
Kameranya pakai GoPro yaa, kak Indah?
Mantep banget hasilnya pas kapan lalu video nemo di dalam air.
Happy anniversary mbak, sekalian honeymoon ya ke Bali. Have fun ya di Bali . Walaupun udah sering ke Bali mbak Indah gak bosen2 apalagi skr sama orang yang special
ReplyDeletePandemi ini belum terbaca kapan usai ya mba sehingga banyak orang stres. Piknik kalau bisa jaga protokol dan tidak terlalu berbaur keramaian masih ok ya mba, biar gak jenuh juga. Stres kan bisa bikin imun dwon juga
ReplyDeletewow, 75thn \^^/ happy birthday, semoga mama mertua sehat selalu ya mba.. aku walau mudik ke lampung, belum cobain nih ke kelegian besar :D biasanya cuma ke pantai, saoalnya krucils belum bisa berenang xD
ReplyDeleteLampung bagus banget yaa pantai2 dan underwater worldnyaa.. cuma kayaknya ombaknya cukup besar ya, mbak, kudu latihan2 dulu nih kalau mau diving
ReplyDeleteWoww.... this is already your 16th anniversary?
ReplyDeleteI cant believe it...
COngratulations mbakkk, I wish you all the joy, happiness, and love a marriage can give.