Have you heard of it?
The Fearless Girl of New York?
So what's the story, girl?
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Cheers from me and the fearless girl of NYC |
Right in front of the Charging Bull of New York, stand this awesome Fearless Girl.
Standing a kimbo with determination on her face, Fearless Girl, a bronze statue made by Kristen Visbal, is originally made to send the message regarding gender diversity and equality in work place. Well, she is commissioned by State Street Global Advisors via McCann in New York and installed in Bowling Green in the Financial District in Manhattan, where you have NY Stock Exchange and many important trading companies as well as financial institutions. Hopefully this statue will be a constant reminder that women can be strong and brave to do similar works done by men. Noting that the financial world is dominated by men, I think this strong signal is so appropriate!
I love to see the figure and the characters depicted in this statue.
This girl is strong, brave, and so ready to face the world.
Look at her chin and determined eyes!
Up in the air, yet not turning her as a boastful nor belligerent one.
She's just brave, fearless.
Love it!
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Fearless girl |
By the time I visited this girl, back in July 2018, she was still standing tall (although she is only 50 inches or 130 cm tall) in front of the Charging Bull, another landmark we have near the area. I heard that she is now relocated to New York Stock Exchange in November 2018. When I visited NYC last October, she was still standing at the same spot. Well, I need to go back to NYC again and check it out, I guess :).
And if you want to see the Charging Bull, check out this photo as well.
Will be back with his story some other time.
He looks so fierce! |
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The Charging Bull and me :) |
So, what do you thin about the Fearless Girl and the Charging Bull?
Do you like them?
Which one do you prefer?
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and check out the link party!
I love the strong girl pose! I pose with cardboard cut out people, and sculptures. It's so much fun.
ReplyDeleteI so need to get back on the WW bandwagon. So many distractions lately. Tonight I was working on a Style Guide for my sister's non profit organization. Lots of work. It's done as far as I'm concerned.
Nice post I enjoyed that and I love the poses heheh!
ReplyDeleteHave a posttastic week :-)
Love the photos, Indah!
ReplyDeleteHappy WW!
Hehehe, pose keduanya mengatakan sama-sama fearless girl, eh yang berbaju ungu fearless woman ding hahaha
ReplyDeleteSuka banget ama poses foto 2 dari atas, mimiknya sama hehe, seakan menandakan yang satu bahagia bisa pose di situ, sedang yang satunya bahagia dikunjungi :D
Kirain gadis cilik beneran, rambut dan alisnya yang mirip orang. Ternyata patung ya, mba. Dan pose mba Indah kece ih, sampai dilihatin pejalan kaki. Mereka mupeng kali ya, bergaya ala patung gadis kecil kayak mba Indah, hehehee
ReplyDeleteInterested banget sama fearless girl, simbol dari keberanian untuk kesetaraan gender...
ReplyDeleteDi NYC apa emang banyak mbak patung2 kayak begini?
Konsepnya menarik ya, yang patung fearless girl, melukiskan kemerdekaan perempuan.
ReplyDeletePatungnya unik, seru juga bisa foto di tempat itu
Dua2 nya patung yg ingin saya lihat secara langsung...hahaha...Semoga bukan hanya impian bs jalan2 ke sini suatu saat nanti...
ReplyDeleteI like both photos. The most I prefer is the photo of photomodel in purple to those 2 photos ..lol
ReplyDeleteKedua photo bunda suka tp yg paling bunda suka adalah liat fotomodelnya selalu dlm balutan warna ungu, hehe..
ReplyDeleteYg di sebelahnya si fearless girl itu juga fearless woman. Gak kalah kerennya dalam memberikan inspirasi buat perempuan2 lain termasuk aku :)
ReplyDeleteSaya pernah baca berita tentang patung fearless girl ini. Sempat jadi kontroversi juga karena berhadapan dengan patung Charging Bull. Tetapi, banyak juga yang mendukung. Kabarnya akhir 2018 bakal diangkat? Bener jadi diangkat itu patungnya?
ReplyDeleteFearless Girl mengingatkanku akan drama Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. Dia kan imut2 tapi punya kekuatan super. Suka matanya yang terlihat berani melawan ketidakadilan
ReplyDeletewaaahh.. iya ini patung gadis pemberani banget ya gayanya. penuh percaya diri dan berani menantang dunia di depannya
ReplyDeleteaku suka banget lihat gaya mama bo di sebelah fearless girl di atas. mirip banget dirimu dan patung itu mama bo
ReplyDeletebaru tau ttg patung fearless ini mba In apalagi baca komen mb Ke jadi pengen googling hehehheh
ReplyDeleteKeren gayanya saat beraksi di kamera.kecerian dan berani tampil beda adalah ciri khas mba.
ReplyDeleteAku gagal fokus ama yang digantung dileher..pasti cetar banget hasil jepretnya. Ah jd kangen tranvelling
ReplyDeleteMbak indah..pose nya mirip banget haha keren mbak, dua gadis pemberani yaa
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ReplyDeleteThey both look powerful and strong. Just like what Bunda Yati said, I agree. Which one I like most? I also prefer the woman in purple. Hehehe. She's a fearless and humble person. Love you, mbak Indah.
ReplyDeleteHarusnya tambah sama Obi ya mbak jadi bertiga nih pasti gayanya keren juga
ReplyDeleteThe fearless girl looks though with her determination.
I like that figur.
And is it looks like tipically of a women in America, right?
Uluh uluh mba insav. Gayanya oke banget di poto
ReplyDeleteMakna di balik patung gadis perempuan itu dalam juga ya? Kalau liat patung itu akan selalu ingat kalau perempuan jg bisa jd apapun yg mereka impikan, gak kalah dr laki2 asal percaya dri dan berusaha ya :D
ReplyDeleteI love Fearless Girl and how she is a symbol for female empowerment. I hope I can take my girls to see it some day soon!
ReplyDeletePertanyaanku di ig kmren terjawab sudah disini. :)
ReplyDeleteAih posenya sama gadis kecil itu cucok sekali deh ,mba. Aku senang lihat style, Mba Indah. Menurutku ada unsur nyentriknya plus fashionable pastinya
ReplyDeleteJadi ini simbol keberanian seorang gadis ya. Keren jg idenya ��
ReplyDeleteluar biasaaa perdenya mbak indah hahahah keren emang satu mommy ini
ReplyDeleteaku fansssss!!
style nya, eksisnya, pemikirannya
laffff mbak
i just know the fearless girl staute by reading this blog, thanks for sharing kak