Ouen Toro Natural Park, Noumea, New Caledonia

Ouen Toro Natural Park, Noumea, New Caledonia, at a glimpse.

I found how beautiful New Caledonia is, seen from above.
And Ouen Toro Natural Park is the place for that.

I went here right after my brief yet satisfying swimming session at Iles Les Canards, Noumea. Obviously it was super hot up here, around 32 degrees Celcius or 96 degrees Fahrenheit. Quite a shock for my wintery body from NYC but I did enjoy the sun so much. Really feels like home in Indonesia!

Read more about Noumea in my previous post, 5 Instagramable spots in Noumea, New Caledonia.

Here's the exact location of this lovely place.

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  1. WOW! Spectacular! A lovely place indeed!

  2. Peaceful photos. Love to read about it too!

  3. Beautiful blue sky! Love it!

  4. Exquisite scenery. I just tried to tell my husband I want to visit New Caledonia. I don't think he was impressed, but he hasn't seen your photos!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. Duh, such amazing views Mbak Indah. Langit dan panasnya, sepertinya memang mirip Indonesia ya

  6. such a beautiful place would love to visit :)

  7. selalu takjub baca dan lihat foto2 perjalanannya mba Insav, indah banget kayak yg nulis!

  8. Such an exotic place. I had an uncle in the US Navy and during the 60's he spent time in Noumea, New Caledonia and that seemed pretty cool to me in 4th grade.

  9. Birunya kliatan bangetttt. Jd adem Liatny. Aku pikir ini td salah satu tempat di indonesia ato asia yg lain :D

  10. Stunning! Looks like a beautiful spot where one could just sit and dream for a bit!

  11. The water is so blue there. Super fun to visit.


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