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May 2019 be as bright as the clear blue sky! |
How's January treating you so far?
We have been fully enjoying our days in the office and school as well.
It was a bit tough to go back to your routine after such a long break but hey, the new year has started and let's make sure we make the most of it!
Bo et Obi got their report cards already.
It was a mixed one but we're glad that they have been enjoying their days at school, the extras as well as their friends. We keep talking to the kids to ensure that we don't miss anything important from their life. We think that living just the 4 of us makes us even closer and more open. Oh, and we added one more cat, so now we have three Persians at home, namely Kiki, Plum and Cemong :).
For sure, we all pretty much enjoyed the long holiday we have in Lampung.
It was packed with a lot of family gatherings, culinary trips, and being-a-tourist-at-home mode indeed. It was fun!
Take a look at this video my hubby prepared with his DJI Phantom drone while we spent the last day of 2018 at Mutun Beach, Bandar Lampung.
And now, let's party!
We have more hosts now and for sure it will be packed with more great recipes, tips & tricks , fashion, health, home design, and more!
Thank you for joining us as we say goodbye to 2018 and celebrate 2019!
We Wish You Have a Happy New Year!!
We're kicking off the New Year with a New Look and 11 New Co-Hostesses and so excited to have our
party hosted on 14 blogs, which means our hostess and features are seen by more bloggers.
We do hope that you will get to know our hostesses by visiting their blogs and follow.
Find Us On Instagram with Hashtag #omhgww tag a friend to share
⇒Check It Out On Instagram⇐
♥Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
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♥Susan // Susan B. Mead
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♥Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl
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♥Glenda Cates // The Mommies Reviews
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♥Kristie Schubert // Love My Little Cottage
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♥Kippi Ohern // Kippi At Home
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♥Michelle aka Naila Moon // Musings & Merriment with Michelle
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♥Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo
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♥ Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center
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♥Amy // A Hippy and a Redneck
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♥Liberty Brammer // B4 and Afters
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♥Catherine Baez Sholl // The Fit and Healthy Baker
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♥Alice V // DIYerfy
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♥Suzan White // Country Crafting
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❢ : Be Notified When This Party Starts Each Week⇒ Click HereUnsubscribe Anytime:❢ We Thank you!!

❢ : Be Notified When This Party Starts Each Week⇒ Click HereUnsubscribe Anytime:❢ We Thank you!!
The Dedicated House // Modern Galaxy Bedroom Reveal
Clean and Scentsible // Spring-Home-Tour 8 Steps To An Organized Kitchen
The Country Cottage Chic // Mason Jar Wall Decor Bathroom Organizer
White House Crafts // 10 Most Popular Posts in 2018
Oh, Mrs. Tucker // You Need To Bake This Streusel Topped Apple Pie
Treat N Trick // Chocolate Loaf Topped with Slivered Almonds
Nancy C //Cranberry Broccoli Salad with Dried Cranberries and a Honey Sweetened Dressing
Mutton Style // I Wear What I Want To When I am With Friends
But Now......Lets Party....
Happy Wednesday Indah, thank you for hosting once again!!
ReplyDeleteYou have so many awesome places that you visit, amazing!!
Have a great week!
Just stopping in to say "hi"! So glad to be co-hosting at the Wonderful Wednesday Link Party with you! Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your new kitten! Glad to hear that you are settling back into routine well after the long holidays.
ReplyDeleteWaaah kucingnya udah 3 aja. Semoga anak2 makin happy ya mbak. Link partynya meriah banget nih awal tahun.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen any sea at least thirty years or more
ReplyDeleteHalo Mbak Indah.. Alhamdulillah, new year give me such a new energy. Insya Allah everything will be better this year. Aamiin..
ReplyDeleteOya, congratulation on your new kitten, Mbak.. :)
Sampai pertengahan Januari ini rasanya hawa liburan masih berasa. Ritme keseharian masih berjalan agak lambat. Anak-anak malah udah nanya kapan ada libur lagi hehehe
ReplyDeleteSebagai freelancer (blogger), januari ini berjalan baik-baik saja tapi ga outstanding juga sih hiks. Mesti kreatif dan sering berinovasi kalo kerja di dunia menulis ituuu.
ReplyDeleteSaya udah pernah main ke pantai di lampung. Dan itu memang indaaaah banget. Airnya jernih, biru, indah deh pokoknya. Cuma lupa nama pantainya haha
Januariku belum kemana-mana, masih di rumah dan paling jalan ke tempat wisata yang deket2. Kemarin aja baru ke pantai buatan, belum berani ke pantai beneran. Hehe
ReplyDeleteJanuanu akhir baru mau ke malang, sengaja nggak ambil tgl liburan biar tidak terlalu ramai
ReplyDeleteJanuari ini kerjaan blog masih belum ada , mba. Hahaha. Semangat deh menjalani hari. Tapi alhamdulillah dinikmati dengan tetap semangat
ReplyDeleteAku juga nih bawaannya pengin liburan aja hihi padahal udah pertengahan Januari ya tapi suasana liburan masih berasa.
ReplyDeleteJanuari juga ga kemana2 hehe..cuma senang aja kemaren abis ikut challenge nulis 30 Hari, rasanya plooong bisa menantang diri
ReplyDeleteJanuari ini aku dan keluarga lebih santai mbaa, masih kepingin liburan dan jajan terus aja hahaha. Padahal udah mau tengah bulan ya, tapi kok rasanya masih di awal terus :)
ReplyDeleteFamilu gathering kantor suami ditiadakan karena kemarin cuaca pas lagi ga bagus. Mau diadain bln Februari tapi anak2 udah pada masuk sekolah ya
ReplyDeleteLiburan ngumpul keluarga itu seru ya mbak, apalagi kalo bisa kulineran. Dan aku galfok sama Chocolate Loaf di foto-foto bawah
ReplyDeleteWihhh videonya mutun beach keren banget mbak indah
ReplyDeletejadi pengen liburan ke pantai
terakhir liburan pantai tahun lalu sih
tapi pantai selalu jadi tujuan liburan yaaa
Semangat ODOP menghilang...padahal tahun ini bertekad bisa sat hari satu postingan...mau saya revisi ah resolusinya hahaha....
ReplyDeleteWoooh, jadi pengen ke MutunBeach ni Mbak nonton videonya. Btw, selamat datang kucing satu lagi yaaa! Saya pengen punya peliharaan juga ni di rumah, cuma masih kawatir gimana merawatnya nanti....
ReplyDeleteHappy new year, Mba Indah. Sepertinya ini kali pertama sata bw ke Mba Indah setelah tahun baru yaaa :D
ReplyDeleteEh aku penasaran dgn kucingnya yg namanya Cemong...apakah dinamakan begitu karena dia cemong? Hihi..
ReplyDeleteDan seruuu...lihat video liburannya mba..
Hai Mbak Indah selalu suka baca cerita2nya di blog apalagi sekarang tambah anggota baru ya si mpuss :)
ReplyDeleteAku pengen makan kue coklat itu mbakk.. ya Allah ngilerr
ReplyDeleteI wish this year will be more fun and much love 😊 May God always bless us and family 😇
ReplyDeleteAhoy, be tourist in our home town ;) It will always be perfect while we spend our time with family. Love is in the air....
ReplyDeleteBagus banget mba pantainya. aku udah nonton youtubenya.
ReplyDeleteMba Inda...
ReplyDeleteI wanna ask about Bo and Obi.
Where they've school?
Because im so proud with the routine activity.
Pantainya bagus mbak, Airny juga bersih.. Disini susah buat menuin pantai yang bagus seperti itu, harus keluar kota kalau enggak ya ke daerah jogja.
ReplyDeleteAku blm menikmati tahun baruan krn di rumah pd ganti2an sakit hehe #curcol.
ReplyDeleteTapi alhamdulillah sih rezeki ada aja dr rumah :D
Moga2 tahun ini ada kesempatan ke Lampung dan bisa menikmati Mutun Beach juga :D
I love the colors of that boat. It looks like a peaceful journey through the water.