Weekend just passed and we had a wonderful one indeed!
Spending 3 days in Bandung (partly mixed with my works and meetings), the Frakarsas, ma petite famille, managed to enjoy Bandung at its best.
Bandung, the capital city of West Java Province, has long been known as the paradise for creativity, - be it in the forms of fashion, culinary, music, art performances and more,- as well as wonderful weather and gorgeous landscapes.
This time, we drove to Lembang, another popular spot near bandung which is located n the upper part or at the feet of Tangkuban Perahu mountain. It took us around 50 minutes drive from Dago, Bandung.
Destination: De Ranch Lembang
De Ranch in Lembang is the place where you can have family-packed adventures in the open farm with wonderful landscape. Here we can try horse or pony riding, horse-cart or Delman ride, fun boat trip, gold hunter, fishing and more!
My daughter Obi loves horses and ponies so much.
Obviously, she wanted us to take all those rides and since I couldn't ride the horse (I'm too fat for it, that's what they said his), we took the delman trip followed by the horse trip for Obi and my hubby.
Before enjoying the horse riding, we took a walk along the farm and it was lovely!
We took pictures of the horses and since the warning that horses can bite and kick, we pretty much took a safe distance.
The surrounding area is also beautiful.
Green lush forest framing the majestic Tangkuban Perahu mountain, fresh purple-and-pink wild flowers spreading on the field. Not to mention the fresh, clean cool air we breath.
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beautiful purple flowers |
The three of us, - Bo, Obi and I (three persons maximum in this cart) rode this traditional horse-drawn carriage around the farm for about 20 minutes.
Not bad at all!
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Fun boat ride! |
What we loved most is the horse-riding of course.
My hubby and Obi were truly enjoying their ride!
For sure, I will share more on the next post.
Stick around and will be happily back with more only for you!
Join us in (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun linking up with so many other bloggers feom many corners of the world
My hubby and Obi were truly enjoying their ride!
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Cheers.. |
Stick around and will be happily back with more only for you!
Join us in (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun linking up with so many other bloggers feom many corners of the world
You take the most beautiful photos, Indah!
ReplyDeleteHorses are such magnificent creatures, aren't they??!!
Looove the fresh air at Lembang and also the pictures you made. I never going to Lembang. Hopefully one day
ReplyDeleteWah Obi jadi koboy cantik nih, Boleh lah kapan-kapan aku ke sana juga main-main jadi koby ya mbak, ini di daerah Lembang juga ya mbak lokasinya dRanch
ReplyDeleteAku udah lama banget ke sini tahun 2014an hahaha waktu si sulung masih cimit banget, seru emang naik kudanya mba In tapi entah kenapa aku sendiri takut naik kuda :D
ReplyDeleteAku suka ke d'ranch menurut aku harganya cocok di kantong dan banyak banget permainan + aktivitas buat anak2. Apalagi kalau udah sore2 dateng, ngga terlalu cendol dan b isa menikmati permainan dengan nyaman. Cuman masalahnya sekarang Bandung lagi sering hujan, jadi harus pinter2 deh nyari waktunya :D
ReplyDeleteHarga naik kudanya di D'Ranch berapa emang mbak?
DeleteKeliatannya asik banget, jadi penasaran buat main ke sana bareng keluarga... :D
Asik banget di d ranch aku pernah sekali sama bocah2 plus ortu juga ke sana. Hawanya adeem yaa..
ReplyDeletewah aku kalah sama orang Semarang nih, aku aja belum pernah ke sana. Kapan-kapan mampir deh ke sana
DeleteSeru ya mbk de Ranch, sayang banget pas jalan ke Bandung nggak sempat ke Lembang. Suasananya juga adem ya
ReplyDeleteSeru banget Mbakkkk. Aduhhh aku pinginnnnn. Anakku suka kuda soalnya.
ReplyDeletepernah ke d'ranch ini tahun berapaan ya? pokoknya sebelum tahun 2008. hahaha what a long long long time ago ya.. semoga suatu hari bisa ke sini bareng kricils
ReplyDeleteI will forever stop and admire horses. I would love to explore this ranch and gaze at the horses. You took some very lovely pictures of them!
ReplyDeletePengen aku ke De ranch...belum pernah ajak anak2 ke sini, padahal kakak tinggal di Cimahi. Semoga liburan sekolah nanti bisa...
ReplyDeleteSerunyaaa mbak, naik kuda gitu di De Ranch. Di Semarang juga ada model kayak gini, cuma karena aku belum pernah nyoba yang di De Ranch jadi nggak tahu sama kah tarifnya. Tapi yang jelas sih De Ranch lebih sejuk udaranya
ReplyDeleteSejak datang ke tempat ini, saya jadi trauma terhadap kuda Mbak. Sampek sekarang lengan saya masih ada bekas di gigit kuda pas liburan akhir tahun 2015 di De Ranch. Orang pada seneng seneng liburan, saya masuk UGD waktu itu.
ReplyDeleteAku sebagai orang Bandung asli ikut seneng denger orang2 yg punya cerita seru di Bandung. Semoga ga kapok main main ke Bandung ya mbak.
ReplyDeletePernah ke Tangkuban Perahu waktu SD dan pengin ke sana lagi. Apalagi itu ke lembang naik Kuda, ish mau banget.
ReplyDeleteSeru banget yaa De Ranch! Aku belum pernah ke sana sama sekalii, dulu hampir karena mau ikut acara. Eh hari H batal dateng, hahaha.
ReplyDeleteKapan2 mau ajak anak2 ke sana ah biar bisa rasain keseruannya
Aku udah ke Lembang beberapakali, tapi justru ke De Ranch! nya malah belum, moga next ke Bandung bisa main ke sini bareng kluarga besar kaya sebelumnya
ReplyDeleteWhen i see the purple flower at your picture, then i see your background blog. it's the same, hheee.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your sharing, Mbak
I've never traveled to de Ranch, Lembang
Hopefully someday, i can go there ^_^
Waah...Mbak Indah main ke de Ranch Lembang, ya? Asyik kan di sana ya, Mbak. Ini salah satu tempat bermain favorit anak-anak saya. Berkali-kali ke sana, mereka gak bosen hihihi
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice experience had riding a horse. The place is also nice. When I was in lembang I only could visit farm house because I hadn't much time huhuhu
ReplyDeleteTetep ya mama Bo kalo ketemu yang ungu langsung diabadikan hahaha. Aku belum pernah main ke Lembang nih mama Bo
ReplyDeleteAduh udah lama niat mengunjungi De Ranch belum rejeki juga. Makin rapi makin tertata saja di sana.
ReplyDeleteOh...liburan ke Bandung kemarin sekeluarga kah, kak Insav?
ReplyDeleteAku kangen...uda lama gak ke De Ranch.
Emm...banyak khawatirnya kalau ke Lembang...salah satunya macet.
Penasaran aku belum pernah ke sini dsn kudanya bikin pengen naik loh!
ReplyDeleteIni sudah masuk ke wishlist tempat liburan keluarga. Pengin banget ke sini.. Besok kalo ke Bandung, sempetin mampir ahhh
ReplyDeleteNemu aja yaa bunga ungu padahal bunganya kecil.
ReplyDeleteTerakhir ke De' Ranch menyenangkan, anakku berani naik kuda ga pakai ku temani.
Never been to Lembang and been wanting to go to a ranch! I'd like to ride a horse >.<
ReplyDeleteBagus dan menarik tempatnya. Kalau anak gedean dikit mauuu kubawa naik kuda dehhh kesini hahaha
ReplyDeleteObi berani banget naik kuda. Itu kuda yang biasa pula. Bukan yang poni ya.
ReplyDeleteBandung, kapan keluarga kami bisa ke sana ya? Semoga secepatnya.
Yah aku kayaknya terakhir naik kuda itu pas masih kuliah deh. Hihih. Anakku sempat minta juga naik kuda. Tapi belum kesampaian. Makasih referensinya mba. Oh ya, harga untuk per orang berapa mba?
ReplyDeleteI never try ride the horse. Maybe someday when I visit this place ��
ReplyDeleteBelum pernah ke De Rans Lembang. Pengen deh 😍 viewnya itu seger banget
ReplyDeleteSalah satu destinasi liburan yang belum pernah dikunjungi lembang sekitarnya. Btw mbah Indah kalau ngambil foto bagus2 pisan...
ReplyDeleteMasyaAllah indah ya Mbaaa
ReplyDeleteAku belum pernah ke Lambang. Pas ke Bansung kemarin pengen tapi apalah daya nggak bisa lama lama hehehhe
Lembang punya sejuta kisah ceeita yang bisa dikmukir dengan keluarga ya mba
ReplyDeleteAlthough i've lived in Bandung for 7 years, i never visit de ranch.
ReplyDeleteMaybe someday if i already had kids, we'll go there and have some fun like what you did :D
aku belum pernah ke de ranch, dulu waktu sering ke bandung belum ada de ranch heheeh. Semoga bisa secepatnya ke sana bawa anak-anak :)
ReplyDeleteDe ranch ini emang ngehits kalau ke Lembang, tapi aku blm pernah ke snaa #sad.
ReplyDeleteKalau ke sana aku pengen naik kuda, udah cita2 dr dulu haha. Selama ini kalau ke tempat wisata yg nyewain kuda yg naik anak2 doank, kali ini kalau ke sana aku mau naik jg :D
Woowww...asyiknya naik kuda ya. Sampai sekarang aku belum pernah nyobain nih naik kuda. Kalau anak2 sih udah pernah dan menikmati saat menunggang kuda saat liburan. Di sini sih dekat2 aja ;)
ReplyDeleteSuasananya kayak peternakan betulan, ya. Kayak jauh di atas gunung. Kalau nggak salah, lokasinya ini masih tempat yang mudah dijangkau kan, ya.
ReplyDeleteSayang banget waktu ke Lembang gak sempet mampir ke sini. Kapan2 mau ngajak anak2 ke sini ah.
ReplyDeleteKenangan masa lalu akan membuat kita kembali lagi bahwa anak anak juga harus mengenal delman , transportasi yang sangat berperan penting di jaman dahulu. Walaupun sekarang hanya bisa di nikmati di tempat rekreasi
ReplyDeleteOh, look at that fun boat! Oh, look at Obi! Obi apa kabar? udah gede sekarang... Jarang nongol di grup nih sekarang Obi ya... :D
ReplyDeleteI love horses too! They are just so pretty. I love their long flowing mane and tail.
ReplyDeleteWow, asyiknya naik kudaaaa... Aku blm pernah ke de ranch.