I have to admit I can never get enough of visiting Istanbul, Turkey.
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one of the domes of Blue Mosque, Istanbul |
Not only that this city has become cradle of civilisations since thousands of years ago, but also because they manage to preserve those precious traditions un until now, including Turkish magnificent architectures.
As a big fan of thrilling history, Sultanahmet Square has long been listed on top of my must-go-to places in Istanbul. This time, I spent some times in Blue Mosque, Istanbul, to pray Dhuha and tahayatul masjid here and take some shots again and again.
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Reciting some praises from Al-Quran, the dome is fascinating indeed! |
As usual, its amazing dome, elaborated by Iznik ceramics depicting various patterns dominated in blue, steal people's attention, including me. Not to mention gilded decoration and tinted -glass windows near the mihrab. I was wondering how long it took to finish such a grand masterpiece.
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The mihrab |
It's a bit dark but still beautiful |
I also enjoy more details from the doors, carpets, windows and the interior designs of this mosque. They are indeed amazing and unique. I literally looked up most of the time to see the details on the roof as well.
It is undergone a big renovation now and some parts of the domes are closed but you are still able to enjoy its marvellous beauty.
I came here with some friends and we waited outside until 10 AM in the morning when the mosque was open. As we arrived in the morning, we didn't have too many visitors yet.
It is easy to Sultanahmet Square from new Istanbul Airport.
Unlike Ataturk International Airport where we could take subway and tram to reach the city center, this time we use Havaist shuttle bus. It has many destination, trying to connect the new airport with various destinations. Sultanahmet - Eminonu (where the Spice Market is located) is one of them and we only need to pay 18 Turkish Lira for one-way trip from or to the airport. I will share more details about this at later stage.
So, have you visited Blue Mosque as well?
Do you think you like it? What's your favorite section of the mosque?
What is your favorite place to visit in Istanbul?
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun linking up
Is there any country you haven't been to!!!?? I am so envious, Indah!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! I would love to visit!
ReplyDeleteI've seen many photos of the blue mosque and it is a gorgeous place. Lovely photo.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful Mosque thank you for the tour :-)
ReplyDeleteHave an artistictastic week :-)
The architecture and detailing are stunning.
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining this weeke's party at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/06/im-impressed.html
I love the door detail shots. You take photos like me - you look up. Yes! I love the ceilings on this mosque.
ReplyDeleteIstanbul and the Blue Mosque both are on my bucket list.
ReplyDeleteBagus banget mbk masjidnya... Detailnya^^
ReplyDeleteBener banget, detailnya itu lho. Subhanallah...
DeleteYang kayak balok itu makam atau apa Mbak? Mihrabnya tampak tinggi banget ya
ReplyDeleteWah tempatnya bagus banget mbak, apalagi desain bangunan serta ukiran di langit-lanngit benar-benar megah ya mbak. Pintunya juga kokoh banget dan suasananya nyaman ya mbak.
ReplyDeleteMashaAllah, gorgeous place... Semoga saya bisa ke sana suatu saat nanti. Pintunya, langit-langitnya, ukiran dan nuansanya membuat mata dan hati ini ingin melihat lgsg ke sana, indah sekali ya mbak....
ReplyDeleteBerutung ya mbak di sela-sela kerja masih bisa menyaksikan keindahan di tempat yang dikunjungi. Domenya bagus banget ya desainnya, ciri khas sana mungkin ya mbak gambarnya
ReplyDeleteDetail masjidnya buatku tercengang saking indahnya. Duhhhhhhhh beneran deh ya selalu jatuh cinta sama detail masjid-masjid yang ada di luar sana, semoga suatu hari bisa liat langsung kak.
ReplyDeleteBtw salam kenal yaa, ku sudah follow blognyaa :0
Saya belum pernah ke Istanbul. Sebetulnya yang menulis tentang Blue Mosque juga udah banyak. Tetapi, tetap aja saya suka bacanya. Apalagi lihat foto-fotonya. Suka sama setiap detil dari masjid ini. Seandainya bisa melihat sendiri, kayaknya saya bakal speechless
ReplyDeleteMasyaAlloh Istanbul and Blue Mosque ini indah banget mba :) beruntung banget bisa sampe sana apalagi bisa dhuha di sana duh mupeng mba :) suka banget
ReplyDeleteah keren, Turki adalah salah satu destinasi wisata impian aku, semoga suatu saat bisa datang kesana
ReplyDeleteMashaAllah.. lihat foto fotonya serasa aku berada disana juga lho mbak.. beneran membuat aku kagum dan ingin segera kesana juga.. paling seneng baca blognya mba indah selalu update dan membuka mata ini tentang dunia luar yang sangat luas
ReplyDeleteBlue Mosque adem banget
ReplyDeleteAku kalau ke kita lain suka lihat masjid atau mushola. Semoga bisa berkesempatan ke Istanbul ya
Masya Allah indahnya ya semoga aku bisa kesana bersama keluarga secepatnya. Dah lama ngebayangin abis umroh langsung mampir ke Turki hehe semiga cepat lekas terwujud deh.
ReplyDeleteBlue Mosque but actually not so blue yaa...kak Insav.
ReplyDeleteApakah ada cerita di balik namanya?
Mungkin ada maksud lain di balik "Blue" ?
Indahnya masjid di Istambul ini ya. Ornamen-ornamennya detail banget. Jadi penasaran dengan kisah masa lalu terkait masjid ini
ReplyDeleteThis is the place I've been longing to see. Wish someday I have an opportunity to visit Turkey, especially visiting the magnificent Blue Mosque.
ReplyDeleteBelum pernah ke Istambul :(
ReplyDeleteMoga2 kelak bisa mampir Blue Mosque jg, siapa tahu ada rezeki umrah dan bisa sekalian mampir Turki :D
Blue Mosque nih impian banget loh, masuk bucket list untuk tempat2 di dunia yang harus dikunjungi. Semoga diberkahi rejeki untuk bisa mendatangi berbagai tempat menarik dan bersejarah di bumi tercinta.
ReplyDeleteMaa syaa Allaah indahnya Blue Mosque Istambul ini. In syaa Allaah kalau ada rejeki selain injak Makkah, Madinah pengen juga bisa berkunjung ke Turki
ReplyDeleteTurki menjadi destinasi wisata untuk para wisatwan yang ingin menikmati keindahan arsitektur indah ini ya Mbak, termasuk blue mousque, yang awalnya kupikir semua berwarna biru loh
ReplyDeletemasyaAllah bagus banget ya design blue mosque itu.. wishlist aku nih jalan2 ke Turki, pulang umroh, hihi.. Aamiin xD
ReplyDeleteMama Bo aku jadi kangen ke Istanbul lagi. Pengen tahun dena umroh sekaligus mampir Istanbul lagi. Kangen ke Blue Mosque sama pepotoan di Grand Bazar
ReplyDeleteMasyaAllah cantik dan megah banget ya Mbak, Masjidnya. Kapan ya bisa berkunjung ke Blue Mosque Turki juga, Aamiin
ReplyDeleteYa ampun, arsitekturnya indah sekali Mbak.
ReplyDeleteTak heran kalau gak bisa move on. Memang sangat indah......
Semoga ku bisa ke sana nanti, mau fotooo...
wow, what an amazing place and all that detail work! I'd star up for hours just trying to see everything that was painted on the ceilings.