Stay Fabulous di #UsiaCantik

Disclaimer: this is a pinned and sponsored post, but all stories and opinion are 100% mine. 

That night, Obi, my sweet 5-year-old daughter, suddenly held my face with her two petit hands when we were getting ready to sleep.

" have lines on your face!" serunya dengan muka berkerut, seolah khawatir dengan apa yang dilihatnya. "Is it because you work too much?" tanyanya polos.

"Or.. I know, it's because you're getting older! Just like what my book at school said, ma! People get older, right.
But don't worry, I still love you, ma" ujarnya sambil memeluk saya erat.

Ah, Obi.

Senyum saya mengembang seketika mendengar celoteh polosnya. Dan pelukan eratnya selalu menghangatkan hati saya.

"I love you, too, Obi. And don't worry, I'm not afraid to be old."


Getting old.

What do you have in mind when you hear those words?

Mungkin banyak di antara kita, kaum perempuan terutama, yang takut menjadi tua. 
Seolah tua adalah momok.
Karena tua somehow identik dengan aneka penyakit, kulit keriput, pikun, perut buncit dan kelebihan berat badan, wajah yang tidak lagi cantik, tenaga dan kekuatan tubuh yang berkurang dan segala keterbatasan lainnya. The list is definitely long.
Bikin panik nggak sih?


Saya sempat termangu sambil membayangkan seperti apa saya nanti kelak ketika menua.
Loh.. Memangnya sekarang usia berapa sih? #mendadaklupa :).

I feel like I am forever young!
Although I am 39 years old this year!

How time flies!
Especially when you're having fun :).

Di usia yang sudah hampir menginjak 40 tahun ini, saya selalu melihat perjalanan hidup dengan syukur tak terhingga.

Bagaimana tidak?

Fase demi fase dalam hidup banyak mengajarkan saya pahit manisnya perjalanan menuju kedewasaan. Roller coasters of life berhasil membuka mata, hati dan jiwa. Menuju hidup yang lebih baik. Menuju hidup yang membawa manfaat bagi sesama.

Jika orang bijak bilang bahwa usia hanyalah sekedar angka, maka pengalaman hidup memberi 'warna' yang sesungguhnya.

And a true journey never ends!

Sebagai putri daerah yang lahir dan besar di Lampung, saya tidak pernah menyangka  akan menjadi bagian dari garda depan diplomasi Indonesia. Perjalanan karir dari bawah, those sleepless nights, never ending drama and extra miles that I have to go through justru membuat saya semakin mantap menjalani pilihan pekerjaan yang saya cintai ini. Setelah lama berkecimpung di dunia radio, jadi guru bahasa Inggris dan jadi pegawai kantor swasta asing, saya malah mantap jadi PNS.
Iyaaaa.. Pegawai Negeri Sipil alias PNS :).

Masih ingat kala pertama datang ke Jakarta untuk tes masuk Deplu (saat itu masih Departemen, belum Kementerian :)) tahun 2002. Culun abis.. Dan polos, LOL! Walaupun datang tanpa target, Alhamdulillaaaah saya lulus seleksi dan menyelesaikan pendidikan dengan hasil yang lumayan membanggakan orang tua. Dan perjalanan saya pun berlanjut, membawa saya dan keluarga kecil saya ke berbagai pelosok dunia dengan segala pesonanya. Menjadi diplomat yang mewakili Merah Putih di mana pun berada. Sounds like fun, right!

Padahal, seperti juga pekerjaan lainnya, selalu ada tantangan yang harus dihadapi. As I said previously, there are endless works and responsibilities that require your full attention, time, energy and passion. Pulang kantor lewat tengah malam? Sudah biasa saat kita di tengah-tengah suatu pertemuan atau perundingan penting. Many sleepless nights as we have time difference with the Capital and need to have the documents ASAP? Sudah menjadi pack and parcel dengan pekerjaan, yang tidak jauh-jauh dari dokumen, naskah pernyataan, dan laporan. Never ending meetings and negotiations with counterparts? That's the beauty of multilateralism, di mana saya sudah dipercaya untuk berkecimpung di dalamnya selama hampir 10 tahun terakhir. Dan semua ini saya jalani dengan penuh semangat .. Tanpa kenal lelah :). Benar-benar menikmati masa muda.


Cheers from the UNHQ, NYC

Then ketika usia hampir menginjak 37 tahun, saya mendapat 'hadiah' baru dari-Nya.
Gusti Allah memang luar biasa sayang dengan saya dan mengingatkan bahwa hidup bukan hanya untuk kerja, kerja dan kerja. Saya yang bisa dibilang jarang sakit dan hanya masuk RS ketika melahirkan 2 buah hati saya tercinta, divonis mengidap salah satu penyakit yang paling banyak membunuh perempuan.

Baru tiga bulan tiba di New York City, penuh semangat menjalani penempatan kedua saya di Perutusan Tetap RI untuk PBB, saya divonis menderita kanker payudara.
Saya sempat blank...tidak tau apa yang harus diperbuat.
Having breast cancer is certainly the last thing I have ever had in mind, but like it or not, it came to me.

Tiga hari usai merayakan ulang tahun saya yang ke-37, saya memberi kado yang mungkin paling bermanfaat pada diri sendiri.
Saya memutuskan untuk melakukan mastektomi.
Operasi mengangkat seluruh jaringan payudara sebelah kanan saya untuk membuang sel kanker yang ditemui di sana dan mencegah penyebarannya.

Bermodalkan semangat untuk sembuh dan cinta dari keluarga tersayang, kantor, dan teman semua, saya menjalani satu per satu berbagai prosedur untuk sembuh. Entah berapa kali tes darah, MRI, Pet Scan dan tes lain yang harus saya jalani, seiring dengan mastektomi, kemoterapi, radiasi, dan rekonstruksi. Dua tahun saya berjuang untuk sembuh dan mengenyahkan sel-sel kanker terkutuk dari tubuh saya.
Capek? pasti.
Sakit sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi.
Rambut botak, kuku menghitam, badan yang tidak pernah fit, tangan yang biru legam akibat infus dan tusukan jarum, dan kesemutan permanen hanya sebagian kecil dari resiko yang harus saya tanggung selama menjalani pengobatan.

Tapi saya harus melawannya!
Karena saya masih punya banyak mimpi yang ingin diraih, karena saya ingin melihat anak-anak dan keluarga kecl saya tumbuh dan berkembang bahagia, karena saya tidak mau kalah dengan kanker sebelum berjuang dengan segenap daya.
Usia boleh terus menua, tapi semangat tetap tinggi!

Saat memasuki #UsiaCantik, saya justru mendapat cobaan untuk 'naik kelas'.
Dan semua ini, justru membuat saya makin mantap memasuki fase berikutnya dalam hidup.
Lebih banyak bersyukur.
Lebih sehat.
Lebih semangat untuk berbuat lebih dan memberi manfaat.
Dan lebih bahagia!

stay fabulous meski usia terus merayap? Bisa!

Usai menjalani kemo, kulit wajah saya memang banyak terkena dampaknya. 
Kusam, kering, dan terlihat tidak sehat. Pengaruh obat yang masuk ke tubuh selama kemoterapi dan sesudahnya memang membawa dampak merusak.
Sedih lihatnya. Walaupun sebelumnya kulit wajah saya  tidak mulus-mulus amat, tapi paling tidak terlihat segar dan bersih.
Karenanya, perawatan yang rajin saya lakukan pasca kemo adalah perawatan kulit wajah. Suka tidak suka, semua perasaan akan terpancar di wajah kita. It's the windows of our heart! And I certainly want to stay fabulous...meskipun usia sudah hampir kepala 4.

try this!

Selain semangat hidup sehat dan banyak mengkonsumsi sayuran dan buah segar serta air putih berkadar basa tinggi, saya rajin menggunakan L'Oreal Revitalift Dermalift. 
Pasti sudah tau dong L'Oreal?
Berbagai produknya memang pas buat saya, terutama rangkaian L'Oreal Paris Skin Expert yang satu ini. Dermalift technology, combined with Pro Retinol A and the active ingredients of Centella Asiatica, prove to be effective in reducing wrinkles and lines on our face. Kulit juga semakin kencang lho..dan terasa lembut, terutama di zona wajah seperti dahi, seputar mata, pipi, rahang dan leher. Jangan salahkan saya kalau saya jadi semangat menggunakan rangkaian produk Revitalift, mulai dari milky cleansing foam, night cream dan day cream. 

So, are you afraid of getting older? 
you shouldn't!
We can stay fabulous di  #UsiaCantik dengan mudah :).

Dan kini, cerita inspiratifmu di #UsiaCantik bisa mendatangkan hadiah lhoooo.
Pasti banyak pengalaman hidup berharga yang bisa memberi manfaat bagi sesama
Yuuup...join the blog competition on #UsiaCantik. Hadiahnya juga banyak lho. Cek di sini ya linknya:

Ready to stay fabulous di #UsiaCantik?
As Rumi said, you were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?.
Life might be full of surprises, but keep the spirit high and be the best you can be.
Stay blessed dan semangat!

Gerakan #UsiaCantik ini sepenuhnya didukung oleh 
L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Dermalift

WW: News Building, NYC

I will certainly put up all those pictures with holiday vibes here in the Big Apple, but I love to share all these snaps from the News Building, one of the landmarks that I pass through every day :)

It was built in 1930s I think and it used to be the headquarter for New York Daily News.
It is located on the 42nd Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, Midtown Manhattan, NYC.
So if you are walking from the UN to Grand Central, chances are you will see this building.

And has the world largest indoor globe :)

I immediately look for my country on the globe :)
Indonesia :)

where do you want to go :)

National Historic Landmark in NYC

standing tall until now...

Would you be interested to see and stop by at the News Building while visiting NYC?

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun bloghopping 

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

Another week goes by and we are getting closer to the holiday.
And NYC is such a festive city!

The Christmas Market at Bryant Park

Although we are not celebrating X-mas per se, but the beautiful vibe of the city is too good to pass. All the glitter, all the blinks.
Love it.
And I have only visited Bryant Park so far... but for sure, I will see more :).

And now...ready to have more festivities?
Join me hereeee..
“Welcome to Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful” Wednesday’s »
This is our 48th Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful” Wednesday’ Linky Party in 2016 and it is our purpose to feature with you some great blogs that linked up with us from last week's party. And this week we have so great Christmas Decorations & Baking Cookies and cute toddler wih her mom and we hope you will enjoy! We're happy to have you join us and share what you have going on your blogs.

Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-WW 200x200

We Hope While You Party With Us, You will follow our Hostesses!

Putri Salju - Snow White cookies 
My Purple World-Geneve in a Glimpse (Pin To Share)

Decor of Christmases Past 1
Our Family Christmas Traditions 2 (Pin To Share)

Easy Christmas Soaps

Christine Light and Savvy Farmhouse Neutral Christmas Mantel
Farmhouse Neutral Christmas Mantel (Pin To Share)

The Christmas Tour-The Mantles (Re Pin It To Share)
Feature Picks From Last Weeks Entires

We Would Love It If You Would Pin Your Favorite - Opens In A New Window

Lipgloss and Crayons Must Read Christmas Books 

Meet Carly and her Daughter, her blog is full of mother toddler daughter posts Divider 2630246gz8fip3uy1 Embellishmints-Christmas-Crunch-Popcorn 

An Oh My Heartsie Pick Embellishmints // Christmas-Crunch-Popcorn Delicious goodies made for giving the holiday season

An Oh My Heartsie Pick Busy Being Jennifer // DIY-Christmas-Sock-Snowman I made these sock snowmen last year for my granddaughter in a trio for her mantel.

Divider 2630246gz8fip3uy1 Wife-In-Progress-Chocolate-Peppermint-Sandwich-Cookies

An Oh My Heartsie Pick Wife-In-Progress // Chocolate-Peppermint-Sandwich-Cookies These just call out holiday chocolate cookies made with crushed peppermint!

Feature Pick From Donna // Two Chicks and a Mom Whitehouse Crafts // Ikea-Stenciled-Trivets These are great for the table or counter and very quick to make.

Divider 2630246gz8fip3uy1

Feature Pick by Indah // My Purple World A-Dish-of-Daily-Life // Mocha-Mint-Chocolate-Truffles I used to think Truffles were hard to make, made with Coffee, Coco Powder and Chocolate Chips
DIY Furniture Studio DIY-Cement-Christmas-Tree 

I had never heard of makeing trees from cement, these have so many possibilities for outdoors!
Crystal and Company Holiday-Thumbprint-Cookies 

These are festive cookies and I wonder how they would be using Rolos?
Worthing Court Farmhouse-Christmas-Breakfast-Nook 

Feature Pick by Christine Mello Worthing Court // Farmhouse-Christmas-Breakfast-Nook Plaid dishes and a cute stuffed snowman is what caught my eye, but so much more to create a farnmhouse Christmas (Pin To Share) Divider 2630246gz8fip3uy1

Oh My Heartsie Girl's Homemade Goodies Exchange 

Please also Join In »» The Holiday Cookie Exchange ««Link Your Recipes

Disclaimer for OMHGWW 

But Now.....Open for a Week Comments Are Appreciated after Linking Up!!
Let us know that you are following us so we can do the same! You Are Welcome To Link your DIY Projects, Tablescapes, Garden Ideas, Recipes, Reviews, Giveaways or Challenges, As many as you like. Tweet Our Party To Help Us Grow! And Thank you!
If you missed our party last week you can check it out Here 11/29/2016

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday

But Now.....

Putri Salju - Snow White Cookies

Cooking time..
And with the holiday spirit, I was inspired to bake Putri Salju, or literally, Snow White cookies :)

Have you ever heard of that?

Back home in Indonesia, we do bake special cookies and cook special food for special ocassions, like Idul Fitri or Christmas. One of the most popular ones is Putri Salju.
Putri Salju is a translation of Snow White is bahasa Indonesia.
Basically it's cookies covered with powdered sugar, so it looks like snow.
Yummy and cute :)

Putri Salju..

Although we don't celebrate Christmas but we definitely respect those who do and we share the joy and the festivity during this wonderful time of the year.

So, to bring the taste of home, I bake Putri Salju and would love to share the recipe with you all here.

Here we go...


Flour 400 gram (or as can try with a half of the recipe and cut everything in half as well here)
Cheese 250 gram or more, grated.  My fave is 
usually Swiss Gruyere, Edam and/or Parmesan. It tastes bold and yummy, and smells wonderful. Some people like to mix nuts or almond in the dough, but I prefer cheese so everyone can eat it, including those who are allergic to nuts. But the choice, is of course, up to you :).
Egg yolks 4
Butter 350 gram 

Milk powder 200 gram 
Corn starch 100 gram, for extra taste of crunchy cookies.

For garnish:

Powdered sugar as needed

You will need baking trays, dough roller, cookie cutters and parchment paper.

How to cook: 

I have to say it's super easy!
Just like any standard cookies you usually bake.

First, mix the butter and egg yolks well using mixer. It usually takes 5-10 minutes in high and medium speed.

Add the grated cheese and mix them well.
Then knead the mixture with flour and cornstarch gradually, until everything is well mixed and become soft, well-blended dough. 
The best way of doing it is using our clean hands, so you can really feel it. 
That's what I love to do :). But of course you can always use the spatula or wooden spoon for ease.
Roll the dough and cut them using cookie cutter you like. 

Place them onto the greased baking trays.
Then preheat the oven to 420 degree F (or as you usually use) and bake until it's slightly brown and cooked. Usually, they are beautifully done for around 20 minutes.
Once everything is slightly warm, sprinkle the powdered sugar and make sure both sides are covered by the powdered sugar.

And..Putri Salju, Snow White cookiesis ready!

Easy, right :). Have fun trying it and happy holiday..

Let's Jog

I bet many of you love jogging.
Or at least have done it once or a few times, if not everyday.

I have been doing it quite regularly in the last 3 months.
I'm a newbie indeed, but as my husband accompanies me almost everyday, I keep my spirit high.
And he is such a great supporter and mentor as well :).

So, besides trying to keep up my fitness level and stay healthy, another perk of jogging in the morning is breathtaking view of East River and Astoria Park.

Nothing beats fine, crispy morning to wake up your body.

And as I briskly walk or jog or run, I took the liberty to take pictures again and again.
You know me..
Point and shot, repeat. 
You might think I keep taking photos from the same spot but I just can't help it.
It's always be beautiful, even in a cloudy or rainy day.

I usually start my morning jog from home to my kids' school, then heading to Astoria Park.
Sometimes the kids are complaining, but after walking around 4 blocks they know walking is sometimes much faster than dropping them off to school by car.

We can choose shorter routes, around two miles, or slightly longer which covers three miles.

If you're familiar with Astoria Park, we start  from Hell's Gate, heading to Ralph Demarco Park and Astoria Park, climbing up to Astoria Pool and going straight to our house.
Although it takes only around 20 minutes, but my husband and I really enjoy it.
Not bad to start a day, right?
It makes me feel quite fresh before heading to the office.

morning shade from Astoria :)

Hope you all have a great week and enjoy!

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy magnificent snaps of majestic skies from many corners of the world