"No Violence" sculpture welcoming you to the UN Headquarters in NYC |
Hi everyone.
The High Level Week of United Nations General Assembly for its 76th session has started. And some of the world's attention are directed to the Big Apple, where the UN Headquarters is located. This year, the meetings were conducted in hybrid way, a combination of online platform, pre-recorded messages and physical presence at the UN General Assembly Hall. More than 100 head of states and/or governments have confirmed their presence in this august body, together with smaller entourage obviously. For sure, strict health protocol is fully observed at all times.
The view of Long Island City seen from the UNHQ building
Like last year, I didn't travel to New York City to attend the meetings as we have many restrictions due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, we continue to provide support from Jakarta and I have to admit, I do miss visiting the UNHQ in these crazy days.
There are times when we were constantly moving around and being mobile, exploring different corners of the UN and preparing meetings or anything that popped out. It was extremely exhausting but rewarding at the same time. I made so many friends, learnt tremendous amount of substantive issues and beneficial skills, particularly in negotiation and communication, and had the time of my life here.
Most of the photos I have here were taken during the special High Level Week session of the UN GA, where New York City, particularly the area around the UN and Midtown Manhattan, temporarily turns into a circus. It all was caused by the high-level security arrangement the US and the UN have in order to welcome and ensure the safety and the well-being of many prominent world leaders, including POTUS himself.
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party.
Oh wow, what a cool experience for you! Thank you for sharing it along with these amazing photos!
Walau nggak berangkat ke New York tapi tetep repot juga ya mbak mempersiapkan ini itu dan memberikan dukungan terbaik buat delegasi yang berangkat
ReplyDeletewhat a "Busy Lyfe" of beautiful diplomate ya mbak Insav, judulnya
ReplyDeleteduh keren keren deh fotonyaaaaa
semangat yaaaa mbak bawa nama Indonesia!
Rindu masa-masa ini yaa, kak Indah.
ReplyDeleteDan Indonesia bisa speak up di hadapan United Nations Headquarters New York City .
Semoga segra pandemi selesai, semuanya bisa kembali seperti sedia kala.
Sehat dan nyaman beraktivitas seperti biasa lagi.
aku selalu senang sekali kalau membaca cerita mbak Indah tentang pekerjaan, terutama kalau sedang perjalanan dinas. Karena aku bisa sekalian cuci mata juga di foto-foto yang diberikan.
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah ... saya yang membaca tulisan ini merasa bangga, Mbak Indah. Membayangkan dalam peristiwa besar dunia, di mana ada delegasi Indonesia, ada Mbak Indah di dalamnya. Semoga bisa segera ada lagi kegiatan offline ya Mbak Indah sehingga saya bisa membaca cerita Mbak Indah lagi.
ReplyDeleteSenangnya diartikel ini saya diajak Mbak Indah jalan-jalan ke Markas Bsar PBB di New York. Tidak hanya lewat cerita menariknya tapi juga spot-spot indahnya.
ReplyDeleteTerbayang kesibukan saat berlangsungnya SIdang Tahunan, Meski kin karena pandemi jadi dilaksanakan secara hybrid tentu tak mengurangi maknanya
Sukses selalu dengan tugas-tugasnya ya, mbak
Ada perasaan banggaaa lihat foto²nya mak Insav Indonesia disanaa :)
ReplyDeleteAda social media space juga disana ternyata :)
Lihat gambar gedung-gdeung itu aku jadi ingat sama post card yang dikirim mbak Indah gambarnya begitu tapi suasana malam
ReplyDeleteSeneng bangettt liat langitnya biru gitu, Mam. Masa pandemi makin bikin kangen tugas2 ke luar ya, Mam.
ReplyDeleteSaya berasa ada disana deh baca cerita mba Indah... xixixi... bangga juga ya ada beberapa seni Indonesia terpampang disana. Hope one day, my son will be in that seat as yours... hahaha... aamiin
ReplyDeletebanggaaaa indonesia didenger banyak negara di dunia pendapatnya mba
ReplyDeletemama bo enerjik sekali <3
AKu menikmati banget mampir ke blog mba indah. Bisa melihat sisi lain NY yang beda dari yang di film.
ReplyDeletekalo baca tulisan mbak insav tuh yaa berasa diajak keliling dunia. menjelajahi area barat yg entah kapan saya sekeluarga bisa ke sana. terus diajak ikutan acara2 besar gitu, liat2 ornamen di sana dg detail
ReplyDeleteJujur, bangga banget bisa mengenal Mbak Indah.. Semoga pandemi segera berlalu, dan rindu untuk kembali ke sana bisa segera dituntaskan. ��
ReplyDeleteI like the statement of the gun sculpture. Let violence turn on itself.
ReplyDeleteI guess a kid brought a knife into Isaak's school yesterday. He started a fight and cut himself. He'll be expelled. I hope he's alright though.