I keep saying that to myself whenever I feel a bit down about the pandemic and all its ramification. I know it's not that easy, but I know even more that we can go through it. My kids start asking when they can go out and meet their friends, teachers and families. They miss going out to the beach, parks, malls, and their favorite restaurants.
Well, we are so used to going back to Lampung every 2 weeks to meet our parents but now we have to restrain ourselves from doing so. But again, we can wait. We have to wait!
Now we are getting more and more creative with our hobbies. The kids start playing 'build the castle' inside the house and doing some crafting and drawings, I'm back with my home cooking, photos and blogging, and my hubby starts his DIY projects. Well, it's good to have something we love during this Stay-at-Home session. And sometimes my hubby and I curled up for binge-watching our favorite movies, not necessarily the new ones. Well, the bottom line is, we are trying to stay positive and happy with what we have. That's the best choice we have at this moment indeed.
So now, it's party time! Allow me to invite you to our Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. Cheers
Well, we are so used to going back to Lampung every 2 weeks to meet our parents but now we have to restrain ourselves from doing so. But again, we can wait. We have to wait!
Now we are getting more and more creative with our hobbies. The kids start playing 'build the castle' inside the house and doing some crafting and drawings, I'm back with my home cooking, photos and blogging, and my hubby starts his DIY projects. Well, it's good to have something we love during this Stay-at-Home session. And sometimes my hubby and I curled up for binge-watching our favorite movies, not necessarily the new ones. Well, the bottom line is, we are trying to stay positive and happy with what we have. That's the best choice we have at this moment indeed.
Let's craft |
So now, it's party time! Allow me to invite you to our Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. Cheers
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♥ Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Health Series: Natural Ways to Protect and Boost Your Immune System
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♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
Jakarta during the pandemic
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♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center
How To Bring Spring Into Your Home While Confined
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♥ Kaycee Mason //
Exciting Free Math Games for Epic Learning Adventures
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♥ Suzan White // Country Crafting
DIY Face Mask with Elastic in 10 minutes - Sewing Tutorial
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Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo
Pennys Treasures // Spring is still open for business
Feature Chosen by Indah Nuria // My Purple World
Strength and Sunshine // Vegan Air Fryer Falafel Gluten Free Allergy Free
Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa Cowards Command Center
Urbane Naturals // Quarantine Skin Care while staying indoors 
Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
The Little Treasures // Crochet Flowers Sneak Peek
Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Love My Little Cottage // Paint a Wisteria Flower Pot
Vanity and Me Style // Cotton traders Friday blazer styled three ways
But Now Lets Party....
Today is Day 31 of our lockdown. My family is getting restless too but we know we just have to persevere.
ReplyDeleteHang in there, buddy! Let's fight this together!!!
Thanks deaar... let's fight it together indeed
DeleteLove your creativity!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Carol..
DeleteBener, Mbak. Sudah satu bulan lebih di rumah aja. Akhir-akhir ini sudah terasa malas. Kemarin saja sempat bolong olahraga 4 hari. Alhamdulillah tadi semangat lagi buat olga. Fiuh. Keren, Mbak, kreativitas anak-anaknya ^_^
ReplyDeleteIyaa Kang..harus kita lawaan ya rasa malas ini. Aku masih banyak tugas kantor dan juga sekolaah nih
Deleteaku juga udah satu bulanan nih mbak di rumah aja, kejadian ini punya banyak hikmah tersendiri, diantara nya jadi punya banyak waktu bareng pasangan hihi
ReplyDeleteBener bangeet Demiaaa..au jgua ngumpul terus berempat di rumaah
Deleteso you are from Lampung, mbak? my wife is from Lampung as well and we're gonna move to Lampung next year.. :)
ReplyDelete-Traveler Paruh Waktu
I am! I was born in Metro hehehe...finished my bachelor degree in Unila and then starting my adventures from there :). Have fun in Lampung!
DeleteHarus bertahan ya mba demi kebaikan bersama, sedih juga nih jadi anak kos di rantau dan ndak mudik. This too shall pass. Karena sekarang ujiannya pandemic, keeping distance can be the highest form of love T.T
ReplyDeleteSedih tapi kudu ditahan semoga segeraaa get better semua
“We have to wait” until further notice? Or until we never know.. Sedih, tapi harus kuat. I spend my free time during covid-19 dengan menggambar Mba. Hal yang aku gabisa tapi aku suka ^^ ah covid 19, go away lah segera.
ReplyDeleteI actually told my husband to get stuff for the boys to do outside. So much needs to be done, but they need guidance.
ReplyDeleteI like the castle idea.
Aku bertahan..aku bertahaan jadi nyanyiik..
ReplyDeleteFix udah sebulan ku di rumah ga klayapan donk ya, juarak.
Masih betaah ako, apalagi mulai 22 april PSBB, fix nagen trus di pojokan.
Semoga cepet selesai yaak babang koron
eh pakai toga yaaa. artinya semoga Indonesia lulus ujian pandemi lalu kondisi lekas kembali normal. semoga yaaa
ReplyDeleteAgree sist. We have to stay positive thinking and do positive thing while staying at home
ReplyDeletesebulan lebih ya mbak masa karantina ini, ga nyangka bakal selama ini, kirain cuma 2 minggu hahhaaa semoga pandemi ini cepat berlalu jadi kit abisa bebas beraktifitas lagi ya mbak :) sehat selalu
ReplyDeleteAKu kok fokus ke craft yang di belakang itu Nodi ya mbai, buatan Obi atau Bo nih? semangat terus ya belajar di rumahnya buat mereka
ReplyDeletewalaupun di rumah saja, diusahakan untuk selalu ad ayang bisa dilakukan. semangat untuk kita semua ya
ReplyDeleteDi sisi lain, keharusan stay at home ini memunculkan kreatifitas bagi kita untuk ciptakan suasana yg tak membosankan ya mba..
ReplyDeleteSelama masa karantina ini mengerjakan sesuatu yang kreatif memang sangat menantang ya, termasuk dalam soal masak seperti membuat ide masakan baru gitu hehe
ReplyDeleteKakui walau awalnya sangat tersiksa dan stres tapi kelamaan di rumah bener-bener bikin tambah kreatif. Semua konten dan foto dari rumah itu sungguh tantangan
ReplyDeleteKeponakanku sudah amat sangat bosen di rumah. Aku belum bikinin dia kerajinan. Tapi dia gambar-gambar aja biar gak bosan
ReplyDeleteMau gimana lagi ya, mam. Demi keamanan dan kesehatan kita bersama, harus mau menekan ego dan bersabar untuk sementara waktu tinggal di rumah saja.
ReplyDeleteSemoga Allah segera memberikan pengampunannya untuk umat sedunia dan mengangkat virus Corona ini segera dari muka bumi. Aamiin.
perubahan pola hidup karena pandemi covid 19 membuat kita bosan. Tapi ini kita harus lakukan secara bersama-sama biar covid 19 kapok balik lagi
ReplyDeleteudah sekitar sebulanan dirumah aja rasanya udah lumayan mati gaya nih, semoga kondisi ini segera berlalu yaaa, biar bisa hidup normal kembali
ReplyDeleteEmang udah terasa banget resahnya setelah sebulan aslik di rumah yah mbaaak! Semangaaat, semoga semua cepat berlalu yaaah
ReplyDeleteAku palingan ke supermarket belanja belanji keperluan rumah tangga...besok mulai PSBB nih udah full ga bisa kemana mana jadinya...mudah2an semua ini cepat berlalu yaa...
ReplyDeleteKalau waktu di rumah digunakan oleh hal-hal positif seperti crafting, menggambar, DIY, dll waktu berminggu-minggu nggak akan terasa. Apalagi dibarengi ngeblog ya Mbak.
ReplyDeleteOrang tua di Lampung ya mba? Sedih pasti ya mba sekarang harus menunya bertemu, tapi semua demi kebaikan ya
ReplyDeleteYups ada sisi positifnya, memang setiap kejadian pasti ada hikmahnya dan selama 1 bulan di rumah anak-anakku juga tak kasih kegiatan yang jarang mereka lakukan kaya masak bareng, bantuin kerjaan di rumah juga hrhe.
ReplyDeleteYa Mbak, udah sebulanan kita harus ada di dalam rumah. Masih tetap semangat, dan harus banyak berpikir untuk tetap kreatif di rumah, supaya gak bosan.
ReplyDeleteYeah pas di rumah kyk sekarang waktunya bikin hobi lbh berkembang krn mungkin waktunya jd agak banyak ya mbak. Syukur2 yg bikin craft hasilnya bagus banget trus bisa dijual hhehe. Ini di rumah jg mainan gunting tempel ma anak2 :D
ReplyDeleteHow i missed crafting.
ReplyDeleteAku suka banget bebikinan, jaman sekolah dulu. Entah gimana, sejak punya anak-anak yang udah usia sekolah, malah mager.
tetap semangat yaa mbak.. tetap semangat meski keadaan begini,.. cayooooooooooo
ReplyDeleteudah lebih dari sebulan di rumah aja nih mba. kadang yaaaa, aku jenuh luar biasa, sampai ada pikiran yang macem macem, khawatir berlebih dan lain-lain. tapi, terus mikir lagi, harus sabar dan tabah, jadilah dijalani aja. ahh, moga pandemi ini cepet berakhir ya mba
ReplyDeleteIya nih mbak, sudah sebulan lebih dirumah aja. Padahal banyak plan sebelum Korona datang. InsyaAllah semua ada hikmahnya. Semoga segera berkumpul di Lampung ya mbak :))
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you are still able to remain positive during these times. We have also been doing crafts and binge watching our favorite show. A lot of new recipes we're trying out too, so we've probably gained a few extra pounds lately LOL