Kalau bicara tentang 5 laman yang paling sering aku kunjungi, pasti semuanya berhubungan dengan pekerjaan dan ngeblog or bermedsos ria!
Iya lho...ternyata most of my time was spent there, besides with my family.
Dan kalau jaman now kan , apa-apa dicek melalui website.
Alias di-Google-kan saja.
Jadi Google di sini sudah seperti kata kerja aja ya.. yang artinya kurang lebih silahkan dicari melalui webnya Google.
In my line of work, I also have to do some research and reading a lot of materials. There are times when we don’t have the document per se but we can always look for the references we need on line. Some of the formal documents are also available online, through the designated channels. Even nowadays, with advance ICT technology, we can encrypt documents and messages and send them online. It makes works become faster and timeless (as you can do it anytime unfortunately) and your office becomes virtual.
Well, back to #BPN30dayChallenge2018, the question for Day 29 (yes, 1 more day and we can call it a day), I will be submitting 5 most frequently visited websites a la My Purple World. It's easy to check it as the history of my browser show it clearly. And of course, just like many of us, perhaps Google shoud be on top of the list. But I will give you other webs that I always visit. So here they are!
Dan kalau jaman now kan , apa-apa dicek melalui website.
Alias di-Google-kan saja.
Jadi Google di sini sudah seperti kata kerja aja ya.. yang artinya kurang lebih silahkan dicari melalui webnya Google.
In my line of work, I also have to do some research and reading a lot of materials. There are times when we don’t have the document per se but we can always look for the references we need on line. Some of the formal documents are also available online, through the designated channels. Even nowadays, with advance ICT technology, we can encrypt documents and messages and send them online. It makes works become faster and timeless (as you can do it anytime unfortunately) and your office becomes virtual.
Well, back to #BPN30dayChallenge2018, the question for Day 29 (yes, 1 more day and we can call it a day), I will be submitting 5 most frequently visited websites a la My Purple World. It's easy to check it as the history of my browser show it clearly. And of course, just like many of us, perhaps Google shoud be on top of the list. But I will give you other webs that I always visit. So here they are!
Laman resmi PBB ini benar-benar menjadi salah laman yang aku buka on daily basis. Selain memang terkait pekerjaan di kantor, banyak juga informasi penting dan menarik yang perlu kita ketahui.
Besides the need to find the references for my work, I always take some times to check the website daily to see what’s going on around the world. So many issues and concerns being addressed by this intergovernmental body. As you know, 6 main organs of the UN is located in the headquarters in New York City. Nevertheless, we also have big offices in Geneve, Vienna, Nairobi and Paris, while UN resident coordinators are located in so many countries across the globe. Issues such as Sustainable Development Goals, international peace and security, human rights, and youth are only a few samples of issues being discussed and addressed here.
Laman resmi PBB ini benar-benar menjadi salah laman yang aku buka on daily basis. Selain memang terkait pekerjaan di kantor, banyak juga informasi penting dan menarik yang perlu kita ketahui.
Besides the need to find the references for my work, I always take some times to check the website daily to see what’s going on around the world. So many issues and concerns being addressed by this intergovernmental body. As you know, 6 main organs of the UN is located in the headquarters in New York City. Nevertheless, we also have big offices in Geneve, Vienna, Nairobi and Paris, while UN resident coordinators are located in so many countries across the globe. Issues such as Sustainable Development Goals, international peace and security, human rights, and youth are only a few samples of issues being discussed and addressed here.
My office website obviously! I can easily check the latest activities and updates from hundreds of our missions abroad. And foreign policy covers a wide range of issues. Not only it focuses on political dimension of Indonesia’s relationship with other countries, but we also interesting aspects of economy, social, and cultural relations among countries.
Not to mention issues such as protection of Indonesian citizens and legal entities abroad, as well as visa and consular affairs. Feel free to check it out yourself.
You know exactly why I visited with website so very often!
This is my blogging hub and I always put all my drafts and posts from here.
Of course, right.
I really like it because it’s user friendly and it has complete tools and shortcuts for me to create one good post. I can easily put photos, videos, map, GIF and others to my posts. It provides statistics and profile of your readers as well.
I bet many bloggers out there is using this platform too.
One stop entertainment, that's what I call YouTube :).
Frankly speaking, in the beginning, I don’t really spend too much time at YouTube. But since my kids are enjoying it so much, I have to make sure that they watch the appropriate ones. So then Inwarch together with them! We watch all those cartoon network, crafts for kids, kids’ drawings and drawing instructions and other kids stuff. We also watch some of those parents and kids shows, laughing out loud watcing funny animal videos, getting excitedly listening to some game cheats and feeling so relaxed listening to our favorite lullaby. Now that we have YouTube kids, it’s even easier for me to make sure the kids don’t get contaminated from those videos.
Well, what can I say.. I’m not here only for shopping but I also watch those tutorials on make-up which are very useful and fun! I also check out the sales they have and since they change that from time to time, I am peeping on it on daily basis. Sometimes, looking at the catalogues and some special events they have.
And of course, the rewards!
They frequently change the rewards so again I frequently check the website. And don’t you start with all those beauty products! You just have to check ‘em all yourselves and tell me whether you are tempted or not ;).
So, those are 5 most frequently visited websites for me.
Wondering what you have on your list?
Care to share it with us?
You know exactly why I visited with website so very often!
This is my blogging hub and I always put all my drafts and posts from here.
Of course, right.
I really like it because it’s user friendly and it has complete tools and shortcuts for me to create one good post. I can easily put photos, videos, map, GIF and others to my posts. It provides statistics and profile of your readers as well.
I bet many bloggers out there is using this platform too.
One stop entertainment, that's what I call YouTube :).
Frankly speaking, in the beginning, I don’t really spend too much time at YouTube. But since my kids are enjoying it so much, I have to make sure that they watch the appropriate ones. So then Inwarch together with them! We watch all those cartoon network, crafts for kids, kids’ drawings and drawing instructions and other kids stuff. We also watch some of those parents and kids shows, laughing out loud watcing funny animal videos, getting excitedly listening to some game cheats and feeling so relaxed listening to our favorite lullaby. Now that we have YouTube kids, it’s even easier for me to make sure the kids don’t get contaminated from those videos.
Well, what can I say.. I’m not here only for shopping but I also watch those tutorials on make-up which are very useful and fun! I also check out the sales they have and since they change that from time to time, I am peeping on it on daily basis. Sometimes, looking at the catalogues and some special events they have.
And of course, the rewards!
They frequently change the rewards so again I frequently check the website. And don’t you start with all those beauty products! You just have to check ‘em all yourselves and tell me whether you are tempted or not ;).
So, those are 5 most frequently visited websites for me.
Wondering what you have on your list?
Care to share it with us?
Hihihi ada sephora di dalam listnya. Memang kita ciwi-ciwi ini nggak bisa dilepaskan dari jajan mata ya mbak :p Kalau aku sekarang lagi banyak2 berkunjung ke Youtube ketimbang main di socmed, dan juga Medium.com. Biar banyak baca ^^
ReplyDeleteAku ngga tahan kalau ngga ke sephoraaa hehehe
Deletewah sephora masuk list mb Indah :) kalau aku dari 5 ini palingan youtube mba hahaha hiburan buat mamak stres :p
ReplyDeletetoss atuuuh mba..soalnya memang seru banget Norton YT yaaa
DeleteHaha, pas baca no 1 ,2, yha wajar wong kerjaannya berhubungan dg itu. No 3 & 4, okelah semua juga pasti buka itu klo blogger. Weh, no 5 mah memang mama Bi sekaliii udah
ReplyDeletehehehe...yoi..dan websitenya Sephora tuh seruuu lhooo
DeleteEum, dr kelima kist di atas, aku cuma relate 2 nih, blogger.com dan YouTube. Hihi
ReplyDeleteHeheh platform favorite jugaaa ya
DeleteBelum pernah buka Sephora, aku periksa ah
ReplyDeleteBoleh bangeet.. banyak produk buat cowok juga lho
DeletePas buka blognya, saya terkejut mbak, serba ungu sama seperti warna favoriteku hahaha.. dari 5 di atas, ada 3 yang related dengan Ujame. Kemlu, YouTube dan Blogger hehehe
ReplyDeleteGreat then.. toss untuk sesama pecinta unguu
DeleteDari 5 itu, kayaknya yang paling sering kuakses YouTube. Itu pun via aplikasi.
ReplyDeleteKarena memang paling banyak dinikmati ya mbaaa
DeleteAda Sephora ya, hehehe. aku juga suka buka-buka yang penuh warna, ilangin capek deh
ReplyDeleteBeneer mba.. bahagia dan bikin semangat yaa
DeleteJadi ga heran ya kalau mba Indah banyak banget kosmetik Sephora ,,wong suka buka websitenya hehe.
ReplyDeleteHehehe iyaaa.. dari ngintip jadi main dan belanja deeh
DeleteJadi penasaran sm yang paling akhir, www.sephora.com. kek apa ya? Meluncur ah pgn tahu detailnya. Kali aja aku kecantol juga *hahay
ReplyDeleteAyoo silahkan diintip yaaa mbaa ahehehe
DeleteHabis baca ini langsung buka sephora juga, karena selama ini nggak pernah buka. Ternyata seru yaa konten2nya. Pantesan jadi favoritnya mba Indah :)
ReplyDeleteDan ada banyak link tutorial jugaaa lho mbaa
Deletewaah..sampe melek mataku baca english hehe..makasih informasinya
ReplyDeleteHehehe semangat ya mba.. semoga bisa dinikmati
Deletekalau aku daripada ke sephora, lebih suka yang website kecantikan kayak sociolla. no iklan yaaa hehe tapi hanya suggest saja ke mba indah, mana tau kepincut juga.. disana sering diskon lho
ReplyDeleteAku udah sempet ngintip jugaaa mba hehehe..
DeleteHahaha...ternyata beneran ya, Mba Indah Sephora mania, sampai situs ini masuk dalam situs yang sering dikunjungi :D
ReplyDeleteBanget mbaaa.. tanpa sadaaar huahahaha
DeleteKece bener deehhhh, samanya di saya cuman di blogger doang hahaha.
ReplyDeleteReceh banget sih saya hiks, makanya pengetahuannya seiprit.
Yang sephora juga bikin kepo, sama sekali belum pernah saya.
Biasanya di Sociolla :D
Udah pasti ada Sephora, ya. Kalau saya paling yang setiap hari dikunjungi udah pasti blogger. Tapi, sekarang lagi rajin buka youtube. Cari tutorial make up
ReplyDeleteKita samaan ya, Mbak. Aku juga suka buka blogger dan youtube. Setiap hari minimal wajib satu kali aku buka blogger dan youtube nih.
ReplyDeleteWah saya cuman kenal sama blogger dan youtube aja hehe...No 1 n 2 awaknya mikir rajin amat hehe...ternyata nyambung dgn kerjaannya. Asyik nih kayaknya kerjaannya.
Suka nonton channel-channel Kowea atau cari berita unik mengenai artis-artis Kowea.
Jadi sephora toh namanya hahah
ReplyDeleteSiap main main ke sana selain blogger dan youtube 😍
yang terakhir itu mbak insV BANGET trnyata yaa hahahhaa...
ReplyDeleteYg nomor 5 belom pernah aku kunjungi wkkk
ReplyDeleteJadi kepoo mbaa
Btw website macam lifehack suka juga g mbaa
Aku baru tau mba kalau sephora ada eb resminya sekaligus Tutorialnya �� mau cek ah skalian belajar make up ��
ReplyDeleteYouTube pling sering nih di buka mba.. hampir setiap Hari malah.. aku malah penasaran sama sephora kuat2in mata sama dompet kalo ini
ReplyDeleteAku paling sering ya blogger.com, kalau yutub, jarang2 kecuali kuota lagi banyak, hahaha. Jajan nanti dulu deh
ReplyDeleteSaya paling banyak email kantor berarti.. :D
ReplyDeleteEtapii.. Saya malah belum pernah buka Sephora.. Kudet emang saya ini..Hahah..
Sama dong ,Mpo juga suka buka website diantara ke lima nya.
ReplyDeleteYang terakhir dong Sephora hehehe ini sih hobbynya mbak Indah banget ya. Kayanya udah lama aku gak dapet kiriman *KODE* kabuuuuur
ReplyDeleteI know about Sephora from our zgrup Arisan BP because you almost always write down about Sephora. Now in here I realize that Sephora is having its Website of the name Sephora.com. Btw r u going to spoil us with Sephora lipstick because this marvelous group has come to a number that more than 40....lol. Just kidding you. Goog night, Indah
ReplyDeleteBwahahaha, yang sephora sama bangeet! Lagi suka intip2 webnya trus cuma bisa mupeng karena thr ga turun 🤣
ReplyDeleteKalau saya seringnya dari list 5 website itu, blogger dan YouTube mbak.
ReplyDeleteCuma 2 yang sama nih wkwkwk... ya iyalah kan kita sama2 suka ngeblog dan youtube yaa
ReplyDeleteLaman yang kita buka tuh pasti sesuai dengan prefensi kita ya, mba, kalau saya sekarang suka buka youtube buat belajar masak dan make up
ReplyDeleteWow pantesan kebanyakan make up mb Indah merk nya Sephora ya, hihi. Btw, hampir tiap hari kita buka situs yang sama loh, Blogger dan YouTube
ReplyDeleteWah 5 webnya berfaedah semua ya kak. Abis baca ini aku jadi mikir, kalo aku apa yaaa yg paling sering dikunjungi
ReplyDeleteHehehee...yang youtube ini samaan juga nih. Udah ga bisa pisah dari youtube, biasanya dibuka sekalian jadi teman ngetik. Adaaa aja lagu yang bisa dipilih sesuai keinginan.
ReplyDeleteaku ikutan mau mampir ah, bacaanu ya berita atau kepoin harga barang hehe
ReplyDeleteHahahhaha tetep dong ya sephora masuk di list
ReplyDeleteAku gara2 kenal dirimu Indah, jadi tau sephora dan sering ngintip produk sephora juga
ReplyDeleteWah rekomendasi laman PBB dan Kemenlu nya ntar aku kepoin, belum pernah stalking kesana. Kalo Sephora mah udah beberapa kali stalking, biasa mau nyari sesuatuuh
ReplyDeleteWah, berat2 nih situs yang sering dikunjunginya. Hehehe, sesuai dengan kerjaan ya mbak. Aku nih jadi kepengen rajin nengok Sephora juga jadinya. :D
ReplyDeleteAku juga baru buka blogger dan youtube.
ReplyDeleteTerutama YouTube.
Banyak hal inspiratif sekaligus menghibur dari sana.
Bikin hidup lebih berwarna!
Aku malah gak pernah buka sephora mba takut banyak bertebaran racun disana hehehe, tapi klo youtube dan blogger mah setiap saat.. hehehe
ReplyDeleteSo many websites to check.. mostly shopping, right :). I love YouTube as well
ReplyDeleteMy top 5
Overdrive (to browse for new book titles at my library)
YouTube when I need a quick tutorial
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