My itchy feet is back and this time I would like to share some tips and trick to those who plan to visit or transit in Istanbul. I have written about cool places you can visit in Istanbul and shared some colourful snapshots taken during my last excursions in this city. Surely you can explore so many exotic and historical spots in this very city.
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New Istanbul Airpost |
Let me now share specifically about the new Istanbul airport and how to get around from here, especially to tourists' favorite, Sultanahmet area.
As you now, as of April 2019, the new Istanbul airport has been opened and operating.
Claimed as the biggest airport in the world, covering more than 76 million square meters, it can accommodate 200 million visitors once all its facilities are fully operating.
I am so accustomed to the old airport and find it easy to travel around, especially down town to Sultanahmet area where most of the historical landmarks are located. But since the new airport has just opened and started operating, my last trip to Geneve with Turkish Airlines gave me the chance to enjoy this new airport. It is indeed huge and I like the fact that it has more facilities, shops and cafes inside. The masjid or the praying room is abundant and nicely arranged. They have more lounges, including Turkish Airlines, be it business class as well as for Star Alliancegood card members. All in all, I do enjoy the new airport.
And correct me if I'm wrong, I thought some of the Turkish souvenirs, particularly traditional food and beverages, are even cheaper compared to the prices for similar items in old airport. This is indeed something good for tourists like me who love shopping!
Claimed as the biggest airport in the world, covering more than 76 million square meters, it can accommodate 200 million visitors once all its facilities are fully operating.
I am so accustomed to the old airport and find it easy to travel around, especially down town to Sultanahmet area where most of the historical landmarks are located. But since the new airport has just opened and started operating, my last trip to Geneve with Turkish Airlines gave me the chance to enjoy this new airport. It is indeed huge and I like the fact that it has more facilities, shops and cafes inside. The masjid or the praying room is abundant and nicely arranged. They have more lounges, including Turkish Airlines, be it business class as well as for Star Alliancegood card members. All in all, I do enjoy the new airport.
And correct me if I'm wrong, I thought some of the Turkish souvenirs, particularly traditional food and beverages, are even cheaper compared to the prices for similar items in old airport. This is indeed something good for tourists like me who love shopping!
The New Istanbul Airport is located in Tayakadin Mahallesi, Terminal Caddesi no. 1, 34283, Istanbul
Now the question is how I can reach Sultanahmet area and other parts of Istanbul from the new airport.
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Where do you want to go today? |
As we traveled together with 3 other friends of mine, we had fun exploring this new airport. After getting off the plane (we walked quite far from the gate to the immigration check point) and passed the immigration check point (we used diplomatic passport is it was way short and faster than the others, we directly went out to the arrival hall. Here you can see some restaurants, banks and money changer counters as well as other facilities like bag drops.
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Many passengers heading to the same place |
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where you can get the ticket or Istanbul card |
We asked one of the officials with 'ask me' vest about the transportation to the city and he told us about the bus service on the basement. The bus service is called Havaist. It has around 19 stops or destinations and Sultanahmet is stop number 16. This route will stop at 3 places, namely Pyalepasa, Eminonu (where the Spice Bazaar is located) and Sultanahmet. We use Istanbul Card for this trip. You will have to pay TL (Turkish Lira) 6 for the card and the trip from the airport to Sultanahmet and vice versa is TL 18/trip. So, in the beginning, you don't have Istanbul Card before, you will have to spend around TL 42 to go back and forth from the airport. That is quite costly but that's the cheapest choice we have at this moment. So make sure you have enough money in your Istanbul Card when you tap it on the bus.
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Some other destinations |
The trip took around 50 minutes. It was 8 AM in the morning so I suppose the trip will be longer once the traffic starts in Istanbul.
We stopped exactly at the Sultanahmet square, between Blue Mosque and Hagia Sofia.
Such a strategic place for tourists like us!
You wan get on the buss heading back to the airport from the same spot as well. they have the bus every 20 minutes and it is on time.
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Peron 16 for Sultanahmet Area and Eminonu |
So, that how to go to Sultanahmet Area from New Istanbul Airport.
I sincerely hope you can find this post useful.
Let me know if you might have some addition or updated information.
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Happy shopping at Istanbul :)
Happy traveling and see you on the next post!
Belum pernah kebandara ini kak.. Tapi aku suka banget sama bandaranya bentuknya bagus banget...dan bersih yg penting
ReplyDeletethe new airport is huge indeed
Deletewah bandaranya bagus banget mbak, bersih dan terlihat modern ya :) petunjuknya juga dimana2 jadi ga bakal nyasar ya mbak
ReplyDeleteIstanbul is wonderful city. I love going to Turkey, someday, i hope..
ReplyDeletewuah seneng banget kak udah mampir di airport terbaru istanbul, airport terbesar di dunia yah.. megah dan keren banget yah, tapi biasanya yang paling aq suka kalo air port besar gini banyak duty free-nya, hehehehe biar puasa belanjanya
ReplyDeleteKu belum pernah kesana.. tp liat liat foto nya ternyata bandara nya nyaman dn bersih juga ya.. keren bgt deh istanbul airport.
ReplyDeleteSeru banget sih jalan2nya udah sampe istanbul. Di sini berdoa aja biar bisa nyusul hehe.. Paling ga baca di blog ini beritanya
ReplyDeleteKeren banget ini ya MBa Indah, negara Istanbul.
ReplyDeleteAku pengen juga bisa main ke sana, hehehe mimpi dulu aja punya keinginan
Bismilah semangat menabung. Mborong apa aja nih Mba Indah hehehe
Wah baru tau Turki punya bandara baru. Lebih bagus tapi harga souvenirnya lbh murah2 ya hehe. Jd semua penerbangan internasional skrng masuknya lewat sanakah mbak?
ReplyDeleteSebagai seseorang yang cukup jarang traveling ke luar negeri, tulisan seperti ini selain menghibur juga cukup informatif
ReplyDeleteDuh, Istanbul. Cantik ya tempatnya. Bahkan aiport-nya. Dan souvenirnya juga. Semoga bisa main ke sana kayak Mbak Indah :)
ReplyDeleteWow airport Istambul ini airport terbesar di dunia ya mba, gimana ya gedenya pasti nggak bisa ngejelajahin hanya dalam 1 hari (?)
ReplyDeletenext time, of i go there, i will read this post as my refference hwhhwaaa
ReplyDeleteBagus banget bandaranya donggg. Ke instanbul pula impiam akuuu hahaha semoga deh suatu saat nanti bisa main main kesana juga kaya mbak yaaa
ReplyDeletequiet far from New Istanbul Airport, kak Indah.
But why kak Indah only to go to Sultanahmet?
Is just a transit?
Pas ke sini pakai guide gak, kak Indah?
DeletePenasaran kalau solo traveller.
Masya Allah Tabarakallah, semoga bisa melihat langsung dan menjejakkan kaki ke Istanbul juga
ReplyDeletemasya Allah indah banget sih mbk itu bandaranya di Istanbul, kalau aku ke sana kepo deh dengan ornamennya. Asli seru ya Mbk
ReplyDeleteWow super easy and strategic ya mbak. Ga usah ribet ribet, pakai moda transportasi umum lebih gampang, mudah dan murah
ReplyDeletecantiiikk bangeettt
ReplyDeleteduh, kalo harga souvenir dan F&B lebih murah, kayaknya makin kalap shopping ya Mbaaaa :D
keren bandaranya ya mba, dan gagal fokus ama otobus heheheheh
ReplyDeleteItu yang warna warni keren buat properti foto mba Indah, hahaha
Semoga suatu waktu, bisa berkunjung ke sini juga, aamiin :)
Belum pernah keluar negri tapi bisa untuk catetan aku nih mba jika berkunjung kesana bandaranya bikin mau keluarin kamera utk foto-foto
ReplyDeleteDuh..pengen banget nih ke Turki.. TFS mba, menjadi bagian dr catatanku nih mudah2an suatu saat bisa sampai sana. Aamiin..
ReplyDeleteCantik banget souvenirnya dan Turki salah satu negara destinasi impian saya yang belum tercapai hehe,
ReplyDeletethank you for the useful information.
ReplyDeletei wish someday i could travel to Istanbul with my family. aamiin.
sultanahmet bairpun sudah lama tapi bisa melayani penumpang dengan baik. Baik turis lokal ataupun mancanegara. Tidak kelaparan karena banyak outlet jualan
ReplyDeleteMaju terus Turki
Paling suka sih kalau tempat makanan dan souvenirs lebih murah. Penting banget itu walau beda2 dikit juga ��
ReplyDeleteSerunya mba Indah slalu jalan jalan terus. Semoga suatu hari nanti bisa jalan jalan ke Turki. Aku naksir karpet dan sajadahnya Turkie yang motifnya unik.
ReplyDeleteuntung ada tulisan in English. Kalau pake bahasa Turki aku udah mumet bacanya. Btw, lampunya lucuuu
ReplyDeleteterimakasih telah menulis ini kak. Ini sangat informatif, sangat memberikan kita gmbaran gimana keadaan diluar negeri. Semua sangat menarik gambar yang kk upload tapi sajadahnya sangat luar biasa cantiknya
ReplyDeletesarat estetika gitu ya kak, bersih juga. Pasti berkesan banget trip ke Turki, kalo aku inget Turki, inget ceweknya yang cantik-cantik, idungnya super mancung.
ReplyDeleteNyaman sekali airportnya dan canggih ya mba. Smoga suatu saat bisa berkesempatan ke sana :) Indah airportnya dan berharap bisa menginjakkan kaki di kotanya yang indah :)
ReplyDeleteSebenarnya di tiap bandara udah ada keterangannya ya Mam, tapi kadang udah keder duluan kalau berada di tempat asing heheee... Jadi pengin juga nih suatu saat bisa traveling ke Turki.
ReplyDeleteUdah ada bandara terbesar yg baru ya sekarang. Jadi penasaran seperti apa
ReplyDeleteIstanbul itu penuh dengan karya yang luar biasa ya mbak, apalagi lihat airport nya bagus banget. Souvernirnya juga bagus banget, semoga bisa kesana di waktu depan mbak.
ReplyDeleteMba Indah..kali ini aku diajak ke Istanbul.. walaupun hanya sedikit baru airportnya hehe tapi ini beneran membuat aku kagum lho sama istanbul, selama ini liat beberapa postingan teman di istanbul dan jadi lebih kagum sekarang
ReplyDeleteBandara yg di Eropa Istambul New Airport memang bagus banget katanya ya kalau Sabiha Gokcen yg di Asia lbh kecil tp penerbang lbh murah bisa hemat budget. Kalo mau ke Blue Mosque ini deketan dari bandara ...yg mana ya..
ReplyDeleteJadi kemarin di Bandara Sultanahmet mbak Indah belanja apa aja hiihihi kepo. Kapan aku ke rumah nih?
ReplyDeleteUnik juga ya tampilan bandaranya di sana
Sudah lewat bandara Istanbul saja nih Mbak Indah. Dan souvenirnya itu kok menggoda ya. Kalau ke sana kudu hati-hati sama dompet
ReplyDeletehuah bagus mba mantap deh mba Ind udah sampe bandara sana, aku jadi pengen nabung biar bisa jejak kaki ke sana aamiin semoga Alloh Ridho
ReplyDeleteMoga2ada kesempatan menginjak airport barunya. Enak ya dr sana udah bisa ke bbrp lokasi naik kendaraan dari bandaranya langsung.
ReplyDeleteBaru tau paspor diplomatik beda dgn paspor biasa, mbk Indah jd punya dua paspor gtu atau gmn ya?
Wah Mbak Indah fotonya kurang banyak ... Saya ingin lihat lebih jelas deh penampakan bandaranya. Hehehe...
ReplyDeleteSemoga ada kesempatan bisa menginjakkan kaki di bandara bagus ini. Amin...
kak aku msap perhatiin detail setiap fotonya lho kak. cantik cantik banget sumpah. jadi pengen kesan juga deh aku. mudah mudahan bisa terwujud ya kak
ReplyDeletemega banget bandaranya yaa, Mba. Udha gitu papan petunjuk juga ada di mana-mana, jadi para penumpang gak akan nyasar
ReplyDeleteIya ya, keren banget. Bikin yang baru pertama kali ke sana pun gak akan nyasar kayaknya
DeleteTurki adalah salah satu negara di Eropa yang jadi destinasi favorit para wisatawan yaa, Mba. Kemegahan bandaranya ini tentu akan memberi kenyamanan kepada para wisatawan yang berkunjung kesana
ReplyDeleteSemoga lain waktu bisa ke Turki, lihat bandaranya saja sudh sngat menginspirasi kebersihannya dan konsepnya yang begitu modern ya mbak Indah..
ReplyDeleteWow mimpiku juga nih bisa traveling ke Turki. Eksotis banget pastinya. Banyak peninggalan bersejarah.
ReplyDeleteKak Indah, you're a true globetrotter! Selalu senang membaca tulisan kak Indah tentang destinasi-destinasi menarik di dunia. Semoga suatu hari nanti kesampaian mengunjungi lokasi2 ini. Kepingin banget sih ke Turki...Aamiin.