Never Ending Bali - Destinasi Favorit di Pulau Dewata

"Ma, itu  sunset di mana?
The sky is so dramatic!"
Bo, sutra sulungku, sedang melihatku mengedit photo album di ponsel, where one of my favourites adalah foto sunset di Kuta, Bali.
"It's Bali, Bang. Inget nggak waktu kita liburan ke Bali tahun 2014, sebelum kita berangkat ke New York?" balasku sambil tersenyum
"2014? That's ages ago ma..we need to go back there!" jawab Bo, yang kalau bicara masih suka campur-campur antara Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. 
Yes, ma..let's go to Bali! To the beach..." sambung Obi, gadis kecilku yang paling hobi liburan dan main ke pantai dan berenang. 

Santai duluuuu yuk
Bali, Bali, Bali.

Never Ending Bali!

Rasanya tidak pernah bosan bicara mengenai Pulau Dewata yang kecantikannya sudah menyihir banyak orang, termasuk kami sekeluarga. Mungkin salah satu cita-cita jangka pendek keluarga Frakarsa adalah menikmati liburan bersama ke Bali. Rasanya kami tidak akan bosan menikmati keindahan alam Bali yang jelas-jelas jaw dropping alias cantik banget, sunset dan sunrise yang luar biasa, atau mengamati kekayaan budaya dan ritual keagamaan di Bali yang begitu kaya dan unik, plus menikmati kuliner dan berbagai pusat hiburan serta aktivitas yang seru. Not to mention alam bawah laut Bali  yang menakjubkan juga tenun Endek Bali yang cantik-cantik itu.  Ah, we just can't wait! 

Aku sendiri sempat beberapa kali mengunjungi Bali untuk berbagai pekerjaan. Seperti kita, komunitas internasional pun sangat mencintai Bali dan kerap melakukan pertemuan internasional di pulau cantik ini. Makanya tidak heran walaupun saya baru kembali ke tanah air sejak bulan Agustus, tapi hingga awal tahun ini sudah 4 kali mengunjungi Bali. Walaupun untuk kerja, alhamdulillah sempat juga menikmati keindahan Bali yang memang tidak pernah lekang.

Sambil menunggu jadwal liburan kami ke Bali, kemarin kita sempat melihat foto-foto liburan keluarga ke Bali tahun 2014. Dan kita jadi heboh sendiri lhooo. Apalagi Bo dan Obi, yang notebene masih agak kecil saat kami liburan bersama.  Dari foto-foto liburan terakhir itu, kami pun sepakat menyusun tempat-tempat seru yang ingin kami kunjungi  lagi jika kita kembali ke Bali.

Mau tau tempatnya apa saja? 
Here we go!
Ini di daftar destinasi favorit the Frakarsas di Pulau Dewata.

Patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Me at the complete statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana
Waktu kita mengunjungi Patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana tahun 2013, patung tersebut belum lengkap terpasang di Taman Budaya Garuda Wisnu Kencana di Unggasan, Jimbaran, Bali. Kalau tidak salah, baru badan dan kepala dewa Wisnu saja yang sudah terpasang saat itu. Walaupun belum lengkap, tapi taman budaya itu sendiri sudah sangat menarik dan bagus. Buktinya saat kami ke sini pun pengunjungnya sudah ramai.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana
Tapi belum lama ini, tepatnya bulan November 2018, aku berkesempatan mengunjungi Taman Budaya ini kembali nutuk meşihat Patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana yang sudah lengkap berdiri gagah. Keren asli! Patung karya Pak I Nyoman Nuarta ini memang luar biasa, dengan tinggi 75 meter dan berat 4000 ton, patung ini lebih tinggi dari Lady Liberty di New York CIty lho. Bangga ya!

Istana Air Tirta Gangga Karangasem

Tirta Gangga, Karangasem
This is another beautiful place you must not miss in Bali!
Aku dan keluarga seneng bangeeet waktu kita mampir ke sini.
Tempat indah ini begitu cantik, dikelilingi gemericik air dan patung-patung artistik yang unik. Pokoknya pas banget buat mereka yang menyukai keindahan dan suka foto-foto!
Kompleks indah ini memang dulunya berfungsi sebagai istana dan pemandangan sekelilingnya pun tidak kalah menawan, karena dikelilingi hamparan sawah yang menghijau. Pokoknya, pasti jatuh cinta deh dengan tempat ini.

Gunung Batur dan sekitarnya

Kalau ini, sepertinya tempat favorit mama Bo dan Obi.
Gunung Batur memang telah lama terkenal memiliki pemandangan alam yang luar biasa dan udara segar, ke mana mata memandang tempat ini benar-benar cantik.
Kami mengelilingi tempat ini dengan mobil sewaan.
Saat naik ke daerah Kintamani, kami sudah menikmati udara yang lebbig dingin dan lebin segar. Saat menyusuri jalan yang ada, kami sempat berhenti sejenak untuk foto-foto di hamparan bebatuan vulkanik yang asli keren. Coba deh mampir ke sini kalau sedang ada di Bali. Dijamin ngga akan menyesal

Foto teruuuuus..

Waterboom Bali

How we love to go here! Anak-anakku memang hobi banget main air, baik berenang maupun seseruan dengan segala fasilitasnya. Seharian menghabiskan waktu di sini asli seru banget dan energi anak-anak seperti ngga ada habis-habisnya. Worth it untuk nongkrong dengan anak-anak di sini satu hari penuh.

Satu hal yang menyenangkan dari bepergian atau berlibur ke Bali adalah kemudahan mengatur transportasi, terutama transportasi udara. 

Coba aja cek tiket pesawat ke Bali, pasti mudah mendapatkan berbagai pilihan. Apalagi sekarang banyak aplikasi yang super duper helpful, seperti Pegipegi. Udah pernah coba?

Aplikasinya bener-bener friendly dan mudah digunakan, buat kita cepat mencari informasi dan promo yang paling pas untuk kita. Aku sudan mulai menandai kalender dan siap-siap berburu tiket pesawat ke Bali.

Bali, tunggu kami ya!

Tips to Find A Good Makeup Case Easily

vintage makeup case
Red looks good!

Tips to Find A Good Makeup Case Easily

Most of the makeup artists offer onsite services, and thus they need to travel a lot carrying their makeup kit with them. An experienced makeup artist knows the importance of having a good makeup case. A well designed and organized make up case can save your time in a significant way. 

Well, even for me, a makeup and beauty products addict, I need to have one good, makeup case! Otherwise, we will have all our stuff scattered around and chances are you are going to miss them. 

Moreover, some of those cases are so cute! A great collection of this case can make our work much more comfortable and our beauty products can be neatly stored. Before discussing different types of makeup cases, let’s know about the things that you should consider when choosing a makeup case. 


Most of the makeup cases, which you find in the market, are a bit costly. Hence before buying one, you should do proper research. If you buy a low-quality makeup case or bag because it is cheap, you will end up searching for a new makeup case shortly, because competitive quality products will not last long. In short, you will end up purchasing a new one soon. 

Take your time and do proper research to know which makeup case brands are popular and in demand in the market. Check customer reviews online before making your purchase. Don’t forget to check the condition of a product before bringing it home. Even if you've ordered it online, open the delivered product and check its status before you sign on the receipt. 


You should choose the right sized makeup kit if you are looking for something comfortable to carry. It is always better to pick smaller bags to bring wherever you want comfortably. Understand how much space you require before choosing a makeup case.
Purpose: You should always choose a makeup case keeping your assignments in mind. For example, if you are a bridal makeup artist, then you may require large makeup cases. If you travel often, then you choose a makeup case according to the mode of transportation. 


Make a note of all the elements which you are looking for on a piece of paper. Now start your search online accordingly. Most of the makeup artists generally look for makeup cases or bags that come with a lock. 
Budget: Set a budget to make your search easy. Most of the sites online provide a filter option to select your budget range. Use that option to make your search easy. 

Do you need a good makeup case? I do!

Types of makeup cases

Mentioned below are some types of makeup cases that you should know about. 

•    Train Cases

Train cases are a good choice because it can carry portable and smaller makeup kits as well. 

•    Rolling Case

If you are working for a movie or TV series, then you may require different makeup tools. A rolling case is an excellent choice for makeup artists who are working on big projects. You will get rolling cases with lights and seats as well. All you have to do is choose one from them as per your requirement.

There are some excellent stores online that offer these and many more makeup kit cases at a very affordable price. Take some suggestions from your seniors as well before purchasing one. Buy a rolling makeup case if you are looking for something unique, stylish and easy to carry.   I might have one as well and if you think you will need one, place your order online now to save your time and money!

Do you have a good makeup case already?
Do you like them?
Which one do you like, train or rolling cases?
Share your stories about your favorite makeup case in comments yaaa.

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Here comes the first week of February.
Already packed up with plans with your loved ones?
Hopefully so!

Beautiful sunrise, otw to Jogjakarta from Jakarta

Mine is, unfortunately, filled with work plans and meetings.
I know, nothing new, but for sure I try my best to spend times with my precious.
My kids are growing so fast and I just can't stop them from doing it.
I sincerely hope I can spend more and more time with them and enjoy it!

And by the time I write this I am back to Jogjakarta again.
This time, I'm staying at JW Marriott Jogjakarta and I love this place.

Welcome to Marriott Jogja

Now, let me invite you to our weekly link party. 
Ready to join Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends? 
I bet you are!

"Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday" began 145 weeks ago. This week we are sharing new features that our Co-Hosts have chosen from the previous week's links. I am sure that you will find it both fun and interesting to meet and make friends with bloggers from around the world through our party and appreciate your visit today! We are honored to have visitors from the USA, Spain, South Africa, Germany, Australia, Asia, Europe, UK and more!!! Where do you blog from?


Oh My Heartsie Girl & Co-Hosts Welcome's you!! Where we start early ❢❢

:❢:❢ And if you looking for something special from last week, you Can See All The Entries Here :❢:❢

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