5 Ways to Remember Self-Care During Recovery

Self-care is very important

Prioritizing yourself over everything else is the first and the most crucial step towards recovery because not only self-care crucial for healthy mental well being, but also indispensable when it comes to physical wellness and seeking balance.

Whenever we are recovering, we can often be tempted to quickly go back to the "normal life" but  fail to realize that rushing through the process can sometimes set us back and lengthen the recovery process. Furthermore, self-care helps to encourage happiness and self contentment with life; self care allows you to live life to the fullest, while being more present in each experience.

In the following section, we share some tips to prioritize your self care when recovering mentally or physically:

Have a routine for yourself

Having a routine can be helpful in self care and aiding in progressing your recovery. Before your schedule gets fully booked consider incorporating specific times or days in your calendar for activities that you enjoy.

Keep it simple however, as the routine should be realistic and not overwhelming so that you can turn towards it like a ritual and do it with consistency - the objective is to unplug yourself from the regular tasks and obligations, drop everything and attend to your own needs.

One example of this could be to include in your routine “wellness days” or similar dates where you will be blocking time and dedicating the time to reconnect with yourself.

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

When many people think of “self-care” they think of meditation, massages or yoga, however what self-care really means is anything that triggers you to focus on yourself; activities that  bring you enjoyment which can also mean new and creative hobbies. 

By allowing yourself to explore and discover different activities, it allows you to find out what feels right for you and being open to new, unexpected adventures.

In this process of self-discovery, it’s important to put aside self judgement if those activities aren’t the same activities before your recovery - often times, these activities may no longer interest you, or it may be that your body has changed during the recovery process.

Seek assistance from a professional

When dealing with recovery, it can be helpful to have a healthcare professional on your team to help you navigate the highs and lows, and also support you mentally or physically, especially if there are new symptoms that can arise.

“In addition to helping you navigate through new symptoms, they can also help you see things from a more holistic perspective, says Dr. Sarah Bennett, a naturopathic physician at Natural Med Doc, as well as help you reframe your experience during difficult times.

Having a healthcare professional with extensive training can be beneficial in helping you balance out your current emotional and physical wellbeing, as well as balancing your self care with recovery.

Listen to yourself

One of the best sources of how we are doing from day to day  is by listening to our bodies, particularly our energy, pain levels and our emotions; paying attention to its prompts and actively attending to our needs.

If you are feeling more exhausted and irritable, it may be time to pace yourself and give yourself even more self-care, as these are internal prompts to rest and limit external stimulation.

Remember that in recovery not everything will be the same as before; embracing the physical emotional and mental changes, listening to yourself and accepting your new normal can be helpful in moving through the recovery process.

Focus on the essentials

In the recovery process, it’s not uncommon to want to get “back to normal” as soon as possible, however, we can fall prey to distractions and become incredibly busy, which can make things overwhelming and be draining towards your energy.

Simplifying and focusing on the essentials can help prevent you from becoming overwhelmed and exhausted - sit back and take a moment to inventory the things that matter to you, and only do those things that would be the most impactful on your health and wellbeing, as well as delegating tasks to others. .

"Urgent" doesn't necessarily mean vital or important, nor does it indicate that you must drop everything you’re doing to focus on it - keeping things simple and prioritizing the  essentials can help to prevent you from feeling overwhelm during the recovery process.

In Summary

When it comes to self-care, it’s important to prioritize the essentials, schedule time for yourself,  listen to yourself  and be open to the process of self-discovery.

In coming back to a new normal, it’s important not to rush the  process as it can halt your  progress, understanding that some things won’t be the same and remembering that recovery is also about finding a new balance.

Having a professional in your team can also help you by supporting you mentally, emotionally or physically and helping you to balance self-care with recovery.

This is a guest post written by Katherine (Tori) Lutz
Freelance Writer, Editor & Social Media Strategist
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherine-tori-lutz-55609512b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Torilutz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/torilutz/


  1. Thanks for the tips. It's useful for everyone. We need to self-care much with our best afford

    1. Indeed.. and sometimes we tend to take our health for granted

  2. Terima kasih buat tips nya Mbak Indah, semoga kita semua selalu diberikan kesehatan sama yang di Atas yaa, semoga yang sedang sakit segera diberikan kesembuhan <3

  3. Wah tips nya luar biasa nih..terima kasih ya mba sudah berbagi kadang kita lupa pd diri hehe

  4. ASik ini tipsnya, maacih looh..
    Yuk ahh belajar teruus mengenal diri sendiri dan ku lagi sering ngobrol sama bodikuu, yang sekarang pen isrirahat moloo..

  5. Memang terkadang kita mengabaikan diri sendiri dan kadang tidak aware dengan sinyal2 tubuh kita. Mungkin saat2 tertentu tubuh kita perlu istirahat, atau mungkin ada saatnya kita perlu melakukan hal2 yang kita sukai yang bisa membuat tubuh, jiwa, pikiran kita jadi fresh, sehat & bahagia.

  6. pasca sakit aku langsung deh self care hahahha, tapi kalo fisik udah maksimal 100% biasanya suka lupa self care

  7. Mendengarkan diri sendiri menurutku memang penting sekali mba dan sayangnya banyak juga yang nggak ngeh. Padahal ini penting

  8. Padahal tubuh kita juga suka ngasih tau kalau mereka sedang capek ya tapi kitanya kadang juga gak mau tau atau cuek. Seperti tahun 2020 aku lebih ingin menjaga pola makan dan gaya hidupku juga.

    1. sekarang tuh yang paling utama kalau buatku jangan lupa bergerak atau olahraga karena ini bisa membantu juga.

  9. Makasih tipsnya. Aku kalau lihat hingar bingar sampai kaya pusing sendiri, akhirnya pilih jauh2 sementara waktu. Harus menghabiskan waktu buat diri kita dan tetap bahagia

  10. Makasi banyak kak tipsnya soalnya kadang tuh kalau mikirin omongan orang lain juga kadang capek sendiri ya...

  11. Listen to ourselves. Setuju banget. Yang mengerti diri kita sepenuhnya cuma kita sendiri. Kita yg tau apa yg sebenarnya kita butuhkan.

  12. Thanks for the tips mba. Memang yang tau betul kondisi mental dan fisik ya diri sendiri, makanya harus betul-betul didengarkan. Aku sekarang udah mulai peduli sama kondisi diriku.Dan kalau lagi merasakan sesuatu yang bikin capek entah pikiran atau fisik, aku lebih pilih istirahat even kerjaan lagi banyak.

  13. Makasih tipsnya kak indah. Rasanya sudah tau tapi kadang lalai dan perlu diingatkan terus menerus karena kesibukan ya mbak

  14. bener banget kak, memang self-care itu penting untuk menjaga kita tetap "waras" yaah.. thankyou tips nya kak ^^

  15. Ngingetin untuk terus self care memang sepenting itu ya Mbak. Akupun mencoba mmebuat rutinitas pagi yg lebih baik dan makan makanan yang lebih sehat :)

  16. Well .... it's important to pay special attention to ourselves. Cause, who will pay more attention to ourselves well if not we ourselves.

  17. Very useful tips mbak Indah,
    I seldom using the essential oil too, and doing doodle is more calm and helpful

  18. Self care sebetulnya jangan nunggu datangnya sakit dulu ya, Mbak. Tetapi, ya gitu, saya masih suka mengabaikan diri sendiri. Giliran sakit baru inget. Abis itu lupa lagi. Duh!

  19. Nah ini pengingat mba. Dan nggak hanya untuk diri sendiri tapi juga ke orang lain yang kita kenal. Makasih remindernya :)

  20. balance...balance..balance...
    buatku itu udah kaya mantra aja. Selalu berusaha diingat untuk berada dalam keseimbangan. And, yes. Jangan nunggu tubuh protes baru bingung. Sehat selalu Mbak Indah.

  21. Mendengarkan diri sendiri, ini yang masih susah saya lakukan. Udah ada sinyal-sinyal tubuh merassa tak enak, seharusnya kan ya istirahat dulu. Tapi kadang tuntutan kerjaan di kantor maupun di rumah membuat keinginan untuk istirahat harus di tunda dulu

  22. "it’s important to prioritize the essentials, schedule time for yourself, listen to yourself and be open to the process of self-discovery." Noted Mbak.

  23. Bener banget harus lebih sayang sama diri sendiri ya.. Apalagi yang harus di utama kan kan diri sendiri.. Penting ya soalnyaa

  24. WAh ternyata ini penulis tamu di blognya mbak Indah ya. Listen to yourself, tubuh itu sebenarnya sudah memberikan signal-signal ya kadang kita mengabaikannya

  25. Bener bnget y mba,,, mudah2an bisa ngikutin tips2nya dlm sehari2,,Aku Blum bisa ini nulis blog dlm bhs Inggris takut salah

  26. Mba, sehat-sehat selalu ❤❤❤ kami menyayangimuuu 😘😘😘
    Tulisannya menguatkan dirimu banget ya mamaboobi

  27. Hello Tori :)
    Baru tau ada guest pos di blog ini :D
    Btw emang gtu mbk, apalagi ibu2, kalau abis sakit dan udah kuat dikit langsung suka gas pol mengerjakan aktivitas yg sempet tertunda krn sakit. Kekuatan ibuk2 hehe. Moga kita semua senantiasa sehat ya aamiin

  28. karena selalu teringat mamak harus sekuat baja, kadang suka gak aware sama alarm tubuh padahal mendengarkan sinyal tubuh itu penting untuk keesehatan kita snediri

  29. Terima kasih sudah diingatkan dengan tipsnya Mbak. Menjaga kesehatan badan kita sendiri itu penting ya...

  30. Listen to ourself. Note to myself nih untuk menjaga kewarasan diri. Menjalankan rutinitas sehari-hari memang penting, tapi penting juga menjaga keseimbangan diri.

  31. Terkadang sudah ga dengerin diri sendiri karena sibuk mikirin omongan orang
    Saya banget ini. Makanya 2020 pengen berubah.

  32. i do agree with all those tips.. hopefully kita selalu sehat yaaaaaaaaaaa

  33. Aku nih masih suka gak ingat alarm tubuh hiks, tahu-tahu sakit deh kecapean. Tapi aku mau bertekad jaga makanan tahun 2020 ini, semoga selalu sehat ya mba

  34. ... and I directly interesting to click the external link and found below tip:

    "... remember that it is okay to feel insecure, frustrated and a whole host of other negative and tiring things during your recovery"

    Well note :)

  35. I think a lot of women forget how important self care is for overall health. I know I've always put other's needs ahead of my own, but I'm finally learning that it's a good thing to make time for myself as well.

  36. This serves as a great message for us as we always are thinking about others.
    Thank you for hosting #omhgww.
    I hope you have a great week!

  37. This is great to have self care. Women need to take time for themselves. Sometimes I forget. I need to remember.


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