Showing posts with label breast cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breast cancer. Show all posts

Why me? Fighting Breast Cancer

"Rontok lagi, pak..."
"Udahlah...kalau memang harus rontok, kan memang pengaruh obat..
"Tapi kali ini banyak banget..sampai 2 genggam.."

Dan tubuh saya pun dipeluknya...


Sore itu, usai kembali dari bandara mengantarkan salah satu rekan yang akan kembali ke Jakarta, saya tiba-tiba merasakan capek yang luar biasa.

Rasanya tulang pada mau berontak, kepala super berat dan perut ngga enak banget.

Serba salah..karena badan benar-benar tidak enak, tapi saya tidak bisa istirahat.

Well, beberapa hari sebelumnya, saya memang baru saja menjalankan kemoterapi yang kedua.

Setelah sukses divonis menderita kanker payudara tiga bulan sebelumnya dan menjalani mastektomi, operasi pengangkatan seluruh bagna payudara yang terkena kanker, saya memang harus menjalani serangkaian kemoterapi. Karena kanker yang nongkrong di tubuh saya, ternyata super agresif. Dalam kurun waktu 2 bulan, sel kanker di payudara kanan mulai "jalan-jalan' ke arah ketiak, yang notabene menjadi rumah kalenjar getah bening. Bahayanya, kalenjar getah bening adalah transporter di tubuh kita. Jadi, kalau sel kanker itu sukses 'nongkrong' di kalenjar getah bening, besar kemungkinan ia akan menyebar ke bagian tubuh yang lain.
Untungnya, semua ini diketahui di tahap awal, jadi saat operasi, semua sel dan calon sel kanker yang terdeteksi langsung diangkat.

Dan saya lega...

Really, Indah?

Ya, sekarang saya sudah bisa lega. Dan tersenyum!

Walaupun perjuangan saya masih panjang sebelum bisa benar-benar dinyatakan bersih dari kanker, tapi saya sudah berdamai dengan diri sendiri.

Malu rasanya dengan Yang Kuasa kalau ingat malam-malam kelam saya.

Saat di mana vonis kanker itu benar-benar nyata adanya...
Saat saya tidak tau harus marah kepada siapa...
Saat saya mulai menyalahkan diri sendiri karena tidak bisa menjaga diri dengan baik...
Saat saya panik ketika tahu jahatnya kanker yang ada di tubuh saya...
Saat saya tergugu hanya karena melihat Bo dan Obi tidur dengan pulas...
Saat saya sadar betapa saya ingin hidup lebih lama untuk suami dan anak-anakku...
Saat saya bertanya dengan marah...WHY ME?

Mungkin untuk mereka yang tahu dan kenal saya sejak lama, selalu berpikir bahwa everything in life is fine. Saya memang selalu happy...atau mungkin tepatnya, terlihat happy.

But I'm just human.

At the lowest point of my my bottomless pit.
And this silly cancer just change everything.
My life...and the lives of people I dearly love.

Terbayang ngga ole teman-teman.
Saat itu, saya dan keluarga baru pindah ke tempat baru.

Penuh semangat untuk memulai hari-hari kami. 
Penuh rencana untuk jalan kesana kemari untuk mengeksplorasi negara baru yang menjadi tempat tinggal kami.  Penuh keinginan untuk mengembangkan jejaring pertemanan dan karir yang dijalani selama ini. Penuh suka cita dengan Udi untuk meneruskan hobi-hobi dan memenuhi bucket lists kami. Penuh ide untuk memperkenalkan Bo dan Obi dengan dunia baru mereka. 

Baru 7 minggu di New York City, dokter saya menelpon untuk bilang bahwa saya positif terdeteksi mengidap kanker payudara...

Dan fase baru dalam hidup saya sebagai pengidap kanker pun dimulai.

Mastektomi, MRI, PET CT Scan, ECG, ecocardiogram, kemoterapi, insulation, breast reconstruction,  endless consultation dengan dokter onkologis menjadi menu kami hari-hari.

Waktu dokter menjelaskan segala prosedur yang diperlukan dan hal-hal yang harus saya jalani untuk menghilangkan sel-sel kanker ini, saya hanya bisa menatapnya nanar.
it sounds so scarying and painful.

There goes my plans.

Berubah semua rencana yang telah kami susun.
Everything has to change.
Priority number one: saya harus sehat kembali!

Dan saya mau marah dengan siapa? 

Mau marah dengan siapa kalau saya harus menjalani operasi besar dan pulih dalam waktu yang cukup lama? 

Mau menyalahkan siapa kalau payudara saya hanya tinggal sebelah? 
Mau benci dengan siapa kalau saya tidak bisa bangun, lemas tidak ketulungan dan mual selama 4 hari akibat kemo? 
Mau teriak ke siapa ketika rambut, alis, dan bulu mata saya rontok tak bersisa? 
Mau kesal sama siapa ketika kuku-kuku saya mulai menghitam dan mengeluarkan darah akibat terpaan racun yang dipakai untuk membunuh sel-sel kanker saya?
Mau sedih bagaimana lagi saat Bo bertanya "Mama ngga akan meninggal karena kanker mama kan?"

Tidak ada.

Tidak ada kecuali diri saya sendiri...
Lagi, why me? kenapa sayaaa? terus muncul terbersit di hati..

Mau marah dengan Tuhan? Saya ngga berani.
Dan saya selalu yakin kalau Allah SWT selalu memiliki scenario terbaik untuk hamba-hamba-Nya.
Gusti Allah tidak akan pernah mencoba umat-Nya lebih dari kemampuan mereka.

Of course, Udi dan keluarga besar, termasuk atasan dan teman-teman kantor saya, selalu mendukung penuh dan membantu saya sejak awal.

But they don't know exactly how it feels to be in my position.

Dan saya tau, kalau saya terus menyalahkan diri sendiri, semua ini hanya akan menghabiskan waktu, energi, dan emosi saya. And I desperately need it for my recovery.
Pilihan terbaik yang saya miliki adalah berdamai dengan diri sendiri dan mohon pada Sang Pemilik Kehidupan untuk bisa selalu diberi kekuatan dan semangat untuk menjalani skenario indah-Nya ini.

Ikhlas dan sabar, meskipun super duper susah dijalani, terbukti ampuh membantu saya menjalani tahap pengobatan dan penyembuhan satu demi satu. 

Tiga minggu hidup dengan wound reservoir dan selang 8 inci yang tertanam di tubuh saya ternyata bisa dijalani. Saat mual dan lemas melanda akibat diinfus AC, cairan kemo saya yang luar brasa dampaknya, selama 4.5 jam, saya pun memilih tidur dan istirahat penuh.Bahkan saat menggunduli kepala saya yang sudah pitak sana pitak sini akibat rontok berat, saya bisa tersenyum. 

breast cancer survivor

Dan ternyata, saya cocok berkepala botak :). 
Ya, ngga :p.

Hidup saya pun jadi jauh lebih sehaaat.
Kini saya mulai dan haris banyak mengkonsumsi buah dan sayuran segar serta olahraga. Berat badan pun turun 7 kilo! Alhamdulillaaah kan :). 

Dan yang lebih penting lagi, kalau Bo dan Obi bertanya kenapa mama botak, saya akan bilang bahwa mama terkena kanker dan will fight back!
I will definitely fight back!

I might sound so cliche, tapi semua memang akan indah pada waktunya.
Dan percayalah, Tuhan akan selalu memberi yang terbaik untuk hamba-Nya.
Kita hanya perlu selalu bersyukur, bersyukur dan bersyukur lagi.
Jangan pernah lupa itu!

WW: Happy New Year, everyone...

Spending the first half of the last day of 2014 in my cozy corner at NYU Clinical Cancer Center for my 6th chemo :).

Have a fabulous 2015, everyoneeee....

Stay healthy, prosperous and grateful :)


And the holiday starts here....


It's been a few days after winter recess officially started :). Blame me for enjoying holiday doing nothing but spending some times with Bo et Obi :p. So, holiday starts hereeee...

happy holiday dearest friends..

As the 23rd of December was the last day for Bo et Obi's school, they have around 2 weeks before coming back to school on January 5th, 2015.

The first day of the holiday break, we, Bo and I, spent some time at my clinic for my 5th chemo. Yuuup, it was a cold morning on the Dec 24 that we had our afternoon at NYU Clinical Cancer Center. 

otw to my clinic :)

It was a looong least for Bo, as I'm so used to it now. But he was sooo happy with the hot chocolate they served from the machine here :). He made two cups that day...

facetime with Bapak et Obi, while enjoying his second hot choco :)

But being a good-natured boy as always, Bo was quite happy accompanying me getting my blood drawn and waiting for the results, consulting doctors, and finally getting my infusion.

We finished at around 4 pm that day. It was surprisingly longer than usual, but I was so glad it finally over. Because with all the taxol, herceptin as well as pre-medication they gave me, I ended sleeping all the way back home and till late that evening. I was pretty washed up after the chemo but have a much better day afterwards.

Then the next day was Christmas. Well, we don't celebrate christmas but we surely respect those who are celebrating it. We exchanged gifts with neighbors, friends and colleagues, including my dearest doctors and nurses as the clinic. Then, we decided to go to Manhattan taking the subway.  It was the perfect time to go out as the weather was nice and slightly warm as well.

selfie in the subway? why not...

Destination: Rockefeller center :)

You  know why? Because they will have the Christmas Spectacular Show (at night though) and that famous huge xmas tree was there as well.   

red, red, red..

Taking the N line, we went straight ahead to the 49th st and walked to the Plaza. Along the way, the crowds were flocking and taking pictures in those giants xmas decoration dotting along the 5th avenue. 

It was surely merry :).

Bo et Obi, posing after throwing some coins to the pond :)

We passed the Radio City Music Hall as well. Many had gathered here for the show tonight. Well, not for us though, as I know it would be too late for the kids and I could imagine how cranky they could be.

Other feast to my eyes were the beautiful display of the shops. Some of them were sooo meticulously breathtaking :).

say hi to Ms. Saks 5th Avenue :)

love the birds :)

Moving forward, we finally arrived at the Rockefeller Center. Boy, what a crowd! For sure we're not the only one spending that beautiful day outside :). It took a while to get a spot and take picture around that busy ice skating ring and the giant christmas tree. 

The giant christmas tree...

looks like a great fun skating down here...

No need to mention how we wiggled our ways from this bumper-to-bumper situation :). That giant tree is really attracting everyone's attention. I just remembered Kevin McCallister (remember Home Alone 2? :p) meeting his mom here after being lost for a while. Famous tree, indeed :).

Getting ready for the Xmas Concert and it was only 2 pm...

I really like the nutcrackers, or more like the band members to me :). Their uniform were so colorful.

Many angels were playing their tunes as least in our heads :).

angels in glamourous white...

Then ..after squeezing ourselves for a while on the way near and around the Center, we decided to we couldn't miss the street vendor, of course. Sweet smell of roasted walnuts, giant pretzels and savory hints of the hot dog and kish kebab really filled the air. 

want some? :)

Obi just couldn't resist the cute giant pretzels :). And I could say she almost had it all by herself. Hungry little girl..

Bon appetite, Obi :)

We finally had our dinner at Chinatown that evening :). 
So, that's our little adventure at the beginning of winter break.
How about you? 

Look Good Feel Better...

Tidak pernah sekalipun terlintas di benak saya kalau warna rambut platinum atau blonde ternyata cocok untuk saya :)...

Lho, ada apa ini kok tau-tau ngomongin rambut blonde hehehe....
Dan semua ini terkait dengan perjalananku melawan kanker payudara ☺

I know I have promised to write about my breast reconstruction procedure and I will definitely do, but I can't wait to share my story about Look Good Feel Better program that I have just recently joined!

Boleh yaaa..kalau saya sharing cerita yang satu ini, karena memang betul-betul program yang bagus dan sangat berguna untuk kami para penderita kanker yang tengah atau selesai menjalankan berbagai prosedur pengobatan, terutama kemoterapi, yang membuat kami kehilangan rambut dan mengalami perubahan pada kulit, kuku, maupun perubahan penampilan lainnya. Saya memang belum cerita lengkap tentang kemo yang saya jalani, tapi yang pasti efeknya sudah terlihat nyata....rambut saya rontok banget sehingga saya pun memilih untuk memotong habis rambut saya. Well, another post is coming on that.

So...yuuup, a day before my 4th chemo, I have registered myself with Look Good Feel Better program.

Has anybody heard about it before?

To those who have cancer and have undergone so many painful procedures that make you lose hair or undergo so many changes in your look, then you might be familiar with this program.
To those who are not, then come join me here :)

Look Good Feel Better is a brilliant program which helps women undergoing cancer treatments, namely chemotherapy, radiation, or both, to learn, practice and share ideas about appearance-related side effects of those treatment. Through free service program, we learn more and have fun with personal care, particularly skin care and make-up application, and how to deal with hair loss. 

This beautiful program is the collaboration among the Personal Care Products Council Foundation, American Cancer Society and  Professional Beauty Association.

I first found out about this program from one of the social workers who came to my room while I was having my chemotherapy in NY Clinical Cancer Center. I definitely try to find some time to join this program and I called the Ms. Deborah Keppel at the Center. I had my spot on November 11 at the NYU Clinical Cancer Center. 

it was scheduled to be conducted in 2 hours but..ladies, truly 2 hours is definitely not enough :). Time really flew so fast!

There were 5 of us joining the was Bairbre, Debra, Jully, Shannon and me..
Bianca Lyder, the owner of New Horizons Hair by Bianca here in NYC, is our facilitator that day. You can get more details of Bianca's brilliant and extensive experience in styling through her web at

say hi to Bianca :)
Shannon, Jully et Debra...with Debby Keppel and Bianca afar..
Bianca is such an amazing facilitator, I have to say. Patiently she guided us on step-by-step skin care and makeup application, starting from using the cleanser, putting moisturizer, and putting the complete makeup. It was fun! I happened to voluntarily become the model and I really enjoyed it :). Bianca reminded us all the "bad habits" that we are so accustomed to, like forgetting to clean and moisturize our neck, using the upward strokes in applying make up, or simply using q-tips to get those liquid out of its container. Simple but important...

Bianca doing her magic to Bairbre :)

it was a cozy place indeed...
So, here are some pictures from our makeup session....Oh ya, I even tried the new wig, in blonde :)..
How do you like it?

my fresher look :)...with natural makeup, thanks to Bianca...

here comes the wig :) taken by Bairbre...
taraaaa....what do you think :)...
smiley taken by Bairbre...
Besides the makeup, Bianca also share many tips and tricks with hair looks, including how to wear, style and take care of our wigs, as well as utilizing t-shirt, shawl, and scarves into turbans and beautiful head wraps.

trying one of the taken by Bairbre...

Bianca's creation with my batik silk scarves :)
I almost forgot...before we start, everyone of us was given a bag full of makeup kit. plus a booklet with step by step instruction for makeup, hair, nails and style tips.

Each of us got a different package depending on their skin tone. Mine is for medium complexion and here are what I got...

My package includes:
Biore make-up removing towelettes
Olay 2-in-1 facial cloth
Lancome translucence silky loose powder
Chanel Rouge Coco Magnolia lipstick
Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer creme compact
Banana Boat sunscreen lotion
Mary Kay luminous-wear liquid foundation
Mary Kay concealer
Avon aye shadow quad
Revlon powder blush
Merle Norman sheer lip liner
IT cosmetics brow pencil
NYC brow/eyeliner pencil
Cover Girl Max Volume flamed out mascara
O.P.I Nail Lacquer

See...such a complete package to pamper a girl like me :)
And it all comes for free..wuhuuuu...
Lucky me :)

Well, all in all, we all enjoyed this program very much. Not only that we learnt new things and met new friends, but we shared so many smiles and good times amidst our rocky adventure conquering cancer. Nothing but love, good spirit and hopes that will help us through this.

the smiley faces :)

Thank you so much Bianca, Deborah, and Look Good Feel Better program for making it all possible. I surely recommend friends who are  about to start, in the middle, or just finished the treatment to join this program. Feel free to check and get more details at or contact the social worker where you have your treatment.


WW: Look Good Feel Better Program

Get the complete story on my next post :) but this Look Good Feel Better Program from American Cancer Society is really a wonderful opportunity to me and my fellow colleagues to endure this challenging time.

feels so goood :) after the make up session ...
the free goody bag...isn't it wonderful :)

Join us on Wordless Wednesday :)