Akun Instagram Favorit? Ini Dia Daftarnya


Here comes the questions for Day 15!
Wuhuuuu..it's half way already!

For the next question we have for #BPN30dayChallenge2018, the question is 10 favorite Instagram accounts that I love the check. Now now, 10 is a decent numbers but I guess I will have to scrutinize lots of accounts that I ocassionally visit. As an introduction, I guess it’s good to mention that I love Instagram for its vast information and entertainment provided. 

In short, it’s fun, fun, fun!

I myself have multiple accounts of Instagram and don’t ask me how many ;).

I usually ‘browse’ for fantastic photos of Indonesia and wonderful places to visit across the globe; Kementerian Luar Negeri or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia; United Nations and things surrounding it; underwater schemes and everything related to scuba diving; fashion; cosmetics; recipes and amazing food photography; and sample sales, among others! For the last one, sample sales, I always follow the IG account and its Insta Story. 

Saya juga banyak mengunjungi para influencers maupun akun teman-teman bloggers yang memang aktif di IG. Tapi karena jumlahnya lebih dari 10, even hundreds  (and I love them all) sepertinya agak kurang adil jika saya masukkan hanya beberapa saja. Jadi nanti kalau diminua listing 100, aku akan kasih semua :).

So now, without further a do, here are 10 favorite Instagram accounts I love!


Frankly, I love everything about National Geographic. It has a few accounts including @natgeo, @natgeotravel, and @natgeowild. For sure you know why I prefer @natgeotravel as it showcases those incredible spots in the world, including Indonesia. 


Oh my .. I love her one-of-a-kind, quirky and vampire-inspired style on her food! I don't know about you but I love those unique, out-of-this-world art works! Asli kereeeen banget! Salah satu yang Aku suka banget adalah kue khusus yang didedikasikan untuk Freddy Mercury, khususnya setelah film Freddy drills. The details of her work really blows my mind. No wonder she has 464 million followers, including me!

@ditut et @pinot

Ini tetangga favorit kami  di New York City! 

Kami dengan innocentnya bertemu dengan salah satu influencer kondang di Instagram dan Twitter, tetanggaan yang cuma beda berapa blok rumahnya dan anak-anak sekolah bareng. Again, both of them are AWESOMEEEEE! Ditut is super talented with her drawings and Pinot is crazily creative! Both of them have been internationally recognized for their works, including by Adidas, Google, and Zach King, and they are INDONESIANS! You guys go ahead see their works yourself. No spoilers :).

Some of my favorite IG accounts :)


I don't know when I started loving her and her works but for sure I usually check her account to see tips, tricks, and the latest updates on her collections as well at her other account @shophudabeauty. I am A BIG FAN of her lipsticks, and so far I have been using  6 shades of her matte lipsticks! She also has so many beautiful palates and more. SO, what are you waiting for!


Nothing else to say but this is my ultimate reference for all beauty related. Well, I know we have so many other choices out there, but again, I am soooo in love with Sephora since 2004 when I first shopped at its bling-bling outlet at Champs-ellysez, Paris! I remember buying 1 bag of stuff and got another bag of free stuff! Wuhuuuuu...Sephora really knows how to wow people, especially ladies. Its IG account is also wonderful and give you more tips, tricks and more all beauty enthusiasts love!


Needless to say I keep following this account for all the important global issues being discussed at the United Nations. Even more, so many important references are highlighted in this account, not only the glimmering and successful stories, but also all the problems that we all face. It might sounds very heavy but go check it out.


Akun IG kantorku tercinta! 
Kenapa saya sering cek? karena senang ajaaaa.
It's good to know that my office is keeping up with the latest technology and use up-to-date approach in spreading the news as well as our works. 
Teman-teman suka cek juga ngga? Seringkali ada kuis dan giveawaysnya lhooo. 


PADI is the world-wide famous diving certificate provider and besides providing the technical expertise and skills related to diving, it also provides latest tempting information for courses and diving trips! Dan Aku selalu moping kalau melihat akun mereka ini. Bawaannya mau bilang: take me there!


Ini akun wajib untuk yang sering kangen dengan Indonesia dan yang suka traveling di tanah airku tercinta!
I love to see those vivid colors and living photos which spark your energy and desire to explore more of Indonesia! I will definitely check their account and get more information about those wonderful hidden treasures.

So, 10 akun Instagram favorit aku seperti di atas!
Jadi penasaran dengan akun pilihan teman-teman..
Let's see then!

Zodiac and Personalities, What’s Yours?

Siapa yang suka baca ramalan bintang?
Ayo ngakuuu :).
Aku suka lho.
Dulu kalau baca majalah (sampai sekarang juga masih sih), salah satu bagian yang aku suka dan jarang terlewatkan adalah ramalan bintang.
Terkadang, meskipun tidak selalu mengerti isi ramalannya, aku suka berpikir lama dan panjang untuk mencocokkan ramalan bintang yang kubaca.

Apa benar sebentar lagi ada kejutan manis dari teman dekat? Atau hati-hati jaga kesehatan? Atau jangan larut dalam kesedihan mendalam dan move on. Seringkali bacanya sambil senyum-senyum ngga jelas. Apalagi biasanya di akhir tahun juga suka ada bonus ramalan bintang dan nasib kita di tahun mendatang berdasarkan bintang.

Although I don’t know whether they still have this interesting section in the magazine or the newspapers, and I don’t really believe in it, I do enjoy this fun side of astrology. Well, I know nothing about astrology (I suppose it relates to something much more important) as a matter of fact but I am aware of zodiac and the fun fact surrounding it, including personality traits of people under certain zodiac.

Now let’s talk about it!

To those who have known me for quite sometimes, they might agree to the proposition that I am self-confident, outspoken, lively, talkative and a bit emotional. Really?

Let’s see.
Banyak juga yang bilang kalau aku bawel, berisik dan galak. Juga PDnya ngga ketulungan dan terkesan ambisius.
Hmmm.. I guess I have to agree on that.
Aku memang suka banget cerita dan 

I also love to  initiate something and lead my group in a way. I like to do things fast and usually require others to do the same.  I tend to be impatience, but I can be patience on certain things that I have set my heart for. I can be moody but mostly I’m bubbly. Some might think I constantly seek for attention and I do love being under the spotlight.

And I love purple... although it has nothing to do with anything :).

Can you guess what my zodiac is?
Anybody has similar traits as well?

Those saying I’m a Leo, then you got it right! 

Beberapa orang yang mengamati aku dengan baik sering langsung menebak bintangku Leo, karena katanya sifat-sifat Leo sejati ada di diriku. Well, terlepas dari benar atau tidak, aku sendiri sering melihat banyak sifatku yang sama dengan orang lain tapi bintang kami berbeda. Kalau aku cek di google, beberapa tokoh dunia yang bintangnya sama dengan aku antara lain Barack Obama, Madonna, Neil Armstrong, Jennifer Lopez, dan Arnold Schwazenneger.

One thing for sure, aku sih ngga begitu mengasosiasikan karakter dengan bintang. Yang penting aku tau mana karakter baik yang perlu aku pertahankan dan karakter yang kurang baik yang harus aku kurangi.

So, what’s your zodiac?

Do you know your best personality traits?

Indonesia, Negeri Impianku Selalu dan Selamanya

Kalau ditanya apa negeri impian saya, maka jawabannya adalah Indonesia.
My wonderful Indonesia.

Hari ke-13 dari #BPN30dayChallenge2018 diisi pertanyaan tenanting mengenai negara atau kota atau tempat impian. 
Sejak awal jawaban saya sudah jelas.
Dan ada begitu banyak kota cantik di negeri ini yang ingin saya kunjungi.

Saya cinta negara yang cantik luar biasa ini.
Rasanya makin jauh saya bertualang, bertemu dengan orang dari berbagai negara, dan mengunjungi tempat-tempat cantik yang terkenal, makin mengkukuhkan cinta saya pada tanah dan bumi Nusantara. 

Lately I have been looking at some photos that I have taken on various trips in Indonesia. I'm just an amateur but it won't take long to see why I'm so in love with my homeland and it will forever stay in my heart.

Let me now take you to Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali and Nusa Tenggara as well as Maluku and Papua. I have visited all of those wonderful islands but not all the cities famous for landmarks and unique destinations.

Kalau bisa, rasanya #myitchyfeet ingin saya ajak keliling menyaksikan karya-Nya yang luar biasa. Dan kali ini anak-anak pun sudah besar, sudar waktunya saya tulari dengan kecintaan luar biasa pada tanah air mereka. Yuk, kita ikutan tur pendek di Negeri impianku ini.


I have been to Manado, North Sulawesi, several times but I know that other parts of this exotic Island of Sulawesi are waiting. I can’t wait to visit Toraja, Wakatobi, and Gorontalo (again)

It  is the perfect place to those who love and seek underwater adventures.
Divers and snorklers, here's THE spot for you as Sulawesi offers endless choices of underwater experience, starting from Bunaken, Wakatobi, Gorontalo and more.
Swimming with turtles, manta rays, or even whale sharks?
You got it!

My encounter with la rascasse, the scorpion fish, in Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi

The dragon at Tri Dharma Bumi Raya temple in Singkawang

Kalimantan or Borneo is famous for being one of the the lungs of world alone with the Amazon, it is indeed packed with oxygen-rich tropical jungles. 

It is also home of some of endangered, rare species like orang utan. Tanjung Puting National Park in Central Kalimantan, in this case, has been famously known as the one of the natural wonders with Orang Utan as the most known animals roaming in this area.

The city of Singkawang in West Kalimantan, boasts the beautiful combination of Chinese and local tradition of the Dayak people. Visiting the majestic temple of Tri Dharma Bumi Raya  is quite an experience and a short visit to Pasir Panjang beach will certainly refresh our weary souls.

Pasir Panjang Beaceh, Singkawang, West Kalimantan.

Bali and Nusa Tenggara
Sunset at Kuta Beach..

No need for further introduction to the island of the gods and goddesses, Bali, as well as Nusa Tenggara, which has been stealing travellers' attention - if not capturing their hearts,- with their incredible nature. 

The morning offerings at Kuta Beach, Bali
Magical sunrise and sunset, breathtaking view of cliffs, mountains and the sea, and pristine beaches are only a start! Amazing local cuisines, traditions, rituals, natural landscapes and again, friendly people will surely complete your trip here.

Rinjani, West Nusa Tenggara. Pic: Pixabay

praying time

Tirta Gangga Water Palace
Maluku and Papua

These Eastern parts of Indonesia are truly captivating.

Maluku, or Molluccas, with the capital city of Ambon, has captured my heart since I first arrived in this historical part of my country. The Land of spices, one of the reasons why Indonesia was sought and conquered by many in the past, is the nick name of Maluku. 

Liang Beach, Ambon, Maluku
Surrounded by beautiful islands and white, powdery coastline, the city of  Ambon is a perfect destination for those enjoying a tranquil day on the beach and venturing on local cuisine such as nasi kuning, or the yellow rice, and rujak, or fresh fruit with peanut sauce and chilli dipping. Banda island, Halmahera, and Seram Island are some of the exotic places you should not miss.

smoked tuna, everyone? Great delicacy from Maluku.
Papua and Papua Barat provinces have been dominating many of travelers' top list for its incomparable beauty of nature. Raja Ampat (I bet many of you have heard about it) is the world's top diving sites. Heaven on earth can be appropriately associated to the land of Cendrawasih, the bird of paradise, known to be the indigenous fauna of Papua.

Playnemo, Raja Ampat, Papua. Pic: Pixabay
While Jayapura, the capital of Papua Province, offers breathtaking views of Sentani Lake and beautiful city seen from above. This is also the place where I tastes the best, freshest fried fish with papeda and sayur kuning, the local cuisine of Papuans. 

Don't miss to visit the famous tribes in Papua, Asmat and Dani, and be part of their daily life to see the indigenous way of life as well as their amazing artistic works. 

Wish me luck and health for the grand plan of traveling around Indonesia with my family, The Frakarsa. 
How about you?
What's your dream place?

Cheers from Jayapura, Papua

Wonderful Indonesia, Always in My Heart

That afternoon, in one wintery day in New York City, I was staring at my phone.
Not long a go, I just spoke to my Mom through video call.
She was gingerly sharing the news about my niece's birthday celebration on the beach back home in Lampung.

I instantly felt the urge to go and join them there.
The pristine beach with its turquoise water, clear blue sky and warm breeze invited me to come over and embrace the moment.
Not to mention those delicious pempek, nasi uduk, and rendang- those are famous Indonesian traditional cuisine, - that they brought to this joyous picnic.

How I miss my beloved hometown, Lampung.
How I long to go back to my wonderful Indonesia!

The amazing view of Lake Batur, Bali, Indonesia
No matter how far #myitchyfeet take me, be it in an official assignments or trips as well as vacations, I can't help but whispering how lucky I am to be Indonesian!

Strategically located in Southeast Asia, between two \ oceans - Indian and Pacific, Indonesia has long been known as zamrud khatulistiwa, - the emerald of the equator,-  for its exquisite natural landscape and beauty. Being the largest archipelagic states in the world, comprising more than seventeen thousand islands across its borders, Indonesia surely is blessed with stunning beaches, incredible flora and fauna including gorgeous and rich underwater sceneries, and endless outdoor adventures await those who are willing to explore.

Not to forget its wonderful, friendly people!
Being helpful and pleasant, Indonesians are naturally known as sociable and welcoming, a virtue that makes guests feeling comfortable and well-accepted. 

And when it comes to its traditional cultures, including its rich, one-of-a-kind traditions, customs and adat. 
Here we are talking about traditional dialects, culinary specialties, traditional customes and fabrics, music and dances, and celebrations as well as cultural festivals and far more.

I would now like  to take you on a brief tour to some of the highlights in Indonesia. We have some big islands,  namely Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali and Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua. This time, I will start with Sumatra and Java and wait for more posts about my wonderful Indonesia.


My son Bo, enjoying his swimming session at Kelagian Kecil Island, Lampung
Sumatera, the land of gold,  is a great place to explore as it is blessed with forests, hills, mountains, and natural landscapes. 

To start with, we can visit Aceh  to dive or snorkel at Pulau Weh and Sabang, then visit the Grand Mosque of Banda Aceh, which survived the tragic tsunami in 2006.
Don't forget to cruise Lake Toba, try durian - the king fruit - at its best, in Medan, North Sumatera.
Enjoy  culinary heaven and get the taste of Rendang, voted as number ONE most delicious food in the world by CNN, in West Sumatera.
The world-class resorts and amazing golf courses are waiting for you in Bintan and Batam. 
Bangka Belitong has become latest favorite destinations for its unique rock formation on the beach and clean, super soft white sandy beaches.
Rafflesia Arnoldi flowers can be enjoyed in Bengkulu, while the historical remains of Muaro Jambi, dated from 7th century, gives your more insights about the spread of Buddhism in this country. 

And indulge yourself in a simply-happy-and-relaxing island hopping in Lampung Bay, my hometown.  Ride jukung to meet dolphins in the wild at Kiluan or say hi to elephants in Way Kambas National Park.

Don't forget, the mighty Krakatau, is waiting for you as well here in Sunda Strait.


Serenading the ancient verses...Abdi Dalem at Kraton Jogjakarta. Phot by Rufi Frakarsa, my hubby
Java is indeed  a wonderful melange of modern and traditional life,  the cradle of diverse cultures and traditions, which become the bedrock of Indonesia.

Jakarta, a constant magnet to those enjoying big-city life with all its perks, boasts with sky scrappers, world-class shopping malls, hotels and entertainment centres, while at the same time preserving its romantic past at Kota Tua, the Dutch-influenced old city. 

Bandung, the capital of West Java, keeps its promise to be the Paris van Java. Green lush and cooler temperature  in general makes it people's favorite. Bandung has been dubbed as the artistic city, being home to so many famous musicians and artists. 

Jogjakarta, home of long-reigning Royal Family of Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, is an enchanting city you should not miss.  Just 2 hours away, you will have the opportunity to visit the biggest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur.

Sunrise at Phuntuk Setumbu, Magelang, Central Java
Semarang is one of the cities that I instantly fell in love to. Alleys  of vintage building and architectures, including the famous Lawang Sewu (or 1000 doors) and Gereja Bledug, elegantly mix with manifestations of seamless assimilation of Chinese and Javanese cultures. 

Lawang Sewu at dusk

Surabaya will be a perfect start of your adventures in the eastern part of Java. Enjoy the vibe of  busy city dotted with beautiful parks and interesting museums. Taste delicious local delicacies  and drive around Suramadu Bridge, heading to Madura or Banyuwangi. Not to mention breathtaking views from Mount Bromo and Kawah Ijen, and enchanting wild in Meru Betiri, Baluran and Tengger national parks. 

That is just my humble attempt to show wonderful my Indonesia is.
Frankly, what I showcase here is just a super duper tiny bit of what Indonesia can offer. My stories and my photos can not do justice to the real beauty and charms of Indonesia.
We are proud that Indonesia  is constantly improving its infrastructures, routes, and services at those destinations to make sure all our guests, our global family from every corners of the globe, enjoy their visit and their stay in Indonesia.

Now you know why my heart belongs to this amazing country of mine.
Come and visit us.
Discover the magic.
And make THE trip of your lifetime!

You can also join the Wonderful Indonesia blog competition 2018 and win a total prize of 5 million Indonesian Rupiah. Check out  following poster and join us in spreading the spirit of Wonderful Indonesia!


"Ma, is that Fia's birthday party on the beach? I want to go there too! I want to swim!" exclaimed my daughter, Obi.
"We will soon join them and we'll have fun on the beach with everyone." I said.
"I just can't wait,' said Obi, with a huge smile planted on her face.
"Me neither, love. Me neither..

Wait for us, Wonderful Indonesia.
We are going home!

my dearest daughter enjoyed playing the sand at Kiluan island, Lampung, a few years back

Wonderful Indonesia:  https://www.indonesia.travel/gb/en/destinations
All photos displayed in this posts are mine, except those being clearly mentioned otherwise from its sources.

5 Simple Tips for a Healthier Life

5 Simple Tips for a Healthier Life

Healthier life? Everyone wants it!
Sometimes, we all now what to do in order to stay healthy. Frankly, who doesn’t now the importance of exercise, nutritional food and avoiding stress. Easy to say, but when in comes to implementing it, we always have excuses.

Being a cancer survivor, I have to be extremely careful with my health. Not only that I have to work with the negative side effects of all treatments that I have to go through, including mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, medicines and more, but also maintain my health in general. It’s not always that easy and most of the time, the only enemy is myself!

But on the positive notes, I do believe that I can do it, or at least, try to do better. And for sure, there’s no harm in inviting others to do the same, right?

So here are 5 super simple tips for a healthier life a la Mama Bo et Obi.

Be happy and be grateful

I keep this mantra inside my heart and my head. That I am happy and I am forever grateful for that! 

Seringkali kita lupa bahwa kita dilimpahi begitu banyak berkah-Nya setiap hari, setiap saat. Aku masih suka berkaca-kaca kalau mengingat betapa aku masih bisa berkumpul dengan orang-orang tercinta, masih bisa ngebolang dengan anak-anak dan suami, masih bisa menikmati indahnya matahari pagi setiap harinya. Dan tidak ada alasan untuk tidak bahagia, apalagi tidak bersyukur dengan semua rahmat-Nya ini.

So please, if you don’t mind, repeat this whenever you can ... I am happy and I am grateful.

Drink plenty of water

This is a very important matter but we tend to forget. I have been trying to make sure that I  drink enough water every day. I bring my water bottle and tumbler everywhere, and I put big bottles in my office, cars and my bed room. 

And now I drink alkaline water most of the time as it works as great detox for me.
I also feel more hydrated and the water tastes good and fresh.

Exercise more and go out, relax!

Oh exercise. I have to admit this is the toughest part. I always find excuses to stop my yoga session, or avoid my static bike, or simply walk 10 thousand steps every day. I'm either too lazy to do thing or just too tired already from work and traveling. Occasionally I swim with my kids and enjoy out time on the beach.

But again, never give up on yourself and I always try to stay active and take fun forms of exercises. Those include long-enough shopping hours, taking the stairs (luckily I have three floors to explore at home).

And another important thing we need to do on regular basis is going out and relaxing!
Going to the beach, picnic, tracking, swimming, or doing whatever makes you relax and happy is highly recommended!

Eat more fresh veggies and fruits

How I love to eat more and more fresh veggies and fruits. The problem is that I’m not always in the position of having them with me. 

We Indonesians love veggies but we always cook them. And they taste good, indeed. And usually, we you eat outside, vegetables will come in the form of sayur asem, sop, lodeh, capcay, aneka tumisan, dan rebusan or steamed veggies. Sometimes they are also mixed in fried rice, fried noddles or even stew. But since they are cooked, the vitamins and important elements contained in them are gone

So, now I try to make sure that fresh veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, kale and more. As for fruits, it’s easier because they are indeed delicious. Obi, my daughter, and I are huge fans of oranges, mangoes, grapes, bananas, apples, pineapples and more.

Sleep enough

Indeed. We all need our sleep and we have to make sure that we sleep for a healthy dose of 8 hours a day. Now the question is.. have we slept enough?
Not in my case, unfortunately.

Sometimes because of the works as well as unnecessary complication from my ‘work’ and ‘dedication’ for my social media accounts. Like it or not, I have to dedicate some parts of my sleeping time to ‘fulfill my obligations’. Not a good habit obviously, but I guess many of you are doing the same thing. I have been trying to manage that and I think I’m progressing on this. I’m quite discipline in ensuring that my beauty, healthy sleep is fulfilled. So perhaps, you should try it too!

So, they are super simple tips you can immediately implement. Good luck with the implementation of it if so you wish. 

Stay happy and healthy!

Top Foods to Incorporate Into Your Diet for Breast Cancer Prevention

blueberries are packed with antioxidants
Studies have shown that one out of eight women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. Even though medical science has revealed a lot about certain cancers such as breast cancer, there’s still a large amount of uncertainty surrounding prevention and treatment. However, it has been shown that incorporating certain foods into your diet can aid in preventative efforts. Here are just a few foods to include in your diet to help reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Apples have countless health benefits, so it shouldn’t be all too surprising that they’re helpful in aiding breast cancer prevention. What is surprising, however, is that you have to eat the right part of the apple to reap these benefits. The peel of the apple, as it turns out, has the most nutrients when it comes to cancer prevention, so always keep the apple in its natural skin before enjoying it.

“If you normally peel your apple and toss away the colorful wrapping, you’re also tossing away a rich source of antioxidants, fiber, and other compounds needed for anti-cancer nutrition. Lab studies suggest that apple peel can actually fight the spread of cancer cells. The good news is that you don’t need exotic varieties -- this research used readily available Red Delicious apples, so add them to your breast cancer prevention shopping list,” writes Madeline R. Vann on Everyday Health.

Nuts have a wide range of health benefits, but walnuts, in particular, are known for their healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These one-of-a-kind nutrients help the body fight inflammation. Plus, experts say walnuts can help to literally slow down the growth of breast cancer tumors in mice. With this in mind, it certainly makes sense to keep a bag of walnuts in your pantry to enjoy as a snack or top with certain meals.

As another great source of omega-3 fatty acids, fish deserves a place on this list. Certain types of fish are also sources of lean protein and thus a wholesome part of an overall cancer prevention diet. This is especially true because many dietitians advise against the consumption of red meats and processed meats, which includes bacon and packaged deli meats. Instead, pick out some fresh sardines, tuna, salmon, or mackerel, which are omega-3 rich and ideal for cancer prevention.


Berries have long been considered a ‘superfood,’ and for good reason. Dark-colored berries like blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that may help to reduce the growth of tumors and breast cancer cells. With that in mind, grab a frozen bag of mixed berries during your next trip to the supermarket, or pick up some fresh ones to top a bowl of oatmeal or cold cereal.

Ultimately, it’s not difficult to incorporate these hearty foods into your diet as part of a cancer prevention lifestyle. Of course, it’s always best to consult your doctor for the most accurate and personalized preventative care insight.

I sincerely hope we all can benefit from all this goodness!
Stay healthy, people