Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Beautiful Bali..

Back to Bali and I am super happy!

Well, it's always a mixture of excitement, bliss and slightly sad as I wish my petite family join me here in this paradise island. Too bad the kids have their school days and my hubby has his works as well. I promise I will return to this lovely island soon.

Many of my friends on the other sides of the world are also celebrating many festivities

And as the end of the year approaches, we started to arrange some plans for it.
Frankly speaking, we haven't decided anything but for sure I' planning to have my hysterescopy and hysterectomy soon. Wish me luck! I hope this operation will help me handle my cancer and all its negative impacts.

And meanwhile, my hubby was admitted to the emergency room and rushed to have appendicitis operation. I abruptly left Bali, a day before scheduled, to be by his side. He's doing well now but we had so many changes of plans as Udi my hubby was scheduled to have bike tour in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Well, I believe my Rabb has better plans for us.

Now, let me invite you to our weekly party with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and friends. Have fun!

And Happy Thanksgiving to my dearest friends in the US who celebrate it! Have a wonderful time with your family!

Welcome to A Wonderful Wednesday!! We always get a head start each week and our Co-Hosts choose from the previous week’s links and we are featuring 8 blogs from last weeks party and all our Co-Hosts too on week #183 This party comes at a time when we are all getting ready to sit down with our families to enjoy a Thanksgiving Tradition, gathering to enjoy a lovely meal and to give thanks for all that we enjoy together! Happy Thanksgiving To All Our Friends of Oh My Heartsie Girl, we appreciate you all! We are ready for you to share with us your blog, plus Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome! Please follow our Hostess and visit and comment on some of the blogs that have linked! We appreciate your visit today and if you are following us let us know in comments so we can follow you back!


❢❢ We would love if you would post our Party Banner or this » Link « on your site for others to enjoy the party each week! And if you looking for something special from last week, you Can Still See See Them Here» Last Week Features ❢:❢Join-us-for-wonderful-wednesday-linky-party

And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]oh-my-heartsie-girl-wonderful-wednesday-hostess-features

♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World 🍁Tromsø, Paris from the North Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzit♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center 🍁 Christmas Shopping Tips Everyone Needs Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Divider 989321gyey13hzit

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Debbi Dabble Christmas Blog // Wreath Re-Do, Dabbling and Sneak Peaks!! Her Wreath which was featured on Pottery Barn not to mention all the blogger friends that have shared it on their blogs ...

Feature Chosen by Alice // DIYerfy Across The Blvd // Melted Snowman: Wood slice Christmas Craft for Kids

Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country Crafting Across The Blvd // No Sew Buffalo Check Ornaments THeses are the cutest handmade ornaments where the front and back are decorated 

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo My Slices Of Life // Holiday Center Folding Card Tutorial If your looking for inspiration to making Christmas Cards for exchanging you'll find the tutorial here. 

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Marilyns Treats // Thanksgiving Stuffing Cheat Using Stove Top If you are not super good at making a stuffing, you need to check out the recipe and added ingredients to make Stove Top fabulous!

Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Comfort Spring Station // Small Batch Grapefruit Mandarin Jam This is a jam that can be made year-round and given as gifts to family and friends 
Feature Chosen by Indah Nuria // My Purple World An Artful Mom // Holiday Cookie Preview Not too soon to be planning those cookie recipes, there are lots to see.

Vanity and Me Style // Why I choose separates over a dress But Now......Lets Party....
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  1. Mbak aku terenyuh membaca ceritanya. Semoga cepat sembuh ya mbk. Semoga baik-baik saja.

  2. Semoga operasinya lancaaarr ya Mba Indaaah.
    Semangaat selalu, karena mba Indah selalu pancarkan positive vibes ke semua orang :)

  3. Be always positive and cheerful, sist...visiting your post as if i come to the real party 😊

  4. Baca juga di whatsapp grup soal sakitnya suami mba. Smoga sehat sekeluarga dan kuat ya mba. Mba indah pasti bisa :)

  5. Semoga lancar operasinya ya Mbak, dan Mas Udi diberikan kesehatan ☺

  6. Semoga suami Mbak dilancarkan operasinya dan segera dipulihkan kesehatannya.

  7. Mbak Indah, doa kami menyertai segala tindakan operasi dan pemulihan juga bisa jalan lagi ke tempat indah dan menyenangkan di dunia ini.

  8. Semoga dilancarkan operasinya ya Mba..Aku senang liat Mba Indah selalu ceria menularkan energi positif selalu... Semoga Allah SWT selalu menjaga Mba n Keluarga...��

  9. Semoga Pak Udi segera sehat ya Mam dan ntar kapan anak-anak libur bisa ke Bali bersama-sama. Keep healthy for you too ya ma darlenk :*

  10. I just wanna say that I will pray for you and your family in order to be happy more and more

  11. Semoga bapak Udi segera pulih dan sehat kembali ya mama Bo

  12. Semoga Pak Udi sehers pulih dan bisa beraktivitas seperti biasa yaa, Mba,amin

  13. I am glad your husband is recovering well from his appendicitis. Mine had his out about 15 years ago and it was scary how much pain he was in. Sending you lots of love and good wishes on your upcoming hysterescopy and hysterectomy ♥

  14. I love every photo I've seen from Bali. I'm jealous you got to go, and I didn't.

    BUT you had to rush off. It's too bad your husband had to have surgery. It's scary when stuff like that happens.


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