Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July

This year, on that day, NYC was muggy and hot, in terms of weather.
I didn’t really have the energy to go out and stay under the sun for a long time just to get the beat spot to see the fireworks.
Besides, my hubby and kids were in Indonesia, so I'm kind of sad here.

But I managed to go out with the girls at the office and watched the fireworks from in front of the United Nations Headquarters. 

Right in front of the UNHQ

We went out around 8 PM and the streets were already packed!
As always, the city is heavily guarded by the police and you can see them here and there.
Some roads were closed and the access for spectators like us has been arranged.

As the fireworks began at 9.25, we pretty much had enough time before it started but of course, you have to come much earlier to get those spots.
Around the Midtown Manhattan area, people tend to flock on the FDR or the along the promenade from 23rd st. to 48th st.

Last year, my family and I watched it from Gantry Plaza in Long Island City, right across the UNHQ on the other side of East River. 

It was indeed a great spot but we were there since 3 PM in the afternoon, under the scorching sun.
We went picnic from noon and stayed until approximately the same time.
It was super tiring but it was really an experience for us.
For sure, the view was spectacular as well.

Well, the UNHQ is probably  not the best spot to watch the fireworks but we could enjoy some parts of it. I had some friends coming and joining us as well that night and we all enjoyed the fireworks and the crowds.

This year, Macy's 4th of July fireworks was 25 % larger than the one in 2017. It has around 75,000 shells and effects, where 3,000 fireworks were fired per minute.
It was beautifully displayed around 1,000 feet in the air.

Here are a few photos I took with my phone  before and during the fireworks.

How do you spend your 4th of July here in the States?
Do you like watching fireworks as well?


  1. Wow! The celebration was so great! Fireworks were every where, ya, Mba? Seru banget pastinya!

  2. Kebayang meriahnya perayaannya :D
    Di sana ada upacara bendera juga gak ya? hehe

    1. upacara bendera ada siiih..tapi bukan pas perayaan begini hehehe

  3. Paling suka lihat perayaan dengan fireworks. Meski kalau di Indonesia sih, seringnya dicampur dengan mercon ya, lebih mur soalnya, hahah...

  4. Firework! Sesuatu yang melambangkan kebahagiaan dan syukur. Suka melihatnya dari jauh. Kalau terlalu dekat malah takut saya, hahaha

    1. iyaaa bener mbaaa..kalau nonton kembang api memang bagusnya dari jauh hehe

  5. Seru! Selama ini aku cuma melihat perayaan 4th of Jully dari film-film aja. Baru kali ini baca kisah diblognya. Thanks for sharing, Mbak.

  6. Beautiful photos - hope you had a wonderful 4th!

    1. Thank you Carol..I hope you did have a great 4th of July as well

  7. Thank you for being a Hostess on Oh My Heartsie Girls WW Linkup, I have pinned to share your article and this week it is being featured on our party this week! Wishing you a great week!

  8. waah so beautiful fireworks. jadi kalau di US pas 4 july ada perayaan kembang api ya buat memperingati hari kemerdekaan

  9. Thanks for linking up with Esha and me for #WordlessWednesday. :))) Really nice to have you join us for our link party with such spectacular shots. Loved them totally. Hope to have you join us in the coming weeks too. Thank you. :-)
    Love and Cheer

  10. Ngga mba, aku kuran suka sama fireworks dan petasan karena aku takut api dan ga suka bunyi petasan, jadi kalau pas malam takbiran or new year’s eve disini tuh aku pasti di dalam kamar aja hehehee

  11. I imagine in NY it's a pretty good show all over. How fun!


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