The Hobbiton - A beautiful journey for the fans of the Lords of the Rings and the Hobbits

 Hi everyone... 

It's been quite sometimes I haven't been updated! Well, life has been super fun and busy, and I haven't manage to sneak some times to write some of those adventures here in my blog. 

But, now, here I come, with some photos and stories about the Hobbiton.

welcome to the Hobbiton

Before I start sharing more, have you ever heard of this wonderful place before? or perhaps familiar with the movies?

For those who claim themselves fans of Sir Peter Jackson's works, - the Lords of the Rings and the Hobbits,- 
 like me, then you must be familiar with J.R.R. Tolkien's books as well as the movies.

Living in Aotearoa for a mere 2 years, #thefrakarsas are lucky enough to take some road trips around Aotearoa, New Zealand, For sure, 2 years is far than enough to explore this wonderful country.

So, our trip to The Hobbiton took place in 2022, during fall, just before winter. We went to Rotorua and had so much fun there. We stayed in Rotorua, enjoying the Skyline and luge as well as warm bath there, then head to the Hobbiton.

We drove to Mata mata, the name of the area where the Hobbiton is located. Before coming here, I have already booked the tickets for the 4 of us. So they have different time for the tour, where one tour will take around 1.5 hours. The tour started from the Shire Rest. Our slot started in 1 PM local time.

For sure, you are highly recommended to book the tickets in advance as this place is extremely popular all year long. The chances to just walk in and get the ticket is quite slim, so you better book it through their official website. It costs us around NZD 675 (including the tax) or Rp 6.500.000,- for the 4 of us.  I know it's quite expensive but it's really worth it..

I have to say we are very excited to be here!

We were there before the time and waited patiently until our group was called. We took the bus to go to the movie set and while riding the bus, there was a video about a short introduction on the place as well as the welcoming words from Sir Peter Jackson himself.  The more we heard the background story about his work, the more excited we all became to see the Hobbiton. 

Once we arrived at the exact movie set, we started the tour to see this movie set closer. Our tour guide was very patience in explaining many interesting details dan statistics regarding the place as well as the movie. Coming from Indonesia (who live in Welington LOL), we joined many tourists from different countries as well. 

We saw the unique hobbit house, with all different colors. We also saw tiny clothes, ceramics, household items and more on this place.

So we managed to walk for about 1 hour to see the whole 'village' of the Hobbitton, including Bilbo Baggin's house (you can see here with the green door), the bar, the river banks and more. It's super cute to see the mini, tiny houses with colorful doors and cute details.

Before I share more details, please check out these photos from the Hobbiton.
Fore sure, we took this opportunity to take endless photos whenever we have the chance. It's so peaceful to be here and by the time we visited it, the weather was just perfect!

So, that's out little story in the Hobbiton, Mata Mata, New Zealand. 
Do you find it interesting? Do you like it and do you want to visit this place as well?

I hope you enjoy it as much as we do and I have to say I don't mind coming back here again and have more adventures in Aotearoa, the Land of Long and White Clouds.


  1. Hobbiton tu lucu yaaaa, duh mengingatkan sama film jadinya, btw tiketnya lumayan yaaa

  2. Hi mbak Indah, miss you 😍 bisa dimengerti siih bagaimana pun harus utamakan yg lebih prioritas yak namun tetep jangan lupa bersenang-senang 😘

  3. Waah...serasa masuk ke dalam film Hobbit ya mba .. Terima kasih sharing pengalamannya..jadi pengen maen ke sana juga..

  4. aaaa bagus banget ini rumah rumah hobbitnya yaaa, spotnya cantik semua buat foto foto, kayanya kalo aku ke sana bakalan foto di semua spot cantiknya hehehe

  5. Cakep banget The Hobbiton. Karena cakep banget itu jadi tempat syuting film-film ya, Mbak. Harganya termasuk mahal sih kalau menurut saya si kaum mendang mending tapi kalau secakep itu ya sesuai dengan harganya ya, Mbak

  6. Saking bagus dan menakjubkan rumah Hobbit ini, di Indonesia jadi banyak juga lokasi wisata yg buat tiruan rumah Hobbit ini ya... Di Curug Citambur dekat lokasi rumah viral Abah Jajang di kecamatan tempat saya tinggal juga ada dibuat rumah Hobbit ini lho. Yah meski jauh dari kata mirip sih. Hehehe

    1. Jadi penasaran juga nih lokasi wisata yang dimaksud Teh Okti. Apalagi kan rumah Hobbit memang unik dan menarik perhatian

  7. The Hobbiton selalu menjadi destinasi menarik semenjak filmnya booming, hingga di Indonesia ada versi miniaturnya dan juga ramai pengunjung.
    Tiket ke rumah Hobbit yg digunakan untuk shooting film ternyata lumayan, tapi sangat sepadan. Keren.

  8. Keknya agak pricy tetapi sayang juga kalo dilewatkan gak mampir ke sana ya kak Indah. Anggap aja di Hobbiton lagi bertemu Frodo sama Pipin wkwkwk

  9. Mba Indah yang 2 tahun disana aja sudah terkesima ya.. apalagi aku yang hanya itungan bulan, duh jadi ingin ke NZ lagi.. menikmati indahnya kota wellington, makan sushi b yang hanya 1 dollar, naik bus ke kota.. sama kumpul kumpul makan makan bareng orang indo disana deh

  10. ah, habitton ini lucu dan keren ya. spotnya cantik2 untuk bisa berfoto disana. harga tiket masuknya wow banget mba....

  11. Sangking indahnya, jadi kalau kesini perlu reservasi dulu ya mbak tiketnya
    Aku kalau ga salah dulu pernah nonton film tentang Hobbit, tapi lupa apa judulnya
    Dan pemandangan di atas emang jadi bikin flashback dengan adegan di film yng aku tonton

  12. It really feels like being a Hobbit, ka Indah.
    So cute... I'm happy because from the film into a real world that can be visited and enjoyed for fans of the film and become iconic that in Hobbiton is one of the interesting tourist destinations from New Zealand.

  13. The real life of Rabbits
    I am really want to know more by traveling there
    But still in my wish list
    You know I am still in struggling to make my children be independent for their life, haha
    But I think my children really love that I invite them to Hobbiton

  14. Hobbiton ini kece banget sih mbak tempatnya... mana suasananya asri gitu terasa damai. tempat liburan bareng keluarga yang menyenangkan sih Hobbiton ini

  15. Ngebayangin seolah lagi main film bareng hobbits ih gemesin banget. Kalau bawa anak kecil jadi bisa main rumah-rumahan nih hihihi

  16. Ya ampun, kayak di negeri dongeng ya mbak.
    Saya dulu saat baca seri Lord of the Rings berusaha membayangkan, kehidupan dan lingkungan hobbit tuh kayak apa. Dan visualisasinya di The Hobbiton ini beneran keren banget

  17. The Hobbiton, Mata Mata, New Zealand is as beautiful as the movie, ka Indah. It even looks greener. When I look at pictures of ka Indah and family, it feels like a beautiful painting on canvas.

  18. Wow, cakep bener ini Hobbiton :D Ga apa-apalah bayar mahal sesekali hihihii worth it banget ternyata ya. Jadi pengalaman seru mbak Indah nih. Berasa ada di film The Hobbit yach. Suasananya mendukung banget masih serba hijau. Jangan sampai ga foto2 hihihi...Jadi pengen juga :D

  19. Cakep-cakep banget ini fotonya, memang sangat menarik rumah Hobit ini ya. Pengin banget suatu saat bisa traveling ke sana bawa anakku. Di Indonesia tuh ada tiruannya sih, tapi aku pun belum mampir ke sana.

  20. Sebagai pecinta film Hobbit, aku suka banget sama the hobbiton sangat menarik, unik dan cakep buat di jadikan destinasi wisata bareng keluarga. Aku sangat tertarik dan berharap suatu saat bisa liburan kesana juga. Asri banget dan suasana nya bikin nyaman.

  21. Wah, seru banget bisa jalan jalan seperti ini
    Berasa sedang syuting the lord of the ring ya
    Di malang, ada juga tempat wisata seperti ini mbak
    Namanya bukit teletabis

  22. rumah hobbit juga ..ada dipekanbaru hehehhe, tiruan ditempat wisata asia farm ala2 eropa gitu..ya ..buat fota foto doank hi2

  23. Liat foto - fotonya aja jadi pengen kesana deh. Insyaallah kapan - kapan ada rezekinya.Aaamiiin

  24. Hobbiton ini memang ada rumah mungilnya gitu atau karena syuting LOTR dan the hobbit Mbak jadi ada bangunannya?

  25. Yang kuinget malah Teletabies liat gambar-gambarnya. Wah jadi berasa pengen ke sana bareng keluarga.

  26. Hobbiton, nestled in the lush green hills of Matamata, New Zealand, is a magical destination for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's works and movie enthusiasts alike. The movie set, meticulously maintained, offers a glimpse into the enchanting world of hobbits with its charming hobbit holes, vibrant gardens, and the iconic Green Dragon Inn. Guided tours provide fascinating behind-the-scenes insights into the making of "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" trilogies. Walking through Hobbiton feels like stepping into Middle-earth, making it a must-visit for any traveler. The experience is both nostalgic and captivating, leaving visitors in awe of its beauty and attention to detail.

  27. Terpana baca harga tiketnya!
    tapi memang, memelihara lahan seluas dan secantik itu kan butuh biaya

  28. They look like the ones I saw in Lembang Bandung but of course it's totally different ahaha.

  29. Spot fotonya cantik dan lucu seperti di negeri dongeng. Recommended banget nih masuk dalam list destinasi wisata keluarga untuk dikunjungi jika ada rezeki nantinya


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