I hope everyone is well and sound, wherever you are.
Windy Welly is still up to its name, cold and freezing thanks to the cold wind coming from the Pacific. I have been taking the public transportation for the last couple of weeks and we certainly embrace the cold wind and sometimes drizzles as well in the morning.
Bo's school bus |
Speaking of public transport in Welly, we usually get our bus at 7.50 in the morning. it will take us to the Karori Mall, so that we can transfer to Bus No. 2 or 18 which will take me and Obi to office and her school. Bo will stop in a different bus stop so that he can catch his school bus taking him to Wellington College. It was quite a journey as we have to ensure that the bus does come on time or otherwise we will miss the connection. Sometimes we ordered Uber as well but usually it will be tricky in the morning as it takes a while for them to reach us up on the hills in Karori. Well, that's the price we have to pay for amazing view at home.
The public transportation in Wellington is okay but we have issues with low numbers of drivers and COVID-19 makes it worst. There are times when some services were heavily reduced or even cancelled and that makes it super difficult for those depending on public transportation. Online taxi or taxi is always expensive, so it will only be the last resort. Hopefully we will have better and better services in the upcoming days.
Meanwhile, August is here and this is practically my month! Birthday is coming and for sure I hope we can have something nice and special when it comes. I really miss my munchkin and I know he will join us in Wellington in sya Allah.
Now, it's time for Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. Are you ready? join us then..
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Wonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers
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♥ Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl
BBQ Rub Recipe for Mouth Watering BBQ Ribs
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The Bali Sensory Experience at Wellington Railway Station, New Zealand
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♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center
Surviving Inflation – Ways To Save
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♥ Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo
Chicken Alfredo
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One Little Piece of Heaven
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♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Penny's Treasures // We Like Our Wine / Transforming Our Garden
♥Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center // Filling The Jars // 5 Smart Reasons Why You Should Declutter Your Home
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Me and My Inklings // Best Shark DIY Projects and Ideas
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♥Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center
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Sama kaya aku mba, taksi online pilihan terakhir kalau untuk berkendara hehe soale lumayan banget ya ongkosnya. Oh iya, bus disana bagus-bagus ya dan bersih juga lingkungannya. Btw aku ikut mendoakan semoga ulang tahun mba Indah nanti akan ada kejutan dan segala hal baik menghampiri ya mba ^^.
ReplyDeleteUnik sekali warna busnya ya. Depannya kuning dan bagian tengahnya hijau. Cerah ceria sesuai untuk bus sekolah anak-anak.
ReplyDeleteEmang susah kalau transportasi umum dibatasi, ya, Mbak. Mudah-mudahan kedepannya makin banyak dan nyaman transportasi di Wellington, Mbak Indah.
ReplyDeletesehat selalu ya mba indah, di Indonesia covid lagi naik, aku juga kmrn sakit seminggu, huhu, semoga mba Indah sehat semua sekeluarga di sana ya
ReplyDeleteKalau di luar Negeri memang lebih enak pakai kendaraan umum ya mbak. Terus juga di sana tuh bersih dan nyaman kendaraan umumnya. Btw, di sana masih ada Uber ya mbak?
ReplyDeleteAgustus menjadi bulan yang mendebarkan aku mba Indah, akhir bulan HPL datang mohon doa2 baiknya ya mba Indah. Mba Indah sekeluarga juga sehat selalu
ReplyDeleteSeandainya di Indonesia punya publik transport seperri di NZ, jalanan gak pada macet ama mobil pribadi
ReplyDeleteWah aku penasaran knp mbak drivernya dikit? Bagaimana dengan armada busnya?
ReplyDeleteTernyata di sana pun ada transportasi online yg bisa jadi pilihan walau ya emang fak murah ya huhu.
wah bus sekolahnya besar yaa, dan nyaman kelihatannya yaa. Alhamdulillah kalau di beberapa sekolah di luar negeri menyediakan bus sekolah yang mengantar anak ke sekolah, moga di Indonesia juga akan ada bis seperti ini ya, agar anak bisa bersekolah tanpa halangan