Happy Independence Day, Indonesia
Happy 74th anniversary, Indonesia |
So, this is the day.
Today, 17th of August 2019, Indonesia is celebrating her 74th anniversary.
It might look young in terms of independence but we certainly are blessed with so many incredible things after the Independence Day.
This is our second year in Indonesia and we have a blast in celebrating the Independence Day. As you have probably remember from my post last year, we had the ceremony at the office, the flag hoisting ceremony, which were held early in the morning led by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Indonesia herself, H.E. Mrs. Retno Marsudi.
The Minister leading the ceremony |
This year, we have the similar commemoration. But of course with different theme and different decorations. For sure I am wearing a different costume as well LOL.
Vienna, my junior, and I wearing Lampungnese Tapis |
Last year, I wear the Lampungnese dress with white kebaya, Lampungnese Tapis, and a full set of Lampungnese Siger from Pepadun tribe. It was fun indeed, but as you can probably imagine, wearing traditional costumes is not always that practical at all LOL.
This year, I decided to wear the red kebaya adorned with Lampungnese Tapis as well, paired with red-green-and-gold Tapis and slightly smaller Siger or the head dress. It proves to be more wearable for me for the whole morning. Not as heavy as the previous Siger I wore last year. And for sure it looks beautiful as well.
Wearing red this year..my Mas Riaz, my senior |
So I came to the office at 6:30 AM, which is quite early, In order to ensure that I don’t miss the ceremony. When I arrived, the field that we use for the ceremony was already packed with people wearing colorful traditional Indonesian costumes. It is very heartwarming to see the beauty of diversity that my country is embracing, and that’s only from the costume alone. I see those wearing costumes from various parts in Java, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and also Papua.
We have the usual flag raising ceremony proceedings, starting with welcoming the inspector of the ceremony, which is my minister, followed by reading out Pancasila (our 5-principles state philosophy), the preamble of our constitution, the flag hoisting process, and the presentations of various token of appreciation for those who have been working for 10 ,15, 20 or more years in my institution. Finally, the ceremony was closed by praying together and then singing some national songs.
But obviously that’s not all. We had fun photo sessions with the Minister and all the high rank officials from a ministry at the field and in front of Gedung Pancasila, One of the historical an iconic buildings in Jakarta where Pancasila our states philosophy , was inaugurated.
some members of the big family of Multilateral Affairs |
ASEAN Way.. |
Colorful Indonesia! |
the colleagues from my batch, Sekdilu 28! |
Snacks and food are available as well and we definitely enjoyed them. After that I’m heading back home and rest for a while before joining my neighbors who are conducting some traditional games, like makan kerupuk, balap karung and panjat pinang, to celebrate Independence Day.
Get more stories from my YouTube channel as well about this ceremony.
So that’s my story on the independence day.
What’s your story?
Happy Independence Day, Indonesia |
Indah, you look amazing in the Indonesia apparel, I love the Siger head dress it is beautiful what a wonderful experience!!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great week! Thank you for CO-Hosting with us on Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday!
Bajunya cakeppp tumben ga pakai ungu mam? 😀😀
ReplyDeleteThat's really cool and I love the colorful clothing you are wearing.
ReplyDeleteYou look adorable. Thanks for sharing and for cohosting at #omhgww.
ReplyDeleteMba...tapisnya keren bangeeet..makin cantik ya mba Indah & teman memakai kain2 tradisional kita..
ReplyDeleteUlala I love RED!! Cuantiiikk banget dirimuuu kakaaaa
ReplyDeleteSeruuu ya para Diplomat Deplu ini. Kerja serius dan teteup having fun
Keren mbaaa, warna merah emang bikin makin keceh, meski agak aneh juga karena biasanya liat mba Indah pakai ungu mulu hahaha
ReplyDeleteDemi merah putih ya mba, merah adalah berani, lafff deh :D
Seneng ekali lihat baju daerah bertebaaran, seruu dan memanggil rasa nasionalisme ya mba.
ReplyDeleteKebayang kesannya pasti lebih mendalam ya karena di negeri orang
Cantik banget deh kain tapisnya. Dari dulu aku pingin punya
ReplyDeleteSeneng banget yaa, kak Indah...
ReplyDeleteMelihat Indonesia damai dengan keberagamannya begini.
Semoga Allah melindungi dan memberkahi warga Indonesia selalu.
seru banget sih upacara di istana kayak gitu. duh kapan yaa bisa ke sana juga :D
ReplyDeleteTapis Lampungnya cantik banget mba Indah
Kalah di tempatku ada lomba panjat pinang tapi pohonnya ditanem di sungai jadi kalau jatuh ke sungai gitu gak begitu dalem sih tapi, ada tepuk bantal juga jadi pohon pinang nya didudukin rame rame terus orang saling pukul pukul pakai bantal, seru deh hehe
ReplyDeleteSeru banget mbak upacaranya apalagi pakai baju adat2 daerah gtu. Udah lama banget aku gak upacara hehe :D
ReplyDeleteSemoga Indonesia masyarakatnya damai2 terus ya gak mudah terprovokasi aamiin
Wah bahagia banget deh Mba Indah bisa ikut upacara bareng orang-orang penting. Aku udah puluhan tahun ga ikut upacara bendera hehehe
ReplyDeleteUpacaranya pakai baju adat seklaigus biar inget & melestarikan budaya bangsa ya mbak. Udah lama aku gak pakai baju adat juga
ReplyDeleteWuih, seru banget ya upacara perayaan HUT RI-nya. Pake baju dari berbagai daerah. Kereeeen 😍
ReplyDeleteAku sukaaa sejak dicanangkan pakai baju adat untuk dresscode HUT 17 Agustus. Suasana jadi meriah, seru, dan bikin makin cinta Indonesia. Mba Indah kece banget penampilan nya, suka warna baju Lampung nya mba
ReplyDeleteHappy Independence Day... Senengnya lihat baju2 tradisional yang dimiliki Mam Indah Nuria. Selalu kece dan modelnya amat bervariasi.
ReplyDelete74 tahun dan InshaAllah Indonesia semakin menuju bangsa yang besar ya mbak, seru banget liat mbak dan teman teman merayakan kemerdekaan RI yang ke 74.. terlihat sekali rasa bangga terhadap Indonesia
ReplyDeleteHapy Independence day mama Bo. Suka liat baju daerah mama Bo. Cantik banget
ReplyDeleteah aku lihat upacara di tv, pengen ngerasain lagi upacara di istana.
ReplyDeleteMama Bo mah pakai apa saja selalu keren di layar kamera
ReplyDeleteKadang pengen tanya apa rahasianya tapi sungkan, haha