Warung Cuci Mata, Kuta, Bali Indonesia |
Coming back to Bali after quite sometimes really thrilled me.
Since the pandemic started roughly in March in Indonesia, I haven't flown anywhere, be it domestic or international flights. For the benefit of us all, all traveling and gathering were cancelled and/or reschedule. Many countries have implemented lock down policy or 14-day quarantine for foreign travelers. Indonesia is applying similar policy as well.
But as we move on and implement 'new normal' approach during the pandemic which still lasts till now, we start traveling and attending meetings in small scale. Of course under very strict health protocol. In Indonesia, we are obliged to submit non-reactive rapid test or negative swab test result before flying. We also need to download e-HAC or electronic Health Alert Card application on our phone so that the Ministry of Healthy can have proper tracking of us in case there is a spread of COVID-19 from one of our trips. I guess I will share some details about new way of traveling in Indonesia later on separate post.
Long story short, I visited Bali again in the middle of October. It was the first time ever since March 2020. Usually, by the end of the year, I would have visited Bali 3-4 times, for meetings as well as short break with my munchkins. But of course that was before the pandemic. I never thought I could go back to Bali this soon but I was super happy indeed.
I stayed in Ubud (read: The Royal Pita Maha Resort, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia) for three days before I moved to Kuta area and shared in Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort. While I stayed here, I made an appointment with some friends from Bali Local Guides,- Jean, Angga, Okta and Irwin. I was super excited as we haven't met in persons before although we have met in so many virtual meet-ups. Jean and I even join some Whatsapp groups together.
So on my last night in Bali (I stayed for 5 days and 4 nights), we planned to meet near the Sheraton Hotel In Kuta. Actually, there is a big mall next to the hotel where we initially planned to meet but since the pandemic, many places close at 8 PM. That's why we decided to look for the place near the area and voilaa... we found Warung Cuci Mata!
welcome to Warung Cuci Mata |
It is not so far from Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort and Beachwalk mall, it is very so very convenient to those staying in or visiting the area.
It is situated by the street and you won't miss it. It has benches and bean bags as well as booths of food vendors. There are various food being offered here, a mix of traditional, Balinese food as well as hype, most-wanted food and munchies.
One of the menus |
I tried Nasi kuning campur Bali with ayam betutu (It's Balinese way of marinating and cooking chicken and duck, using Indonesian traditional herbs, super good and spicy), as well as sate telor puyuh or the quail eggs satay, bihun goreng or fried vermicelli, and sambal goreng tempe or the spicy fried tempe, the famous soy bean cake. We also ordered Korean cheese and garlic bread, grilled sausage and churros. All of them are yummy indeed.
the yummy nasi kuning with ayam betutu.. |
Korean Garlic Cheese Bread, everyone.. |
The Cheese fries... yuuum |
The price is manageable and friendly, like around 2oK Rupiah for a complete set of Nasi Bali and french fries for 15K Rupiah or USD 1. We still have more menu as well here such as fajita and kebab. We all enjoyed our order and loved them all.
Angga, Irwin and Okta from Bali Local Guides
The place is mask - mandatory and you have to clean your hands before entering and temperature checked. Seats are placed in safe distance. The five of us were sitting in one corner with disinfected desks and chairs.
We had so much fun chatting and exchanges gifts. Not to forget taking tons of pictures, including in the playground area which is pretty much Instagramable and cute. The five of us holding various banners and signs from Google Local Guides and posed. Click.. we got series of photos in this very spot.Let's play..
The five of us.. Jakarta and Bali Local Guides |
When we came here, there was a live band playing. Lovely indeed, although it didn't stay that long like it used to be. The place was packed but safely distance from one another. We used our masks all the time, expect while eating and drinking. So I guess this place is highly recommended as it is safe, clean, has lovely menu with friendly price, and open air as well.
Thank you so much Jean, Angga, Irwin et Okta for making our short but sweet rendezvous so enjoyable and memorable as well.
I came here after the malls and many restaurants in Kuta, Bali, closed. I know it's a bit sad to see Kuta this deserted, knowing that this place is famous for its vibes and 24-hour vibrant communities. But during the pandemic, most places close at 8 PM. Hope seen everything will be back to normal and we can again travel as well as gather with family and friends.
Meanwhile, stay safe, happy and healthy, wherever you are!
Ah Bali lagi, jadi inget lagi rencana mau ke sini gak jadi gegara pandemi. Terobatilah kecewa ini dikit dengan baca postingan ini. Thanks sharingnya ya Mbaa
ReplyDeleteWah harga di Bali ternyata ramah kantong ya mba. Jadi pengen liburan ke Bali 😍
ReplyDeleteharga makanannya lumayan ramah di kantong yaa, Mba. Semoga suatu saat saya juga bisa menginjakkan kaki ke sini, amiiin
ReplyDeleteharga makanannya terjangkau semua ya mbak :) cocok buat nongkrong cantik bareng keluarga sambil ngobrol2 hehehee
ReplyDeleteJadi kangen bali, tapi aku agak kesulitan makan di bali kalau ga pakai tur rombongan, review ini bisa jadi tempat kuliner alternatif nih kalau besok kesana lagi
ReplyDeleteKangen pengen kulineran lagi di Bali. Semoga ada berkat untuk bisa liburan lagi disana. Amin
ReplyDeleteBtw, nama tempat makannya lucu banget ya, mbak. Tempatnya juga cukup nyaman dan bisa bawa anak2 bermain juga disana :)
Sesuai namanya ya, Mbak. Warung Cuci Mata, memang tempat yang bagus untuk cuci mata dan bersantap makanan enak.
ReplyDeleteWah..sepertinya ini mmg tempat yg asyik buat ketemuan dg teman ya mba..dan menunya pun enaak...
ReplyDeleteYaaah gak ketemu mbak Indah...Kuta sekarang tak seramai dulu mbak. Akhir2 ini aja sudah mulai ramai dipadati wisatawan lokal. Rute inilah yang sering saya singgahi bareng teman saat gowes ke pantai Jerman, Kuta dan Double Six. Tapi kok saya belum pernah ke warung cuci mata ya...boleh nih dicoba menunya hehehe..
ReplyDeleteBelum pernah nih makan yang nasi kuning dg lauk betutu. Penasaran perpaduan rasanya kayak gimana. Next ah kalau jalan jalan mungkin bisa aku agendakan mampir ke warung cuci mata ini. Makasih infonya mbak indaahhh
ReplyDeleteAhhh ya ampun, kangen Bali.
ReplyDeleteWaaaa jadi kangen ngeBali lagi euyyy ... Itu jajanannya murmer pisan mbaa. Halal lagi ya.. seneng deh pastinya
ReplyDeleteAda korean garlic juga. Up to date sekali menunya. Hehehehe ...
ReplyDeleteThe food looks so good!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on packed places. Where I work now is super busy because it's holiday season. I can't wait to get out of there and start my new and hopefully final job.