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Anak Krakatau Volcano, from afar. |
"Ma, what's the name of the Festival that you're coming to?"
Obi, my dearest daughter, asked me when we had dinner at my parent-in-law house.
"It's the Lampung Krakatau Festival, dek," I replied.
"Look, Obi, look..it's an active volcano!" said my boy, Bo.
"What's a volcano?" replied Obi.
"Here, look...Krakatau erupted in 1883 and people in Europe heard that. Wow, that's awesome. Europe is so far away from here, right, ma? it must be one huge mountain!" Bo, my son explained further while showing the pictures from his gadget.
"You're lucky ma! you will see a lot of fireworks" exclaimed Obi as she looked at the photos of Krakatau's eruption recently.
Well, I know I will have an exciting adventure during Lampung Krakatau Festival 2018.
Lampung, here we come!
Have you ever heard of this magnificent volcano?
Its eruption in 1883 had shocked the world as it was tremendous and the sound could be heard even as far as Europe.
Krakatau, or some call it Krakatoa, has long fascinated many, including scientists, researchers, experts as well as tourists. With its status as cagar alam or conservation area is maintained, this place welcomes those coming for research and educational purposes, with the permit from conservation and natural resources local body.
As part of Lampung Krakatau Festival 2018, the International Seminar on Krakatau was held on August 24th, 2018 in Bukit Randu Hotel, Bandar Lampung. Highlighting volcanology of Krakatau and its beneficial usage in the future, the seminar invited 3 experts of Krakatau, including Prof. Tukirin Partomihardjo from LIPI or Indonesian Institute of Science; Dr. Ir. Igan S. Sutawidjaja from Padjadjaran University; and Dr. Mirzam Abdurrachman from Bandung Institute of Technology.
In the course of 5 hours, we listened, studied and learned more about Krakatau and its magnificent features. We learned how the ecosystem in Krakatau, particularly Anak Krakatau Island, developed. We saw the samples of native flora and fauna in the surrounding areas. We compared the composition and structure of this volcano over the years. We got more insights about the danger and potential hazards of Krakatau, which can erupt intensively and without warnings.
At the same time, we also considered the geotourism side of this volcano.
The Islands of Krakatau itself comprises 4 different islands, namely Anak Krakatau, Sertung, Panjang and Rakata.
These 4 islands are unique and packed with interesting flora and fauna, which are impacted by the frequent eruption of Anak Krakatau.
The beaches there have black sand but still with turquoise, pristine water.
Interestingly, we had quite a debate over keeping this incredible world heritage site untouched and closed for tourism , except for conservation and educational purposes, or as Krakatau has been very known across the continents, to give access to tourism as well. We cannot deny that people are intrigued to see Krakatau closer as it has interesting history and beautiful landscapes as well. Some believe that we still can keep and preserve the areas in its natural conservation nature while providing limited access to tourism in a sustainable way. Well, for sure, all relevant parties need to sit down together and discuss further to see the solution that can accommodate all the needs.
For sure, in terms of world volcanoes distribution, Indonesia ranks no 2 with 15.6 % coverage consist of 129 volcanoes. Number one is Pacific, covering 61.8 % with 512 volcanoes spread across the area. Undoubtedly, we are part of the ring of fire!
We saw in one of the slides that people were actually watching the moments of Anak Krakatau eruption from the nearby island which is located in the safe zone.
Check out the video of the seminar in my YouTube account
We continued the seminar with educational trip and observation to Anak Krakatau Volcano the following day. As you now, this volcano is literally active and just weeks before it erupted! But by the time we were scheduled to visit this majestic volcano, Anak Krakatau was in a better mood.
Well, it was quite an experience to be so close to an active volcano and I will surely share that in the next post
Obi, my dearest daughter, asked me when we had dinner at my parent-in-law house.
"It's the Lampung Krakatau Festival, dek," I replied.
"Look, Obi, look..it's an active volcano!" said my boy, Bo.
"What's a volcano?" replied Obi.
"Here, look...Krakatau erupted in 1883 and people in Europe heard that. Wow, that's awesome. Europe is so far away from here, right, ma? it must be one huge mountain!" Bo, my son explained further while showing the pictures from his gadget.
"You're lucky ma! you will see a lot of fireworks" exclaimed Obi as she looked at the photos of Krakatau's eruption recently.
Well, I know I will have an exciting adventure during Lampung Krakatau Festival 2018.
Lampung, here we come!
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do you see the cloud? |
Have you ever heard of this magnificent volcano?
Its eruption in 1883 had shocked the world as it was tremendous and the sound could be heard even as far as Europe.
Krakatau, or some call it Krakatoa, has long fascinated many, including scientists, researchers, experts as well as tourists. With its status as cagar alam or conservation area is maintained, this place welcomes those coming for research and educational purposes, with the permit from conservation and natural resources local body.
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UNESCO World Heritage Site |
As part of Lampung Krakatau Festival 2018, the International Seminar on Krakatau was held on August 24th, 2018 in Bukit Randu Hotel, Bandar Lampung. Highlighting volcanology of Krakatau and its beneficial usage in the future, the seminar invited 3 experts of Krakatau, including Prof. Tukirin Partomihardjo from LIPI or Indonesian Institute of Science; Dr. Ir. Igan S. Sutawidjaja from Padjadjaran University; and Dr. Mirzam Abdurrachman from Bandung Institute of Technology.
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With other participants of the seminar. L is for Lampung, where Krakatau is located. |
In the course of 5 hours, we listened, studied and learned more about Krakatau and its magnificent features. We learned how the ecosystem in Krakatau, particularly Anak Krakatau Island, developed. We saw the samples of native flora and fauna in the surrounding areas. We compared the composition and structure of this volcano over the years. We got more insights about the danger and potential hazards of Krakatau, which can erupt intensively and without warnings.
At the same time, we also considered the geotourism side of this volcano.
The Islands of Krakatau itself comprises 4 different islands, namely Anak Krakatau, Sertung, Panjang and Rakata.
These 4 islands are unique and packed with interesting flora and fauna, which are impacted by the frequent eruption of Anak Krakatau.
The beaches there have black sand but still with turquoise, pristine water.
Interestingly, we had quite a debate over keeping this incredible world heritage site untouched and closed for tourism , except for conservation and educational purposes, or as Krakatau has been very known across the continents, to give access to tourism as well. We cannot deny that people are intrigued to see Krakatau closer as it has interesting history and beautiful landscapes as well. Some believe that we still can keep and preserve the areas in its natural conservation nature while providing limited access to tourism in a sustainable way. Well, for sure, all relevant parties need to sit down together and discuss further to see the solution that can accommodate all the needs.
For sure, in terms of world volcanoes distribution, Indonesia ranks no 2 with 15.6 % coverage consist of 129 volcanoes. Number one is Pacific, covering 61.8 % with 512 volcanoes spread across the area. Undoubtedly, we are part of the ring of fire!
We saw in one of the slides that people were actually watching the moments of Anak Krakatau eruption from the nearby island which is located in the safe zone.
Check out the video of the seminar in my YouTube account
We continued the seminar with educational trip and observation to Anak Krakatau Volcano the following day. As you now, this volcano is literally active and just weeks before it erupted! But by the time we were scheduled to visit this majestic volcano, Anak Krakatau was in a better mood.
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See you in the next post :) |
Well, it was quite an experience to be so close to an active volcano and I will surely share that in the next post
Banyak aja deh event keren di Lampung. Dan saya belum sekalipun menjejakkan kaki di Lampung. Suami juga udah beberapa kali ngajak ke Krakatau. Wajib banget nih saya ke sana, minimal sekali
ReplyDeleteAyooo dong mba..karena banyak pengalaman seru di Lampung dan asyik untuk dikunjungi
DeleteThe cloud is so light, but I see it! The volcano looks massive!
ReplyDeleteYou can see it, right...it looks majestic!
DeleteHalo mba Indah. padahal jarak Jakarta ke Lampung tuh deket ya. Tapi aku malah belum kesampaian pergi ikut festivalnya. Nezt time ah
ReplyDeleteayooo mba...semoga sampai ke sini yaaa
DeleteBeen there 3, no, 4 or 5 times maybe, but I still wanna go back to Krakatoa again. Huhuu. Sediih kemaren aku gk bisa ikut
ReplyDeleteIyaaa noe sayang bangeeet yaaaa
DeleteKeren! Aku jadi pengen ke sana. Nambah list tempat yang bakal dikunjungi, nih..
ReplyDeletePasti bagus banget pemandangan di sekitar Krakatau ya mbak..
ReplyDeleteTapi kugagal fokus dengan boneka yang selalu ikut eksis di medsosnya mbak Insav.
DeleteBikin di mana tuh?
Namanya siapa? Mini Insav? Insav Doll? Hihi..
Woww asap nya seperti awan ya.. Aku jadi penasaran sama krakatoa mountain yang katanya aktif dari bawah laut, benarkah? Btw Greetings to Bo and Obi
ReplyDeleteA good plan for tourism would need to be put in place before letting the public in. Nowadays, people are so careless with nature, destroying it just to get that perfect "Instagram shot". People were trampling all over Iceland in parts that were roped off to keep the area preserved in its original state. It was sad to see so many people disrespect nature like that.
ReplyDeleteSaya sering jalan2 ke Lampung tapi blm pernah sampai ke Lampung.. Semoga suatu saat bisa terealisasi ke Krakatau. .
ReplyDeleteHuhuhuhu sayangnya kemarin aku ga bisa ikutan. Mudah2-an tahun depan ada kesempatan bisa gabung
ReplyDeleteEvent seperti ini menarik karena wisata juga baiknya tetap dijaga, jadi ada unsur edukatif untuk mengenal dan menjaga alam Krakatoa ya.
ReplyDeleteSemangat wak indah... Jalan jalan terus ya...
ReplyDeleteAjak Amira dong
aku belum pernah lihat Krakatau Festival mbak pasti seru ya
ReplyDeleteDuh..jadi pengen ke Lampung juga nih ...
ReplyDeleteKalau lihat Krakatau, saya jadi membayangkan bagaimana dahsyatnya letusan Krakatau dulu. Sedih juga membayangkan dampak yang terjadi.
ReplyDeleteAku jd cari2 info soal tahun 1883 saat krakatau meletus mbak.
ReplyDeleteSkrng pun dia masih aktif ya, jd agak2 ngeri, tapi dia tetep indah gtu dna jd kebanggaan Indonesia
krakataaau, pingin banget ke sana suatu hari nanti
ReplyDeleteSenangnya ya mbak, bisa menyampaikan keindahan alam Indonesia kepada anak anak. Saya belum pernah melihat langsung gunung Krakatau, padahal pernah ke Lampung.
ReplyDeleteI was so envy as I read your article and your photos, Mbak. If only I could join to Lampung with you and other Embak Ceria, hiks. :(
ReplyDeleteAku blm pernah ke Lampung, dan especially ke Krakatau. Pengen sekali aja menikmati trip kesana. Jd ini emang edu trip bgt ya mb^^
ReplyDeleteMelihat foto dan membaca postingan ini jadi penasaran sama Krakatau. Semoga diberi kesempatan ke Lampung dan bisa menjejakkan kaki di Krakatau. Aaamiinnn.
ReplyDeleteHuwaaaaa have a nice trip in Lampung mb.. I live in Bandar Lampung.. But unfortunately few days ago i couldn't attend the Krakatau Festival.. I hope we'll meet someday :D
ReplyDeleteMba Indah keren :)
ReplyDeleteBisa menyaksikan Krakatau dari dekat :)
Mba Indah...
ReplyDeleteBanyak melakukan perjalanan, pasti banyak belajar yaa, mba...
Ku suka sekali baca tulisan mba Indah.
Dan melalui kesederhanaan inilah, saya mendapat banyak hikmah yang ingin dituturkan mba Indah ke pembaca blog ungu yang cantik ini.
Mba Indah semoga aku kelak bs menginjakkan kaki di Lampung dan melihat event sekeren ini. Krakatau Festival sungguh luar biasa :)
ReplyDeleteSemoga bisa ke sana nantinya. Jadi beneran penasaran sama Krakatau.
ReplyDeleteWwaahhhh senangnyaaa bisa ikutan seminar sekece ini, Mbk. makasih udh share cerita ikut seminar ini.
ReplyDeleteBtw itu bonekanya lucu bgd mbk, mbk indah bgd, jd pgn punya juga hehe
DeleteSenangnyaaa mbaak, bisa ikut acara keren gini. Aku baru sekali ke Lampung, sayangnya nggak sempat mampir wisata di Krakatau atau pun obyek wisata lainnya. Numpang lewat aja
ReplyDeleteNgeri juga kalau gunungnya masih aktif. Jadi ngebayangin gimana besarnya gunung krakatau tahun 1883 itu
ReplyDeleteObi benar, lucky u mbak bisa melihat anak krakatau dari dekat. Aku belum pernah ke sana dan sekalu pingin bisa ke sana. Semoga keturutan dalam waktu dekat ini ah :)
ReplyDeleteAnak Krakatau meletus lagi ya kabarnya? Saya pingin ke sana tapi belum berkesempatan nh
ReplyDeleteSejak tahun lalu sangat excited mengikuti event- event keren di Lampung ini melalui media sosial. Pengen deh bisa turut serta mam, suatu saat nanti.
ReplyDeleteKereeenn banget ya Mbak, bisa berkunjung dan melihat gunung Anak Krakatau langsung dan gunungnya lagi dalam mood yg baik. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteAku tuh penasaran dulu, kalo ke anak gunung Krakatau gitu kirain nggak boleh mendarat di pulau nya. Jadi cuma lihat aja dari atas kapal. Ternyata bisa ya mendekati lerengnya aja
ReplyDeleteWah kalau aku ke sana pasti deg2an. Karena kan masih aktif, pernah meletus begitu dahsyat dan ternyata abis itu erupsi ya. Hiyaa.. ��
ReplyDeleteBoneka nya cantiiik...mbak indah banget ituu :)
ReplyDeleteMbak Indah, saya belajar Bahasa Inggris lagi kalo ke sini ;)
ReplyDeleteKeren ... Dalam rangka kerjaan diliput di sini ya Mbak?
Aktivitas Anak Krakatau dan aktivitas geologis lain dewasa ini di negara kita luar biasa ya Mbak.
Bagus juga ada akses wisata tapi terbatas saja mungkin ya.
Di atas semua itu, moga² semua baik2 saja ya Mbak
Really enjoy if we go to work in tourism spot. I will be happy if I were you Mama Bo. Good luck for every your task.
ReplyDeleteGreat experience pastinya yah mba, dan berhasil membuatku nganan eh ngiri huhuhu...
ReplyDeleteMbak indah sendiri termasuk yang setuju wilayah tsb jadi kawasan tourism atau jadi wilayah konservasi terbatas?
ReplyDeletePingin bawa anak2 liat anak krakatau dari dekat, kira2 aman gak ya mba?
ReplyDeleteSudah sering dengar FEstival Krakatau, tapi belum pernah berkesempatan ke sana, seru banget ya bisa ke sana sekalian ajak anak-anak sambil menambah pengetahuan mereka tentang volcano, dll
ReplyDeleteMasih banyak tempat wisata di Lampung yang belum aku eksplor.
ReplyDeleteSuatu hari ingin bisa ke Lampung lagi.
Alhamdullillah, sudah pernah menjadi bagian dari Festival Krakatau 2014.
krakatau festival ini wajar di jadiin event skala international ya mbak, dunia memang harus tau tentang pesonanya
ReplyDeletebtw itu boneka llucuuuuuuuuu
Jujur ya mba aku tuh nggak berani kalau deketin gitu kalau ada gunung api aktif. Tapi satu sisi aku kagum dengan pesona dan kecantikan dari gunung krakatau. Aku punya dua buku tentang krakatau. Termasuk detail saat letusan karakatau yang terjadi pertama kali. Pengen ah suatu saat nonton festivalnya
ReplyDeleteWahhh anak Krakatau-nya mengeluarkan asap, kalo saya ada di posisi mba Indah, kayaknya udah deg-degan banget itu ��
ReplyDeleteIni kemarin salah satu TOP Even Indonesia yang keren.
ReplyDeleteKarena selain menyuguhkan wisata alam, juga wisata edukasi.
Aahh Krakatau... Beauty but danger 😉 Always nice to see its beautiful scenery of Krakatau, I wanna be there too mom, someday.
ReplyDeleteLampung ini termasuk yang giat bikin event pariwisata ya mbak, baguslah buat mengenalkannya ke warga luar Lampung
ReplyDeleteGimana kalau mba Indah nulisnya pake 2 bahasa? Jadi di bawahnya nanti ada tulisan bahasa Indonesianya juga.Pengen baca tulisan ini dgn cepat tapi kalo bahasa Inggris jadi lama mencernanya nih hehehehehe.... Ini gunung yang ditakuti di pulau Jawa nih karena dekat dengan Banten.
ReplyDeleteBelum pernah ke Lampung, semoga aja ada yang ngejak ke sana karena ada even sekeren ini. Duh Mba Indah, keren keliling terus