January Sky

It has been quite sometimes I did not post my snaps on NYC sky.
Surprisingly, January has been crazily busy for me.
Meeting after meeting has confiscated my days and besides, the weather was rather wet, cold, and gloomy in the last couple of weeks. And the recent dynamics in politics is a bit worrisome as well.
I'm not going to bother you with what we discussed inside this organization, but you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Well, back to my hobby of peeping up the sky, recently we had some sunny days.
And trust me,  it's good to welcome sunshine again!
Although the crispy, freezing winter wind still come and get you.

So I rushed myself out and snapped a view of January sky.

And it's great to be outside!

Grayish ..but much, much better

Although the sky is typical greyish winter, but looking at Merah Putih, the national flag of my beloved Indonesia, majestically raised up there against the backdrop of the UN flag and clear sky, makes me feel good.
And proud.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

the sphere within the sphere...

Join us on Skywatch Friday and be blessed by majestic skies' photos from many corners of the world


  1. Hello, nice visit and tour. I like the flags at the UN. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. you, too, Eileen...Hope all is great and enjoy your weekend

  2. the sphere looks like an object from outer space. i'd love to see what's inside. alien remains perhaps? just kidding. :)

    1. actually, it's another sphere inside :)...it's like mini globe..

  3. the wonderful sky, mbak.. apa kabarnya nih? dah lama gak mampir ke blog mbak purple ini hehe..

  4. Beautiful sky. Aku selalu suka sama yang alam tawarkan, langit, laut, gunung, pasir pantai, selalu indah dan bikin kita happy. :)

    1. iya betul Zia...aku kalau perlu rileks dan break sebentar selalu keluar, jalan, menyatu dengan alam sebisa mungkin

  5. Wonderful impressons and I like the art object.
    Best, Synnöve

  6. langit yang cantik... sphere itu apa?
    masih dinginkah mbak?

  7. Yeah, that is exactly what January looks like up here in the northeast.

    1. So true...a bit gloomy but I am happy to have sunshine for a while

  8. Nuhun pisan kaaang...ah, salam kangen dari NYC untuk Sukabumi tercinta yaaa. Semoga bisa menikmati masa pensiun dengan asyik kaaang

  9. I love the sculpture there.

    I hope things start to calm down. I've been busy too. My nephew was in the hospital, so my mind was on that + I took some of my other nephews in to help out, Isaak has been busy with basketball, we've had a few ice storms, and all the government fighting has me in a haze!

  10. Looks like a crisp, clear January day. Such a lovely day for snapping sky pics! Love that one with the flags :)

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