WW: There is No Place Like Springfield

There is No Place Like Springfield indeed!
Here are a few snaps from our recent trip to Springfield, Massachusetts.
We stopped briefly at the Court House Walk and love all these murals. 
There are so many of them but I choose these ones first for the WW edition.


Remember which movie it was inspired by?
Of course you do :) 

Springfield happens to be the hometown of Dr. Seuss as well :).
Will share the complete story on the Amazing World of Dr. Seuss soon.

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy the linky party :)


  1. I love street art brightens the place up too these are fantastic i wish I was artistic :-)

    Have an artistictastic week :-)

  2. I've always loved the Wizard of Oz. I'm kind of sad it didn't win any awards. Gone With the Wind was out the same year, and took all of them. I think more people have seen the Wizard of Oz than Gone With the Wind - Oh well. Some great photo you got!

  3. I missed it! It was cold but I know it was a cool spot!

  4. What amazing murals ! Thanks for sharing them - I love seeing all the interesting places that others visit

  5. What a gorgeous mural! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Springfield looks nice! the murals are so cute..

  7. Wow - this is so cool!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2017/11/moonlight-and-sunrise.html

  8. Springfield seems so charming and those murals are breathtaking, Indah. I am definitely adding Springfield to my bucket list!

  9. What a wonderful display - and you choose the best murals too. The Wizard is one of my favorites.

  10. Hwaa, main ke kampungnya Dr. Seuss yaa, jd pingin bukunya lg, yg preloved msh bnyak gk mama bo

  11. I've only been to Boston, but looks like I need another trip for exploration. Love the murals!

  12. I seriously love this! Those murals are awesome!


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