Back to my beauty trunk and let's see what I have today!
Review of Fenty Beauty Match Six in Sinamon.
Anybody likes using highlighters?
I do too!
Highlighters have been booming since the last 5 years and nowadays we have more and more choices when it comes to using these beautiful products.
Why I love highlighter
I love using highlighter.
Do you want to know why?
As the name suggested, highlighter is used to highlight our favorite features on our face.
For sure, we have so many choices of colors and shades that you can choose now, starting from the powder or liquid ones, - probably most popular,- as well as stick and brick.
Aku memang senang menggunakan highlighter yang notabene membantu menampilkan beberapa bagian wajah yang kusuka, seperti pipi, hidung dan dagu. Apalagi highlighter memberi efek tirus dan kurus, seperti yang kuharapkan LOL. Yang pasti, highlighter juga bisa dipakai untuk pengganti eye shadow dan juga lipstik.
Aku memang senang menggunakan highlighter yang notabene membantu menampilkan beberapa bagian wajah yang kusuka, seperti pipi, hidung dan dagu. Apalagi highlighter memberi efek tirus dan kurus, seperti yang kuharapkan LOL. Yang pasti, highlighter juga bisa dipakai untuk pengganti eye shadow dan juga lipstik.
One thing for sure, I love using highlighter because it gives great contouring to my face.
Highlighter, as the name suggested, is used to highlight the feature of our face which we want to focus on. In my case, I usually use it on my cheeks, eyes, nose and chin.
Well, we have different feature obviously but usually, as I have read in many sources and tried myself in one of the free make-up courses I took, I used highlighter in 7 different spots on our face. Do you want to know where exactly they are?
Those places, among others, are:
- cheekbones (my favorite place indeed!)
- the tip or bridge of our nose
- cupid's bow
- forehead center
- beneath the arch of our brows
- above the arch of our brows
- chin center
You see, so many choices for the place on our face where you can apply your favorite highlighter.
The challenge to find the right highlighter for us continues as we will have to see not only the shades but also the way it blends with our skin.
I have been using several highlighters, including the ones from Anastasia Beverly Hills, Sephora, and Huda Beauty. I will be reviewing them but I will now start with my favourite, Match stix Fenty Beauty in Sinamon.
I guess many of you have heard of Fenty Beauty by Rihanna, right?
Rihanna has been a famous singer and this Caribbean beauty (born and raised in Barbados) certainly works on being a leading entrepreneur, including in cosmetic world. And I am one of her fans!
Match Stix Fenty Beauty in Sinamon
So now let's get down to business and here's my review for Match stix Fenty Beauty - Sinamon.
"A magnetized highlighter stick in a longwear, light-as-air formula to highlight, blush, and bronze in 10 colorful shades that let you play".
That's the claim I read from about this Match Stix.
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Fenty Beauty by Rihanna |
What is a match stix by the way?
It's one of the most-wanted products from Fenty Beauty which comes in various shades and different finish, either SHIMMER or MATTE. And as the packaging is formed in a a certain way and coming with magnet, they can stick to one another with different shades.
Function as highlighter, blush, and even eye shadow, I love match six from Fenty Beauty in Sinamon. The version I use is shimmer skinstick and tt's the perfect shade for my skin complexion as well.
The shade that I use is called Sinamon.
It's pretty much a shimmer one with copper - based tone and it falls under Cinnamon Bronze group.
This is how it looks on my skin.
It's pretty much a shimmer one with copper - based tone and it falls under Cinnamon Bronze group.
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the swatch .. |
This is how it looks on my skin.
It's pretty, isn't it?
You can see how it shimmers and really highlights my skin.
Moreover, it feels good on my skin too.
No breakout, no itchy feeling, not hotness and IT STAYS!
I have been using this product for my eyes, cheeks, lips, nose, and chin and this is how it looks.
Sepertinya aku harus kursus lagi nih dan diajari bagaimana memanfaatkan highlighter dengan baik dan benar. Ternyata tidak gampang lho menggunakannya tanpa menimbulkan kesan terlalu berlebihan atau bling-bling banget, It's not always that easy to find the right way of doing it.
Sepertinya aku harus kursus lagi nih dan diajari bagaimana memanfaatkan highlighter dengan baik dan benar. Ternyata tidak gampang lho menggunakannya tanpa menimbulkan kesan terlalu berlebihan atau bling-bling banget, It's not always that easy to find the right way of doing it.
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look tired, but I still love it! |
On another occasion, I have used it as well for my cheeks only and I love the look!
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I love this highlighter sooo much! |
The ingredients of Sinamon are, among others: mica, ethylhexyl isononanoate, octyldodecanol, polymethyl methacrylate, sucrose acetate isobutyrate, c20-40 alcohols, paraffin, tribehenin, polyethylene, vp/eicosene copolymer, vp/hexadecene copolymer, diisostearyl malate, cera microcristallina/microcrystalline wax/cire microcristalline, caprylyl glycol, phenoxyethanol, tocopheryl acetate, hexylene glycol, tocopherol, isostearyl alcohol, ascorbyl palmitate, malic acid, and calcium sodium borosilicate.
So far I found it all safe.
The packaging is lovely. It's like a sturdy plastic container in choco milk color.
Fenty Beauty is written in silver font in one of the side and the name of the shade is written underneath. It looks neat.
You have to roll it up to get the highlighter out.
The packaging is lovely. It's like a sturdy plastic container in choco milk color.
Fenty Beauty is written in silver font in one of the side and the name of the shade is written underneath. It looks neat.
You have to roll it up to get the highlighter out.
The price of this collection is USD 25 before taxes (depending on where you buy it, but in NYC it becomes around USD 31 after the VAT) and I bought it in Sephora Times Square New York City. As always, it's always been my favorite spot!
Repurchase? Yes, yes, yes... And I gues I might try and explore other shades.
Sepertinya aku tertarik untuk mencoba shades yang matte dan melihat hasilnya di kulitku.
So, how do you like it?
Have you tried other Fenty products?
Do you think you will like the shimmer or the matte finishing?
Do you think you will like the shimmer or the matte finishing?
Do you have your favorite collection when it comes to highlighter?
Will you buy this one?
wah aku baru tahu produk ini, sepertinya menarik untuk dicoba. terima kasih informasinya ya kak :)
ReplyDeleteSama-samaaa.. selamaat pakaaai
Deletehighlighternya fenty beauty bikin mupeng tp harganyaa itu lmyn pricy buat aku haha. warna highlighternya cakep bgt ��
ReplyDeleteAku suka bangeet shade yang inii
DeleteSaya baru-baru ini aja pakai highlighter karena dikasih tau sama sepupu. Langsung suka dari pertama kali pakai. Jadi sekarang agak sering pakai highlighter
ReplyDeleteEnak kaan mba.. dan memang ngg repot pakainyaaa
DeleteSaya masih belum pandai cara makai highlighter mba, pakai punya Oriflame, taruh di hidung jadi kayak berminyak hidung saya hahahahah
ReplyDeleteApalagi taruh di jidat hahaha
Aku taruhnya di pipi mbaa.. kalau begitu pakainya yang matte highlighternya.. adaaa lho
Deleteaku juga akhir akhir ini lagi seneng banget pake highlighter di hidung dan di tulang pipi nih, biar muka keliatan lebih glowing ya hihihi, padahal dulunya sempet anti pake highlighter hehehe
ReplyDeleteNah ituuu.. efek glowingnya yang dicari
DeleteAku suka pake highlighter juga mba. Pakainya tipis-tipis aja sih di hidung dan tulamg pipi. Belom berani cobain di daerah lain huehe
ReplyDeleteAku sebenernya penasaran dengan daerah lain jugaa
DeleteI wanted to try on Fenty's product so so much. Harus swatch langsung karena klo liat online suka bingung shadenya haha, so many!
ReplyDeleteBeneeer.. makanya aku betaah di sephora NYC nyobain segala maceem 🙈
DeleteThat looks so good on you beb, aku juga pingin nyobain fenty highlighter tapi masih dalam rangka menabung ini
ReplyDeleteIni lucu banget higlighter nya. Aku pecinta higlighter..punya beberapa koleksi dirumah. Tapi blm punya yg Fenty beauty highlighter ini. Packaging nya unik dan praktis banget penggunaan nya
ReplyDeleteAsli enak mbaa.. lembut lagii
DeleteDuh parah ini kece banget highlighter-nya secara aku suka pake
ReplyDeleteWajib ada di wishlist nih!
Ayooo dicobain
Deleteefek tirus dan kurus ini yang paling membuat highlighter penting dipakai. hahaha...
ReplyDeleteAKu gak bisa mbak pakainya kalau higliter, nanti kalau ketemu mbak Indah lagi mau minta ajarin ah:) Biar lebih tirus lagi muka aku
ReplyDeleteJadi sexy gitu mba kesannya. Tapi agak pucet ya kalo ga pake lips bold gitu. Kalo mba insav mah pake apapun cucok meong deh ah
ReplyDeleteBelom pernah pakai highlighter, nih. Sepertinya bagus ya ada efek2 tirus ya. Cakep, Mbak. Keren gitu. Btw, harganya cukup bikin jebol dompet yak ����
ReplyDeleteMba Indah cocok pakai hihglighter ini, pas juga ya digunakan untuk pemulas bibir. Aku sih paling berani pakai di dagu atau tulang pipi agar tampak tirus, xixixii
ReplyDeleteKeliatan bersinar manja ya kak hehehem itu adalah makeup rutin yang slalu ak pake. Ga bisa ketinggalan apa itu highlighter hoho secinta itu
ReplyDeleteMantep mba Indah hasilnya nggak boong ini hahahba jadi pengen punya hiks hahhahaha
ReplyDeleteAku uda nyerah duluan, kak Insav...
karena kak Insav bilang makenya ga gampang.
Melihat warnanya yang natural, tapi bisa dicoba yaa...
Ini gimana siik...?
Malu malu tapi mau.
Hi-lite ini bener-bener bagaikan trial and error deeh...buatku.
DeleteDulu..pas mas nikah, MUA nya ngasal aja...jadi wajah bunderku makin nyempluk.
Cantik as usual. Bikin video tutorialnya mbak, aku belum tahu dan belum pernah pake highlighter.
ReplyDeleteSejak ngantor lagi dan di jakarta pula, aku jadi belajar dandan hahaha. Cuma belum sedetil mbak indah. Baru pake pelembab bibir, krim jerawat, sama alis hahaha minimalisnya keterlaluan yak.
ReplyDeleteAku malah belum pernah sama sekali pakai highlighter ini mba
ReplyDeletePaling banter krim pagi, bedak dan lipstik, hihihi
Aku masih belum pede mba pakai highlighter soale agak gjmana gitu jadi cling cling aja keliatannya.
ReplyDeleteFenty beauty mah udah gaperlu diragukan lagi ya mbaa. Tapi aku baru tau nih yang stick. Penasaran pengen coba tapi masi mahal untuku huhu
ReplyDeleteHighlighter adalah salah satu beauty item yang belum pernah kucoba, Mba. Hahaha. Belum pernah make up full face padahal sukaa banget nontonin tutorial dari para beuaty guru. Paling pol bikin shading. Itupun di hidungku yang memang sungguh minimalis ini. LOL.
ReplyDeleteFenty beauty mah beb gausah ditanya lagi sebagus apa dia hehehe aku jga pake ini beb dan highlighter kudu banget dipake heheh
ReplyDeleteSaya belum berpengalaman nih pake highliter, pake make up lainnya juga belum pandai, hehe. Tapi sepertinya bagus ya klu bisa diaplikasikan ke wajah saya Btw harga highliter yang mbak ulas di atas lumayan juga ya
ReplyDeleteAku belum pernah pake highlighter mam, nda paham juga sebelumnya fungsinya untuk apa hihihii... Soalnya kalau dandan palingan ya bedak, lipstik sama pensil alis aja.
ReplyDeletefenty produk-produknya ga ada yang jelek yaa . yang paling aku suka, shadenya luas banget, banyak skintone yang dicakup. highlighter nya favorite aku, nanti kalo udah abis aku mau coba ini ah.. haha
ReplyDeleteini kan teksturnya cream gitu ya mba, pas diaplikasikan di bawah foundation dan di blend apa menggeser base makeupnya?
ReplyDeleteAku pakainya justru final touch, jadi setelah pakai foundation. So far hasilnya oke.. glowing tapi ngg too much. Pakainya juga sedikit aja. Aku belum coba kalau dipakai di bawah foundation nih
DeleteAku.blm pernah pake..hehe..aku memang paling kudet kakau soal make up heu..
ReplyDeletebeli nya di Sephora sana mba? Wuih... tapi memang susah ya mba pakai highlighter. Harus sering2 practice.
ReplyDeleteTau sih tentang highlighter dan fungsinya mba, cuma belom pernah pake dan punya ��
ReplyDeleteBeidewei, mba Indah kece banget make highlighternya ��
Ternyata pake highlighter bisa bikin pipi chubby jadi kelihatan tirus ya? Aku belum pernah coba euy, secara emang belum bisa dandan. Tapi jadi pengen pake highlighter juga biar bisa sembunyiin pipi bulatku
ReplyDeletesaya belum pernah pake highlighter, Mba. Selama ini dandan ke kantor masih minimalis banget, yang penting lisptik dan pensil alis :)
ReplyDeleteAku baru tahu soal brand satu ini dan sepertinya highlighter satu ini bagus sekali ya mbak jadi membuat wajah makin bersinar ya
ReplyDeleteBiasanya pakai highlighter ini supaya wajah kelihatan lebih fresh. Pakainya tipis aja di hidung, tulang pipi, bawah alis. Kemasan fenty beauty ini praktis dibawa kemana mana ya.
ReplyDeleteSuka sama packaging nya, warna highlighter juga cukup oke ya mba, jadi mau coba juga deh hehe
ReplyDeleteTapi ada yang suka kok mbak org pake highlighter sampe tumpeh-tumpeh kayaknya tergantung selera aja hehe
ReplyDeleteI use highlighter occasionally, like when Jason is taking me out to dinner or we're going out with friends. I'm still learning to apply makeup, so contouring and highlighting is still pretty foreign to me. Love the way Fenty highlight looks on you ♥
ReplyDeleteAku belum pernah pakai highlighter begini ,mamabo. Sama nggak ya highlighter ini sama yg dipakai utk bikin contour?
ReplyDeleteGreat review. I have heard of Fenty. That is smart to have one thing that can be used on checks, eyes and lips. Great idea. It is my pleasure to co-host with you on #OMHGWW
ReplyDeleteIt's great to co-host with you this week.
ReplyDeleteI haven't dabbled with many highlighters but I do love bronzers and currently in love with a NARS bronzer I got in my Sephora Play box.
ReplyDeleteYou look fab! I like bronze colored lipstick, which is actually hard to find around here. I got a color I loved through Mary Kay once. I don't want to have to find someone that sells it every time I want it.