Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and friends

Gedung Sate, one of Bandung's landmarks
This week has been another busy one for me and my family.

I have been doing some traveling for works as well and this time I was heading to Bandung, Paris Van Java.

Bandung has been special for us, Indonesians, as it is a historical city where the struggle against the colonials were once centered.
Bandung is filled with lovely parks, beautiful retro buildings, romantic ambiance in its old city part, and for sure culinary haven! Not to mention its museums and beautiful landscapes of hills, valleys, rivers, waterfalls and more. 

And I have so many blogger friends here as well! whenever I can, I always try to meet them after my meetings and just have some chit chats or try new restaurants. Really appreciate their friendship indeed!

In the last 2 months, I have been coming back and forth to this beautiful city and I just love it. The good thing is we can use the train service as well and it's so comfortable. With the ticket starting from IDR 100.000,- or USD 7,- one way, it is very manageable. Check WW: Bandung - Jakarta by Train for more photos I took along the way. Beautiful and green!

Well, I guess I will have to make one dedicated post for Bandung.

And back at home, we had been working on new place for our three cats,- Plum, Kiki and Ms C or Cemong. We have been trying our best to ensure they are comfortable but at the same time 

Now, let's have fun as always with our weekly link party and you are indeed WELCOME to join our Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and friends.

Oh My Heartsie Girl & Co-Hosts Welcome's you!! 

Where we start early on week 153. This week our Co-Hosts have chosen from the previous week's links and I am sure that you will find it both fun and interesting to meet and make friends with bloggers from around the world through our party and we appreciate your visit today!


❢❢We would love if you would post our Party Banner or this » link «on your site for others to enjoy the party each week! :❢:❢ And if you looking for something special from last week, you Can See All The Entries Here ❢:❢ We look forward to your recipes, reviews, DIY crafts, gardening hints, travel, beauty ideas, jewelry you make, paper crafts, your home, home ideas, and decor plus Linky Parties & Giveaways are Ok! And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source :❢ Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: Wonderful Wednesday Oh My Heartsie Girl
Karren Cheesecake Covered With Fresh Berries On a crust of Vanilla Wafers

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Cheesecake Covered With Fresh Berries On a crust of Vanilla Wafers Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | InstagramDivider 989321gyey13hzitIndah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Let me take you to Festival Jajanan Bango 2019 and get closer to some Indonesian yummy food! Enjoy Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzit
Clearissa Coward // Command Center Spring House Tour 2019 -Lower Level Twitter | Instagram |Facebook |Pinterest Co-Host Pamela //Adoring Doll Clothes Free Crochet Pattern for 18" Doll Swimsuit Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter Divider 989321gyey13hzit
Suzan White // Country Crafting Blueberry Festival Twitter | Instagram |Facebook |Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzitAlice V // DIYerfy Lunch Box Notes for Kids Twitter| Instagram | Facebook |Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzitKaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Cajun Chicken Gumbo Twitter | Instagram |Facebook |Pinterest Best Picks from last weeks partyColor and Grace What is Social Media Influencer 

Feature Chosen by Alice V // DIYerfy Color and Grace // What is Social Media Influencer

Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Craft Little Bit O Paper // Love To See You Be Happy Celebrating Everyday Life How To Dye Lace Easter Eggs

Feature Chosen by Pamela // Adoring Doll Clothes Celebrating Everyday Life //How To Dye Lace Easter Eggs Living On Cloud and Dreamin The Easter Tiered Tray

Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa Cowards Command Center Living On Cloud and Dreamin //The Easter Tiered Tray

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Victorias Crafting Creations //LS Cupcake Delight Cupcake Card

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // Crafty Zoo Home Cooking Memories //Carrot Cake Mix Cookies Recipe with Cream Cheese Frosting

Feature Chosen By Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Platter Talk //Lemon Soda Pound Cake

Feature Chosen By Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl My Hubbard Home // Easter Tablescape With a Cute egg wreath from Target

Question for you: Do you have big plans for spring, redecorating, a new garden, adding new plants to an existing one or maybe in the house? How about new crafts or home decor? Talk about it in Comments .....Everyone can get in n the conversation. 
But Now......Lets Party..
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. Setuju, Bandung memang kota yang ayyik banget untuk seru-seruan.
    Bukan untuk anak-anak saja, tapi semua usia bisa girang dibuatnya.
    Bahkan anak dan anggota keluarga lainnya bisa have fun secara bersamaan di satu tempat wisata!

    Beberapa waktu lalu aku main ke kalibiru yang hits itu.

    Duh jadi ingat belum menuliskannya di blog.

  2. Ah bandung , selalu bikin kangen. Btw aku salut deh di tengah kesibukan mba indah masih bisa konsisten posting artikel tiap rabu begini

  3. I can see why you enjoy traveling there so much! Such a cool view!

  4. Kangen Bandung bangeeeet! Udah lama saya gak jalan-jalan sampai puas di Bandung

  5. Bandung memang layak menjadi tujuan untuk berwisata ya. Banyak lokasi-lokasi menarik.

  6. Kata Bandung selalu mengingatkan aku sama musik Sunda, meskipun di kota lain ada juga tetapi rasanya memang bandung paling sunda bagi aku, hehe. Makanya aku kaya sering pengin ke Bandung

  7. Wah lagi di Bandung ya mba.. Setuju banget, Bandung memang cantik dan asyik!

  8. aku dan keluarga paling sering ke Bandung. banyak wisata yg asyik dan seru. apalagi buat anak2.

  9. Aku beberapa kali berkunjung ke Bandung. Tapi belum pernah yang dalam waktu lama. Kayaknya pengin deh ke sana dan nikmatin pesona Bandung lainnya :)

  10. Bandung memang selalu ngangenin. Cuma sekarang lebih padat ya, Bandung, jadi sebisa mungkin pas pengen menikmati suasana Bandung, milih ke sananya pasti pas bukan musim libur, biar puas eksplorasinya dan waktu tak habis terjebak macet.

  11. mba, foto gedung satenya kok bagus amaaaat... beda dengan yang biasanya aku liaht. aku bertahun2 tinggal di bandung ga punya foto landmark ini :D

  12. Waduh pagi pagi Mpo sudah disediakan menu yang mengoda selera. Kue cantik dan sehat dengan mengunakan perpaduan sayuran

  13. Dulu bandung adalah mimpi yg terasa jauh, tapi sekarang saya udah tinggal di bandung lebih dari 7 tahun and i love every corner of it. Hehehe.

    What a life..

  14. Wah Banduuung! Masa kecilku banyak aku habiskan di sana, tapi di Bandung desanya si Mbak, wkkkkwkk. Tapi di manapun Bandung, kesannya selalu sama. Adem dan menyenangkan.

  15. Bandung ya mbak. Saya belum pernah ke sana sih tapi pengen banget suatu hari bisa injak Bandung dan merasakan suasananya.

  16. bolak-balik liburan ke Bandung tuh ga ada bosannya. So many things to explore, dari wisata alam sampai kulinernya.

  17. Pas ke Bandung bloggerday kemarin aku mampir ke sini mba
    tapi pas malam hari, karena padetnya jadwal hehehe nggak sempet muter-muter ke semua tempat di gedung sate ini

  18. Bandung memang selalu bikin kangen ya.. selain destinasi wisatanya juga kulinernya.. banyak jalan jalan di Bandung yang juga sangat instagramable.. jadi mengunjungi bangung untuk refreshing bisa banget.. apalagi bisa bertemu dengan sahabat-sahabat di Bandung.. happy banget

  19. Bandung seruuu.. jadi kangen suasana bandung yang asyek banget. Semoga kita semua selalu bahagia ya mba insav. Salam dari Pekalongan

  20. waahh Banduungg dan gedung sate. Emang ga bisa dipisahkan pesonanya bumi Priangan ini. Jadi kangen kulinernya.

  21. Ke bandung, sehari itu enggak cukup karena banyak banget yang kudu dieksplor dari sejarah, wisata, juga kulinernya

  22. Never been in Gedung Sate, Mam. Someday I will take my kids to Bandung and visit this historical building.

  23. Banduung~
    I love this city not only that i lived in here, but long time ago, when i was child, i always dreamed that someday can growth old in one of big cities in Indonesia with the cool atmosphere.

  24. Bandung kota sejuta kenangan, gk bisa move on dari Bandung hihi. Meskipun domisili di Bandung,tapi ke gedung sate baru sekali kebanyakan lewat aja

  25. Asyik banget naik kereta api ya mba. aku karena tinggal di kepulauan kalau naik kereta itu adalah kebahagiaan banget hehehe krn sejak kecil ga jumpa kereta api langsung

  26. Lihat foto-foto mba indah meet up sama temen-temen blogger kayak teh nchie, mba alaika, Efi, sama yang lainnya bikin kangen, deh

  27. Bandung emang selalu ngangenin, ada aja yg baru yg pengen dicoba. Apalagi batagor n kuliner lainnya. Wajib bgt klo lg d bdg

  28. Wah mba Indah ke Bandung naik kereta ya. Aku belum pernah nyobain euy naik kereta ke Bandung. Baru pernah naik travel wkwk

  29. Selalu ada hal yang bisa dijadikan bahan foto untuk WW ya Mba Indah
    Konsisten terus mah...

  30. The historical building is very eye catching. I can see why it's so popular!


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