WW: Catching Sunset at Sky View Walkway, Karori, New Zealand

I won't be saying too much here.

Let's just enjoy some of the photos I took while catching sunset at Sky View Walkway, Karori, New Zealand.


As you know, the walkway is pretty close to my house and we basically walked every 2 days around this area, especially since we still have long days and some sunshine. The hills, the path, the win turbines, the sky.. everything is just in perfect balance.  Wellington is indeed a pretty little capital when the sun is shining!

So, what do you think? Is the sunset gorgeous? It is, isn't it? Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party.

Presentation of Letter of Credence of Ambassador Fientje Maritje Suebu

Presentation of Letter of Credence of Ambassador Fientje Maritje Suebu

One of the most important milestones in the beginning of an Ambassador's journey is the presentation of the Letter of Credence. This Credential is the result of Agrément, or the approval of the host country to receive new Head of Diplomatic Mission in that respected country. Without the Agrément, the new  Ambassador cannot come to the new assigned 

Ambassador Fientje Maritje Suebu has been accredited to New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga, Nieu and the Cook Islands. After her arrival in New Zealand, through Christchurch, we had arranged the presentation of her Letter of Credence on February 2nd. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the event was postponed until February 22nd.

And what a beautiful day it was!

what a beautiful day indeed

The presentation of the Letter of Credence was scheduled to be done in the residence of the Governor-General of New Zealand located in Wellington. I was honored to be selected as one of the entourage of the Ambassador, together with our protocol staff and the Defence Attaché.

Ambassador Suebu and his spouse were inviting us to go together from her residence and we waited for the Crown Car to pick her and another protocol car for us. We left the residence and headed to the Governor - General's Residence where we were welcomed by the Elderies, as part of the traditional way of welcoming new guest, in this case,  Ambassador in the country. Too bad we didn't have the traditional Powhiri, the Maori unique way of welcoming guests in ceremony, which involve speeches, cultural performances, singing and hongiHongi is specifically unique, as it's a distinct way of greetings people by pressing their noses together. Well, thanks to COVID-19, this wonderful tradition has to put in halt.

Presentation of Letter of Credence of Ambassador Fientje Maritje Suebu

Presentation of Letter of Credence of Ambassador Fientje Maritje Suebu
 Presentation of Letter of Credence of Ambassador Fientje Maritje Suebu

So, as we arrived at the  Governor-General's residence, we were welcomed by the elders and the Ambassador and her spouse took pictures together the elders. Then we proceeded to the main room where the Governor-General and her entourages waited. We took our designated spot, continued with the proceedings where Ambassador delivered her speech, presented her Letter of Credence which was well received by Governor-General Rt. Honorable Dame Cindy Kiro, who, in return, delivered her short speech welcoming Ambassador Suebu and conveying messages for bolder relationship between Indonesia and New Zealand. After that, the Ambassador and Dame Kiro exchanged views and had some conversations before we concluded the ceremony and returned back to Ambassador's residence.

Presentation of Letter of Credence of Ambassador Fientje Maritje Suebu
 Presentation of Letter of Credence of Ambassador Fientje Maritje Suebu

It was a short  ceremony yet meaningful. As the Ambassador was officially starting her days as the Head of Mission in Wellington, we had a little celebration as well. We gathered at Kafe Seroja and enjoyed nasi kuning, complete with Indonesian menu of black pepper beef, fried chicken, soup, ikan pepes, sambal and lalap, with asinan Bogor as dessert. What a glorious day indeed.

bless us all always..

Nasi Kuning komplit!

So, that's a little story about the Presentation of Letter of Credence of Ambassador Fientje Maritje Suebu, the Head of Mission for Indonesia in Wellington. Cheers!

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

beautiful morning in Karori, Wellington

How is March treating you so far?

Hope it's well and friendly.

It's getting windier and colder here in Wellington, a solid sign that summer is leaving us pretty soon.

We have days filled with endless rain, grey sky and cold wind. Oh my.. I want summer to stay longer as I haven't really go out there and enjoy the sun. Now that my diving gear has arrived, I haven't got a chance to actually dive or snorkel in the area. I still need to get my thick wet suit to hand the cold water in this area. Well, still so much to do and so little time.

Work are still quite demanding nowadays with a lot of courtesy calls being arranged, documents to be prepared and report to be sent. Well, I guess in this time of the year you will always have something coming up, being it the new variant of the viruses and the surging numbers of cases, the ongoing conflict and its damaging effect, the crazy inflation due to the conflict and so many more. Meanwhile, we also have priorities and engagement to make in order to fulfil our assignments and mandates here. Hope we all stay vigilant and high spirited when it comes to all this activities and tasks.

how I miss going out there..

Meanwhile, my office is facing the shortage of staff due to the pandemic. Now that we have Omicron crazily spread among the communities, many of us have to brace the impact. so, that will certainly the best way to move forward, to actually learn to live with the virus and continue strengthening our immune system and boosting up our fitness level. Not always that easy but we can certainly do that. One thing I love here in New Zealand is that I get a chance to go out and enjoy nature more. Cheers to that!

Cheers from Cape Palliser area..

Now...... We are happy to have you join us each week and hope you enjoy our features to inspire you with new ideas. We have so many talented bloggers it is hard to to choose but we do our best each week, and if you need more inspiration check out Last Weeks Party 3/7/2022 there were so many great blogs that visited, and tons of Ideas and Recipes..


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WW: Restaurant Indonesia, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

Restaurant Indonesia, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Restaurant Indonesia, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

Food from home is always something you are craving for, wherever you are. The joy of enjoying the menu that reminds you of your beloved family, warm hugs from your grand parents and heart-to-heart talk on the dining table, is immensely priceless.

No matter what nationalities we are, this basic notion is pretty much what many of us are familiar with, especially when you are living outside of your homeland.

As for me, I have been learning to cook various Indonesian food and drink, but I always welcome the opportunity to buy and to order Indonesian food wherever I am. On the last trip to Napier, Hawke's Bay, we managed to get a taste of home. We stopped by at Restaurant Indonesia, serving since 1983 and making it the oldest restaurant in the area.

Restaurant Indonesia, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Restaurant Indonesia from outside, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

Although the restaurant is usually closing on Monday - Tuesday due to the shortage of staff during COVID-19, we had this special session and menu at the restaurant as the Ambassador was coming with us as well.

Restaurant Indonesia, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
the complete nasi bakar menu

That night, we had Nasi Bakar complete with fried chicken, ikan jambal roti or salted fish, tempe and tahu goreng as well as sayur asam, lalapan and sambal. In addition to that, we also have snapper being cooked as pepes ikan or steamed fish with lots of Indonesian traditional spices. Plus kerupuk or the famous Indonesian chips, to make the menu complete. We also enjoyed Indonesian ice tea with bay leaf and wedang ronde as dessert. Super yum indeed.

Here are some photos I took on the food.

Restaurant Indonesia, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
pepes ikan... super yum!

Restaurant Indonesia, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
wedang ronde, anyone?

I also love the interior design of the restaurant, with some specific themes reflecting the beauty of Indonesian heritage. It has Papua Room, Balinese and Javanese items and handicrafts, beautiful hand-woven fabrics from Timor and so many more. 

For Mas Riza and Mba Vivi Ambadar, the owners of this restaurant, coming and dining to Restaurant Indonesia is not only about enjoying the food and beverages, but it's also about the experience and the 'real feel' of Indonesia. Through these special menus, we embark on a journey of thousand miles away, diving on the endless beauty of Indonesia as well as the amazing and rich culture of this largest archipelagic state. As you get your first bite, you will feel the warmth and friendliness of Indonesians and their love for traditional and distinct taste of the homeland. That's what I felt when I enjoyed my dinner here.

So for you who get the chance to come and visit Napier, don't miss Restaurant Indonesia with its incredible menu.

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party.