Review Chanel Allure Velvet Lipstick no. 40 La Sensuelle
Here come another favorite lipstick of mine!
Well, needless to say that lipsticks will always be part of my favorite collection!
Lipstik memang telah lama menjadi kloekst istimewa untukku.
Entah kenapa, oku yang semula tomboy dan ngga suka dandan, at certain point of time jadi menikmati pemerah bibir yang beraneka warna dan jenis ini.
Jadi setiap ada perjalanan ke beberapa negara yang biasanya bagian dari pekerjaan aku (yang lumayan melelahkan itu), aku suka menghadiahi diri sendiri dengan 'jajan' lipstik favorit. And that, my friend, is a simple way to keep yourself happy.
To those who have been reading my blog before might remember my take on Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no.34, La Rafinée. For me, Chanel lipstick is highly recommended because not only it looks good on your lips, but most importantly, it feels good as well.
This time, I have the similar seri of lipstick but in different shade.
Introducing Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no.40, La Sensuelle.
Kalau sebelumnya saya mereview La Rafinée yang cenderung soft and nude, kali ini saya pakai yang lebih bold yaaa
Now, let's start with the review. shall we?
The lipstick I have here is Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no.40, La Sensuelle
Again, allow me to share what they say about this lipstick.
"This non-drying matte lipstick glides on lips with intensely rich, long-wearing colour and a sumptuously soft, velvet matte finish". Directly quoted from the website, I have to say I do agree with it!
It is non-drying matte.
It has bold color that sticks for hours.
Yet it feels comfortable on my lips.
Dan velvet matte finish itu asli cantik.
Cantik karena memang terlihat bold and matte tapi tidak membuat kering bibir kita tercinta,apalagi sampai terkleupas atau berdarah seperti beberapa lipstik matte merk lain.
And the composition of this lipstick is "mother-of-pearl pigments deliver rich colour and a soft finish. Jojoba Oil and Shea Butter comfort and moisturize." Still from Chanel's website, that's more of the description about this beauty product.
La Sensuelle means obviously, sensual, in French.
So I guess this color will make you feel sexy and sensual.
Ad psst, don't tell anyone, I do feel sexy wearing this lipstick LOL.
The lipstick I have here is Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no.40, La Sensuelle
Again, allow me to share what they say about this lipstick.
"This non-drying matte lipstick glides on lips with intensely rich, long-wearing colour and a sumptuously soft, velvet matte finish". Directly quoted from the website, I have to say I do agree with it!
It is non-drying matte.
It has bold color that sticks for hours.
Yet it feels comfortable on my lips.
Dan velvet matte finish itu asli cantik.
Cantik karena memang terlihat bold and matte tapi tidak membuat kering bibir kita tercinta,apalagi sampai terkleupas atau berdarah seperti beberapa lipstik matte merk lain.
La Sensuelle! |
And the composition of this lipstick is "mother-of-pearl pigments deliver rich colour and a soft finish. Jojoba Oil and Shea Butter comfort and moisturize." Still from Chanel's website, that's more of the description about this beauty product.
That is why this lipstick feels wonderful,- nice and soft on your lips, yet looks beautifully matte with saturated color.
La Sensuelle means obviously, sensual, in French.
So I guess this color will make you feel sexy and sensual.
Ad psst, don't tell anyone, I do feel sexy wearing this lipstick LOL.
Here's how Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no. 40 La Sensuelle looks on my complexion.
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cheers... |
It looks slightly different when I put it on my lips and when I swatch it on my hand.
The packaging is, as you can guess, sleek and elegant.
Black carton box with big gold font for its name and white ones for the information and the ingredients.
Not too fancy, I guess (I have seen more deluxe one) but it serves the purpose.
As for the lipstick itself, it is put in the metal tube where you need to press the bottom part to take the cap out. Roll the tube up to get the lipstick out as usual, and once you're done, roll it down then put the cap back on until it clicks.
And I like it.
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The packaging |
As I can read in the box, -finely printed of course, the lipstick is made of mixture of, among others, Isononyl isononanoate, dicaprylyl carbonate, synthetic wax, jojoba esters, shea butter, and more :). All those active ingredients contribute to the moisturising of our lips.
The lipstick is of course made in France.
The lipstick is of course made in France.
The ingredients |
The price for this liquid matte is USD 37, before taxes and shipping.
It is equivalent to around Rp 530.000,- with USD 1 = Rp 14.300,-
And the most important part is it feels sooo good on my lips!
Yes, another 'comfortable' lipstick I can put on and on again.
It gives you velvet finish and matte but not drying.
So, I guess that's the reason why it feels great.
It may not stay that long, compared to others
Depending on where you buy it, the percentage of the VAT you have to pay and/or shipping fee you have to pay will add to the final price.
You can pay slightly cheaper price if you buy it in the duty free shop or at the airport.
fFor this one, I buy it in my favorite shop, Sephora, and you can definitely check it on or any major department stores here in NYC, like Macy's, Saks 5th Avenue, Barney's, Bergdorf and Goodman and more. They also have it in Chanel boutique.
I love it because the color is so me!
Yup, so me, who loves bold colors.
And the most important part is it feels sooo GOOD on my lips!
Yes, another 'comfortable' lipstick I can put on and on again.
It gives you velvet finish and matte but not drying at all.
I don't have to put lipgloss before or after putting this one on because my lips are fine.
So, I guess that's the reason why it feels great.
It may not stay that long, compared to others
Like it or not, Chanel Lipstick IS quite expensive.
That's the only problem I have here LOL!
Well, it's not the most expensive lipstick I have ever had, but loving it and using it most of the time means I have to buy more :).
That's the only no-no I have in mind.
So, finalement, I give Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no. 40 La Sensuelle the score 9 out of 10. Similar to the other color I have from Chanel as well.
Semoga reviewnya membantu dan you ladies ngga bosen ya dengan review lipstikku.
Don't forget, ditunggu postingan lipstik-lipstik tercinta berikutnya yang pastinya masih menanti berderet dengan damai untuk direview satu per satu.
Muuuaaah et amusez-vous bien!
Semoga reviewnya membantu dan you ladies ngga bosen ya dengan review lipstikku.
Don't forget, ditunggu postingan lipstik-lipstik tercinta berikutnya yang pastinya masih menanti berderet dengan damai untuk direview satu per satu.
Muuuaaah et amusez-vous bien!
Waah warnanya eksotis bgt mbaaa
ReplyDeleteDan pas dipakai kapan ajaaa mba
DeleteKeren bgt memang mbak, warnanya. Apa lagi pas juga buat kulitmu, ya. Jadi mupeng nih, pingin nyoba sensasinya
ReplyDeleteLipstik bold color kayanya kesukaan mbak Indah banget ya. Ayo mbak dikeluarkan lagi review lipstik lainnya
ReplyDeleteAwww cantik. Saya juga suka warnanya. Biarpun mahal kalau kualitas bagus, gak nyesel deh mbak belinya.
ReplyDeleteWarnanya cantik Mbak.
ReplyDeleteTapi langsung membelalak nih mata lihat harganya, heheh. Klo saya sih pastinya kutaksanggup mengadopsinya, hihihih.
Ini banyak stock gak Mbak? Kali mau dijadiin GA, gak nolak lho, hihihih
Hihiihi harganya mahal tapi kayaknya kalau pakai ini bisa bikin pede wah nggak papa mba. Hihihi. Aku belum nyoba lipstik warna ini mba tapi mba Indah pakai ya cocok dan cakep :)
ReplyDeletesama kayak kakaku yang menghadiahi diri sendiri dengan belanja lipstik terus dan aku sebagai adiknya selalu kebagian aja wkwk
ReplyDeletebtw itu mahal mba harganya wkwkwk tapi kalau suka pasti ga masalah soal harga y mba hihihi mantab
No. 40 oke banget hasilnya di bibir mba Indah.. kalo bahasa gaulnya cucok mey! walaupun aku team warna nude.. hehe boleh lah mba buka jastip.. harganya lumayan murce itu.. aku berminat nih
ReplyDeleteKebayang koleksi lipstik kak Insav ada berapa banyak yaah...?
Warna-warnanya kece, kak.
Kusuka yang nude and natural look gitu...
Setuju Mba.
ReplyDeleteAku percaya, hal=hal simpel memang bikin bahagia.
Karena eh karena, bahagia kita yang cipta.
Hmmm... sama kayak komentar mba Lendy, "Koleksi kece lipstik mba Indah, pasti buaaanyaaak ne!"
Aahh...sayang ya mahal harganya, padahal udah naksir banget loh. Matte lipstik dengan ingridient jojoba oil dan shea butter gini kan ga bikin bibir kering. Lihat shade di bibir Mama Bo juga hasilnya bagus. Lucuk ya, pas diswatch di tangan warnya coklat, begitu nempel di bibir jadi kayak agak keunguan. ;)
ReplyDeleteGa terlalu mencolok ya mbak warnanya, mayann banget, dan untuk merk Channel pasti kualitasnya setara lah ma harganya ya mbak. Hehe, post ttg lipstick lainnya kayaknya masih nunggu nih :)
ReplyDeleteartikel ini keren dan unik, sebab ada bahasa Indonesianya, saya jadi asyikkk bacanya.
ReplyDeleteOhy...Mbak,,,, kalau lipstiknya tertelan bahaya ngak yach ?
Asli bagus warnanya dan harganya bagus banget tapi aku lebih mikir-mikir lagi buat beli lipstik seharga itu solanya jarang juga pake lipstik heheh
ReplyDeleteKalau udah suka mah harga juga ga akan jadi masalah besar ya kak, btw aku juga suka banget ama warna lipstiknya euy... kece abiss
ReplyDeleteWarnanya memang warnanya Mba Indah banget nih dan selalu cocok untuk bibir mba Indah.
ReplyDeleteJadi inget aku belum pernah dapet hadian lipstik dari Mba Indah baik dari giveaway maupun di grup FBW, hahaha. Belum beruntung euy. Padahal kepengen banget ngrasain pake lipstik mahal, hihi.
ReplyDeleteBtw lipstiknya memang cocok banget buat tone Mba Indah <3
Harganya lumayan ya. Tapi lipstik mahal memang kebanyakan enak di bibir ga bikin kering. Kayak yang mama Bo kasih ke aku dulu semuanya enak di bibir
ReplyDeleteSuka juga menghadiahi diri sendiri dengan barang2 yang dipengen. Tapi saya jarang beli lipstik sih eh maksud saya biasa beli lipstiknya pake satu merk saja. Tapi boleh juga nih lipstip yang mbak ulas di atas cuma harganya fantastis juga ya hehe
ReplyDeleteHuwaaa lipstikknya bikin pengen punya juga. Warnanya kalem Mba Indah. Aku sukaa. Kalo ada giveaway lagi pengen ikutan
ReplyDeleteSalah sati warna bold kesukaanku juga mba. Agak ada warna wine nya gitu ya. Kalau untuk warna nude kira-kira juga staying powernya sama kah mba?
ReplyDeleteAku blm pernah pake lipen warna ini sih. Bagus ya bold ala ala mba insav ini
ReplyDeleteaku suka banget nih kalo liat lipstik begini, suka ngiler xD jadi pengen beli, cobain, padahal di rumah juga masih ada, hihihi.. warnanya ga gitu mencolok sih ya, sepertinya oke aja buat dipake sehari-hari :D
ReplyDeleteWah mb Indah suka sama lipstick yang warna bold ya, tapi cocok sih untuk mba Indah. Aku dulu pernah dapat lipstick juga menang dari GA mba, hihiii
ReplyDeleteOh ini yang pernah diposting di IG kan ya mbak?
ReplyDeleteHarganya mayan yaaa lipsticknya haha. Tapi cocok mbak buatmu warnanya bold tapi tetep elegan gtu :D
Warnanya pas di bibir Mba Indah, jadi terlihat segar deh :)
ReplyDeleteUntuk ukuran saya, harga lipstiknya tergolong mahal, Mba. Perlu nabung untuk bisa membelinya :). Tapi hasilnya memang gak bisa bohong sih, memang cantik :)
ReplyDeleteWarna lipstik nya bagus mbaak. Aku juga lagi suka warna-warna ini.
ReplyDeleteSayang harganya mihil ya mbak, hihi. Bisa dpt beberapa lipstik punyaku
Akan jadi rasa tersendiri ya, Mbak, setiap ke negara yang dikunjungi kemudian bisa beli oleh-oleh sebagai hadiah untuk lelahnya kita saat bekerja. Jadi, nggak cuma pajangan doang. Ngomong-ngomong soal harga, betapa membuatku bersyukur karena di Indonesia harga lipstik 50 ribon sudah dapat yg bagus.
ReplyDeleteLipstick is my favorite makeup item. If I have only time to put on one thing it would be that. Such a pretty shade.
ReplyDeleteThe lipstick so pretty.No doubt for this brand kak, it's not drugstore brand so for the formula,the claim, and packaging I'm totally love this brand :)
ReplyDeletechanel gausah diragukan lagi ya kak..
ReplyDeletememang sebagus itu, dulu aku pernah sempet pake lipstik ini dan suka banget..
harga memang tidak membohongi ya kak, cuma buat repurchase aku tak sanggup hehe
warnanya cocok banget sama mbak :) aku cuma punya 1 lipstick dari Chanel soalnya pricey tapi memang worth to buy sih
ReplyDeleteSetuju.. mau setomboy apapun dan semales makeup gimana pun kalau lipstick itu udah kewajiban ya haha.. klo ga pake lipeb pasti kliatan pucet. Btw warna lipen nya bener cakep deh mba.
ReplyDeleteWarnanya pas di mba Indah. Jadi lebih dan makin cantik. Aku punya lipstik warna begini, mba. Tapi entah kenapa aku belum pede pakai. Hhhihi
ReplyDeletewarnanya bagussss. aku suka sih warna - warna lipstik kaya gini mbak . btw bener sih lipstik tuh perlu ya supaya wajah juga lebih segar aja gt gak pucat hehe
ReplyDeletewarnanya cantik banget mbak. Aku suka warna-warna semacam itu juga. Ketika kamu pakai juga hasilnya bagus dan pas sama kulitnya :D
ReplyDeletepas liat warna shadenya beneran kaya "oh my god my shade" tapii ternyata lumayan juga ya bedanya pas di swatch jdi lebih ungu gitu
ReplyDeletePas di foto awal ku kira warna lipsticknya otu bakalan pink soft gitu lho kak. Ternyata pas di bibir jadinya lumayan bold dan gelap ya.
ReplyDeleteCantikk yah di kamu warnany, agak merah2 manja gmna gtu hehe Bdw beli dmna chanelnya? ? Pengen jg nanti cobain chanel biar kliatan berkelas juga hahaaha
ReplyDeletekayanya aku belum punya nih warna lipstick kaya gini, cakep ya warnanyaa, aku jadi pengen punya juga deh jadinyaaa <3
ReplyDeleteWarna lipstick nya cantik banget, mbak.. Packagingnya kelihatan classy banget ya.. Jadi penasaran pengen coba juga.. :)
ReplyDeleteMemang kalo habis kerja keras, kita hadiahi diri sendiri. Kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi? Hehe... Mood Boosternya mba Indah lipstik ya, kalo aku mesti belinya baju.
ReplyDeleteMba, sama akupun suka begitu. Menghadiahi diri sendiri dengan beli makeup, skincare, baju atau sepatu. Btw, Chanel Allure Velvet Lipstick no. 40 La Sensuelle teksturnya bagus ya mba?
ReplyDeleteBold color lippie jadi mood booster spesial buat ku mba, apalagi disaat pms bold color bisa banget naikib mood :)
ReplyDeletemba tos dulu, aku juga gitu, suka ngasih reward ke diri aku sendiri, btw warna nya bagus banget ya mba, masukin wishlist ah
ReplyDeleteWarnanya benar-benar warna Mbak Indah banget, warna bold ini buat penampilan jadi mewah ya apalagi lippen nya memang mewah ya
ReplyDeleteWarnanya bagus buat mba 🤩 ini cocok warnanya buat mamah Eny deh.. soalnya Eny gak pede pake warna bold gini
Pengen banget punya satuua ja gitu lah produknya Chanel apalagi lipstiknya gini tapi kudu ekstra merayu suami untuk harga segitu hihihi. Yah, anggap saja kado spesial ya mbak buat istri
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's okay to splurge on a really good beauty product, especially if it makes you feel good. I buy the more expensive mascaras because they have staying power and don't irritate my eyes. Jason doesn't understand why I won't just buy drugstore brands and save some money. Men just don't get it lol
ReplyDeleteI never leave home without my lipstick!!! It's the only makeup I wear.
ReplyDeletehopefully I'll get my hands on at least a trial size of their lippies in my Sephora play box. I've received some goodies so far that I love, mostly mascaras. I love masacaras and lipsticks. Great to be co-hosting with you again on #OMGHWW.
ReplyDeleteThat is a gorgeous color and it looks great on you. I will keep my eye for it. TFS
ReplyDeleteWaah warna kesukaaan, bisa dicoba nih :D