Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

Cheers from Kuta, Bali!

May peace be upon you all..
I am posting this one from the land of gods and goddesses, the last paradise on earth, BALI.
To this who haven't heard of Bali, google it now :).

Kuta, Bali
welcome to Bali...
Well, I'm here for the work, unfortunately, so that I'm not in vacation mode.
But hey, what's stopping you from enjoying the beach during the break and taking beautiful pictures here and there in between?

one peaceful corner at Bali Rani Hotel, where I stay
The Inter-ministerial Conference on South-South and Triangular Cooperation is held in Discovery Kartika Plaza, Kuta, Bali, for 3 full days.
Together with 3 others, we represented MoFA and also assist the substantial proceedings of this meeting, becoming the Rapporteur of the meeting.

The meeting we have
So, here I am...in between meetings and drafting, yet fully blessed to be back to this amazing Island of Bali. 
Hope I can go back to Bali soon with Udi, Bo et Obi :).

How's your week so far?
I hope you a blissful one like mine, as I want to invite you to join us on our weekly link party with Oh My Heartsie Girls. 

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday LinkupWelcome To Our Weekly Linkup!! Find Us On Instagram with Hashtag #omhgww Bloggers are some of the most Inspiring people we know and make our parties special!!! Thank all for joining us! Linky Parties are also an opportunity for us to feature other #Bloggers and #Blogwriters and for you to share what you have going on........your blogs!
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All Features Are Pinned Each Week-And Shared on Social Media!! Our party is on 3 blogs and reaches over 60,000 followers+ over all of our blogs and on social media!! 

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Oh My Heartsie Girls WW Hostess

The Invitation To Intimacy With God 

Susan B. Mead | Susan The Invitation To Intimacy With God | Tw | Bl | Fb | In |Pin » Repin From Original
Have You Ever Been To Cuba Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
Have You Ever Been To Cuba?
Welcome To Make My Monday a Fashion Statement

Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Welcome To Make "My Monday a Fashion Statement" New Linkup on Live Laugh Love To Shop Tw | BL | G+ | FB | Pin | In » Repin From Original
The Dedicated House Selecting Wallpaper For Your House 

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World The Dedicated House // How to Select the Correct Wallpaper for your Home 
The Lazy Gastronome Taquitos and Easy Guacamole

Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World The Lazy Gastronome // Taquitos and Easy Guacamole 
The Red Painted Cottage Pumpkin Pound Cake with Brown Butter Icing

The Red Painted Cottage // Pumpkin Pound Cake With Brown Butter Icing Shoppe-No.-5 How To Make a Primitive Witch From a Colander

Delightfule E Made // Velvety Pumpkin Crumb Cake Flamingo Toes We’re all a Little Batty Halloween Embroidery Hoop

Mama of Many Blessings // Instant Pot Apple Pumpkin CakeOh My Heartsie Girls Special Fashion FeatureFoxys Domestice Side Camo pants, cami and Striped Blazer Outfit 

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  You Are Welcome To Link your DIY Projects, Garden Ideas, Tablescapes Outdoor Decor, Sewing Ideas, Scrapbooking, Paper Crafts, Reviews, Gardening, Favorite Recipes, Decorating Ideas and Crafts, Giveaways or Challenges and Blog Parties are Welcome!!
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And Thank you! But Now......Lets Party....


  1. Although I have been to Bali twice, there are a number of places that I haven't visited so I still want to go there again.

  2. Enjoy your day ya mbak, really good work while on vacation.

  3. wow what a wonderful wednesday mba, work and vacation in the same time

  4. wah mba indah jalan jalan terus nih.. asik bener hihi

  5. I just visited by my mother-in-law. A lil bit tired, because her hobby is traveling, while I'm actually an "anak rumahan".

  6. Wah, seru banget Mba Indah. Kerja sekalian liburan.

  7. Hhhheeemmm that the only word I can write it down here, Indah.

  8. Hihihihi, doooh, terakhir saya dinas luar kota ke Bali, nggak fokeeeessss.... hawanya liburan banget hihihi....

  9. Oh my.... Bali... a very wonderful place. Always wanna go back there to enjoy beautiful places.

  10. Wohoooo.. Enjoy Bali, mbak Indah!
    Even if you go there for work ��

  11. Senangnya, kerja sambil menikmati pemandangan surgawi ����. Kapan saya bisa menginjakkan kaki di pulau indah ini yaa? ��

  12. Bekerja sambil menyisipkan sedikit waktu untuk me time seru juga mba.. Mau belajar bikin foto yg bagus

  13. truly stunning photos, wish my backyard was like that :)

  14. Bagiku, Bali itu nggak ada duanya, Mbak. Meskipun dalam rangka kerja, suasananya kalau di Bali berasa piknik mulu. Hihi. Kolamnya, ehm...bikin adem suasana.

  15. Ke pulau Dewata memang tak cukup sekali atau dua kali, menurutku.

    Aku baru ke seputaran Ubud, di trek jogging tidak biasa, Campuhan Ridge yang jadi destinasi kesayangan wisatawan dan pantai Kuta saja.

    Mesti ke sini lagi, kayaknya ^^
    Insya Allah, Insya Allah...

  16. Aku pas ke Kuta, nikmati pantainya cuma sebentar. Rasanya mau balik deh. Padahal rumah juga dekat pantai

  17. Beruntung bagi yg bekerja gak cuma di kantor, tp di luar ruangan juga. Jadi bisa sekalian cuci mata

  18. Selalu mupeng klo lihat postingan ttg Bali, huhuhuh. Belum pernah ke Bali ini. Pengen banget lihat pemandangan yg indah, pantai dan kebudayaan yang kaya disana.

  19. Bali is always "ngangenin' ya, Mba? Reading your sharing above, especially the pictures, oh my God, I missed this island so much! Wishing to be there again with him for another honeymoon, haha.

  20. duh jd pengen ke Bali lagi deh kerja sambil liburan emang enak y mb in duh fotonya kece smeua

  21. Suka bgt sama foto bunga kamboja yang mengambang di air itu deeh. Lerasa banget Bali-nyaaa

  22. Asyik sekali bekerja sambil berwisata. Bali gitu loh...
    Kota ini yang paling ingin saya datangi bersama suami. Semoga diberi kesempatan oleh Tuhan. Aamiin.

  23. Jadi Mbak Indah sekarang lagi di Bali? Meskipun lagi bekerja, bukan berarti gak menghasilkan foto-foto cantik ya, Mbak. Suka deh dengan foto yang bunga-bunga kamboja itu :)

  24. Kalau artikel bahasa ingris, sedikit peningnya. Maklum tamatan SD :)

  25. oh my heartsie tuh kaya tukeran link ya mba? per berapa hari/ pekan mba?

  26. Ahhh senangnya ketika ke bali sambil kerjapun rasa liburan yah mbak, aku sampe menikmati foto-foto dulu baru baca artikel mba.. hihihi

  27. Mbak, saya masih nggak ngerti link party itu sistemnya gimana? tukeran link begitu ya

  28. Aku udah 3 kali ke Bali dan memang Bali nggak pernah ngebosenin untuk dikunjungi lagi, baik untuk tujuan kerjaan apalagi liburan. :)

  29. Bali.
    Always make us happy on every mode.

  30. Bali is really breathtaking in every details

  31. Bali, berkali-kali balik ke sana pun nggak akan pernah bosan ya mba.. apalagi sekarang tempat wisata makin banyak :)

  32. Terakhir ke Bali saya juga dalam kondisi sendiri, kerja, meeting tapi Alhamdulillah dua hari terakhir dikasih jalan jalan. Tapi tetep ya, menghabiskan waktu di Bali, kalau ndak bareng keluarga rasanya ada yang kurang ya

  33. Kangen sekali sama Bali. Suasana etniknya sangat terasa. Tiap hari bawaannya pengen jalan2.

  34. Mba Indah, pamer jalan-jalan terus Mba. Ajak aku serta kemana kau pergi, hahahha happy terus dan sehat terus ya Mbak sayang.

  35. Bali
    Membaca ini aja indah.
    Apalagi jika berkunjung langsung 😍

  36. Bule-bule demen banget yaa ke Bali. Unik sih dengan budaya dan pantai dimana-mana. Selamat berlibur sambil kerja! *eh

  37. Aku sudah lama nggak ke Bali. Tapi ada rencana ke Bali sih. Entah tahun depan atau kapan. Hihi... bersama keluarga kecilku.

  38. Aku mau googling ah Bali itu di mana sih? :-D gpp mbak walaupun ini bukan liburan tapi masih bisa refreshing disela2 kesibukan ya. Sampai ketemu di Jakarta

  39. aku sering banget gitu mbak Indah, jalan-jalan sambil bekerja. kalau ada waktu luang disela2 kegiatan, aku pasti kabur cari tempat yang asyik di kota tersebut

  40. Kerjanya bisa sambil liburan juga, apalagi pantai di Bali menggoda untuk dikunjungi ya mba Indah

  41. I would love to go to Bali, even if it was just for work related purposes. It looks so beautiful there!

  42. Memang menyenangkan ya bekerja di passion yang sesuai dengan kita, jadi kerja sambil jalan jalan .. happy jadinya kan

  43. Yippi mba asyik banget bisa kerja sambil menikmati banyak tempat indah yak. Hihihi apalagi bali gitu lho yang gak ada yang nolak jika diajak kesana

  44. Kangen ke Bali lagi semoga suatu hari kelak ke Bali lagi bareng suami hehe...dulu ikut acara Munas FLP aja dengan Fatih

  45. Aku suka ngeliat bunga-bunga kamboja dalam wadah itu. Seger dan cantik ya, mbak..

  46. Bagus banget penginapannya mbak. exteriornya damai banget dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan itu. Enak banget ke Bali urusan kerja :D


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