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Don't you love this view? Mount Fuji from Kawaguchiko |
What do you have in mind when you hear the word Japan?
Ramen and sushi? Doraemon, Manga comics? or Mount Fuji?
For me, it's all of them.
But for sure, I have Mount Fuji on top of my list since this mountain is super famous and I remember my days at my elementary school when we learn about geography.
Whenever we talked about Japan, Mount Fuji would be directly associated to this fascinating country.
Therefore, I have been intending to visit this beautiful spot since the first time I came to Japan. Finally, at my 5th visit, I managed to come to this famous spot.
I got the change to see the breathtaking view of Mount Fuji!
There are many ways to visit this place for a tourist like me, including by taking buses and trains as well as taking the tour packages abundantly offered at the airport as well as tourist spots.
But I was so lucky as I have friends living in Tokyo and they were kindly taking me to Mount Fuji and the surrounding areas. My huge thanks to dearest Hadi Tjahjono and Nita Tjahjono, my batch - mates who are assigned in Tokyo now, and Mba Ragil, my new friend who accompanied us in this trip.
It was so much fun with you, ladies, and I'm forever grateful.
The plan that we had was visiting Sato - Nenba, the traditional village near Fuji Mountain, and Lake Kwaguchi, or Kawagichiko.
Sounds great, right?
It was proved to be a wonderful plan and the universe also conspired, as the weather at that day was sunny and beautiful!
Lucky us.
Sato-Nenba, the traditional village near Mt. Fuji |
It took around 2.5 hours drive from Tokyo to Sato-Nenba and as soon as we arrived there we took pictures here and there and went up to Kimono rent shop.
Sato-Nenba is a traditional village where you can see, enjoy and experience the Japanese way of living. There are Japanese traditional houses, tea house, traditional drawing corner and of course, the Kimono and Yukata rental.
Sato-Nenba is a traditional village where you can see, enjoy and experience the Japanese way of living. There are Japanese traditional houses, tea house, traditional drawing corner and of course, the Kimono and Yukata rental.
Yup, that's the main attraction that we planned to do that day as one of my dreams were wearing purple kimono with Mount Fuji in the background.
Welcome to Sato-Nenba |
But as soon as we arrived, before hiking up to the hill, the view of Mount Fuji is breathtaking!
At the bottom of the hill, there are some fruits and flowers beds which beautifully bloom as well.
At the bottom of the hill, there are some fruits and flowers beds which beautifully bloom as well.
And we managed to wear our favourite kimono and took tons of pictures as well!
As you know, I chose the purple one with sky blue combination and golden obi.
The pattern is Japanese fans.
I love my kimono so much and we managed to wear the traditional sandals.
As you know, I chose the purple one with sky blue combination and golden obi.
The pattern is Japanese fans.
I love my kimono so much and we managed to wear the traditional sandals.
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Cheers from me and mini me |
The, after enjoying our halal lunch (yes, they do have restaurant serving halal beef curry rice and vegetarian ramen there) and Dzhuhur break in the praying area which has been prepare as well here, we headed to Lake Kawaguchi.
It was another 45-minute drive from Sato-Nenba and along the way the view was super breathtaking!
So I guess, before I get back to more details of my trip, I'd better share the photos I took with my phone.
Yg langsung terlintas di kepala kalo denger Jepang ya... Kalo aku ya Gunung Fuji, Sushi Roll, Kimono, dan Saljuuuu
ReplyDeletebener..itu yang paling popular yaaa
DeleteSenangnya bisa berada di sana.
ReplyDeleteAku kapan ya? Korea aja belum haha...
semoga bisa segera main ke sini ya Ammaaa
Deleteteteeuuup ya Mbak, pilihan kimononya yang unyu-unyuuu, purple lovers gitu yaak :D
ReplyDeletehuaaaa pengen ke Jepang juga dooong.
ini gak ketemu Doraemon sekalian, Mbak? :D
iyaaa bener..tetep unguuu selalu hehehe. Btw Doraemon is on the next agenda..ngga boleh foto di museum ini hehehe
DeleteWuah cantik banget pemandangan gunung Fuji nya, untung pas cuacanya cerah ya Mama Bo. Dan ituuuu, ngeliat foto Sato-Nenba kok jadi keinget film Oshin ya hehehe :D
ReplyDeletePertama-tama yang terlintas di benak sih bunga sakuranya dooonk...kimono dan semua pemandangan yg bersalju...indahnya dan keren.
ReplyDeleteitu sakura memang uddar kondang bangeeet ya Bunda
DeleteGunung fuji langsung inget sama doraemon nih mbaa... Pakai kimono tambah cantikk 😍
ReplyDeleteNgambil foto pakai hape aja hasilnya cantiiik bangeeet. Tanamannya warnanya ngejreng gitu ihh
ReplyDeleteJangan minta aku pilih ramen atau sushi mbak, aku biasanya makan keduanya seklaigus kl pesen makanan di resto Jepang :-D
ReplyDeleteJepang tuh identik dengan banyak hal dan semuanya cakep cakep. Mulai dari gunungnya, doramen, ramen, dan lain lain. Pengen ke Jepang mbaaaa
ReplyDeleteModern dna tradisional setiap kali saya mengingat Jepang. Negara ini termasuk negara modern. Banyak produk teknologi berkualitas dari negeri ini. Tetapi, di sisi lain budaya tradisionalnya sepertinya masih kuat juga
ReplyDeleteWOW that is a pretty spot! I love how the mountain seems to have the same color at the bottom as the water does. It's like one becomes the other.
ReplyDeleteSpot fotonya, Maa Syaa Allah, bagus banget, Mbak. Yang dipost Mbak Indah di IG (Mbak Indah berdiri dengan background Gunung Fuji, ulalala).
ReplyDeleteKimono yg dipake Mbak Indah juga kece abis. Perpaduan warnanya cantik banget.
Wah aku suka deh sama postingannya Mbak Indah.. Selalu menakjubkan. Btw mbak, bagaimana rasanya menggunakan sandal tradisional Jepang yang mirip sandal swallow made in Indonesia? apakah rasanya sama?
ReplyDeleteSama dengan mba Rani.
ReplyDeleteSetiap postingan mba Indah, serasa ikut jalan-jalan di sampingnya ya.
Apalagi foto-foto yang diambil ciamik dan cantik!
Suka banget sama spot-spot fotonya apalagi yang gunung Fuji duhhh pengen kesana,, doakan aku ya kak semoga bisa kesana secepatnya.
ReplyDeleteKalau ditanya tentang Jepang, yang pertama kali saya ingat, bunga sakuranya dan gempa. hihihi...
ReplyDeleteTapi kalau lihat dari foto-foto Mbak Indah, jika saya ditanya lagi, saya akan jawab Gunung Fuji. Banyak juga tempat dengan pemandangannya yang indah sekali ya...
TahuGunung Puji dai komik manga dan dorama Jepang, keren banget mba Indah bisa langsung melihat kecantikan Gunung Puji, pemandangannya indah ya
ReplyDeleteAh ini tempat idamanku bgt bisa berlibur kesini....
ReplyDeleteMasyaAllah Jepang. Kapan ya bisa main ke sana.
ReplyDeleteKemarin sepupu baru balik dari jepang, dibawain sumpit dan mangkok khas sana
AKu kalo ingat Jepang ingat Doraemon hehehehe
Haduuh impian banget bisa ke Jepang dan melihat gunung fuji. Good job, Mbak Indah.
ReplyDeleteSaking sukanya sama Jepang, aku sampe nulis negara ini di bawah Mekkah, di wishlist tempat di luar negeri yang ingin aku kunjungi Mba :'). Doakan terkabul ya.
ReplyDeleteKalo saya denger kata Jepang langsung kepikiran sakura dan kimono hehe... Banyak sebenernya hal lain yang identik dengan Jepang ya.
ReplyDeleteIt is so majestic. The view is just dreamy. I would love to visit Mount Fuji some day. We were supposed to go next summer, but my daughter is extending her studies by a few months at college, so we have to adjust our plans to something close to home this year :( I will admire your pics in the meantime ♥
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah ya mbak akhirnya kesampaian lihat gunung Fuji, semoga aku menyusul bisa lihat juga :)
ReplyDeleteSubhanallah... Keren banget pemandangannya ya mbak... Dan tanaman apa itu yg ungu2? *mataungunen..as always hehe...
ReplyDeleteTFS mba..semoga bisa ke sana juga suatu saat nanti. Aamiin ..
iyaaa hides unguuuu ya Mba..aku juga lupa tanya itu tanaman apa yang ada di sana euuuy
DeleteYa Allah, keren banget pemandangannya, Mba.
ReplyDeleteNatap gunung fuji dari dekat, pasti bahagia banget rasanya yaa, Mba :)
saya kapan bisa natap gunung fuji secara langsung seperti Mba Indah yaa?
aku morass damaiiii dan bersyukur bangeeet mba
DeleteYes, it's really breathtaking. OMG, kapan yaaa aku bisa ke sana juga, Mam ;)
ReplyDeletesoon mba Un..insya Allah soon yaaa
DeleteEverytime i hear the name of this country, i feel so amazing.
ReplyDeleteNot only the beautiful of scenery but also the effort of their people.
When i wanna change my bad habit...i must change my culture first.
Love the beauty of Fuji-san.
indeed mba... the Japanese are famous for being so discipline. We can do that as well!
DeleteSukaaa banget pemandangannya hijau asri, apalagi gunung fujinya. Kalau ada disana bisa pepotoan terus deh aku hehe
ReplyDeletesamaaa mba..aku pun fotooo terus jadinyaaa hehehehe
DeleteYes, I dooooooo! Ya Allah indah sekaliiiiiii :))) Mudah2an suatu hari bisa ngunjungin Jepang sama anak2 nanti. Aamiin.
ReplyDeleteIyaaa Istiii..semoga bisa rame-rameee ke sini yaaa
DeleteJepang itu identik dengan gunung Fuji, Conan, bersih dan tertib hahahahaha. Insya Allah suatu hari main ke Jepang
ReplyDeleteAamiiin YRA mba..memang nyenengin bangeeet main ke sini mbaaa
Deleteindahnya, kedua anakku semua suak dg apa saja yg berhubungan dg jepang, mulai dr anime, cosplay , mangganya dll
ReplyDeleteBener mba..Jepang memang banyak disukaaa ya
DeleteAku masih menyimpan mimpi untuk berkunjung ke negara ini. Kapan yaaa....